A.  Book published as Author

  1. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1990. Taxonomic revision of the genus Psychotria L. (Rubiaceae) in
    India.  The Scientific Publishers,
    Jodhpur, India.


B.  Books published as Editor

  1. Fascicles of Flora of India.
    Fascicle 22. 1996. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta.

  2. Flora of India: Introductory Volume
    (Part I). 1996. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta.

  3. Plant Diversity in the Tiger
    Reserves of India. 1998. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta.


C.  Scientific papers

  1. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1982. Some nomenclatural changes in Psychotria L. (Rubiaceae). Taxon
    31(3): 546.

  2. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1983. A new taxon of the Rubiaceae from Northeast India. J. Bombay Nat.
    Hist. Soc
    . 80(2): 466 – 468.

  3. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1984. New species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae) from Indian
    Subcontinent. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 5(2): 477 – 479.

  4. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1985. New species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae) from Indian
    Subcontinent. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 81(2): 439 – 444.

  5. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1985. New taxa of the genus Psychotria (Rubiaceae) in India. Bull.
    Bot. Surv. India
    25: 211 – 216.

  6. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1987. Taxonomic study of the genus Brachytome Hook.f. (Rubiaceae). Candollea
    42: 351 – 360.

  7. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1987. A new species of Lasianthus (Rubiaceae) from Burma. J.
    Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.
    84(2): 412 – 414.

  8. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1987. New taxa of the genus Lasianthus (Rubiaceae).  J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 84(2):
    458 – 462.

  9. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1987. Psychotria aborensis Dunn & P. tylophora Kurz in
    Red Data Book of Indian Plants 1: 343 – 345.

  10. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1988. Psychotria globicephala Gamble in Red Data Book of Indian
    Plants 2: 233 – 234. 1988.

  11. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1988. New and noteworthy Drypetes Vahl
    (Euphorbiaceae) from Indian Subcontinent. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 12(2):
    393 – 395.

  12. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , A new species of Cleidion Bl. (Euphorbiaceae)
    from Burma. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 12(2): 473 – 474.

  13. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1988. Notes on some Asiatic Euphorbiaceae   II. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 12(2): 491
    – 494.

  14. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1988. Pubistylus
    Thoth. (Rubiaceae) reduced to Diplospora DC. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 12(2):
    495 – 497.

  15. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1989. Review of the genus Litosanthes Bl. (Rubiaceae). Candollea
    44 (1): 209 – 223.

  16. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabart, 1989. New
    and noteworthy Asiatic Rubiaceae. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 13(1):
    85 – 88.

  17.  M. Gangopaghyay & T.
    Chakrabarty, 1989. Notes on Rubiaceae from Indian Subcontinent. J.
    Econ. Tax. Bot.
    13(1): 113 – 119.

  18. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    . 1989. On Macaranga denticulate and M.
    (Euphorbiaceae). J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 13(3): 597 – 598.

  19. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1989. Notes
    on Asiatic Combretaceae. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 13(3): 685 – 689.

  20. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1989. New and noteworthy Glochidion (Euphorbiaceae)
    from Burma. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 13(3): 709 – 719.

  21. M. Gangopadhyay, 1990. Albertisia
    (Miers.) Forman, Cyclea debiliflora Miers. and C.
    Diels in Red Data Book of Indian Plants 3.

  22. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1990. The Celastraceae of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
    J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 14(1): 115 – 129.

  23. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1990. A
    note on the genus Combretum Loefl. (Combretaceae). J. Econ. Tax.
    14(1): 223 – 224.

  24. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1990. Notes
    on Rubiaceae from Indian Subcontinent 
      II. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 14(2):
    481 – 483.

  25. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1990. Notes on some Asiatic Euphorbiaceae   
    IV. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 14(3): 719 – 720.

  26. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1990. A correction to the Celastraceae of Andaman &
    Nicobar Islands. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 14(3): 743.

  27. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1991. Does Meliosma sumatrana (Sabiaceae) occur
    in India? 1991. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 15(1): 42.

  28. M. Gangopadhyay, 1991. Revision of the Indian Saprosma
    Bl. (Rubiaceae). J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 15(1): 65 – 95.

  29. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    1991. Notes on some Asiatic Euphorbiaceae   
    III. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 15(1): 181 – 184.

  30. D. B. Deb & M. Gangopadhyay,
    1991. Taxonomic study of the genus Lasianthus Jack (Rubiaceae) in
    India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 15(2): 265 – 308.

  31. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    1991. Notes on Mimosoideae. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 15(2):
    449 – 450.

  32. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1992.The
    family Apocynaceae of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.
    16(1): 27 – 59.

  33. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1992. A
    new species of Kopsia  (Apocynaceae)
    from Malaya. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 16(1): 59 – 60.

  34. R. K. Chakrabarty, H. J. Basu &
    M. Gangopadhyay, 1992. Census of Bignoniaceae of Indian Botanic
    Garden. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 16(1): 167 – 175.

  35. M. Gangopadhyay, 1992, Evolutionary trends in
    Indian Psychotria L. (Rubiaceae). J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 16(1):
    199 – 207.

  36. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1992. Two
    new species of Terminalia L. (Combretaceae) from Andaman Islands. J.
    Econ. Tax. Bot. 16(1): 237 – 240.

  37. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty.1992. A
    note on the status of Litosanthes Bl. (Rubiaceae). J. Econ. Tax.
    16(2): 337 – 338.

  38. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1992. On the Status of Terminalia
    Roth (Combretaceae). J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 16(3):

  39. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1992. Notes on Terminalia L.
    (Combretaceae). J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 16(3): 601 – 603.

  40. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1992.
    Flacourtiaceae of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 16(3):
    715 – 722.

  41. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    new Phyllanthus L. (Euphorbiaceae) from North Andaman Islands. J.
    Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.
    90(1): 69 – 70.

  42. T. Chakrabarty & M. Gangopaghyay,
    A revision of
    Bl. (Euphorbiaceae) for Indian Subcontinent. J. Econ. Tax.
    17(1): 155 – 171. 1993.

  43. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1993, Additional notes on the status
    of Pubistylus Thoth. (Rubiaceae). J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 17(2):
    439 – 440.

  44. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1993, A synopsis of the genus Anogeissus
    (Combretaceae) for Indian Subcontinent. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 17(3):
    655 – 656.

  45. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1993, Notes on the genus Combretum
    Loefl. (Combretaceae). J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 17(3): 679 – 682.

  46. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1993. The genus Archidendron F.v.
    Muell. (Mimosaceae) in India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 17(3): 683
    – 691.

  47. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1993. Notes on Combretum Loefl.
    (Combretaceae) –  II. J. Econ.
    Tax. Bot.
    17(3): 697 – 698.

  48. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1994.
    of Excoecaria L. (Euphorbiaceae) for Indian Subcontinent. J.
    Econ. Tax. Bot. 18(1): 193 – 210.

  49. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1994.
    new section in Diplospora DC. (Rubiaceae). J. Econ. Tax.
    18(2): 397 – 398.

  50. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1994.
    on the genus Baccaurea L. (Euphorbiaceae). J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 18(2):
    419 – 426.

  51. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    genus Glochidion (Euphorbiaceae) in the Indian Subcontinent. J.
    Econ. Tax. Bot. 19(1): 173 – 234.

  52. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    on the Euphorbiaceae. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 19(2): 449 – 452.

  53. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    genus Breynia (Euphorbiaceae) in the Indian Subcontinent. J.
    Econ. Tax. Bot. 20(3): 501 – 512.

  54. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    genus Sauropus (Euphorbiaceae) in the Indian subcontinent. J.
    Econ. Tax. Bot.
    20(3): 513 – 545.

  55. T. Chakrabarty & M. Gangopaghyay,
    The genus Albizzia
    Durazz. (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) in India. J. Econ. Tax.
    20(3): 581 – 597.

  56. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1996.
    genus Acacia P. Miller (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) in India. J.
    Econ. Tax. Bot.
    20(3): 599 – 633.

  57. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1997.
    genus Drypetes (Euphorbiaceae) in the Indian Subcontinent. J.
    Econ. Tax. Bot.
    21(2): 251 – 280.

  58. M. Gangopaghyay & T. Chakrabarty, 1997. The family Combretaceae of
    Indian Subcontinent. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 21(2): 281 – 364.

  59. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 1997.
    on Malesian Antidesma L. (Euphorbiaceae). J. Econ. Tax. Bot.
    21(2): 479 – 481.

  60. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    genus Baccaurea (Euphorbiaceae)in the Indian Subcontinent. J.
    Econ. Tax. Bot.
    21(3): 524 – 534.

  61. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 2000.
    genus Antidesma L. (Euphorbiaceae) in Indian Subcontinent. J.
    Econ. Tax. Bot.
    24(1): 1 – 55.

  62. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    of range of five species in Euphorbiaceae. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 24(2):

  63. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    , 2002.
    revision of the genus Briedelia Willd. (Euphorbiaceae) for the
    Indian Subcontinent. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 26(2): 311 – 330.

  64. T. Chakrabarty & M.
    genus Cleistanthus Hook. f. ex Planch. (Euphorbiaceae) in the
    Indian subcontinent. J. Econ. 
    Tax. Bot.
    26(2): 331 – 345.

  65. M. Gangopadhyay & T. Chakrabarty, 2002. An
    overlooked species of Cryptocarya R. Br. (Lauraceae) from
    Peninsular India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 26(2): 472 – 474.

  66. M. Gangopadhyay & T. Chakrabarty, 2002. A
    revised treatment of Cryptocarya wightiana Thw. (Lauraceae).
    J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 26(2): 475 – 476.

  67. M. Gangopadhyay & T. Chakrabarty, 2002. A
    note on Cryptocarya ferrarsi King ex Hook. f. (Lauraceae). J.
    Econ. Tax. Bot.
    26(2): 477 – 478.

  68. M. Gangopadhyay & T. Chakrabarty, 2002. Two
    new species in Indian Cryptocarya R. Br. (Lauraceae). J. Econ.
    Tax. Bot.
    26(3): 722 – 725.

  69. T. Chakrabarty, M. Gangopadhyay
    & N. P. Balakrishnan, 2004. On the status of Phyllanthus airyshawii
    and P. kozhikodianus (Euphorbiaceae). J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 28(3):
    585 – 590.

  70. M. Gangopadhyay & T. Chakrabarty, 2005.
    The genus Cryptocarya R. Br. (Lauraceae) J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 29(2):
    274 – 293. 2005.

  71. M. Gangopadhyay,
    2006. Notes on the family Lauraceae from India and its
    adjoining  countries – I. Bull. Bot. Surv. India
    48(1 – 4): 103 – 156, ff. 1- 25. 2006.

  72.   M. Gangopadhyay & A. Sharma,
    2007. A new species of the genus Phoebe Nees
    (Lauraceae) from Nort – East India.  Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 14(2): 163 –

  73.   M. Gangopadhyay, 2008. Nine New
    taxa and a new combination in Lauraceae from
    and Myanmar. Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 15(2): 89 – 106, ff. 1 – 9.

  74.  M. Gangopadhyay, 2009. Three new
    taxa in Lauraceae from India. Bangladesh J.
    Pl. Taxon.
    16(2): 141 – 149, ff. 1- 3.

  75. M. Gangopadhyay
    & V. S. Kumar, 2009 (2010). Notes on newly published species

    Persea himalayaensis M. Gangop. (Lauraceae). Nelumbo 51:

  76. M. Gangopadhyay,
    2011. Notes on the Nomenclature of the family Lauraceae from

    India. Nelumbo 53: 213 – 216

  77. D. B. Deb & M.
    , 2012. New combination in some genera of Rubiaceae. Nelumbo
    54: 267 – 268. 2012.

  78. V. Kumar & M.
    , 2013.  Validation of the name Persea himalayensis (Lauraceae). Phytotaxa 92(2): 59. 2013 [9 Apr
    2013] [epublished].


D. Book Chapter Published
as author:

  1. M. Gangopadhyay, 1993. Tribe Cissampelideae
    and Pachygoneae sensu Hook. f. & Thoms., family Menispermaceae.
    Flora of India. Vol.1.

  2. A. Pramanik & M.
    1997. Family Menispermaceae. Flora of West Bengal 1: 155
    – 164.

  3. T.
    Chakraborty, M. Gangopadhyay & N. P. Balakrishnan, 2013.
    Subfamily Phyllanthoideae: Family Euphorbiaceae. Fl. India 23: 353 – 504.



M. Gangopadhyay. Family Combretaceae. Flora of

M. Gangopadhyay. Families Altingiaceae,
Caricaceae, Crypteroniaceae and Punicaceae. Flora of India.

3. M. Gangopadhyay. Tribes Sophoreae (excluding
and Euceasalpiniae sensu Baker (Leguminosae).  Flora of
India Vol.6.
4. M. Gangopadhyay. Family
Lauraceae (excluding genera Lindera, Litsea and
Neolitsea) (Pages
1 – 205).  Flora of India. Vol. 21.

5. M.
. Family Cassythaceae.
Flora of India. Vol. 21.
6. M. Gangopadhyay. Family Bignoniaceae. Flora
of West Bengal.