1. Rix, E.M. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  1968.  Botanical report, in Rix, E.M., Cambridge Botanical Expedition to N.W. Iran, 1968, Report: 9-17.  Geerings
Press, Ashford, Kent.


2. Yarrow, I.H.H. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  1968.  Entomological report, in Rix, E.M., Cambridge Botanical Expedition to N.W. Iran, 1968, Report: 17-21.  Geerings
Press, Ashford, Kent.


3. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Corley, H.V.  21.3.1973
[“1972”].  Dryopteris caucasica
– an ancestral diploid in the male fern aggregate, Brit. Fern Gaz. 10 (5):


4. Widén, C.-J., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Lounasmaa,
M., von Euw, J. & Reichstein, T.  1973. 
Die Phloroglucide von Dryopteris caucasica (A. Br.) Fraser-Jenkins &
Corley, Helvetica Chim. Acta 56 (3): 831-838.


5. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  1974.  A fern report from the Canaries, Carthusiana 7 (27): 11.  Charterhouse School
Magazine, Godalming, Surrey.


6. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  6.2.1975
[“1974”].  The distribution of
Dryopteris aemula and its discovery in the Canaries and Turkey, Fern Gaz. 11 (1): 54.


7. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Reichstein, T. & Vida,
G.  30.7.1975.  Dryopteris tyrrhena
nom. nov. – a misunderstood Western Mediterranean
species, Fern Gaz. 11 (2 & 3): 177-198.


8. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  1.6.1976.  Dryopteris caucasica and the cytology of its
hybrids, Fern Gaz. 11 (4): 263-267.


9. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Jermy, A.C.  26.11.1976.  Nomenclatural notes on Dryopteris Adans., Taxon 25 (5 & 6): 659-676.


10. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  27.11.1976.  A pteridologist in Scandinavia,
Brit. Pteridological Soc. Bull. 1 (4): 159-163.


11. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Reichstein, T.  12.12.1977.  Dryopteris x brathaica Fraser-Jenkins &
Reichstein Hybr. nov., the putative hybrid of D. carthusiana x D. filix-mas, Fern Gaz. 11 (5): 337.


12. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Jermy, A.C.  12.12.1977.  Nomenclatural notes on Dryopteris: 2, Fern Gaz. 11 (5): 338-340.


13. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  16.12.1977.  Three species in the Dryopteris villarii
aggregate (Pteridophyta, Aspidiaceae), Candollea
32 (3): 305-319.


14. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Jermy, A.C.  23.3.1978.  Nomenclatural notes on Dryopteris: [3], Taxon 27 (1): 129-131.


15. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Jermy, A.C.  5.1978.  Dryopteris remota, the Dryopteris filix-mas
group and erratum, in Jermy, A.C., Arnold, H.R., Farrell, L. & Perring,
F.H. (eds.), Atlas of Ferns of the
British Isles
: 81-96.  Pendragon
Press, Cambridge.


16. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  31.8.1979.  A new name for a European Dryopteris, Fern Gaz. 12 (1): 56.


17. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Jermy, A.C.  31.8.1979.  Dryopteris hybrids: a correction, Fern Gaz. 12 (1): 56.


18. Wingate, D.B., Phillips, C.M. &
Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  1979. 
Ferns of Bermuda,
Ferns of the rocky woodlands, cliffs, caves and sinks
[poster].  Bermuda Press.


19. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  12.1979
[“1978”].  Dryopteris
stewartii, a new fern from the West Himalayas, Kalikasan, Phillip. J. Biol., bot. ser., 7 (3): 269-274.


20. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Gibby, M.  18.7.1980.  Two new hybrids in the Dryopteris villarii
aggregate (Pteridophyta, Dryopteridaceae), and the origin of D. submontana, Candollea 35 (1): 306-310.


21. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  12.8.1980.  Various contributions, in Greuter, W. (ed.),
Med-Checklist Notulae 1, Willdenowia 10 (1): 13-21.


22. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  12.8.1980.  Dryopteris affinis: a new treatment for a
complex species in the European Pteridophyte Flora, Willdenowia 10 (1):


23. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  1.11.1980.  Nomenclatural notes on Dryopteris 4, Taxon 29 (5 & 6): 607-612.


24. Parris, B.S. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  17.12.1980.  A provisional check list of Turkish
pteridophytes, Notes from Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 38 (2): 273-281  (redistributed: OPTIMA leaflets Feb. 1982).


25. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  22.12.1980.
Various contributions, in Greuter, W. (ed.), Med-Checklist Notulae 2, Willdenowia 10 (2): 227-232.


26. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Reichstein, T.  c.
7.1981.  Taxonomic advisers, in Greuter, W., Burdet,
H.M. & Long, G. (eds.), Med-Checklist
[ed. 1] 1. Pteridophyta: i-xi, 008.10-063.84.844, xii-xxii [1-54].  Optima, Geneva & Berlin.


27. Demiriz, H., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Lovis, J.D.,
Reichstein, T., Schneller, J.J. & Vida, G. 
26.8.1981.  Asplenium woronowii Christ (Aspleniaceae,
Pteridophyta), a diploid ancestral fern new to Turkey, and the status of Asplenium
pseudolanceolatum Fomin; Studies in Asplenium for “Flora Iranica” 1, Candollea 36 (1): 181-193.


28. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  10.11.1981.  Cheilanthes coriacea, an Afro-Arabian fern
species new to Iran,
Fern Gaz. 12 (3): 155-156.


29. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  10.11.1981.  Nomenclatural notes on Dryopteris-5, Fern Gaz. 12 (3): 183-184.


30. Smith, A.R[eid]. & Fraser-Jenkins,
C.R.  4.5.1982. Dryopteris paleacea is a synonym of D. wallichiana, Taxon 31 (2): 326-329.


31. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  1982 (ined.).  Report
of a visit to China to study ferns – April 1980
.  Privately printed as a Royal Society Report,
by The Royal Society, London.


32. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Rush, R. & Ching,
R.C.  11.11.1982.  Athyrium goeringianum,
a confused name, Fern Gaz. 12 (4): 246-248.


33. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  12.1982
[“7.1981”].  Dryopteris
(Pteridophyta, Dryopteridaceae) on Pico Island in the Azores, Arquipélago, ser. ciênc. da nat., 2: 83-101 et tt.


34. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  12.1982.  Dryopteris in Spain,
and Macaronesia, Bolm. Soc. Broteriana,
ser. 2a,
55: 175-335.


35. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Khullar, S.P.  12.1982.  Athyrium attenuatum – a confused
Sino-Himalayan Fern, in Bir, S.S. (ed.), Aspects
Plant Sci.
6: 94-102.  Delhi.


36. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Reichstein, T.  23.12.1982.  Asplenium aitchisonii Fraser-Jenkins &
Reichstein, spec. nova (Aspleniaceae, Pteridophyta), Studies in Asplenium for
Flora Iranica 4, Candollea 37 (2): 339-347.


37. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Laínz, M.  5.9.1983.  Culcita macrocarpa, a new locality in Spain,
Fern Gaz. 12 (5): 299-301.


38. Dostál, J., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. &
Reichstein, T.  19.10.1983 [“1984”].  Dryopteris, in Kramer, K.U. (ed.), Hegi, G., Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa, ed. 3, 1
(1), Pteridophyta: 136-169.  Paul Parey, Berlin & Hamburg.


39. Knobloch, I.W., Gibby, M. & Fraser-Jenkins,
C.R.  25.5.1984.  Recent advances in our
knowledge of pteridophyte hybrids, Taxon 33 (2): 256-270.


40. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Salvo [Tierra],
A.E.  1984.  Sobre el género
Dryopteris in la Península Ibérica, Anales
Jard. Bot. Madrid
41 (1): 195.


41. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Laínz, M.  1984.  Más, en torno a la solución de algunos
enigmas corológcos, Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 41 (1): 209.


42. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Reichstein, T.  1984.  Taxonomic advisers, in Greuter, W., Burdet,
H.M. & Long, G. (eds.), Med-Checklist,
ed. 2,
1. Pteridophyta: 1-24.  Editions
des Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la ville de Genève.


43. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  25.10.1984.  An introduction to fern genera of the Indian
subcontinent, Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat.
Hist., bot. ser.
, 12 (2): 37-76 et tt.


44. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  29.8.1985.  Notes on Polystichum etc., in Gibby, M.,
Cytological observations on Indian subcontinent and Chinese Dryopteris and
Polystichum (Pteridophyta: Dryopteridaceae), Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist.,
bot. ser.
, 14 (1): 1-42.


45. Bir, S.S., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Lovis,
J.D.  29.8.1985.  Asplenium punjabense
sp. nov., and its significance for the status of Ceterach and Ceterachopsis, Fern Gaz. 13 (1): 53-63.


46. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Khullar, S.P.  10.1.1986
[“1985”].  The nomenclature
of some confused Himalayan species of Polystichum Roth., Indian Fern J. 2: 1-16 et tt. 1-16.


47. Gibby, M. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  1986. 
Hybridisation and speciation in the genus Dryopteris in Pico, Azores,
Abstracts of poster demonstrations, in Dyer, A.F. & Page, C.N. (eds.)
Biology of Pteridophytes, Proceedings of the Symposium held at Edinburgh, Sept.
12-16, 1983, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 86: 473-474.


48. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  30.1.1986.  A classification of the genus Dryopteris
(Pteridophyta, Dryopteridaceae), Bull.
Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., bot. ser.,
(3): 183-218.


49. Khullar, S.P. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  Exhibit of List of Pteridophyte-species
occurring in “Flora Iranica,” in Khullar, S.P.  1986.
Aspects of some ferns in the Flora Iranica area, in Hedge, I.C. (ed.), Plant
Life of South-West Asia, Proceedings of the [Second] Symposium held at Edinburgh,
Sept. 16-20, 1985, Notice of Exhibits, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, sec.
, 89: 311.


50. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Gibby, M.  29.9.1986.  A new Dryopteris hybrid from Spain,
Fern Gaz. 13 (2): 113-116.


51. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  29.9.1986.  Cystopteris viridula in mainland Africa, Fern Gaz. 13 (2): 121.


52. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Khullar, S.P.  31.12.1986.  Corrections to the nomenclature of Himalayan
Polystichums, Indian Fern J. 3:121.


53. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  6.1987.  Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Notes 5.
Dryopteris, in Derrick, L.N., Jermy, A.C. & Paul, A.M., Checklist of
European Pteridophytes, Sommerfeldtia 6: x-xiii.


54. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Schneller, J.J.  28.7.1987.  Asplenium tadei (Aspleniaceae: Pteridophyta),
a new species from Turkey,
Fern Gaz. 13 (3): 163-168.


55. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  31.12.1988.  Some comments on the nomenclature of
Dryopteris, Indian Fern J. 5: 69-77.


56. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  26.1.1989.  A monograph of the genus Dryopteris
(Pteridophyta: Dryopteridaceae) in the Indian subcontinent, Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., bot. ser., 18 (5): 323-477.


57. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  31.5.1989.  Letter from Hawai’i, Pteridologist
1 (6): 255-259.


58. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  8.8.1989.  An outline monographic study of the genus
Polystichum in the Indian subcontinent, Professor S.S. Bir Medal Award Lecture,
in Bhardwaja, T.N. & Gena, C.B. (eds.), [Abstracts from the] International
Symposium on Present and Future Perspectives in Pteridology
(August 8-10, 1989), Dept. of Botany, University of Rajasthan: 148-150.  Jaipur.


59. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  21.5.1990.  Stop Press, Pteridologist 2 (1): 48.


60. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  5.9.1991.  An Amateur’s Steps in Pteridology, The British Pteridological Society; Special Publication no. 4: 45-48.  London.


61. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  8.10.1991.  An outline monographic study of the genus
Polystichum in the Indian subcontinent, in Bhardwaj[a], T.N. & Gena, C.B.
(eds.), Perspectives in Pteridology: Present and Future, Aspects of Plant Sci. 13:
249-287.   Today & Tomorrow’s
Printers & Publishers, New Delhi.


62. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  26.6.1992
[“12.1991”].  The ferns and
allies of the far west Himalaya,
Pakistan Systematics 5 (1-2): 85-120.


63. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  19.1.1993
[“12.1992”].  The ferns and
allies of the far west Himalaya – Some
Additions and Corrections, Botanica
102 (2): 143-157.


64. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Widén, C.-J.  11.3.1993.  Phloruglucinol derivatives of Dryopteris
ardechensis and D. corleyi (Pteridophyta, Dryopteridaceae) and their putative
ancestors, Annales Bot. Fennici 30: 43-51.


65. Heywood, V.H. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  22.4.1993.  Dryopteris, in Heywood, V.H. (ed.), Flora Europea, ed. 2, 1: 27-30.  Cambridge.


66. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  5.1994.  Dryopteris (Pteridophyta) of Hawai’i – a monographic
study, Thaiszia – J. Bot., Košice 4: 15-47.


67. Khullar, S.P. with Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  3.1994
[“1.1.1994”]  An illustrated fern flora of [the]
West Himalaya
1: i-xl,
1-506.   International Book distributors,
Dehra Dun, India.


68. Kung, H.-S. & Zhang, L.-B. 1994. A new species of Polystichum Roth
from N. Burma and W. China [P. adungense Ching & Fras.-Jenk.], Act. Phytotax. Sinica 32(4): 370-371.


69. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  30.7.1996.  Dryopteris
(Lowe) Fraser-Jenk. ssp. pseudodisjuncta
(Oberholzer & Tavel ex Fraser-Jenk.) Fraser-Jenk., comb. nov., in Jonsell,
B. (ed.), Lectotypifications and new combinations for Flora Nordica Vol. 1
(Lycopodiaceae – Papaveraceae), Nordic J.
16 (1): [3-] 4 [-8].

[Note: this was not published in Nordic J. Bot. 15 (1995), as stated in Flora Nordica.]


70. Widén, C.-J., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Reichstein,
T., Gibby, M. & Sarvela, J.  18.6.1996. 
Phloroglucinol derivatives in Dryopteris
sect. Fibrillosae and related taxa
(Pteridophyta, Dryopteridaceae), Annales
Bot. Fennici
33: 69-100.


71. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  24.9.1996.  A reaffirmation of the taxonomic treatment of
Dryopteris affinis (Dryopteridaceae: Pteridophyta), Fern Gaz. 15 (3): 77-81.


72. Widén, C.-J., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. &
Reichstein, T.  7.3.1997. New phloroglucinol derivatives in Dryopteris subimpressa
(Pteridophyta, Dryopteridaceae), Annales
Bot. Fennici
34: 21-26.


73. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  2.10.1997.  Himalayan Ferns (A Guide to Polystichum):
1-54, with errata.  10.1.1998. 
International Book Distributors, Dehra

Dun, India.


74. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  12.1997.  New
species syndrome in Indian pteridology and the ferns of Nepal
: i-v, 1-403, with
separate errata.   International Book
Distributors, Dehra Dun, India.


75. Widén,
C.-J., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Reichstein, T. & Sarvela, J.  24.5.1999.  A survey of phenolic compounds in Dryopteris and related fern genera. Part
II. Phloroglucinol derivatives in subgenus Dryopteris
(Pteridophyta, Dryopteridaceae), Acta
Bot. Fennici
164: 1 – 56


Sarvela, J. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 
1.3.2000.  Dryopteris affinis, in Jonsell, B. (ed.), Flora Nordica 1: 74 – 84.   Stockholm.  


77. Khullar, S.P. with Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  10.5.2000.
illustrated fern flora of the West Himalaya
2: i-liii, 1 – 544.  
International Book Distributors, Dehra Dun, India.


78. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  27.4.2001.  Dryopteris stanley-walkeri Fraser-Jenkins,
the missing diploid common-ancestor of D. carthusiana and D. cristata
(Pteridophyta: Dryopteridaceae), in Pande, P.C. & Samant, S.S. (eds.), Plant Diversity of the Himalaya

(Prof. Y.P.S. Pangtey commemoration
): 119-152.   Gyanodaya
Prakashan, Nainital, India.   Reprinted
19.7.2002.  Advances
Plant Sci. Res.
11: 1-32
[“2000”].   International Book
Distributors, Dehra Dun, India.


Widén, C.-J., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Reichstein, T. & Sarvela, J.  27.4.2001.  A survey of phenolic compounds in Dryopteris and related fern genera. Part
III. Phloroglucinol derivatives in subgenera Erythrovaria and Nephrocystis
and related genera (Pteridophyta, Dryopteridaceae), Annales Bot. Fennici 38:
99 – 138.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  2002.  Nepal – A Grant from the Centenary
Fund, Brit. Pteridological Soc. Bull. 5 (6): 348.


81. Fraser-Jenkins, C.[R.]  30.1.2003.  Visiting Scientist [at the Natural
History Museum],
Plant Cuttings, Internet Magazine of the Natural
History Museum



82. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  8.2004.  The rediscovery of two lost 19th
Century fern books by Moore
and Wallich, Natural  Sci. Collections Assoc. News 3: 47 – 51.


83. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Pangtey, Y.P.S.  2005.  Athyrium nephrodioides (Baker) Christ
(Athyriaceae: Pteridophyta): an addition to the fern flora of India, J.
Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 102: 374.


84. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  4.2006.  The
first botanical collectors in Nepal
, The
collections of
Hamilton, Gardner and Wallichlost herbaria, a lost botanist, lost letters and lost books, somewhat rediscovered: i-vii,
1-106.  Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh,
Dehra Dun.  Reviewed by H.J. Noltie, Fern
Gaz. 17: (2006).


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Widén, C.-J. 
7.2006.  Phloroglucinol derivatives in Dryopteris
filix-mas (L.) Schott and its putative ancestors (Pteridophyta,
Dryopteridaceae), Advances Forestry
Research India
29: 139 – 160. 
[submitted 1999].


86. Liu,
Y.-C. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  20.11.2006. 
Athyrium puncticaule (Blume) T. Moore (Woodsiaceae),
New to Taiwan,
Taiwania 51 (4): 293 – 297.


87. Fraser-Jenkins,
C.R.  5.2007.  Dryopteridaceae,
Pteridaceae, Cheilanthes, Woodsiaceae (excl. Diplazium), in M. Shaffer-Fehre (ed.), Ferns and Fern Allies, in
Dassanayake, M.D. (ed.), Flora of Ceylon
15, A & B: ix-xxix,
311-616. Science Publishers, Enfield, N[ew]
H[ampshire], USA.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  5.2007. 
The species and subspecies in the Dryopteris affinis group, Fern Gaz. 18 (1): 1-26.


89. Byrne, B.K., Pullen, P.D.
& Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  4.2008. Key to the British and Irish
Dryopteris affinis group, Bot. Soc. British Isles Newsletter 108: 19-24.


90. Hoshizaki, B.J. &
Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  April 2008. The 4th Symposium on Asian
Pteridology and Garden Show, LAIFS, J. Los Angeles Int. Fern Soc. 35(1): 4-9; 35(2): 24-29; reprinted 5. 2008 as The 4th Symposium on Asian
Pteridology, in the Philippines,
in Amoroso,V.B. (ed.) Proceedings of the
4th Symposium on Asian Pteridology and Garden Show
: 220-225. Central
Mindanao Univ., Musuan, Bukidnon.


91. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  5.2008.
The 4th symposium on Asian pteridology, in the Philippines, Fiddlehead Forum, Bull. Amer.
Fern Soc
. [preprinted in Amoroso, V. & Hoshizaki, B.-J. (eds.), Proc.
4th Asian Symposium on Pteridophytes (2008). Mindanao].


92. Chandra, S., Fraser-Jenkins,
C.R., Kumari, A. & Srivastava, A.  6.2008. 
A Summary of the Status of Threatened Pteridophytes of India, Taiwania 53(2): 170-209.
[reprinted sub Chandra, S. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. in Verma, S.C., Khullar,
S.P. & Cheema, H.K. (eds.) 11.2008.
Perspectives in Pteridophytes, Silver Jubilee Publication of Indian Fern

Society (1983-2008): 199-224.
Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra
Dun]. Abstract reprinted as Threatened pteridophytes
of India,
International Symposium on Perspectives
in Pteridophytes
, Nov. 27-29, 2008: 51. National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow
& The Indian Fern Society, Patiala.


93. Benniamin, A.,
Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Irudayaraj, V. 
9.2008.   Polystichum manickamianum (Dryopteridaceae),
a new species from south India,
Novon 18(3): 287-293.


94. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  9.2008.  Endemics and Pseudo-endemics in Relation to
the Distribution Patterns of Indian Pteridophytes, Taiwania 53(3): 264-292.

            [Reprinted in Indian Fern J. 25: 1-45
(2008) and in Amoroso, V.B. (ed.), Proceedings
of the 4th Symposium on Asian Pteridology and Garden Show
: 105-129
(5.2008). Central Mindanao Univ., Musuan, Bukidnon. Abstract pre-printed in
Amoroso, V.B. (ed.) 13.7.2007. 4th
Symposium on Asian Pteridology and Garden Show etc. Programme and Abstracts:
62. Central Mindanao Univ., Musuan, Bukidnon.].


95. Pem, T. 24.10.2008. New species of fern discovered
[by CRFJ & T. Wangdi, Cheilanthes bhutanica], Bhutan Observer 24 Oct. 2008: 10.


96. Liu,
Y.-C., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Amoroso, V.B., Barcelona, J.F. & Chiou, W.-L.  29.10.2008. 
Athyrium erythropodum Hayata (Woodsiaceae,
Pteridophyta), a new Philippine record, Blumea
53(2): 447-451.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  26.11.2008. Taxonomic Revision of three hundred Indian subcontinental Pteridophytes
with a revised census-list – a new picture of fern-taxonomy and nomenclature in
the Indian subcontinent
: 1-685, t.
1-255.  Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh,
Dehra Dun, India.


98. Verma, S.C.
& Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  26.11.2008. 
Adiantum philippense L.,
the correct name for A. lunulatum  Burm.f., and it subspecies, in Verma, S.C.,
Khullar, S.P. & Cheema, H.K. (eds.), Perspectives
in Pteridophytes
, Siver Jubilee
Publication of Indian Fern Society
: 65-92. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh,
Dehra Dun.  [Abstract reprinted in International Symposium on Perspectives in Pteridophytes, Nov. 27-29, 2008: 50. The National Botanical Research Institute,
Lucknow and The Indian Fern Society, Patiala].


99. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  26.11.2008.  Where do we go from here? Tightening up
Pteridophyte Taxonomy in the Indian Subcontinent, International Symposium on Perspectives in Pteridophytes, Nov. 27-29, 2008: 13. National
Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow & The
Indian Fern Society, Patiala.


100. Ranil, R.H.G.,
Pushpakumara, D.K.N.G., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. and Wijesundara, D.S.A. 2008. Pteridium revolutum (Blume) Nakai is not an invasive alien
species in Sri Lanka. 
IAS 2008, National Symposium on Invasive Alien
Species held on 11 November 2008 at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute
, 100,
Independence  Avenue
, Colombo 7, and organized by Sri Lanka Association of
the Advancement of Science
(Section D) and National Science Foundation, Book of Abstracts: 10. Colombo, Sri Lanka.  Reprinted as: Misidentification of Pteridium revolutum (Blume)
Nakai as an invasive alien Pteridium
(L.) Kuhn in Sri Lanka.  National Symposium on Invasive Alien Species held on 21- 22 May 2009
Browns Beach Hotel
, Negombo, Sri Lanka, Abstracts: 13. Colombo,
Sri Lanka.


101. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.   1.2009.
Taxonomy, Diversity and Biogeography of Indian Pteridophytes, in Capacity
Building Training in Plant Taxonomy, January 19-31, 2009, Course Material:
55-61. Botanical Survey of India, Southern Circle, Coimbatore.


102. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.,
Matsumoto, S. & Wangdi, T., in Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. (ed.).  5.2009.
Pteridophytes of Bhutan – A list
of families
, genera and species:
i-x, 1-125.  National Biodiversity
Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, Serbithang, Thimphu, Bhutan.  [N.B. This work was actually prepared and
written by C.R. Fraser-Jenkins, but to my surprise Wangdi published it under
his own name as if the author was T. Wangdi, but has now sent out copies signed
by Wangdi to the effect that the authorship is actually Fraser-Jenkins,
Matsumoto & Wangdi (as previously agreed)].


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Dulawat, C.S. c.
27.6.2009. A summary of Indian
cheilanthoid ferns and the discovery of Negripteris Chiov., an Afro-Arabian
fern-genus new to India, Fern Gaz. 18(5): 216-229.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 2.2010. A Short
Fern-Foray in Nepal,
The Hardy Fern Foundation Quarterly 20(1): 25-28.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 3.2010. Lectotypification
of Dryopteris pseudomas based on Wollaston’s specimen of D. affinis, Fern Gaz. 18(6): 284-285.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  6.8
[“31.3.”] 2010 [“2009”].   A
brief comparison of modern Pteridophyte classifications (Families and Genera in
Indian Fern J. 26(1 & 2): 107-131.


Benniamin, A. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 31.3.[6.8] 2010. Trichomanes parvifolium, the world’s smallest fern, new to
India, and the rarities of Arunachal Pradesh, Indian Fern J. 26(1
& 2): 179-184.


Chandra, S., Srivastava, A. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 31.3.[6.8] 2010. Vascular system of the rhizome of
the fern genus Drymotaenium (Polypodiaceae), Indian Fern J. 261 &
2): 142-148.


109. Ranil, R.H.G., Pushpakumara, D.K.N.G., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. and Wijesundara, D.S.A. 2010. Misidentification of Pteridium
(Blume) Nakai as an invasive alien in Sri Lanka, in Marabe, B.,
Silva, P., Wijesundara, D.SA. and Atapattu, N. (eds.), Invasive Alien Species: Strengthening
Capacity to control introduction and spread in Sri Lanka
: 141-149.
Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment, Colombo, Sri Lanka.


110. Ranil, R.H.G., Pushpakumara,
D.K.N.G., Janssen, T., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., & Wijesundara, D.S.A. 2010. Cyathea sledgei Ranil et al.
(Cyatheaceae: Pteridophyta): a new natural hybrid from Sri Lanka, Fern Gaz. 18(7):


111. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. &
Benniamin, A. 12.2010
[“2009”]. Fifty rarities and additions to the pteridophytic flora of
Arunachal Pradesh, N.E. India, Panjab
Univ. Res. J.
, Sci., 59:


112. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 10.11.2010.
Nepal’s unknown pteridophytes, the central Himalayan gap, and the lost work of
David Don, in P.J. Ahuja (ed.), International
Symposium on Ferns and Fern Allies
: Diversity,
Bioprospection and Conservation, 10-12 November 2010, Abstracts: 3-4. Inst. Himalayan
Bioresouce Technology, Palampur and The Indian Fern Society, Chandigarh.


113. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 2010. Nepal’s little known pteridophytes,
the hidden work of David Don, and the geography and distribution of
Indo-Himalayan ferns, with State lists, website version, 1 Dec. 2010, updated
31 Dec. 2010, on


Matsumoto, S., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Wu, S.-K. 11.2010. Origin and dispersal of the agamic complex of Cyrtomium anomophyllum (Zenker)
Fraser-Jenk., Poster presentation,
Symposium on Asian Pteridology and Fern Show
(15-21 November 2010), Shenzen Fairylake Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science, China, Programme and Abstracts: 67-68. China Fern Society, Beijing and
Fairylake Botanical Garden, Shenzen.



Ranil, R.H.G., Pushpakumara, D.K.N.G., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Wijesundara,
D.S.A. 2010. Presumed Extinctions in
the Pteridophyte Flora of Sri Lanka, 5th
Symposium on Asian Pteridology and Fern Show
(15-21 November 2010), Shenzen
Fairylake Botanical Garden
, Chinese
Academy of Science
, China, Programme and Abstracts: 41-42. China
Fern Society, Beijing and Fairylake Botanical Garden, Shenzen.


116. Reveal,
J.L., Gandhi, K.N., Peters, M.D. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 2011.
Proposal to conserve the name Onychium japonicum (Thunb.) Kunze (Pteridaceae) against
O. japonicum Blume (Orchidaceae), Taxon 59(6): 1893-1894.


117. Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Pangtey,
Y.P.S. & Khullar, S.P. 8.2011 [“2010”].
Asplenium laciniatum D.Don (Aspleniaceae), a critical complex, and confused
species in the Indian subcontinent, Indian
Fern J.
27(1-2): 1-38.


118. Kumari, A., Lal, B. &
Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 8.2011 [“2010”].
Microlepia setosa (Sm.) Alston – a new generic record in the pteridophyte flora
of Himachal Pradesh, India, Indian Fern J. 27(1-2):


119. Kholia, B.S. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. Feb. 2011. Misidentification makes scientific publications worthless –
Save our Taxonomy and Taxonomists, Curr.
. 100(4): 1-4.

Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 8.2011 [“2010”].
Advances and explanations in the taxonomy and nomenclature of W. Himalayan
Pteridophytes, Indian Fern J. 27(1-2): 273-331.


Pangtey, Y.P.S., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Tewari, L.M. & Upreti, K. 8.2011 [“2010”]. Ferns of
Nainital, W. Himalaya: Some Changes and
Corrections, Indian Fern J. 27(1-2): 152-177.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 8.2011 [“2010”].
Taxonomic comments, in Pangtey, Y.P.S., Tewari, L.M., Upreti, K. &
Martolia, A. A list of excluded species of ferns and fern-allies in Dixit &
Kumar’s (2002) ‘Pteridophytes of Uttaranchal’, Indian Fern J. 27(1-2):


123. Hovenkamp,
P.H., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Schneider, H. & Zhang, X.-C. 2011. Proposal to conserve Lepisorus
against Belvisia, Lemmaphyllum, Paragramma, Drymotaenium and Neocheiropteris
(Pteridophyta, Polypodiaceae), Taxon 60(2): 591-592.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Dulawat, C.S. 2011
[“2010”] Addition  A summary of
Indian cheilanthoid ferns and the discovery of Negripteris (Pteridaceae), an
Afro-Arabian fern genus new to India, Fern
18(5): 216-229. [Notholaena


Ranil, R.H.G., Pushpakumara, D.K.N.G., Janssen, T.,
Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Wijesundara, D.S.A. 2011. Conservation priorities for Tree
Ferns (Cyatheaceae) in Sri Lanka, Taiwania
56(3): 201-209.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 31.3.2012. Lectotypification
of Pteris normalis, Indian Fern J. 28(1 & 2): 214.


127. Ebihara, A., Fraser-Jenkins, C. R., Parris, B. S., Zhang, X.-C.,
Yang, Y
Chiou, W
Chang, H
Lindsay, S., Middleton, D., Kato, M., Praptosuwiryo, T. N., Amoroso, V.,
Barcelona, J. F., Rajapaksha, R. H. G., Park, C
.-H., Murakami, N. and Hoya, A. 2012. Rare and threatened pteridophytes of Asia 1. An enumeration of narrowly distributed taxa, Bull. National
Mus. Nat. Sci.
, Tokyo, B Bot., 38(3): 93-119.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 22.11.2012.
Rare and Threatened Pteridophytes of Asia 2. Endangered Species of India – the
higher IUCN categories, Bull. Natl. Mus.
Nat. Sci.
, Tokyo, B Bot., 38(4):


Odyuo, A, Roy, D.K. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 2012. Asplenium aethiopicum – A New Distributional Record for
Northern India, Taiwania 57(4): 403-405.


Benniamin, A. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 10.2012. Obituary, Father V.S. Manickam, Amer. Fern J. 102(3):


Ferny-Jokings, C.R. 5.2013. Use of
wild Orchid-root as growth medium in commercial Tree-fern cultivation in S.W.
Rajasthan, Pteridologist 5(6):


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 2013.
Sanjeevani cannot be Selaginella bryopteris, Indian Fern J. 29(1
& 2): 183-195.


Salgado, E.A. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 21.1.2014 [“2013”]. The nomenclature, typification and
taxonomy of Asplenium polyodon, A. falcatum and confused species, Fern Gaz. 19(6): 213-239.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 3.2014
[“2013”]. Ferns and allies on the Annapurna Base-Camp trek, C. Nepal,
Indian Fern J. 30(1-2): 25-39. preprinted 2013.
The Hardy Fern Foundation Quarterly 23(2): 46-47, 50-60 et tt.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 3.2014
[“2013”]. Ferns and Allies of the far-west Indo-Himalaya
(Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kashmir) and Iran – revised checklists,
classification and phytogeography, Indian
Fern J.
30(1-2): 161-191.


Sreenivas, V.K., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. & Madhusoodanan, P.V. 3.2014 [“2013”]. The genus
Pteris L. (Pteridaceae) in South India, Indian
Fern J.
30(1-2): 268-308.


Kumar, B. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 3.2014
[“2013”]. Obituary Dr. Harish Chandra Pande (1965 – 2013), Indian Fern J. 30(1-2):


Kumari, A., Chawla, A., Lal, B. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 2014. Dryopteris zayuensis Ching & S.K.Wu and Pteris biaurita
L. subsp. fornicata Fraser-Jenk. – two interesting records in the pteridophyte
flora of Himachal Pradesh, India, Indian
J. Forestry
37(1): 115-120.


Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 12.2013. Silver ferns of Bangladesh and the exclusion of
reported Aleuritopteris grisea (Blanf.) Panigrahi (Pteridophyta, Pteridaceae), Bangladesh J. Bot. 42(2): 195-206.


Salgado, A.E. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 2014. Proposal to reject Trichomanes
adiantoides L., Taxon


Kholia, B.S. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 11.2014. Rediscovery of Ophioglossum
pendulum L. from Eastern Himalaya with a note on historical background and new
distribution record to Sikkim, Indian J.
37(3): 347-354.


142. Raju
Antony & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R. 2014. Tectaria puberula (Dryopteridaceae:
Pteridophyta), a new record of an African species for India, Fern Gaz. (in press).


Rothfels, C.J., Johnson, A.K., Hovenkamp, P.J., Swofford, D.L., Roskam, H.,
Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Windham, M.D. & Pryer, K.M. 2015. Natural
hybridisation between genera that diverged from each other approximately 60
million years ago, The American
[in press]


144. Ranil, R.H.G., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R., Pushpakumara, D.K.N.G.,
Wijesundara, D.S.A. & Parris, B.S. 2014. The Endemic Pteridophyte Flora of
Sri Lanka: Taxonomy, Geographical Distribution and Conservation Status,  [in press in Sri Lanka].


145. Widén, C.-J., Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.,
Reichstein, T., Sarvela, J. & Roux, J.P. 
2015. A survey of phenolic compounds in Dryopteris and related fern
genera. Part IV.  Phloroglucinol
derivatives in Section Marginatae (Pteridophyta, Dryopteridaceae), Annales Bot. Fennici  [in press].


Pangtey, Y.P.S., Khullar, S.P. & Fraser-Jenkins, C.R.  2015. The Revised Pteridophytic Flora of
Uttarakhand, India: 1-500.   Gyanodaya
Prakashan, Nainital.  [in press]