Publications of

Ambarish Mukherjee, M.Sc., Ph.D., P.R.S.(CU), FES,
FNEA, FIAT,FLS(London),             Professor,
 Department of Botany, Burdwan
University, Burdwan, West Bengal (India)



1.    The Flowering Plants of Darjiling published by Atma Ram and
Sons, Delhi in 1988.                         
[ISBN: 81-7043-111-5]

2.   Managing Wetlands, Institute of Wetland Management and
Ecological Design, Calcutta, 1997 (Coauthors: N. Kundu and M. Bhattacharya)
[ISBN: 81-85 195-657]


                       Papers and Review articles:


1.   Paria, N and Mukherjee, A. 1979. On the occurrence
of an exotic plant Alternanthera
(Mart.) Griseb in plains of West Bengal. J. Sci. Res. 1(3) : 99-101.

2.   Datta, S.C. and Mukherjee, A. 1980. Effect of certain
herbicides on mortality and leaf morphology of Abutilon indicum (L.) Sw. Indian J. Weed Sci. 12(1): 21-27.

3.   Paria, N. and Mukherjee. A. 1981. Allelopathic
potential of a weed, Alternanthera
(Mart.) Griseb. Bangaladesh J. Bot. 10(1): 86-89.

4.   Mukherjee,
Effect of certain herbicides on pollen of Abutilon
(L.) Sw. Science and Culture. 50: 125-127.

5.   Mukherjee,
Responses of Abutilon indicum
to phenoxy herbicides. Science and Culture 50: 130-131.

6.   Mukherjee,
and Rai,
B. 1984. Flowering seasons of the plants of Darjeeling. Journal of Bengal Natural History
. (N.S.) 3(2): 99-103.

7.   Mukherjee,
and Rai,
B. 1985. Some more information on the flowering seasons of plants of
Darjeeling. J. Bengal Nat. Hist. Soc.

8.   Mukherjee,

Mukherjee, S. and Mukherjee, M. 1986. Less known medicinal plants of Rubiaceae
in Darjeeling Hills, West Bengal. Indian J. Applied Pure Bio. 1(2): 86-91.

9.   Mukherjee,
1986. Solanum mauritianum Scop. – A new record
for West Bengal. Geobios New Reports 5: 60-61.

10.  Mukherjee,
and Rai,
B. 1986. A contribution to the Economic Botany of Darjeeling Hills. The Eastern Himalayas Environment and
Atma Ram and Sons,
Delhi, pp. 493-499.

Mukherjee, A
. and Mukherjee, M. 1987. Useful weeds
of the tea gardens in Darjeeling.In: Plant
Science Research
. (G.N. Bhattacharya and S Mondal ed.) Visva-Bharati,
Santiniketan, pp- 44-50.

Mukherjee, A.

and Debroy, S. 1987. An account of Piperaceae and Saururaceae in the Hills of
Darjeeling District, West Bengal. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 9(2): 367-371.

13.  Mukherjee,
Namhata, D. 1987. A note on Acer
a new plant in India. Geobios New Reports 6: 189-190.

14.  Mukherjee,
Optical Fibers in plants. BETA 10(41): 6-8..

15.     Mukherjee,
Namhata, D. 1988. Richardia scabra
A new record for West Bengal. Science
and Culture
  54(7) : 288.

16. Namhata, D. and Mukherjee, A. 1988. Ethnomedicine in
Bankura District, West Bengal, Indian J.
Applied and Pure Bio
. 3(2): 53-55.

17.  Mukherjee,
Mallick, T. 1988. A review of Hypoxidaceae in India. Indian J. of Forestry 11(3): 229-232.

18.  Mukherjee, A. 1988. An
account of the threatened plants of Darjiling Hills, West Bengal, In. Recent
Researches in Ecology, Environment and Pollution
(Eds. M. Roy & S.
Mandal) 4 : 63-68. Today & Tomorrow Printers & Publ., New Delhi.

19.     Mukherjee,
Namhata, D. 1988. On the occurance of Alternanthera
Colla in Orissa and West Bengal. Geobios New Reports. 7: 43-45.

20.     Mukherjee,
Namhata, D. 1988. Herbal veterinary medicine as practiced by the tribals of Bankura
District. Journal of Bengal Natural History Society (N.S) 7(1): 69-71.

21.     Mukherjee,
A. 1988 Viral infection and homoeopathy.
Ajker Homeo Pragati
4 : 9-12.

22.     Mukherjee,
Namhata, D. 1989. New plant records from Orissa. Geobios New Reports. 8:

23.     Datta, S.C. and Mukherjee, A. 1989. Histological
changes and mortality in Abutilon indicum
seedlings induced by phenoxy herbicides. Science and Culture. 55: 68-71.

24.     Namhata, D. and Mukherjee, A. 1989. Some common
practices of herbal medicines in Bankura District, West Bengal.  Indian Journal of Forestry 12(4): 318-321.

25.     Mukherjee,
Namhata, D. 1990. Some medicinal plants of Sundargarh District. Orissa Int. J. Crude Drug Res. The Netherlands 28(3): 177-182.

26.     Mukherjee,
Effect of certain herbicides on some biochemical attributes of Abutilon indicum (L.) Sw. Biol.
. 1(1): 51-53.

27.     Mukherjee,
Namhata, D. 1990. Medicinal Plantlore of the tribals of Sundargarh Dist.
Orissa. Ethnobotany 2: 57-60.

28.     Namhata, D. and Mukherjee, A. 1990. An enumeration of
the angiosperms in the campus of University of Burdwan. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic
14(1): 41-47.

29.     Mukherjee,
S.K. and Banerjee, S.K. 1990. Evaluation and characterisation of Cinchona growing soils of
Darjeeling Himalayan Region. Proceedings of the 23rd International
Horticultural Congress, Florence (Italy).
Abst. No. 2665. Also in Acta Horticulturae, Hungary.

30.     Mukherjee,
Light and fibre optics in plants. BETA. 17(56): 17-20.

31.     Mukherjee,
Epiphytism – a unique style of plant life. Everyman’s Science 26(5): 148-153.

32.  Banerjee, S.K., Nath, S., Mukherjee, A. and Namhata, D. 1992.
Ecological status of Shorea robusta
in lateritic region. Indian. Journal of Forestry 15(1):

33.     Namhata, D. and Mukherjee, A. 1992. Some folklore
medicines of Bankura District. West Bengal. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. Add. Ser.
10: 265-266.

34.     Mukherjee,
A. 1993
Plant biosystematics – its prospect and progress. Everyman’s Science 28: 52-57.

35.     Mukherjee,
Reclamation of mined wasteland. Yojana 37(2): 17-18.

36.     Mukherjee,
Plant – An indicator and mitigator of pollution. Indian Science Cruiser 7(3):

37.     Mukherjee,
. 1993. Botanical exploration of
underground resources: An overview. Journal
of Save the Environment
. 2(2): 9-12.

38.     Mukherjee,
Defensive art in plants against insects. Science Courier 4(3): 14-15.

39.     Mukherjee,
and Roy,
R. 1993. The genus Primula in the
hills of Darjeeling, West Bengal. Journal of the National Botanical Society
47: 23-30.

40.     Mukherjee,
Effect on certain herbicides on mortality, growth and seed output of Abutilon indicum (L.) Sw. Acta
Botanica Hungarica
38(1-4): 335-343.

41.     Mukherjee,
Glimpses of the global distribution of some plants of Darjeeling Hills. Indian
J. Applied Pure Biol
. 9(1):

42.     Banerjee, G. and
Mukherjee, A. 1995. A survey of algae in habitats influenced by bone mill
effluents. Environment and Ecology 13(3): 686-689.

43.     Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee, A. 1995. Pharmacognostic
studies on Trianthema portulacastrum L.I.
Leaf. J. Natl. Bot. Soc. 49:

44.     Mukherjee,
S. Paria,
1995. A contribution to the study of the Gesneriaceae Dum. in the Eastern
Himalaya. Vidyasagar University
Journal of Biological Sciences
1: 9-21.

45.     Mukherjee. A. 1995 Gaia –
a  tale of tell.  Everyman’s
30(4) : 111-118

46.     Mukherjee,
Mukherjee, N. 1995. Cultural relevance of Indian plants. J. Indian  Anthropo. 
. 30: 67-72.

47.     Mukherjee, A. 1996 On the
persistence  of certain phenoxy
herbicides in Abutilon indicum (L.) SW. Indian J. Applied & Pure
  11(1) : 1-5.

48.      Mukherjee,
1996. Plant classification : Past and Present Endeavours. In:
Contemporary Thought in Plant Sciences. (P.K. Paul ed.) pp-69-77. Academic
Staff College, Burdwan University, Burdwan.

49.  Mukherjee,
and Choudhuri,
M. 1996. The Hypericaceae of West Bengal. J.
Econ.  Tax. Bot.
20(1): 123-129.

50.  Chattopadhyay, R. and Mukherjee, A. 1996. A contribution to
the study of aquatic plant diversity of Hooghly district, W. Bengal. J. Swamy Bot. Cl. 13: 27-33.

51.  Banerjee, G and Mukherjee,
A 1996 Trianthema portulacastrum L. : An overview. J. Liv. World  3(2) 11-19.

52.  Mukherjee,
and Ghosh,
S.K. 1996. A census of Geraniaceae Juss. in West Bengal. Vidyasagar Univ.
of Biological Sci.  2 :

53.  Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee, A. 1996. Portulaca oleracea – a gem of aliens in
India. J. Phytol. Res. 9(2):

54.  Mukherjee,
Banerjee, G. 1996. Ecological studies on Trianthema
L. J. Natl. Bot.
50: 69-7.

55.  Gantait, S., Gupta, S. and
Mukherjee, A. 1997. Effect of
air pollution on foliar and pollen characters of Lantana camera L. var. aculeata
(L.) Moldenka and Clerodendrum
Vent. Environment and
15(4): 792-796.

56.  Mukherjee,
A. 1997
Biodiversity conservation:  an ethnic
envision of the scenario. In Environment
and Society
(P. Basu ed) pp – 15-20. Reliance Publishing House, New

57.  Mukherjee,
Mishra, A.K. 1997. Census of Aquifoliaceae in the Eastern Himalaya with special
reference to Darjeeling and Sikkim. Geobios New Reports. 16: 103-108.

58.  Mukherjee, A. 1997.
Biodiversity conservation. Journal of
the Asiatic Society
   39(2) :

59.  Mukherjee,
and Kumar,
P.S. 1997. The Buddlejaceae of West Bengal. Indian. J. Applied and Pure Bio.
12 (2): 71-77.

60.  Mukherjee, A. 1997. Plants
likely to impoverish the flora of Midnapore District, West Bengal. Flora and Fauna  3 (1) : 35-40.

61.  Mukherjee,
Gupta, S.
and Gantait, S. 1997. A census of Dipsacaceae Juss. in the Eastern Himalaya. J.
Natl. Bot. Soc
51: 87-91.

62.  Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee, A. 1998. Glimpses of global
distribution of Portulaca oleracea Indian. J. Applied and Pure Bio. 13(1): 33-40.

63.  Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee, A. 1998. Glimpses of the
Global distribution of Trianthema
L. Ibid. 13(2):

64.  Mukherjee,
S. and Gupta, S. 1998. A census of Valerianaceae Batsch. in the Eastern
Himalaya, Geobios New Reports 17: 27-30.

65.  Bhattacharya, K. and
Mukherjee, A. 1998 Studies on rice field weeds in Burdwan District West Bengal
: Useful Aliens I. Indian J. Applied and Pure Bio. 
2 : 135-142

66.  Gupta, S. Mukherjee, A.
and Mondal, M.S. 1998 A census of the  Swertia L. J. Swamy. Bot. Cl. 15 :  59-63.

67.  Mukherjee,
and  Chaudhuri, M 1998 A contribution to the
study of Euphorbiaceae in Darjeeling – Sikim Himalaya J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 22(3)
: 527-536.

68.  Mahata, N. Mukherjee, A.
and Mondal, M. 1998 A census of Pandananceae in West Bengal. J. Natl. Bot. Soc. 52: 33-40

69.  Banerjee, G. and
Mukherjee, A. 1998 Pharmacognostic studies on Trianthema potulacastrum  L. II. Stem. J. Natl. Bot. Soc. 52

70.  Mahata, N. Mukherjee, A.
and Mondal, M. S.  1998. Northeast Indian
Species of Pandanaceae. Bull. Bot. Surv. India. 40 (1-4) : 82-90.

71.  Mukherjee,
Banerjee, G. (1999) Ecological studies on forests in Midnapur District, West
Bengal: Parasitic Angiosperms 1998. Environment
and Ecology
    17(1) : 214-221.

72.  Mukherjee , A. (1999)  Taxonomy vis-à-vis Ecology. Everyman’s
33(4) : 144-148.

73.  Bhattacharya, K and Mukherjee, A. (1999) Studies on rice field weeds of Burdwan
District: Useful aliens II. Indian J. Applied and Pure Bio. 14(2) : 140-145.

74.  Mukherjee.
A. 1999 Metallophyte – A boon to the environmental science.
In: Environment:  Issues and Challenges (ed. D.K.Basu, A. Mallik, A.R.Ghosh)
Academic Staff College, Burdwan University, W.B. pp. 206-213.

75.  Gupta,
S. and Mukherjee, A. 1999-2000. A review of the Menyanthaceae L. in India.
Acta. Botanica Hungarica
42(1-4) : 131-150.

76.  Gantait,
S., Mukherjee, A. and Mondal, M. 1999.  A
census of the Indian Scrophulria 
J. Swamy
Bot. Cl
16 : 95-97.

77.  Mahata, A. N., Mukherjee , A. and Mondal, M. 2000
South Indian species of Pandanaceae. J.
4(1) : 1-8.

78.  Banerjee, G. and
Mukherjee, A. 2000 Nutritive aspects of a common weed  Trianthema potulacastrum  L. Sci.
and Cult
66 (5-6) : 211-212.

79.  Pal, B., Palit, D and
Mukherjee, A. 2000 Plant
diversity in mural habitats of  Hooghly
District, West Bengal. Geobios
 27(4) : 183-187.

80.  Mukherjee,
A. and Banerjee, G. 2000 Some observations on the parasitic angiosperms in
forests of Midnapore District, West Bengal.
In :  Higher Plants of Indian Sub-continent  IX : 85-96. Bishen Singh
Mahendra Pal Sing, Dehra Dun, U.P. (India)

81.  Banerjee,
G. and Mukherjee, A. 2000 
Pharmacognostic Studies  on Trianthema
portulacastrum L. : II. Root.
Journal of Science and Technology,
Sambalpur Univ. 12(A) : 9-13.

82.  Mukherjee,
A. and Banerjee, G. 2000 Autecology of Portulaca oleracea L. –
a  wild medicinal plant in  India.
In : Recent Trends of Research
in Microbiology and Plant Physiology
 (eds. P.S. Basu, M.A. Choudhuri,
K. Gupta and A.K. Mukherjee) Department of Botany, University of Burdwan,
Burdwan,  pp. 181-187.

83.   Bhattacharya, K. and Mukherjee, A. 2000  Medicinal plants  from rice fields in Burdwan District, West
In : Recent Trends of Research in Microbiology and Plant
  (eds. P.S.
Basu, M.A. Choudhuri, K. Gupta and A.K. Mukherjee) Department of Botany,
University of Burdwan, Burdwan, pp. 188-191.

84.  Gupta,
S., Mondal, M. and Mukherjee, A. 2000 Some threatened medicinal plants of
Gentianaceae  Sensu Lato 
In : Recent Trends of
Research in Microbiology and Plant Physiology
 (eds. P.S. Basu, M.A. Choudhuri, K. Gupta and
A.K. Mukherjee) Department of Botany, University of Burdwan, Burdwan, pp.

85.  Gantait,
S. Mukherjee, A. and Mondal, M. 2000. Some important medicinal plants of
Scrophularieaceae in India
In : Recent Trends of
Research in Microbiology and Plant Physiology
 (eds. P.S. Basu, M.A. Choudhuri, K. Gupta and
A.K. Mukherjee) Department of Botany, University of Burdwan, Burdwan.  pp. 205-210.

86.  Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee
A. 2000. Nutritive aspects of a common weed – Trianthema portulacastrum
L. Sci & Culture 67(7) :

87.  Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee
A. 2001. Pharmacognostic studies on Potrulaca oleracea L. I. Leaf. Journal of Economic  & Taxonomic  Botany. Additional Series 19 : 69-77.

88.  Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee
A. 2001. Seedling morphology  of a common
medicinal weed – Trianthema portulacastrum L. Phytomorphology 51(2) : 181-184.

89.  Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee
A. 2001. Pharmacognostic studies on Potrulaca oleracea L. III. Root. Sci. & Cult. 67 (7-8) : 245-247.

90.  Ghosh,W. and Mukherjee, A.
2001. Bioremidiation of Pentachlorophenol 
: An overview .Sci. & Cult.
67(9-10) : 327-328

91.  Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee
A. 2001. Nutritive aspects of a common weed – Potrulaca oleracea L. Nat.
Bot. Soc
.55 :105-109.

Mukherjee, A. and Palit, D. 2001 Ecorestoration of mined wasteland: An                   overview. In: Wasteland
Management and Environment (A. K. Roy and S. K. Verma eds.) pp. 181-188. Scientific
Publishers (India), Jodhpur. 

93. Mukherjee, A. and Palit, D. 2002.
Macrophyte diversity in wetlands of                          Birbhum District,
West Bengal: Economic prospect. In : Biodiversity :                       Strategies of
( L.K. Dadhich and A.P. Sharma ed.) pp. 245-                        262.   APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.

94. Laskar, S., Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee, A. 2002. Surface
hydrocarbons from the   leaves of Potrulaca
Linn. Asian J. of Chem. 14(2) : 1114-1116.

95. Palit, D., Ganguly, G.  and Mukherjee, A. 2002.  Ecological studies in Ramnabagan   Wildlife 
Sanctuary, Burdwan : I. Biological Spectrum.
Sci. &

Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee, A. 2002. Biological activity of a common weed – Portulaca 
oleracea  L. II. Antifulgal activity. Acta
Botanica Hungarica
44 (3-4) : 205-208.

Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee, A.2002. Pharmacognostic studies on Portulaca
L.II. Stem. Natl. Bot.
56: 49-55.

98. Mukherjee, A and Palit, D. 2002: Wetland
Perspectives- A Contemplation. In : Bioresources and  Environ ment. Campus Book International, New
Delhi .pp.89-107.

99. Mukherjee, A and Palit, D. 2002. Biodiversity
Perspectives: An envision of the scenario. In: Bioresources and  Environ ment. Campus Book International,
New Delhi. Pp. 304-316.

Laskar, S. Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee, A. 2003. Surface hydrocarbons from
leaves of                                     

     Trianthema portulacastrum  L. Asian
J. Chem
15 (2) : 1164-1166.

101. Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee, A.2003. Pharmacognostic
studies on a common weed

        Trianthema portulacastrum  L. : Leaf venation pattern Flora and Fauna 9(1) : 31- 33.

Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee, A.2003. Antibacterial activity of a common weed

       Portulaca oleracea L. Geobios 30 : 143-144.

Ghosh, T. and  Mukherjee, A.2003.
Evaluation of some plant species in biomonitoring

       air pollution. Env. & Ecol. 21 (4) : 747-751.

Mondal, S. and  Mukherjee, A. 2003. An
ethnobotanical envision into Santhali festivals 
in Purulia District, West Bengal. Ethnobotany
 15 : 118-124.

Das, D. Bhattacharjee, A. Biswas, I. and Mukherjee, A. 2004. Foliar
characteristics of

        some medicinal plants
Zingiberaceae  Phytomorphology  54 (3 & 4) : 291-302.

Biswas, I. and Mukherjee, A. 2004. Leaf form and venation pattern of Nyctanthes

        arbortristis . Flora and Fauna 10 (2) : 125-127.

Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee, A.2005. Therapeutic value of certain chemical   substances 
present in Portulaca oleracea  L.
Indian J. Applied and Pure Biol.
20 (1) : 91-  96.

108. Hotwani, G. and Mukherjee, A. 2005. Inventorization of plants
growing in the Burdwan  University Campus
on the basis of diseases cured by them. Indian
J. Applied  and Pure Biol.
 20 (1): 59-66.

109. Banerjee, B., Bhattacharya, A. and Mukherjee, A.2005.
Biological spectrum of                                      Sonamukhi
Forest in Bankura District, West Bengal.Geobios32:

110. Mandal,D., Bala, G. and Mukherjee, A.2005. Macrophyte
Diversity in habitats influenced by Paper Mill effluents. Env. & Ecol. 23(2): 455-458.

 111. Bhattacharya, A. and
Mukherjee, A. 2005. Ecostatistical characterization of Orgram

        Forest in Bardhaman
District, West Bengal. Env. &
23(4): 773.

 112. Hotwani, G. and Mukherjee, A.
2005. Studies on medicinal plants of Burdwan:II. Flora     and Fauna 11(1):81-90.

113. Bhattacharya, A. and Mukherjee, A. 2005. A census of plants in
Orgram forest  of

       Bardhaman District, West
Begal.Indian J. Applied & Pure Bio. 20(2): 293-296.

114. Hotwani, G. and Mukherjee, M. 2005. Studies on medicinal plants of
Burdwan   University campus. J.
Botan. Soc. Bengal
59: 13-22

115. Bhattacharya, A. and Mukherjee, A. 2005. Biological spectrum of
Chandur Forest in Hooghly distruict, West Bengal. Indian Journal of Forestry 29 (2) 145-148.

116.Bhattacharya, A. and Mukherjee, A. 2005. A checklist of
vascular plants in Bhalki-Machan Forest, Bardhaman, west Bengal. Indian J. Applied & Pure Bio.

117. Banerjee,G., Biswas,I. and Mukherjee, A. 2006.
Therapeutic value of certain chemical

        substances present in Trianthema
L. Indian J.
Applied & Pure                     Bio

118. Palit, D. and Mukherjee, A. 2006. Resourceful aspects of the
waste.In: Environment – Issues  and Options (eds.C.S.K. Mishra, J.W. Kim
and A. Saxena) Daya Publishing  House,

119. Banerjee, B., Bhattacharya, A. and Mukherjee, A.2006. A census of
plants in   Sonamukhi    forest of Bankura District, West Bengal. Indian J. Applied & Pure Bio. 21(1):125-132.

120. Hotwani, G. and Mukherjee, A. 2006. Vivipary in Cassia tora L.Geobios 33: 212.

121. Banerjee, G. and Mukherjee, A. 2006.
Antifungal activity of a common plant – Trianthema    portulacastrum L. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 30 (1):167-169.

122. Banerjee,G. and Mukherjee, A. 2006. Hapatotoxicity of Trianthema
L., a  plant
associated with folk medicine in India. Acta
Botanica Hungarica

 123. Bhattacharya, A. and
Mukherjee, A. 2006. A preliminary floristic survey in Garh Jangal:Durgapur,
West Bengal. Indian J. Applied &
Pure Bio.
21 (2) :293-298.

124. Bhattacharya, A. and Mukherjee, A. 2006. A checklist of vascular
plants in Ramnabagan Wildlife Sanctuary, Bardhaman, West Bengal. Ecol.
Env. & Cons
12 (2): 285-287.

125. Palit, D., Bala, G. and Mukherjee, A.2006. Sedges in wetlands of
Birbhum District, West Bengal. Flora & Fauna 12(2): 269-274.

126. Malik, S., Bhattacharya, A. and Mukherjee, A.2006. Biological
spectrum of Chandur forest in Hooghly District, West Bengal. Indian
Journal of Forestry
29(2): 145-148.

127. Kumar, A., Bala, G. and Mukherjee, A. 2006.. A Survey of Algae in
Habitats    influenced by Effluents from
a Phosphate plant. Ecol. Env. &

128. Bhatacharya, A. and Mukherjee, A.
2007..Biological spectrum of Bhalki-Machan forest in Bardhaman District, West
Bengal.Geobios 34:

129. Palit, D.
and Mukherjee, A. 2007.. An inventory of wetlands in Birbhum District, West
Bengal and their successional characteristics, Environ. & Ecol.
25 (1): 173-176.   

130. Palit, D. and Mukherjee, A. 2007. Biosensors: an appraisal of
operation and applications, In: Environmental
, (Eds. C. S. K. Mishra and Asha A Juarkar), A P H Publishing
corporation, New Delhi, pp. 55-82. 

          131.  Bhattacharya, A. and Mukherjee, A. 2007.
Orgram Forest, West Bengal: some ecological 
aspects. Indian Forester 133(7): 963-978.

132. Bala, G. and Mukherjee, A. 2007. A
census of Wetland Macrophytes in Nadia District,   West Bengal. Environ. & Ecol.y 25

133. Bhattacharya, A. and Mukherjee, A. 2007. A happy wild journey
through Ramnabagan   Wildlife
Sanctuary.Indian Science Cruiser 21(1): 31-38.

Bhattacharya, A., Ghosh, A. Lahiri Dutta, K. Datta, J.K. and Mukherjee, A.

 An ancillary ecosystem in Kunustoria
underground mine: a glimpse. J. Ecobiol. 20(4):391-396.

135. Mandal, S.K. and Mukherjee, A.2007. Wetlands and their macrophytes
in Puruliya District, West Bengal. Environ & Ecol. 25 (3): 564-570.

136. Bala, G. and Mukherjee,
A. 2007. Useful plants of wetlands in Nadia District, West Bengal. Geobios
34: 253-256.

137. Hotwani, G. and Mukherjee, A.2007. In situ Germination of
seeds of some leguminous  plants. Geobios
34: 311-312.

138. Mahata, A.N., Mondal, M., Palit, D. and
Mukherjee,A. 2007. Trees for energy forests in wastelands of Bihar, Orissa and
West Bengal. Eco. Env. & Cons. 13(2):439-445.

139.  Bala, G. and Mukherjee, A.
2007. Common medicinal plants occurring in wetlands in Nadia District, West
Bengal. In: Proceedings of the National Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic
Plants for Economic Benefit of Rural People (MAPER) [ed.N.D.Paria)pp.26-30.Ramkrisna
Vivekananda Institute of Advanced Studies, Kolkata. (Full Paper)

140. Hotwani, G. and Mukherjee, A. 2007. 
Root anatomy of Cassia tora L.: A potential medicinal Plant. In:
Proceedings of the National Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for
Economic Benefit of Rural People (MAPER) [ed.N.D.Paria)pp.111-118.Ramkrisna
Vivekananda Institute of Advanced Studies, Kolkata. (Full Paper)

141. Mukherjee, A. and Banerjee, G. 2007. Portulaca
L.—A medico ethnobotanical Discourse. In: Proceedings of the
National Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Economic Benefit of
Rural People (MAPER) [ed..N.D.Paria)pp.128-134..Ramkrisna Vivekananda Institute
of Advanced Studies, Kolkata. (Full Paper).

142. Hotwani, G. and Mukherjee,A. 2008. Studies on medicinal plants of
Burdwan-III. J.   Econ. Taxon. Bot. 32(Suppl.): 425-436.

143. Hoque, N. and Mukherjee, A. 2008. Grasses associated with the river
Damodar in Burdwan District, West Bengal. Indian J. Applied & Pure Bio.
23(2): 343-347.

144. Mandal, S.K. and Mukherjee, S.K.2008. Medicinal uses of plants as
revealed from tribal communities in Purulia District, West Bengal. In: Herbal Cures Traditional Approach
[D.A.Patil (ed.)] pp.295-301. Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur

145. Mukherjee, A., Banerjee, D. and Acharya,
J. 2008. A contribution to the study of      Gesneriaceae Dum. in the Eastern Himalaya.
2(2): 151 – 161.

146. Acharya, J., Mukherjee, A.
and Banerjee, D. 2009. A 
contribution to the study of      
Commelinaceae R. Br. in Darjeeling – Sikkim Himalayas. Pleione
3(1): 18 – 27.

147. Acharya, J., Acharya, J. and
Mukherjee, A. 2010. A contribution to the study of       Caprifoliaceae Jussieu in  West Bengal and  Sikkim. Pleione
4(1): 42-47.

148. Acharya, J. and
Mukherjee, A. 2010.Herbal therapy for urinary ailments as documented from
Bankura District (West Bengal). Indian J. Sci. Res.1(1): 67-69.

149. Mukherjee, A. 2010.
Wetlands: Status and Management Perspectives. In: Environment: Issues and Challenges (eds. J.K. Datta and A.R. Ghosh)
ASC Publication, UGC Academic Staff College, The University of Burdwan,
Burdwan, West Bengal.

 150. Acharya, J. and Mukherjee, A. 2010.Herbal
folk remedies against skin ailments as  
documented from Purulia and Bankura Districts of West Bengal. Indian
J. Applied & Pure Bio.
25(2): 413-316. 2010.

151.   Bala.
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Statistical Studies on the Surface water of some  wetlands in Nadia, West Bengal. International
Journal of Lakes and  Rivers

Bala, G., and Mukherjee, A. 2010. Inventory of wetlands in Nadia and
their characterization as natural resources. J. Environ. & Sociobiol. : 7(2): 93-106, 2010.

Mukherjee,A. and Chanda, S.2010. Some common ailments and their herbal cure as
documented from Darjeeling and adjoining regions of the Eastern Himalayas. Pleione 4(2):180-184.

Mandal, S.K. and Mukherjee, A.2010. Diversity of Monocotyledonous plants of
wetlands in Puruliya District, West Bengal. Indian J.Sci. Res.1(2):117-122.

Bala. G.
and Mukherjee, A. 2011. Water Quality Index of Some Wetlands in Nadia
District, West Bengal, India. International Journal of Lakes and Rivers. 4(1): 21-26.

156. Bala. G. and Mukherjee, A. 2011.
Physico-chemical properties of sediments and their role in the production
process of some wetlands in Nadia District, West Bengal. J. Environ. & Sociobiol.:8(2):253-256.

Bhattacharya, A. and Mukherjee, A.2011. Garh Jungle- A historic pristine forest
biotope. Indian Science Cruiser
25(1): 48-56.

  158. Roy, R. and Mukherjee, A. 2011. Study of
floral diversity in Belbaid patch deranged by opencast mining in Raniganj
coalfield area, West Bengal. Indian
J.Applied & Pure Bio.

Biswas, Irani and Mukherjee, A. 2011.Micromorphology of leaf of Nyctanthes
L. Indian J.Applied
& Pure Bio

         160. Biswas, Irani and Mukherjee, A.
2011.Pharmacognostic studies on the leaf of Nyctanthes
. Acta Botanica
53 (3-4): 225-234.

       161. Bouri, Tripti and Mukherjee, A.
2011. Floristic composition of the forest areas under Bankati Gram Panchayat in
Burdwan District , West Bengal.
Indian J. Applied & Pure Bio.

Bouri, Tripti and Mukherjee, A. 2011.Biological spectrum of Bankati forest
areas in Burdwan District, West Bengal. Indian

Mukherjee, A. and Bouri, Tripti 2011.Indigenous knowledge about the use of
Non-    timber phytoresources as
documented from forest areas under Durgapur Forest Range, Burdwan District. The Ecoscan: Special issue 1:59-62.

Chanda Soma and Mukherjee, A.2011. Phytoresources used against arthritis by
tribals in Ayodhya hills, Purulia District, West Bengal.Indian J.Sc.Res. 2(4):103-106.

Bouri, Tripti and Mukherjee, A. 2011.Preliminary survey of plant resources in
Bankati Gram Panchayat,Bardhaman District, Paschimbanga.In:
Recent Studies in Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in
and A.P.Das).pp.153-159. Gourbanga Mahavidyalaya, Malda.

Chanda, S. and Mukherjee, A. 2011.Documentation of some medicinal plants used
by Sikaries of Purulia District, Paschm Banga. In:
Studies in Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in India.
and A.P.Das).pp.307-310. Gourbanga Mahavidyalaya, Malda.

167. Acharya, J., and Mukherjee, A. 2011. A
contribution to the study of 
Viburnaceae   Rafinsque in  Darjeeling 
Sikkim Himalayan Region. Pleione
5(2): 217-221.

168. Palit,D. and Mukherjee,A.2011. Characterization of physico-chemical
properties of water and soil in Lalbandh, a freshwater wetland in Birbhum
district, West Bengal. Ecol.Env. & Cons.17(3):557-562.

169. Mukherjee, A. and Acharya, J.,
2011.Chemical characters in Plant Taxonomy. In: Herbal Drugs (ed.
S.C.Mandal)pp.1-15.New Central Book Agency(P) Ltd.,London, Hyderabad,
Ernakulum, Bhubaneswar, Delhi, Kolkata, Pune.

 170. Batabyal, S. and Mukherjee, A.2011. Olax scandens
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ENVIS (News Letter-BSI)

171.Chanda, S.
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J. Applied & Pure Bio
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172.Chanda, Soma and Mukherjee, A. 2012.
Non-timber forest products as documented from the Paharia Tribe of Ayodhya
Hills in Purulia District of West Bengal (India). Acta Botanica Hungarica 54(3):269-275.

173.Chanda, S.
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with the life of tribals in Matha forest region of Purulia district, West
Bengal. Panchakotessay 3(1):11-14.

Mukherjee, A. 2012.
studies: a taxonomic contemplation. In: Diversity and Conservation of
Plants and Traditional Knowledge
Panda & C. Ghosh) Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun.pp. 167 – 182.

175. Bouri, T.
and Mukherjee, A. 2012.Non-Timber use of forest resources in Bankati Gram
Panchayat area, Burdwan District, West Bengal. Panchakotessay 3(1): 15-20.

176. Gupta, S., Mukherjee, A. and Mondal, M. 2012.A census of Gentiana L. in India.In: Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperm
(Ed.Gaurgopal Maiti and Sobhan Kumar Mukherjee) pp.53-58.
University of Kalyani, Kalyani. (ISBN: 978-93-5067-867-1).

177. Bouri, T. and Mukherjee, A.2012. Studies on seed characteristic
features of some medicinal plants. In: Multidisciplinary
Approaches in Angiosperm Systematics
(Ed.Gaurgopal Maiti and Sobhan Kumar
Mukherjee) pp.80-85. University of Kalyani, Kalyani. (ISBN: 978-93-5067-867-1).

178. Mandal, S.K. and Mukherjee, A. 2012.Diversity of Dicotyledonous
plants in wetlands of    Puruliya
District, West Bengal.In: Multidisciplinary
Approaches in Angiosperm Systematics
(Ed.Gaurgopal Maiti and Sobhan Kumar
Mukherjee) pp.403-409. University of Kalyani, Kalyani. (ISBN:

 179. Mukherjee, A.2012. Herbal remedies: Aspects and prospects. In: Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperm
(Ed.Gaurgopal Maiti and Sobhan Kumar Mukherjee) pp.576-588.
University of Kalyani, Kalyani. (ISBN: 978-93-5067-867-1).

180.  Mukherjee,
A. & Gupta, S.2012. An account of
the Gentianaceae Jussieu in India with special reference to Himalayas. In:

Biodiversität & Naturausstattung im
Bd. IV (Ed. M. Hartmann & J. Weipert)

181.Mukherjee, A.2012.
Identification of Species: A taxonomic contemplation for    augmenting successful and prosperous use of
Non-Wood Forest Products. In: Non-Timber Forest Products and Medicinal
(eds. S.Singh and R.Das).pp.9-18. Institute of Forest
Productivity(Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education), Ranchi.

182. Mukherjee, A. and Chanda, S.2012. Non-wood
Forest Products in use by the Paharia tribe settled in Ayodhya Hills of
Purulia, West Bengal.123-129.In: Non-Timber Forest Products and Medicinal
(eds. S.Singh and R.Das).pp.9-18. Institute of Forest Productivity
(Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education), Ranchi.

183. Mukherjee, A. and Bouri, T. 2012.Documentation of Ethno-Medicinal
Uses of Plants by Santhals In: Burdwan District, West Bengal, India. In:
Medicinal Plants: Various Perspectives
.(eds. J. P. Keshri
& R. Mukhopadhyay.pp.129-141.[ISBN

184. Mukherjee, A. 2013.Bioresource
conservation: Traditions in India.
The Ecoscan: Special Issue III: 57-63.(ISSN:0974-0376).

185. Chanda, S. and Mukherjee, A.2013. Study of
some Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) associated with the lives of tribals in
Matha Forest Region of Purulia District, West Bengal. The Ecoscan: Special Issue III: 65-68. .(ISSN:0974-0376).

186. Bouri, T. and
Mukherjee, A. 2013.Documentation of traditional knowledge and indigenous use of
Non-Timber Forest Products in Durgapur Forest Range of Burdwan District,
West Bengal. The Ecoscan:
Special Issue III: 69-74. .(ISSN:0974-0376).

187. Biswas, C. K.,
Mukherjee, A. and Mishra, S. P.2013. Physico-chemical properties of
overburden dumps of different ages at Sonepur bazari coalmine area, Raniganj,
west Bengal (India). The Ecoscan 7(1&2): 57-60, 2013.

188. Biswas, C. K., Mishra, S. P. and
Mukherjee, A. 2013. Floral diversity in
sites deranged by opencast mining in Sonepur Bazari of Raniganj coalfield area,
West Bengal.
Indian J. Applied
& Pure Bio.
28(2), 265-273 (2013).

189. Biswas, C. K., Mishra, S. P. and
Mukherjee, A. 2013.
Mycorrhizal association with the
Selected dominant vegetation developing on an age series of coalmine over
burdened dumps in Sonepur Bazari area, Raniganj, West Bengal.
II (III): 59-64.

190. Banerjee, M. and
Mukherjee, A. 2013.Status of water quality in the proximity of Deoghar town in
the Jharkhand state of India. Indian
4(2): 87-92.

       191. Bouri, T., Palit, D. and Mukherjee,
A. 2013.  Phytosociology and pedological characteristics of selected Beats of
Durgapur Forest Range, West Bengal, India.
Communications in Plant Sciences
3(3-4): 37-45. ISSN 2237-4027.

192. Maji, A. and
Mukherjee, A. 2013. On the occurrence of Carex (Cyperaceae) in the
Darjeeling-Sikkim-Himalayan Region.
Indian J. Applied
& Pure Bio.
Vol. 28(2), 137-142.

193. Biswas,I., Ukil, S. and Mukherjee,
A. 2013. Determination of n-alkane constituents and their phenological
variation in the epicuticular wax of mature leaves of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L., Natural
Product Research
(2013): 1-3.

194. Chanda, S.
and Mukherjee, A.2013.
Taxonomic Census Of Magnoliophytes Associated with Forest Abodes of Tribals In
Ayodhya Hill Region of Purulia District, West Bengal.
Indian Forester, 139 (5) : 429-434. 2013.(ISSN 0019-4816 (Print);ISSN 2321-094X (Online)

195. De, S. and Mukherjee, A. 2013. Study
of ethnobotanical implications of the places of religious activities in
Kolkata: 1. Jain temples. Indian J. Applied & Pure Bio.
28(1): 5-17.

196. Das, M., Dey, S. and Mukherjee, A.
(2013). Floral succession in the open cast mining sites of Ramnagore Colliery,
Burdwan District, West Bengal. Indian J. Sci. Res. 4(1): 125-130.

 197. Bhattacharya, A. and Mukherjee, A. 2013.
Botanical documentation of Garh Jungle, Durgapur, West Bengal. Flora
and Fauna
19 (1): 09-22.(ISSN 0971-6920).

 198. Mukherjee, A. 2013.Herbal Healing Systems
traditionally practiced in India: Aspects and prospects for optimizing the
Global Life Sustaining System. In: Eco-Conservation and Sustainable Living
(ed. C. Gurung and J.B.Bhandari), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.pp.65-74.

Bhattacharya, A. and Mukherjee,A.2013. Phytospectroscopy of forest patches in
Bardhaman District, West Bengal. Indian Forester 139(12): 1146-1150.
0019-4816 (Print);ISSN 2321-094X (Online)

200.Mukherjee, A., Banerjee, M., Mandal,
V., Shukla, A.C. and Mandal,S.C.  2014.
Modernization of Ayurveda: A brief overview of Indian initiatives. Natural
Product Communications
9(2): 287-290.

201. Biswas, C. K., Mishra, S. P. and
Mukherjee, A. 2014. Diversity and composition of vegetation on aged coalmine
overburden dumps in Sonepur Bazari area, Raniganj, West Bengal. Journal
of Environmental Biology

  202. Biswas, S. and Mukherjee,
A.2014.Ethnomedicinal plants of Bankura District, West     Bengal.
Proc. Nat.Sem. Trad.Knowl. & Soc.
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  203. Chanda, S. and Mukherjee, A.2014. Some
medicinal plants as documented from tribal dominated areas of Ayodhya Hills
(Purulia: West Bengal) and vicinity. Proc. Nat.Sem. Trad.Knowl. & Soc. Prac.

204. Ghosh, P., Mukherjee,
A. and Chandra, G.2014. Study of biodiversity of Nabastha I Gram Panchayat,
Burdwan District, West Bengal and its conservational perspectives through local
rituals and cultural implications. Proc. Nat.Sem. Trad.Knowl. & Soc. Prac.
: 229-239.

205. Acharya, J. and
Mukherjee, A. 2014.
An account of Caprifoliaceae Juss. in south India. Indian J.L.Sci.3 (2): 65-71.

                  206. Roy, R. and Mukherjee, A. 2014. A
taxonomic census of Magnoliophytes in an   
abandoned mine tailing site of Burdwan district, West Bengal. Indian J. L. Sci. 3(2): 95-98.