LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1. Achuta Nand Shukla, Singh, K. P. and Kumar, 2. Achuta Nand Shukla and Singh, K. P. (2008). Diversity of woody plants in Achanakmar- Amarkantak Biosphere 3. Achuta Nand Shukla, Sikarwar, R. L. S. 4. Achuta Nand Shukla and Singh, K. P. (2009). 5. Achuta Nand Shukla, Singh, K. P. and Singh, J. S. (2009). Invasive alien 6. Achuta Nand Shukla and Singh, K. P. (2009). Some addition to the flora of 7. Kumar, A. 8. Achuta 9. Achuta 10. Achuta Nand Shukla and Singh, K. P. (2010). Three new additions to the 11. Kumar, A. 12 Singh, K.P., 13. Srivastava, S., Achuta Nand Shukla and Rawat, A. K. S. (2010). Medicinal Plants and 14. Singh, K. P., Achuta 15. Achuta Nand Shukla, Kumar, B. and Srivastava, S. K. (2010). Floristic composition and 16. Achuta Nand Shukla, Srivastava, S. K. and Kumar, B. (2010). Hedychium coronarium J.König (Zingiberaceae) in Achanakmar-Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve, 17. Singh, K. P., Achuta Nand 18. Kumar, Vikas, 19. 20. Achuta Nand Shukla, Srivastava, S.K. 21. Achuta Nand Shukla and Singh, K. P. 22. Kumar, A., 23. 24. Achuta Nand Shukla and 25. 26. 27. 28. Tiwari, 29. Tiwari, 30. 31. Achuta Nand Shukla and Srivastava, S.K. (2013). Vegetation and taxonomic 32. Achuta Nand Shukla, Sharad Srivastava and A.K.S. Rawat. 33. A.P. Tiwari, Achuta Nand Shukla (2014). Sida
tiagii Bhandari (Malvaceae) – a new addition to the flora of Madhya Pradesh. Indian Forester, 140 (5) : 549. Hindi Articles Published:
1. Shukla, Achuta Nand; Singh, Krishna Pal (2008) 2. Shukla, Achuta Nand; Pinokiyo, Athokpam (2008) Paryavaran 3. Sanjappa, M.; Shukla, Achuta Nand; Gupta, Seva 4. Kumar, Brijesh; Shukla, 5. Srivastava, Sunil Kumar; Shukla, Achuta Nand (2010) 6. Shukla, Achuta Nand; Srivastava, S. K.; Kumar, Brijesh (2011) Bahupyogi Brishs 7. Kumar, Arvind; Shukla, Achuta Nand; Srivastava; S.K. (2011) Kuran 8. Achuta Nand Shukla and S.K. Srivastava. 9. Achuta Nand Shukla, Sanjay Uniyal and Vinit Kumar Rawat (2012) Wishva Ke Das Ati Vilashad 10. Vinit Kumar Rawat and Achuta 11. Achuta Nand Shukla; Srivastava, S. K. (2013). Lok 12. Achuta Nand Shukla and S.K. Srivastava. Tsomuriri Jheel-Ladakh Ka Ek Himadri Ramsar 13. Achuta Nand Shukla, Brijesh Kumar and S.K. Srivastava. Amarkantak me Pai Jane
Papers communicated: 1. Achuta Nand Shukla. 2010. Checklist of Flowering Plants of Rewa, American Journal of Plant Sciences. 2. A.N. Shukla and S.K. Srivastava. 2013. “Flora of Ladakh: An annotated Inventory of Vascular Plants” in Biodiversity of Jammu & Kashmir State, Northwest and Trans-Himalaya (India) (ed. G.H. Dar). 3.
S.K. Srivastava, Kedarghati-Prakratik Apda ka Vanaspatiyo par prabhav ka anklan, Vanaspati Vani, 2014 (with P.K. Pusalkar and A. N. Shukla). 4.
Abstracts Published:
1. Achuta Nand Shukla and K.P. Singh. 2006. Lichens of
Achanakmar-Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, 76 p. Nat. Seminar on Natural Resources: Managements and Conservation, K.A.P.G. College, Allahabad. 2. Achuta Nand Shukla and K.P. Singh. 2007. Lichen diversity on Shorea robusta Gaertn.f., in 3. Achuta Nand Shukla and S.B. Singh. 4. Achuta Nand Shukla, J.S. Singh and K.P. Singh. 2008. Species richness of corticolous 5. Achuta Nand 6. 7. Achuta Nand Shukla and K.P. Singh. 2009. Flora of 8. Achuta Nand Shukla. 2009. Invasive alien flora of Vindhyan Tropical Dry 9. Srivastava,
S.K.; Shukla, A.N. Diversity and conservation of medicinal plants in a cold desert biosphere: A fragile ecosystem. 81st Annual Session and National Symposium on Sustainable Management of Biodiversity using Science & Technology, pp. 34-35, held at University of Kerala, Kariavattom, dated 24-26, November, 2011. 10. A.N. Shukla and K.P. Singh. Taxonomic
profile of the vegetation of Achanakmar-Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve, central India. National Seminar on Plant Diversity Resources of Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot and their Conservation, pp. 113, held at Department of Botany, D.M. College of Science, Imphal, Manipur, on dated 16-17 April 2012. 11. S.K. Srivastava and A.N. Shukla. People’s Biodiversity Register
(PBR) – An outcome of Taxonomical and Ethnobotanical Research. In “Prospective research areas in Taxonomy and ethnobiology in next ten years” held at BSI, Dehradun. Pp. 31. 2013. 12. S.K. Srivastava and A.N. Shukla. Impact of tourism on the
flora of Chandertal Lake-An alpine Ramsar site of the Himalaya. In “International Conference on Climate Change and the Himalayas: Current Status and Future Perspective (ICCCH-2013)” held at CSIR-NISCAIR, pp. 16-17. 2013. 13. A.N. Shukla and S.K.
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