Published Research Article:
1. Bawri, A., Gajurel, P. R. & Khan, M. L. 2013. Record of Primula waltonii Watt ex I.B. Balfour (Primulaceae) from Arunachal Himalaya with taxonomic notes. PleioneVol. 7(1): 262-265, 2013. 2. Bawri, A., Gajurel, P. R. & Khan, M. L. 2014. New distributional records ofPrimula species in Arunachal Pradesh, India. Bioscience Discovery Vol. 5(1): 6-10, 2014. 3. Bawri, A., Gajurel, P. R. & Khan, M. L. 2014. Primula lacerata(Primulaceae) – a rare species and addition to the flora of India from East Himalayan Region. RheedeaVol. 24(1):63-66, 2014. |