Publications that are relevant for Flora of India

7.        Lidén, M. 1986b. Synopsis of
Fumarioideae with a monograph of the tribe Fumarieae. Opera Bot. 88. 136 pp.


10.      Lidén, M. 1989b. The genus Corydalis in Nepal. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 18: 479-539.


18.      Lidén, M. 1991e. Revision of Corydalis sect. Fumarioides, part I. Rheedea
1: 29-35.


Lidén, M. 1993c.
Corydalis cornuta, a
Himalayan/Afro-montane disjunct species. Opera
. 121: 45-46.


Lidén, M. 1995a.
A revision of Corydalis sect. Fumarioides Lidén. Part II. Rheedea 5: 1-36.


36.      Lidén, M. & Zetterlund, H. 1997b. Corydalis, a gardeners guide and a
monograph of the tuberous species.  144
pp text and b&w ill.; 25 pp colour plates. AGS publication ltd. Friary
Press, Dorset.


38.      Lidén, M., Fukuhara, T., Rylander, J. & Oxelman, B. 1997d. Phylogeny and classification of
Fumariaceae with emphasis on Dicentra
based on the rps16 intron. Pl. Syst. Evol. 206:411-420.


41.      Lidén, M. 1998a. New species of Corydalis from Burma, Bhutan and India. Edinburgh J. Bot. 55: 343-350.


Lu DeQuan, M. Lidén & B. Oxelman. 2002a. Lychnis, Agrostemma, Saponaria, Vaccaria, Psammosilene (pp.
100-102; 108) In: Wu Zhengyi & P. Raven (eds), Flora of China 6.


Zhou Li-Hua, M. Lidén & B. Oxelman. 2002b. Silene (pp. 66-100) In: Wu Zheng-Yi & P. Raven (eds), Flora of China 6.


Lidén, M. 2003b.
Corydalis (p. 49) In: Kress
 et al. (eds), A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, and Climbers
of Myanmar.
from the United States National Herbarium
Vol. 45.


59.      Lidén, M. 2008a [2007]. New species,
combinations, and records of Hypecoum,
and Corydalis
(Fumariaceae) in China. Nordic Journal of
25: 33-37.


62.      Zhang Ming-Li, Su Zhi-Yun & Lidén, M. 2008d.
Papaveraceae-Fumarioideae (pp. 288–428) In:
Wu et al. (eds), Flora of China 7.


63.      Lidén, M. 2009a.
Papaveraceae-Fumarioideae (pp. 294–477) In:
Zhang Li-Bing (ed.), Flora of China 7: illustration volume.


64.      Lidén, M. 2010. Three new species of Dactylicapnos (Fumariaceae) and a
synopsis of  the D. macrocapnos complex. Nordic
Journal of Botany
28: 656–660.


66.      Lidén, M. 2011c. Fumariaceae (pp. 49–77)
In: Watson,
K. et al. (eds), Flora of Nepal. Vol. 3. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.


69.      Lidén, M., Saikia, B. & Mili, R. 2013c.
New taxa of Corydalis (Papaveraceae –
Fumarioidae) from Anjaw. Annales Botanici
50: 172-174.


70.      Pathak, M. K., Chowlu, K., Saikia, B. &
Lidén, M.
2013d. Fumariaceae in
North East India: new species and records in Corydalis DC and Dactylicapnos
Wall. Nelumbo 55: 1-20.


71.      Lidén, M. & Pathak, M. K. 2014. Studies in Dactylicapnos (Papaveraceae – Fumarioideae)
part II. Revision of Dactylicapnos
sect. Pogonosperma sect. nov., with D. arunachalensis sp. nov.. Nordic Journal of Botany 32: 176-184. DOI: 10.1111/j.1765-1051.2013.00186.x


72.      Lidén, M. & Bharali, P. 2014 (in print).
Notes on Utricularia sect. Phyllaria (Kurtz) Kamieński
(Lentibulariaceae) in Arunachal Pradesh. Pleione