Kushwaha, IIRS, ISRO, Dehradun                                                                          
(Total – 206)


1.     Roy, P.S., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Murthy, M.S.R., Roy, A., Kushwaha, D., Reddy,
C.S., Behera, M.D., Mathur, V.B., Padalia, H., Saran, S., Singh, S., Jha, C.S.
and Porwal, M.C. (eds.) 2012.
Biodiversity Characterization at Landscape Level: National
. Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, ISRO, Dehradun,

Chapters in Books

          Tripathi, R.S. Yadav, A.S. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2011. Biology of Chromolaena odorata, Ageratina adenophora and Ageratina riparia: a review. In: Plant Invasion: An
Ecological Appraisal for South Asia
J.R. Bhatt, J.S. Singh, R.S. Tripathi, S.P. Singh & R.K. Kohli), CAB
, Oxfordshire, pp. 43-56.

2.     Kushwaha,
2011. Remote sensing
of invasive alien species. In:
Plant Invasion: An Ecological Appraisal for South Asia
(eds. J.R. Bhatt, J.S. Singh, R.S. Tripathi, S.P. Singh & R.K. Kohli),
CABI International, Oxfordshire, pp. 131-138.

3.     Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2008. West Bengal. In: Biodiversity Characterization at Landscape
Level in Central India and West Bengal using Satellite Remote Sensing and
Geographic Information System
, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing,

4.     Kushwaha, S.P.S., Quadri, A., Singh, A. and
Khan, A. 2008. Habitat preference assessment of the tiger and its prey
ungulates in Corbett Tiger Reserve. In:
Fauna of Corbett Tiger Reserve. Conservation Series No. 35, Zoological
Survey of India, Kolkata.

5.     Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2006. Land use/cover changes
in the north-eastern hill region. In:
Shifting Cultivation and Sustainable Development of
North-Eastern India: Tradition in Transition

(eds. P.S. Ramakrishnan, K.G. Saxena and K.S. Rao), Oxford & IBH Publishing
Co., New Delhi, pp. 3-11.

6.     Kushwaha,
and Hazarika, Rubul
2005. Case study on Kameng and Sonitpur Elephant Reserves. In: One Planet Many People: Atlas of Our
Changing Environment
A UNEP Publication,
Nairobi, Kenya, p.42.

7.     Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2002. Arunachal Pradesh. In: Biodiversity
Characterization at Landscape Level in North-East India using Satellite Remote
Sensing and Geographic Information System
.  Indian Institute of Remote
Sensing, Dehradun, pp. 48-67.

8.     Kushwaha,
, Azeem, A.,
Boruah, P., Roy, P.S., Singh, S., Lahan, P. and Bonal, B.S. 1999.
Landmass dynamics and rhino habitat suitability analysis in Kaziranga National
Park, Assam. In:
Resources Management
(eds. A. Arunachalam and M.L. Khan), IBD Publishers, Dehradun, pp. 213-246.

9.     Kushwaha,
1991. Remote sensing
of shifting cultivation in north-eastern India. 
Sensing in Asia and Oceania
(Ed. Shunji Murai), Osaka University,
Japan, pp. 60-77.

Papers in National/International Journal

Watham, T.,
Kushwaha, S.P.S.
, Patel, N.R. and Dadhwal, V.K. 2014. Monitoring of carbon
dioxide and water vapour exchange over a young forest           plantation using       eddy
covariance technique
. Current Science 107(95), 858-867.

Bhatt, G.D., Kushwaha,
, Nandy, S., Bargali, K., Nagar, P.S. and Tadvi, D.M. 2014. Analysis
of fragmentation and disturbance regimes in south           Gujarat forests, India, using geospatial technology.
Trop. Ecol. 56(3),
(in press).

3.     Padalia, H.,
Srivastava, V. and Kushwaha, S.P.S.
2014. Modelling potential geographical distribution of an alien invasive
species, Hyptis suaveolens
(L.) Poit. in India: comparison of Maxent and GARP.
Ecol. Inform. (in press)

Kumar, R., Nandy, S., Agarwal, R. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2014.  Forest cover dynamics analysis and prediction
modeling using logistic regression model.
Ecol. Indicators 44, 444-455.

Kushwaha, S.P.S., Nandy, S and
Gupta, M. 2014. Growing stock and woody biomass assessment in Asola-Bhatti
Wildlife Sanctuary.
Environ. Monitor. Assess. (DOI

6.     George, R., Padalia, H. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2014. Forest tree
species discrimination in western Himalaya using EO-1 Hyperion.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoin., 28, 140-149.

Roy, P.S., Murthy, M.S.R., Roy, A., Kushwaha, S.P.S. et al. 2013. Forest fragmentation in India. Current Science 105(6), 774-780.

Bhatt, G.D., Kushwaha,
, Nandy, S., Bargali, K., Tadvi, D., Nagar, P.S. and Daniel, M. 2013.
Plant richness modelling in south Gujarat using remote sensing and geographic
information system.
Indian Forester 139(9), 757-768.

9.     Bhatt, G.D., Kushwaha,
, Nandy, S. and Bargali, K. 2013. Vegetation types and land uses
mapping in south Gujarat using remote sensing and geographic information
system. International
Journal of Advancement in Remote Sensing, GIS and Geography
1(1), 20-31.

10.   Suresh Kumar, Kushwaha,
Modelling soil
erosion risk based on RUSLE-3D using GIS in a Shivalik sub-watershed.
Journal of Earth System Science 122(2), 389-398.

11.            Xue-Qing
Yang, Kushwaha, S.P.S., Saran, S.,
Xu Jianchu and Roy, P.S. 2013.
Maxent modeling for predicting the potential
distribution of medicinal plant, Justicia
L. in Lesser Himalayan foothills.
Ecological Engineering

12.   Bhatt, G.D., Nagar, P.S., Tadvi, D.M., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Nandy, S. and
Bargali, K. 2012. Ethno-botanical practices associated with the tribal people:
a case study from Dangs district, south Gujarat.
Oaks 8, 29-38.

13.            Shashi Kumar, Uttara Pandey, S.P.S.
, R.S. Chatterjee and W. Bijker 2012. Aboveground biomass
estimation of tropical forest from Envisat ASAR data using modelling approach.
Journal of Applied
Remote Sensing
6, 1-18.

14.            Imam, E. and Kushwaha, S.P.S.
2012. Modelling of h
Suitability for Gaur (Bos gaurus) using multiple logistic regression,
remote sensing and GIS.
Journal of Applied Animal Research (DOI:10.1080/09712119.2012.739089).

15.            Roy, P.S., Karnatak. Harish, Kushwaha,
, Roy, A. and Saran S., 2012. India’s plant diversity database at
landscape level on geospatial platform: prospects and utility in today’s
changing climate.
Current Science, 102(8), 1136-1142.

16.            Roy,
P.S, Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Roy, A.
Landscape level biodiversity databases in
India: status and the scope.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India,
Sect. B Biol. Sci
82(S2), 261-269.

17.                            Behera,
M.D. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2012. The charms and challenges of climate
change and biodiversity in a warming world.
Biodiversity and Conservation
21, 1153–1158.    

18.            Nandy S., Kushwaha, S.P.S. and
Gaur, Priyanka 2012. Identification of swamp deer (Cervus duvauceli Cuvier) potential habitat in Jhilmil Jheel
Conservation Reserve, Uttarakhand, India using multi-criteria analysis.

19.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Nandy, S.
2011. Species diversity and community structure in sal (Shorea robusta)
forests of two different rainfall regimes in West Bengal, India.
Biodiversity and
21, 1215–1228.

20.                            Singh,
Vishal, Tewari, Ashish, Kushwaha, S.P.S.,
Dadhwal, V.K. 2011. Formulating allometric equations for estimating biomass and
carbon stock in small diameter trees.
Forest Ecology and Management 261,

21.            Singh, Aditya and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2011. Refining logistic regression models for
wildlife habitat suitability modelling – a case study with muntjak and goral in
the Central Himalayas, India.
Ecological Modelling 222(8), 1354-1366.

22.            Nandy, S., Kushwaha, S.P.S. and
Dadhwal, V.K. 2011. Forest degradation in the upper catchment of the river Tons
using remote sensing and GIS.
Ecological Indicators 11(2), 509-513.

23.            Nandy, S. and Kushwaha, S.P.S.
2011. Study on the utility of IRS 1D LISS-III data and classification techniques
for mapping of Sunderban mangroves.
Journal of
Coastal Conservation
15(1), 123-137.

24.            Kushwaha,
, Mukhopadhyay,
S., Hari Prasad, V. and Suresh Kumar 2010. Sustainable development planning in
Pathri rao sub-watershed using geospatial techniques.
Current Science 98(11), 1479-1486.

25.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Dadhwal, V.K. and
Van Bloem, S.J., 2010. Remote sensing of tropical ecosystems.
Tropical Ecology 51(1), 1-2.

26.            Sarma,
K., Tripathi, O.P. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2010. Land use/cover change
analysis in coal mine affected areas in Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya,
northeast India using remote sensing and GIS technique.
Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity 16(1),

27.            Sarma, K., Kushwaha, S.P.S.,
Singh, K.J. 2010. Impact of coal mining on plant diversity and tree population
structure of Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya, North east India.
New York Science Journal 3(9), 79-85.

28.            Habib, Bilal, Dar, T.A., Khan, J.A. and Kushwaha,
2010. Evaluation of habitat suitability models for four sympatric ungulate
species in Pathri Rao Watershed adopting geo-statistical modelling.
Current Science 99(4), 500-506.

29.            Nandy, S. and Kushwaha, S.P.S.
2010. Geospatial modelling of plant richness in Sunderbans.
Journal Indian Society of Remote Sensing 38,

30.            Pandey, Uttara, Kushwaha, S.P.S.,
Kachhwaha, T.S., Kunwar, P. and Dadhwal, V.K. 2010. Potential of Envisat ASAR
data for woody biomass assessment.
Tropical Ecology
51(1), 119-126.

31.            Imam,
E., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Singh, A., 2009. Evaluation of suitable tiger habitat
in Chandoli National Park, India using multiple logistic regression.
Ecological Modelling 220, 3621-3629.

32.            Kandwal, Rashmi, Jeganathan, C., Tolpekin,
V. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2009. Discriminating the invasive species,
Lantana using vegetation indices.
Journal Indian
Society of Remote Sensing
37, 275-290.

33.            Gopal Krishan, Kushwaha, S.P.S.
and Velmurugan, A. 2009. Land degradation mapping in the upper catchment of
river Tons.
Journal Indian Society of Remote
37, 119-128.

34.                            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2005. Geospatial technology for forest
resources management.
Int. J. Ecol. & Environ. Sci. 31(1), 9-20.

35.            Kushwaha,
, Padmanaban, P.,
Kumar, D. and Roy, P.S. 2005. Geospatial modeling of biological richness in
Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary in Sikkim Himalaya.
20(2), 63-68.

36.            Kushwaha,
and Hazarika, R. 2004. Assessment of habitat loss in Kameng and Sonitpur
Elephant Reserves.
Current Science 87 (10), 1447-1453.

37.            Kushwaha,
, Khan, A., Habib,
Bilal, Quadri, Arshia and Singh, Aditya 2004. Evaluation of sambar and muntjak
habitats using geostatistical modelling.
86(10), 1390-1400.

38.            Kushwaha,
Singh, I.J., and
Paul. S. 2003. Comparison of sampling methods for inventorying the stand volume
using satellite remote sensing.
Journal Indian
Society of Remote Sensing
31(4), 283-290.

39.                            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and
Roy, P.S. 2002.
Geospatial technology for wildlife habitat evaluation.
Tropical Ecology 43
(1), 137-150.

40.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Roy, P.S.,
Azeem, A., Boruah, P. and Lahan, P.
2000. Land area change and habitat suitability analysis in Kaziranga
National Park, Assam.
Tigerpaper 27(2), 9-17.

41.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Munkhtuya, S. and Roy, P.S. 2001.
Geospatial modelling for goral habitat evaluation.
Journal Indian Society of Remote Sensing
28(4), 293-303.

42.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Dwivedi, R.S. and Rao B.R.M. 2000.
Evaluation of various digital image processing techniques for detection of
coastal wetlands using ERS-1 SAR data.
Int. J. Remote Sensing 21 (3), 565-579.

43.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1997. Environmental monitoring and cyclone
impact assessment on Sriharikota Island, India.
Geocarto International 12(2),

44.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Subramanian, S.K., Kameswara Rao, S.V.C.,
Ramana Murthy, J., Chennaiah, G.Ch., Perumal, A. and Behera, G. 1996.
Interfacing remote sensing and GIS methods for sustainable development.
Int. J. Remote
17(15), 3055-3069.

45.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Östen, G. 1995. A rule-based system for
forest land use planning.
Journal Indian Society of Remote Sensing 23(3),

46.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Kuntz, S. and Östen, G. 1994. Applications
of image texture in forest classification.
Int. J. Remote Sensing 15(11), 2273-2284.

47.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1990. Forest-type mapping and change
detection from satellite imagery.
ISPRS J. Photogramm. & Remote Sensing 45, 175

48.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Unni, N.V.M. 1989. Hybrid
interpretation for tropical forest classification.
Asian-Pacific Remote Sensing Journal 1(2),

49.            Kushwaha S.P.S., Krishnan, R. and George, A.M. 1987.
Incorporating Landsat contextual information in forest cover mapping. 
Asian-Pacific Remote Sensing Journal 1(2), 7-10.

50.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Ramakrishnan, P.S. 1989. An analysis of
some agro-ecosystem types of north-eastern India.
Proc. Indian National Science Academy
B-53(2), 161-168.

51.                            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Ramakrishnan, P.S and Tripathi, R.S. 1983.
Competitive relationships of the plants of Imperata
established from rhizomes and from seeds.
Plant Science Research Journal 1, 53-57.

52.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Ramakrishnan, P.S. and Tripathi, R.S.
1983. Competition between Imperata
and Eupatorim odoratum at
two levels of NPK treatment.
Proc. Indian National
Science Academy
49B(1), 53-57.

53.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Ramakrishnan, P.S. and Tripathi, R.S. 1983.
Population dynamics of Imperata
(L) Beauv. var. major  related to slash and burn agriculture (jhum)
in north-eastern India.
Proc. Indian Academy of Sciences (Pl.
) 92(4), 313-321.

54.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Ramakrishnan, P.S. 1982. Observations on
growth of Eupatorim odoratum L. and Imperata cylindrica (L) Beauv. var. major under different light and soil
moisture regimes.
Proc. Indian National Science Academy B48, 689-693.

55.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Ramakrishnan, P.S and Tripathi, R.S. 1981.
Population dynamics of Scleria tessellata
Wild- a shade tolerant secondary successional species in slash and burn
agriculture (jhum) fallows.
Proc. Indian National Science Academy B47(5),

56.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Ramakrishnan, P.S. and Tripathi, R.S.
1981. Population dynamics of Eupatorium
L. in successional
environments following slash and burn agriculture.
J. Appl. Ecol. 18, 529-535.

57.                            Dar,
T.A., Habib, B., Khan, J.A., Kushwaha,
and Mendiratta, N. 2008. Population structure, habitat use and
conservation of ungulates in mosaic landscapes of Garhwal Himalayas,
J. Ecol. & Environ. Sci.
 34(2), 83-89.

58.            Dar,
T.A, Khan, J.A., Habib, B., Kushwaha,
and Mendiratta, N. 2008. Assessment of herpetofaunal assemblage in
Phakot and Pathri Rao watershed areas, Uttarakhand, India.
Int. J. Ecol. & Environ. Sci. 34(2),

59.            Kumar,
S., Khan, J.A., Khan, A., Musavi, A., Malik, P.K., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Khati, D.V.S. and Sarin, G.D. 2008. An ecological
study in the buffer zone of the Corbett Tiger Reserve: tiger abundance and
cattle depredation.
Int. J. Ecol. & Environ. Sci. 34(2), 133-140.

60.            Dar,
T.A., Habib, B., Khan, J.A., Kushwaha,
and Mendiratta, N. 2008. Bird community structure in Phakot and
Pathri Rao watershed area in Uttarakhand, India.
Int. J. Ecol. & Environ. Sci. 34(2),

61.            Khan,
A., Musavi, A., Malik, P.K., Kushwaha,
, Khati, D.V.S. and Sarin, G.D. 2008. An ecological study in the
buffer zone of the Corbett Tiger Reserve: prey abundance and habitat condition.
Int. J. Ecol.
& Environ. Sci.
34(2), 121-131. 

62.            Singh,
J.S. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2008.
Forest biodiversity and its conservation in India.
Int. Forestry Review 10(2),

63.            Singh, I.J., Singh, S.K., Kushwaha, S.P.S.,
Ashutosh, S. and Singh, R.K. 2004. Assessment and monitoring of estuarine
mangrove forests of Goa using satellite remote sensing.
Indian Society of Remote Sensing
32(2), 167-174.

64.            Zarri,
A.A., Rahmani, A.R., Singh, A, and Kushwaha,
2008. Habitat suitability assessment for the endangered Nilgiri
Laughingthrush: A multiple logistic regression approach.
Current Science 94(11), 1487-1494.

65.            Habib, Bilal,
Kushwaha, S.P.S.
, Quadri Arshia and Khan, Afifullah 2006.
Application of remote sensing and geographic information system in wildlife
habitat modelling.
J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.
103(2-3), 366-374.

66.            Musavi, Ajra, Khan, J.A., Kumar,
Sharad, Khan, Afifullah, Mallik, P.K.,
Kushwaha, S.P.S.
, Khati,
D.V.S. and Sarin, G.D.2006. A study of tiger human conflict in buffer zone of
the Corbett Tiger Reserve: protected area people relationship.
Ecol. & Environ. Sci.
32(3), 241-258.

67.            Nandy,
S., Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Mukhopadhyay, S. 2007. Monitoring
Chilla-Motichur corridor using geospatial tools.
Nature Conservation
15/4, 237-244.

68.            Tripathi,
R.S., Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Yadav,
A.S. 2006. Ecology of the three invasive species of Eupatorium: a
Int. J.
Ecol. & Environ. Sci.

69.            Dwivedi, P., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Nandy, S. and Rathore, C.S. 2006.
Khair (Acacia catechu) inventory and site suitability analysis in part
of Doon valley using geoinformatics.
Journal Indian Society of Remote Sensing 34(2), 187-191.

70.            Singh, I. J., Mizanurahaman, M. and Kushwaha, S.P.S
2006. Assessment of effect of settlements on growing stock in Thano Range of
Dehradun Forest Division using RS and GIS
. Journal Indian Society of Remote Sensing

71.            Behera,
M.D. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2006. An
analysis of altitudinal behaviour of tree species in Subansiri district,
Eastern Himalaya.
Biodiversity and Conservation 16(6), 1575-1994.

72.            Behera,
Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Roy, P. S.,
2005. Rapid assessment of biological richness in a part of Eastern Himalaya: an
integrated three tier approach.
Forest Ecology and

73.            Singh, I.J., Das, K.K., Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2003. Forest stock assessment using
IRS LISS-II and PAN merged data in Timli Forest Range, Dehradun.
Journal Indian Society
of Remote Sensing
31(1), 49-56.

74.            Behera,
M.D., Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Roy,
P.S., 2001. Forest vegetation characterization and mapping using IRS-1C
satellite images in Eastern Himalayan region.
Geocarto International 16(3),

75.            Behera,
M.D., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Roy, P.S.,
Srivastava, S., Singh T.P. and Dubey R.C., 2001. Comparing structure and
composition of coniferous forests in Subansiri district, Arunachal Pradesh,
Current Science
82(1), 70-76.

76.            Behera,
M.D., Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Roy, P.S.
2000. High plant endemism in Indian hotspot
eastern Himalaya.
Biodiversity and Conservation 11(4),

77.            Behera,
M.D., Srivastava, S., Kushwaha, S.P.S.
and Roy, P.S. 2000. Stratification and mapping of Taxus wallichiana L. bearing forests in Talle Valley using remote
sensing and GIS.
78(8), 1008-1013.

78.            Behera,
M.D., Jeganathan, C., Srivastava, S., Kushwaha,
and Roy, P.S. 2000. Utility of GPS in classification accuracy
79(12), 1696-1700.

79.            Ramakrishnan,
P.S. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2001.
Secondary forests of the Himalaya with emphasis on the north-eastern hill
region of India.
Trop. Forest Science
13(4), 727-747.

80.            Khanna,
V., Ravichandran, M.S. and Kushwaha,
2001. Corridor analysis in Rajaji-Corbett Elephant Reserve- a remote
sensing and GIS approach.
Journal Indian Society of Remote Sensing 29
(1&2), 41-46.

81.            Köhl,
M. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1994. A
four-phase sampling method for assessing standing volume using Landsat TM data,
aerial photography and field measurements.
Commonwealth Forestry Review 73(1), 35-42.

82.            Madhavan
Unni, N.V., Kushwaha, S.P.S.,
Kesavamurthy, A.C. and Kangeyam, S.K. 1988. A comparative evaluation of use of
Landsat-MSS FCC and MKF-6 photographs for forest type delineation.
3, 41-52.

83.            Prasad,
Nupoor, Saran, S., Kushwaha, S.P.S.
and Roy, P.S. 2001. Evaluation of various image fusion techniques and imaging
scales for forest features interpretation.
Current Science 81(9), 1218-1224.

84.            Dwivedi,
R.S. Rao, B.R.M. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2000.
The utility of day-and-night observation and cloud-penetration capability of
ERS-1 SAR for detection of wetlands.
Geocarto International 15(1), 5-9.

85.            Rao,
B.R.M., Dwivedi, R.S. and Kushwaha,
1999. Monitoring the spatial extent of coastal wetlands using ERS-1
SAR data.
Int. J.
Remote Sensing
20(13), 2509-2517.

86.            Srivastava,
S., Singh, T.P., Kushwaha, S.P.S.
and Roy, P.S. 2002. Assessment of large-scale deforestation in Sonitpur
district, Assam.
Current Science 82(12),

Popular Scientific Articles

          Singh, S.K. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2006. Remote sensing to check forest
, October, pp. 23-25.

2.               Saran, S. Kushwaha, S.P.S.,
Ganeshaiah, K.N., Roy, P.S. and Krishna Murthy, Y.V.N. 2012. Indian Bioresource
Information Network (IBIN): a distributed national bioresource portal.
ISG Newsletter
18(3), 14-18.

3.     Kushwaha,
2012. Remote sensing
and GIS for       forest monitoring and
18(4), 4-7.

, Shashi Kumar and Pandey, Uttara 2010. Tropical forest
biomass estimation from Envisat ASAR data.
Pixel to People 2(1), 9p.

          Singh, S.K., Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Joshi, P.K. 2006. Mangrove mapping and
20 (3), 60-63.

          Schmitt-Fuerntratt, G. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1994. A GIS for land use planning in shifting
cultivation areas.
SOPAC Newsletter XV,
4-7, Fiji.

7.               Kushwaha,
and Behera, M.D.
2002. Lidar remote sensing and environment.
XXVV (27), 1-3.

8.               Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1986. Studies on forest cover of
Uttarakhand Himalaya.
Himalaya: Man and Nature
10(2), 10-13.

9.               Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1984. Jhum, valley and terrace cultivation
– a case study of north-east India.
Himalaya: Man and Nature 7(9), 7-8.

10.  Dadhwal, V.K., Kushwaha,
, Patel, N.R. and Yogesh Kant 2009. Carbon flux monitoring in India. FRI ENVIS-Forestry Bulletin 9(2), 46-49.

11.            Kushwaha,
2008. Geoinformatics- technology and applications. ENVIS Newsletter 14 (1&2), Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata,
pp. 2-13.

12.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Roy, P.S. 1998. Aerospace sensing and
GIS for forest management.
FRI-ENVIS Forestry Bulletin
1, 47-64.

13.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Singh, I.J. 2003. Interpretation of
forest types and density from IKONOS false colour composite,
Contact 5(1), March, 2003.

14.            Roy,
P.S., Singh, S., Diwakar, P.G., Jeganathan, C., Bothale, V., Kushwaha,
, Porwal, M.C., Saran, S., Ghosh, S., Yadav, D. and Singh, T.P. 2002.
Biodiversity information system.
NNRMS Bulletin
No. B-27, ISRO, Department of Space, Bangalore.

Papers in Proceedings of

          Kushwaha, D., Roy, A. and Kushwaha, S.P.S., 2012. Demarcation of
eco-sensitive zone from Gaumukh to Uttarkashi along the Bhagirathi river. Proc. ISRS Symposium,
5-7 December, 2012, New Delhi.

          Kushwaha, D., Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Dadhwal, V.K. 2011. Prediction of potential
natural vegetation types in north-east India – a study. Proc. ISRS Symposium. 9-11 November, 2011, Bhopal.

          Kushwaha, D., Roy, A. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2011. Geospatial
assessment of biodiversity in eastern Himalaya. Proc. National Conference on Biodiversity: Changing Pattern and
Conservation Strategies
, 26-28 November 2011, Deendayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur
University, Gorakhpur.      

          Kushwaha, D., Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2012. Decreasing ratio between forest and soil
carbon in western Arunachal Pradesh: indicator of disaster. Proc. Intra-Centre Hindi Technical Seminar,
10 January, 2012, IIRS, Dehradun.

          Roy, A., Kushwaha, D., Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Roy, P.S. 2012.
Fragmentation of Himachal Pradesh forest: a disaster for the local
biodiversity. Proc. Intra-Centre Hindi
Technical Seminar
, 10 January, 2012, IIRS, Dehradun.

S., Pandey, U., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Chatterjee,
R.S. and Bijker, W. 2011. Retrieval of
forest parameters from Envisat ASAR data for biomass inventory in Dudhwa
National Park, U.P., India.
 Paper presented in International
Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing, ICMARS,
 Jodhpur, 7th December 2011.

7.               Kushwaha,
2011. Geomatics: applications and opportunities. Invited paper to be presented in Indian Forestry Congress, 22-25
November, 2011, New Delhi.

8.               Kushwaha,
, Nandy, S., Ahmad, M. and Agarwal, R. 2011. Forest ecosystem dynamics
assessment and predictive modeling in Eastern Himalaya. Proc. ISPRS WG VIII/6 International Workshop on Earth Observation for
Terrestrial Ecosystem
, November 11, 2011, Bhopal, pp. 155-161.

9.               Kushwaha,
2011. Sustainable land use planning using geospatial technology. Paper presented in International Humboldt
Conference on Adaptive Management of Ecosystems: The Knowledge Systems of
Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change
, 19-21
October, 2011, Bangalore.

10.            Kushwaha,
2011. Applications of remote sensing and GIS for forest and
environmental monitoring. Proc. National
Conference on Multidisciplinary Approach in Frontier Areas of Environmental
Science and Engineering
, 4-5 March, 2011, G.J. University, Hisar, pp.

11.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2010. Biodiversity
in north-east India. Proc. International Workshop on Biodiversity and Climate
Change, 19-22 December, 2010, CORAL, IIT, Kharagpur.

12.            Kushwaha,
2010. Geoinformatics for sustainable development. Proc. (Abstract
Volume), National Symposium on GIS and Remote Sensing in Infrastructure
Development, 1-3 December, 2010, Lonavla, Pune, 61p.

13.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2010. Quality of
biodiversity related EIA data in India. Paper presented in EIA Biodiversity
Data Publishing Workshop
, 23-25 June, 2010, WII, Dehradun.

14.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2010. Remote
Sensing and GIS in forestry and ecology. Proc. Humboldt Kolleg, 24-27
February, 2010 (Abstract), Lucknow University, Lucknow, pp. 38-39.

15.            Sarma, K. and Kushwaha,
2009. Spatio-temporal coal mining impact on land use/land cover with
special emphasis on vegetation in Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya using
remote sensing and GIS techniques. Paper presented in Geometrix 2009,
Feb. 1- March, CSRE, IIT, Bombay.

16.            Dadhwal, V.K., Kushwaha, S.P.S. and
Nandy, S. 2009.
Monitoring forests for sustainability: remote
sensing studies in India. Paper
presented in CAETS Convocation, July 13-17, 2009, Calgary.

17.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2007. Bhartiya
chandra abhiyan: Chandrayaan (in Hindi). Abstract. Seminar, Bhartiya
Rajbhasha Sansthan
, 11-13 December, 2007, Khajuraho.

18.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2007. Strategic
impact assessment experience of IIRS. Abstract. In: PENTA-WII Collaborative
Workshop on Environmental Assessment Curriculum, 24-26 September, 2007, WII,

19.            Kushwaha,
and Dadhwal, V.K. 2007. Carbon budget assessment
in terrestrial ecosystems of India. Abstract. AMV-PGC Conference on Asian
Monsoon Variability during Past Global Changes
, 11-14 September, 2007,
Kumaon University, Nainital.

20.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. Kachhwaha, T.S.,
Pandey, Uttara, Kunwar, P. and Dadhwal, V.K. 2007. Forest cover stand volume
and biomass assessment in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve using SAR data. Proc. Conf.
Joint Experiment Project Microwave Remote Sensing Data Utilization (JEP-MW)
15-16 May, 2007, SAC, Ahmedabad, pp. 8-42-51.

21.            Kushwaha,
Rapid assessment of biodiversity. Paper
Presented in National Seminar on Biological Conservation: Post-Rio 1992
, 19-21 April, 2006, Assam University, Silchar.

22.            Kushwaha,
Remote sensing and GIS for sustainable forest management. Invited Lecture delivered to Regional Workshop on Sustainable
Development of Rural Ecosystem
participants on March 22, 2005, G.B. Pant
Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Garhwal Unit, Srinagar.

23.            Kushwaha,
Behera, M.D. and Nandy, S. 2005. Geoinformatics and forestry sector. Proc. Map India 2005 International
, 7-9 February, 2005, New Delhi.

24.            Dadhwal, V.K., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Saha, S.K., Porwal, M.C. and Singh, S. 2004. Assessment
and monitoring of natural resources for livelihood. Paper Presented in National Conference on Resource Conserving
Technologies for Social Upliftment
, December 7-9, New Delhi.

25.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2004. Geospatial technology for
environmental planning and management. Proc.
International Seminar on Ecotechnology for Sustainable Development-Ecotech 2004
4-6 October, Chennai, pp. 45-56.

26.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2004. Potential of aerospace sensing in mapping
of invasive species. Paper presented in
National Workshop on Invasive Alien Species and Biodiversity in India
August 18-20, 2004, BHU, Varanasi.

27.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Hazarika, Rubul 2004. Satellite overview of
the habitat loss in a part of North Brahmaputra Elephant Range. Proc. Int. Symp. Recent Trends in Plant
Ecology and Biodiversity Research
, May 20-22, 2004, NEHU, Shillong.

28.            Kushwaha,
2004. Geoinformatics
applications in forestry. Invited Paper
in Souvenir-cum-Abstract Volume National Symposium on Geoinformatics
Applications for Sustainable Development
, 17-19 February, Indian
Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, pp. 31-32.

29.            Kushwaha,
2004. Geospatial
Technology for forest resources management. Invited Paper Abstract Volume
National Seminar on Ecology and Environmental Management: Issues and Research
, 8-9 January, 2004, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, p.13.

30.            Kushwaha,
2003. Forest remote
sensing. Abstract Volume. National
(Natural) Resources Information System (NRIS) Awareness Workshop
, 27
May, 2003, Punjab Remote Sensing Centre, Ludhiana.

31.            Kushwaha,
, Srivastava, S.,
Singh, I.J. and Roy

32.    Roy, P.S. 2003. Assam ke Sonitpur zile mein
nirvanikaran ka adhyayan (in Hindi). Paper Presented during ISRO
Inter-Centre Workshop on Hindi
, 19 September, 2003, NRSA, Hyderabad.

33.            Kushwaha.
2003. Geoinformatics
for natural resources management with special reference to forest resources. Paper
presented during Seminar on Remote Sensing and GIS- An Integrated Approach Towards
Environmental Conservation
, 12-13 March, Kolkata.

34.            Kushwaha,
, Roy, P.S. 2002.
Interpretation and mapping possibilities from IKONOS XS and PAN merged data. Proc.
ISPRS Commission VI Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring
, 3-6
December, 2002, pp. 39-41.

35.            Kushwaha,
. 2002. Geoinformatics
for wildlife habitat characterisation. Proc. of MapIndia 5th
Annual International Conference
, 6-8 February, 2002, New Delhi, pp.

36.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Khanna V. and Ravichandran, M.S. 2001. Role
of remote sensing in Corridor analysis in Rajaji-Corbett Elephant Reserve. Paper presented in National Symposium on Elephant Conservation, Management and Research,
16-20 December, Hardwar.

37.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Roy, P.S. 2002. Environmental changes,
Technological Impacts and Sustainable Development. Paper presented in International Conference on Environment, Energy,
Technology, Development and Society’s Response
, 1-3 December, 2001,
Varanasi, pp. 149-160.

38.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Rocky, P. and Leima, S. 2001. Plantation
type differentiation from merged IRS data- an analysis. Proc. ISRS Symposium, 21-22 November, 2000, IIT, Kanpur.

39.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Behera, M.D., Roy, P.S. 2001. Biodiversity
characterization using remote sensing and GIS. Proc. National Symposium on Biodiversity in India, 8-11 November,
2000, Darjeeling.

40.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Behera, M.D. and Roy, P.S. 2002.
Assessment of biological richness in Subansiri district using remote sensing
and GIS. Proc. Workshop on Biodiversity
and Environment: Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Perspectives,
8-9 February, 2000,
Dehradun, pp. 153-158.

41.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Srinivas, G.S. and Geevargheese, G.A.
2000. Role of certain indices in joint forest management planning. Paper Presented in National Symposium on Remote Sensing Applications for Natural
Resources with Special Emphasis on Watershed Management
, March 22-24, 2000,

42.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Roy P.S. 1997. Antariksh taknik aur van
sarvekshana (in Hindi). Proc. Hindi
, 12 August, SHAR, Sriharikota, pp. 36-37.

43.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1996. Applications of remote sensing to
forestry research. Proceedings of First
Indian Ecology Congress
, 28-31 December, New Delhi.

44.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Jyotishi, M. 1996. Browse biomass
assessment for Asian elephant in Chilla Sanctuary. Proceedings of ISRS Symposium, 4-6 December, Pune, pp. 182-191.

45.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1997. Assessment and monitoring of Indian
forests using remote sensing. Proceedings
of International Symposium on Assessment and Monitoring of Forests in Tropical
Dry Regions with Special Reference to Gallery Forests
, 4-7 November, 1996,
Brasilia, pp. 57-67.

46.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1996. Forest cover mapping in India. Paper Presented in Special Session on
Remote Sensing and GIS of 83rd Indian Science Congress,
3-7 January,

47.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Hildebrandt, G. 1995. Shifting
cultivation as a cause for forest degradation-a case study in north-eastern
India. Proc. IUFRO XX World Forestry
, 6-12 August, Tampere, Finland.

48.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Subramanian, S.K., Kameswara Rao, S.V.C.,
Ramana Murthy, J., Chennaiah, G.Ch., Perumal, A. and Behera, G. 1994. Remote
Sensing and GIS in sustainable development – a case study.  In: Remote
Sensing and Geographical Information System for Environmental Planning
I.V. Muralikrishna), Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, pp. 657-674.

49.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Manikiam, B. 1993. Operationalization
of remote sensing in India-an   overview.
Proc. International Symposium on
Operationalization of Remote Sensing
, 19-23 April, Enschede, The
Netherlands, pp. 141-148.

50.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Kuntz, S. 1993. Detection of
environmental changes in tropical forests of north-eastern India. Proc.15th International symposium, Remote
Sensing and
Global Environmental
, 4-8 April, Graz, Austria, pp. 551-558.

51.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1992. Mapping and monitoring of Indian
forests affected by shifting cultivation-problems and prospects. Tagungsband 1,12.
Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung,
14-17 October, Jena, pp. 285-295.

52.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1990. Analysis of the shifting cultivation
dynamics from Landsat data. Proc. ISRS
Symposium on Agricultural Applications of Remote Sensing,
6-8 December, IARI,
New Delhi, pp. 89-95.

53.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1990. Assessment of land degradation in
Sikkim, India. Paper presented in IRS
Data Applications Seminar,
22 March, 1990, Gangtok.

54.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1988. Kritim upgrah aur unka upyog (in
Hindi). Proc. Seminar on Space Research
for National Development
, 4 August, SHAR Centre, Sriharikota.

55.            Kushwaha, S.P.S., Murthynaidu, K.S and Unni, N.V.M., 1988.
Comparative visual evaluation of IRS-1A data for land features differentiation
and mapping.  Proc. IRS Data Evaluation Seminar,
December 23, NRSA, Hyderabad.

56.            Kushwaha, S.P.S and Madhavan Unni, N.V. 1987. Impact of
shifting agriculture on forest degradation and land transformation-a case study
in Meghalaya. Proc. National Symposium on
Remote Sensing in Land Transformation and Management,
21-23 December, 1987,
Hyderabad, pp. 147-149.

57.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1987. Dynamics and regulation of Eupatorium odoratum L. and Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. in
nature.  Invited Paper IX International Symposium on
Ecological Management of Tropical Ecosystems,
11-16 December, Varanasi.

58.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1987. Applications of remote sensing in
forest survey and management. Proc. IX
International Symposium on Ecological Management of Tropical Ecosystems,

11-16 December, Varanasi.

59.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Unni, N.V.M. 1986. Forest resources
survey of Meghalaya using remote sensing techniques. Proc. National Seminar on Development of Natural Resources in
North-Eastern India,
15-17 December, Imphal.

60.            Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Unni, N.V.M. 1986. Application of
remote sensing techniques in forest cover monitoring and habitat evaluation – a
case study at Kaziranga National Park, Assam. Proc. Seminar-cum-Workshop on Remote Sensing Applications in Wildlife
Habitat Evaluation,
22-23 October, Dehradun, pp. 238 – 247.

61.            Pandey
Uttara, Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Dadhwal, V.K. 2008. Dudhwa rashtriya udyan
mein sukshma tarang sudur samvedan dwara vano ke javbhar ke anklan (in Hindi). Proceedings
Intra-Centre Hindi Technical Seminar
, 11 November, 2008, IIRS, Dehradun.

62.            Srivastav, M.L., Kushwaha, S.P.S.
and Dadhwal, V.K. 2008. Assessment of the gross primary productivity of a
forest mixed plantation using C-Fix model. Proc. of the International
Seminar on CO2 Flux Monitoring Technology
, Dec. 16-18, National
Taiwan University, Taiwan, pp. 121-132.

63.            Jamal A. Khan, Siva Kumar, R.,
Mendirratta, N. Dar, T.A., Habib, Bilal and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2006. Documenting patterns of faunal diversity in
Pathri Rao and Phakot watersheds in Garhwal for augmenting bio-geo database for
sustainable development. Paper presented
XXVI INCA International Congress, 22-24 November, New Delhi.

64.            Dadhwal, V.K., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Singh, I.J., Nandy, S., Mukhopadhyay, S. and Pandey, U.
2006. Understanding terrestrial carbon cycle in India using remote sensing. Proc. Indo-UK Workshop on Earth Observations
for Weather and Climate
, 28-30 March, 2006, SAC, Ahmedabad.

65.            Das
Shubhashree, Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2007.
Potential habitat assessment for re-introduction of the herbivores in Tansa
Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra. Paper to
be presented in Map World Forum
, 22-25 January, 2007, Hyderabad.

66.            Singh, I.J. and Kushwaha,
Prakritik Sansadhno ke prabandhan mein sudur samvedan ki upyogita (in
Hindi). 30th Jawaharlal Nehru Science Exhibition for Children, 17-22 November,

67.            Behera, M. D.,
Srivastava, S, Kushwaha, S.P.S. and
Roy, P.S., 2000.
Studies on relationship of landscape heterogeneity and phytodiversity. ­­­­­­­­­­­Paper
presented during National Symposium on
Remote Sensing Applications for Natural Resources with Special Emphasis on
Watershed Management
, March 22-24, 2000, Bhubaneswar, India.

68.            Roy,
P.S., Dutt, CBS, Kushwaha, S.P.S., Singh, S. and Hegde, V.S. 2002.
Biodiversity characterization at landscape level using remote sensing and
geographic information system in India. Proc. ISPRS Commission VII Symposium
on Resource and Environmental Monitoring
, 3-6 December, 2002, pp. 55-63.

69.            Habib,
B., Khan, A., Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Quadri, A. 2002. Applications of
remote sensing and GIS in niche overlap analysis (prediction modelling). Proc.
ISPRS Commission VII Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring
3-6 December, 2002, pp. 64-67.

70.            Pant,
D.N. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2002. Assessing eco-degradation in Himalayan
region: role of rapid rural appraisal techniques. Proc. ISPRS Commission VII
Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring
, 3-6 December, 2002, pp.

71.            Roy,
P.S. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 2001.
Geoinformation for forest management.
Proc. XX INCA International Congress
, 28 February-2 March, 2001, Dehradun.

72.            Roy,
P.S. and Kushwaha, S.P.S. 1997.
Satellite remote sensing as a key tool for environmental database. Paper presented in National Workshop on Environmental Database of the Indian Economy,
October 15-16, 1997, Mumbai.

73.            Madhavan
Unni, N.V., Murthynaidu, K.S and Kushwaha,
1986. Monitoring forest cover using satellite remote sensing
techniques with special reference to wildlife sanctuaries and national parks. Proc. Seminar-cum-Workshop on Remote Sensing
Applications in Wildlife Habitat Evaluation,
22-23 October, Dehradun, pp.

74.            Behera,
M.D., Srivastava, S., Kushwaha, S.P.S.
and Roy, P.S. 2000. Studies on relationship of landscape heterogeneity and
phytodiversity. Paper presented during National Symposium on Remote Sensing
Applications for Natural Resources with Special Emphasis on Watershed
, March 22-24, 2000, Bhubaneswar.

75.            Chennaiah,
G.Ch. Kameswara Rao, S.V.C., Subramanian, S.K., Perumal. A., Ramana Murthy, J.,
Murthy, Y.V.S., Kushwaha, S.P.S.,
Behera, G. and Rao, D.P. 1994. Thematic mapping and its role in sustainable
development-a case study using IRS data in parts of Ahmednagar district,
Maharashtra, India. Proc. 13th INCA
28-30 November, Bangalore.

76.            Murthy,
Y.V.S., Kameswara Rao, S.V.C., Perumal. A., Chennaiah, G.Ch., Ramana Murthy,
J., Subramanian, S.K., Kushwaha, S.P.S.
and Behera, G. 1994. Integrated study for sustainable development using remote
sensing and GIS techniques – a case study in Dharmapuri district,
Tamilnadu.  In: Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for Environmental
(ed. I.V. Muralikrishna), Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New
Delhi, pp. 92-107.

77.            Roy,
P.S., Joshi, P.K., Talukdar, G., Chandrasekhar, M.B., Jeganathan, C., Saran,
S., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Singh, S., Tripathi, R.S., Porwal, M.C., Tiwari,
A.K., Sudhakar, S., Singh, H. Singh, T.P., Kumar, U. and Tomar, S. 2002.
Biodiversity characterization at landscape level and defining conservation
strategies. Proc. International Symposium on Asian Forest Cover Assessment
and Conservation Issues
, 12-14 February, 2002, IIRS, Dehradun, pp. 193-206.

Technical Reports

          Roy, P.S., Kushwaha,
and Roy, Arijit 2011. Biodiversity Characterisation at Landscape
Level in India using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System. Indian
Institute of Remote Sensing, ISRO, Dehradun.

Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Sahi, S.,
2008. Mapping of Kaziranga Conservation Area, Project Report, Indian
Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun.

Kushwaha, S.P.S., 2007.
FAO-GLCN Land cover classification system (LCCS) applications. Technical Report. Indian Institute of
Remote Sensing, Dehradun.

Kushwaha, S.P.S., Mukhopadhyay, S.,
2007. Bio-Geo database creation and sustainable development planning in Pathri
Rao Sub-Watershed, Haridwar, Uttarakhand. Technical Report, Indian
Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun.

Kushwaha, S.P.S., Singh, I.J.,
Velmurgan, A., Gopal Krishan and Nandy, S., 2007.
Forest and land degradation
assessment in upper catchment of river Tons, Uttarkashi. Technical Report,
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun.

6.     Kushwaha,
, Roy, P.S., Jadhav,
R.N. and Dutt, C.B.S., 1999. Applications of remote sensing in forest and
environmental resources mapping. Peer
Review Document
, October, 2000, IIRS, Dehradun.

7.     Kushwaha,
, Roy, P.S., Jadhav,
R.N. and Dutt, C.B.S., 1999. Applications of remote sensing in forest and environmental
resources mapping. Technical Review
, May 1998, IIRS, Dehradun.

8.     Kushwaha,
, Azeem, A., Boruah, P., Roy, P.S., Singh, S., Lahan, P. and Bonal,
B.S., 1997. Landmass dynamics and rhino habitat suitability analysis in
Kaziranga National Park, Assam. Report.
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun.

9.     Kushwaha,
, 1993. Applications
of remote sensing in shifting cultivation areas.
Abteilung Luftbildmessung und Fernerkundung der Universitaet Freiburg, Germany.

10.  Kushwaha,
, 1989. Remote
Sensing of fire-damaged forests in southern Karnataka, Technical Report, National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad.

11.  Kushwaha,
, 1985. Mapping of
forest cover in India from satellite imagery: revision of forest maps of Gujarat
and Karnataka. Report, National
Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad.

12.  Kushwaha,
, 1985. Satellite
remote sensing survey of Meghalaya: forests. Project Report, National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad.

13.  Kushwaha,
1983. Nationwide
mapping of forest and non-forest areas using Landsat false colour composites
for the periods 1972-75 and 1980-82. Project
National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad.

14.  Kushwaha,
., Singh, J.B., Raju,
V.S., Mohanan, C.N. and Dikshit, B.K., 1982. Long-term ecological impacts of
Idukki and Silent Valley hydroelectric projects, Kerala. Project Report, Department of Environment, Government of India, New

15.  Madhavan Unni, N.V., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Murthynaidu, K.S and Dutt, C.B.S., 1987. Mapping
and monitoring of forests of Kerala using remotely sensed imagery for the
years, 1982, 1983-84, 1984-85 and 1985-86,
Project Report,
National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad.

16.  Rao, D.P., Behera, G., Perumal, A.,
Chennaiah, G.Ch., Subramanian, S.K., Kushwaha,
, Murthy, Y.V.S., Ramana Murthy, J. and Kameswara Rao, S.V.C., 1991.
Integrated study to combat drought. Technical
. National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad.

17.  Roy, P.S., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Singh
S., Porwal, M.C., 2002. Biodiversity characterization at Landscape level in
north-eastern India using remote sensing and geographic information system. Report,
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun.

18.  Srivastava, S., Singh, T.P., Kushwaha, S.P.S. and Roy, P.S., 2001.
Mapping of large-scale deforestation in Sonitpur district, Assam using
satellite remote sensing, Report, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing,