Publications in national and international journals:

1.      Nandikar, M
and Gurav, R. Critical studies on systematics of Murdannia lanuginosa
(Wall. ex C. B. Cl) Brueck. (Commelinaceae). Available from Nature Precedings <>


2.      Nandikar,
M. D.,
Lekhak, M. and
Gurav, R. V.  2010. Karyotype analysis of
a new cytotype of Callisia fragrans
(Lindl.) Woodson (Commelinaceae). Nucleus.
53 (3): 95 -97.


3.      SR Yadav, AN Chandore, SM Gund, MD Nandikar,
M Lekhak 2010. Relocation of Hubbardia heptaneuron Bor, from its type locality.
Current science 98 (7): 72.


4.      Gurav, R. V., Nandikar, M. D. and Dangat, B. T. 2011. On the occurrence of the
jewel orchid Hetaeria oblongifolia
Blume in Western Ghats of India. Richardiana
12 (1): 39 – 45.


5.      Nandikar,
M. D.
and Gurav, R. V.
2011. A new species of Murdannia
Royle (Commelinaceae) from Northern Western Ghats of India. Taiwania 56 (3): 227 – 230.


6.      Nandikar,
M. D
., Gurav, R. V. and
Umesh, D. 2011. Rediscovery of Murdannia
striatipetala (commelinaceae)- a
little known species from southern India with a note on its identity and
distribution. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.
108 (1): 67 – 68.


7.      MM Lekhak, M D Nandikar, SR Yadav 2011. Karyomorphology of Flemingia nilgheriensis (Baker) Wight ex T. Cooke: An Endemic from Western
Ghats, Cytologia 76 (3), 243–248


8.      TB Desai, M D Nandikar 2012. Impact of urbanization on avenue trees and its
role in carbon sequestration: a case study in Kolhapur city, International Journal of Environmental
3 (1), 481–486.


9.      Ramana MV, Nandikar M. D, Gurav RV,
Tagore JK, Sanjappa M. 2013. Murdannia
saddlepeakensis (Commelinaceae) – a
new species from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. PhytoKeys 20: 9–15. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.20.3611


10.    Nandikar
, Rajdeo Singh,
Rajaram Gurav, Rajendra Shinde 2013. Lectotypification and notes on the
identity of Christisonia calcarata Wight (Orobanchaceae). Rheedea 23:1. 26–29.


11.    Nandikar
& Gurav
Rajaram. 2014. Commelina beddomei
(Commelinaceae), A New name for Endemic Beddome’s Commelina hirsuta from Western Ghats of India.Plant Sciences Feed. 4:     1.



12.    Nandikar,
& R.V. Gurav
(2014). A taxonomic account of Amischotolype
(Commelinaceae) and notes on the occurrence of Porandra in India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 6(5):



13.    Nandikar,
& R.V. Gurav
(2014). A revision of the genus Cyanotis
D.Don (Commelinaceae) in India Taiwania 59(4)
in press.


Papers presented at
conferences and seminars:

1.      Gurav, R. V. and Nandikar, M. D.
Successful transplantation of trees: Phase- I. 19th Annual Conference of IAAT
and International Symposium on Angiosperm Systematics and Phylogeny:
Retrsospects and Prospects at Shivaji National Botanical Research Institute,
Lucknow from 12th to 14th November 2009.


2.      Nandikar, M. D. and Gurav, R. V.
Critical studies on systematics of Murdannia lanuginosa (Wall. Ex C. B. Cl.)
Brueck (Commelinaceae). 19th Annual Conference of IAAT and International
Symposium on Angiosperm Systematics and Phylogeny: Retrsospects and Prospects
at Shivaji National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow from 12th to 14th
November 2009.


3.      Nandikar, M. D. and Gurav, R. V.
Cladistic analysis of genus Murdannia
Royle (Commelinaceae) of Western Ghats of India. National Conference on Plant
Biodiversity at Y. C. Institute of Science, Satara (MS) India on 23rd and 24th
April 2010.


4.      Nandikar, M. D. and Gurav, R. V. Family
Commelinaceae in India- Diversity and Threats. 20th Annual Conference of IAAT
and International Symposium on Taxonomy, Plant Diversity and Conservation at
Bharthiar University, Coimbatore on 26th to 28th November 2010.


5.      Dangat, B. T.; Gurav, R. V. and Nandikar
M. D. Howkmoth pollination in Habenaria
J. Graham (Orchidaceae). International Symposium and 22
Annual Conference of IAAT on Innovative Prospects in Angiosperm Taxonomy 28–30
October 2012.


6.      Nandikar, M. D. and Gurav, R. V.
Systematic studies on the genus Murdannia
(Commelinaceae) in India. 23
rd Annual Conference of IAAT and National
seminar on Recent Advances in Plant Taxonomy research, RTM Nagpur University,
Nagpur 27–29 December 2013


7.      Gurav,
R. V. and Nandikar M. D. The Commelinaceae of India: Diversity, Endemism and
Geographic distribution.
Annual Conference of IAAT and National seminar on Recent Advances in Plant
Taxonomy research, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur 27–29 December 2013


8.      Rutuja R. Kolte and Mayur D. Nandikar.
Comparative Anatomical Studies in tribes Tradescantieae and Commelineae
(Commelinaceae) 24
th Annual Conference of IAAT and National seminar
on Recent Advances in Plant Taxonomy research, Bhartidasan University,


Dr. Mayur Nandikar
Department of Botany,

Goa University,
Taleigao, Goa 403206

+91 9421969757