Papers Published:

1.     Tanveer A. Khan and G. S.
Chaudhari  “Four Taxa of Cyperaceae as new records for Khandesh region of
Zero mile is an International E-journal, Vol.1(1): 9-21.2014.

2.     Tanveer A. Khan and G. S.
Chaudhari. “New Records of Cyperaceae
for Khandesh region of Maharashtra, India”
Plant Arc hives Vol. 14 (1):
235-240. 2014.

3.     Jatin J. Shrivastava, G.S.Chaudhari and Tanveer A. Khan.Addition
of Orchid Eulophia pratensis Lindl. To the Flora of Nashik
district, Maharashtra, India”
ZOO’s PRINT Vol. 29 (5): 14-15.2014.

4.     Tanveer
A. Khan and Gopal S. Chaudhari.
Novelties of Poaceae in Khandesh
(Maharashtra), India
Flora and Fauna an
International Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol. 19(1):41-46.2013.

5.     Khan Tanveer A., Chaudhari
Gopal S. “New Records of Poaceae for
Khandesh region”
BIOINFOLET, 10, 4a: 1112-1117.2013.

6.     Kushal K. Hire, Nilesh S.
Gaikwad, Tanveer A. Khan and Navin G. Shimpi, “In Vitro Determination of Antimicrobial Activity of Gloriosa superba L. Against Urinary
Tract Infections Causing Micro-organisms”
International Journal of
Pharmacology and Biological Sciences, 6 (2): 73-77.2012.

7.     Pooja O. Pandey , Tanveer
A. Khan and G. S. Chaudhari , “ Ontogeny
and structure of stomata in genus Alysicarpus
Neck. (Family Papilionaceae)”
Journal of CHEMO AND BIOSPHERE, (1):

8. Tanveer A. Khan, G.
S. Chaudhari and Pooja O. Pandey,
“Novelties of Cyperaceae in Khandesh from Maharashtra”
Journal of
CHEMO AND BIOSPHERE, (1): 38-42.2010.

9. Tanveer A. Khan, G.
S. Chaudhari and Pooja O. Pandey, “New
    Records of Cyperaceae in
Maharashtra from Khandesh region”
Flora and Fauna an International
Journal of Biological Science, 16:1pp 53-56. 2010.

10. Tanveer A. Khan, G. S. Chaudhari and Pooja O. Pandey . “The Genus  Fimbristylis
Vahl. in Khandesh ”
BIOINFOLET, 7 (3) : 201-         208, 2010.

11. Tanveer A. Khan, G.
S. Chaudhari and Pooja O. Pandey,
Steud. (Poaceae): A New
record for Maharashtra from Khandesh”
forester, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. 5, 689-691, 2010.

12. Tanveer A. Khan, G. S. Chaudhari
and Pooja O. Pandey, “Novelties in CYPERACEAE of MAHARASHTRA-
in Journal of
Economic and Taxonomic Botany, Jodhpur 33 (2) 347-351.2009.

13. Tanveer A. Khan, G.
S. Chaudhari and Pooja O. Pandey, “Eragrostiella nardoides
Trin. (Poaceae): A New record for Maharashtra from Khandesh”
journal BIOINFOLET, 6(3): 205-207. 2008.

14. Pooja O. Pandey, G. S. Chaudhari
and Tanveer A. Khan, “Nodal and internodal vessels of Alysicarpus,
Desv. (Nom.Cons.) BIOINFOLET, 5(4): 328-333, 2008.

15.Tanveer A. Khan, G. S. Chaudhari
and Pooja O. Pandey, “New records of Cyperaceae in Maharashtra.”BIOINFOLET,
5(2): 78-81, 2008.


Dr. Tanveer A. Khan
Dept. of Botany
H. J. Thim College,
Jalgaon, Maharashtra-425001