National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources

Station, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Rajendranagar,

500 030, Andhra Pradesh, India


List of Publications of Dr. Natarajan Sivaraj


Research Papers & Book Chapters (111)


N. Sivaraj &  K.V.Krishnamurty, 1989.  Flowering Phenology in the vegetation of
Shervaroys, South India. Plant Ecology (formerly
Vegetatio) 79:85-88.


V. Balasubramanian and N.Sivaraj, 1986. Embryology of Alstonia venenata R.Br. Journal of the Swamy Botanical Club 3(4): 169-171.


N. Sivaraj and K.V.
Krishnamurty 1992. Fruiting behavior of herbaceous and woody flora of Shervaroy
Hills, Eastern Ghats, India,

33(2): 191-199.


and S.R. Pandravada, 1996. Variability in the landraces of Rice collected from
Adilabad district of Andhra Pradesh. 
Journal of the Swamy Botanical Club.
  13: 13-18.


B.Sarath Babu, S.R.Pandravada, V. Kamala and N.Sivaraj, 1997. Reaction of some South
Solanum germplasm collection to shoot
and fruit borer,
Leucinodes orbonalis Guen. Journal of Entomological Research. 21 (1): 1-4.


S.R. Pandravada and N.Sivaraj, 1996.  Collection of
Rice germplasm from Adilabad district, Andhra Pradesh, India,
Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 9 (2): 255-260.


B.Sarath Babu, Pandravada,S.R., Sivaraj, N and Kamala Venkateswaran. Simarouba glauca DC.. A new host for bark eating caterpillar Indarbela quadrinotata(walker). Indian Journal of Plant Protection.28 (1): 111-112.


N.Sivaraj, and
S.R.Pandravada. Phalsa (

L.) germplasm collection from Andhra Pradesh. 
Indian Journal of Plant Genetic
10 (2): 223-225.


N.Sivaraj, T. Rama Srinivas,
S.R. Pandravada and V.Kamala 1998.  Field
evaluation of eggplant germplasm. 
IndianJournal of Plant Genetic Resources 11(1):103-105.


10.  B.Sarath Babu, K.S.
Varaprasad, S.K. Chakrabarty and N.Sivaraj
1998. Status of resistant germplasm in eggplant and wild
Solanum species. 
Indian Journal of Plant
11(1): 49-61.


11.  M.Sujatha, N.Sivaraj and M.Satyaprasad 2000.  Biochemical and histological changes during
organogenesis in vitro in
Jacq.  Biologia plantarum  43(2): 167-171.


12.  N.Sivaraj, S.R. Pandravada and B.Abraham 1999.  Evaluation and characterization of eggplant(Solanum melongena L.) germplasm.  Journal
of the Swamy Botanical Club


13.  N.Sivaraj, S.R. Pandravada, C.Panduranga Rao and
Narsimha Reddy 2000. Collecting rice germplasm from parts of Telangana region
of Andhra Pradesh.
Indian Journal of Plant
Genetic Resources
13(2): 191-193.


14.  N.Sivaraj, S.R. Pandravada, N.Shrivastava and J. Haldar
2001.  Genetic diversity in Niger from
peninsular India.
Journal of Oilseeds

(1): 102-104.


15.  S.R.Pandravada, B.
Sarath Babu, N.Sivaraj, G. Maheswara
Rao and Y.V.V. Satyanarayana 2000. 
Species diversity and germplasm collection of medicinal plants from
Eastern Ghats. 
The Indian Forester 1191-1203


16.  S.R. Pandravada,
and N. Sivaraj,. 1999. Diversity and
collection of germplasm of spices, medicinal, aromatic and dye yielding plants
from Andhra Pradesh, South India.
conservation and utilisation of Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
, Indian Institute
of Spices Research, Calicut, Kerala pp 219-228.


17.  Sivaraj, N. and Krishnamurthy, K.V. 2002.  Phenology and reproductive ecology of tree
taxa of Shervaroy Hills (Eastern Ghats, South India).  Proceedings of the National Seminar on
conservation of Eastern Ghats. Environment Protection Training and Research
Institute (EPTRI) & Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) pp. 69-87.


18.  Elangovan, M.and
Sivaraj, N.
2002.  Maghi Sorghum
diversity in tribal tracts of Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh.  Proceedings of the National Seminar on
conservation of Eastern Ghats. Environment Protection Training and Research
Institute (EPTRI) & Tirumala Tirupati 
Devasthanams (TTD) pp. 55-63.


19.  Elangovan, M., Sivaraj,
. and Jayabose, C. 2004.  Evaluation
of Sorghum germplasm from Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh. In: Arjuna Rao P.
(ed.) Proceedings of National Seminar on “Resource Management for
Sustainable Agriculture”. The Andhra Agricultural journal-Golden Jubilee
special issue 50:549-551.


20.  Sunil, N., Sivaraj,
and Chakrabarty, S.K. 2003. Characterization and evaluation of mung bean
Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)
germplasm from Andhra Pradesh, India
Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources
16(1) 18-20.


21.  Sivaraj, N. and Pandravada, S.R. 2005. Morphological diversity
for fruit characters in bottle gourd (
Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl.) germplasm from tribal pockets of
Telangana region, Andhra Pradesh, India. 
Asian-Agri History Journal. 9
(4): 305 – 310.


22.  Anitha, K., Chakrabarty, S.K.,
Sunil, N., Sivaraj, N and Prasada
Rao, R.D.V.J. 2005. Evaluation of sunflower germplasm against Alternaria blight
and rust diseases. J. Mycol. Pl. Pathol
. 35 (2): 262-264.


23.  Sarath Babu, B., Anitha, K.,
Pandravada, S.R., Chakrabarty, S.K., Sivaraj,
, Sunil, N and Prasada Rao, R.D.V.J. 2005. Reaction of
Lablab purpureus germplasm from peninsular India to Colletotrichum
and Aphis craccivora. J. Mycol. Pl. Pathol. 34 (3): 888-890.


24.  Sivaraj, N., Pandravada, S.R., Varaprasad, K.S., Sarath Babu,
B., Sunil, N., Kamala, V., Babu Abraham and Krishnamurthy, K.V. 2006. Medicinal
Plant Wealth of Eastern Ghats with special reference to indigenous knowledge
systems.  The Journal of the Swamy
Botanical Club. 23:165-172.


25.  Pandravada, S. R., Joseph, B., Sivaraj, N., Varaprasad, K.S and Kamala, V. 2006. Diversity in
germplasm of
Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre and
its traditional uses in southern parts of Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of
. 8 (1): 57-61.


26.  Varaprasad K.S. and N.Sivaraj 2007. Endemism and agro-biodiversity in Eastern
Ghats. Biodiversity News of Andhra Pradesh 1(1): 3


27.  Sivaraj, N., Pandravada, S.R., Kamala, V., Sunil, N and Babu
Abraham. 2008. Efficacy of extraction methods on seed storage in eggplant (
L.). Seed Science and
Technology 36(1):99-104.


28.  Varaprasad, K.S., N.
, S.R. Pandravada, V.Kamala and N. Sunil 2008.  GIS mapping of Agrobiodiversity in Andhra
Pradesh. Proceedings of Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences. Special Issue on
Plant wealth of Andhra Pradesh. Pp 24-33.


29.  Pandravada. S.R., N.
, V.Kamala, N. Sunil and K.S Varaprasad, 2008.  Genetic resources of wild relatives of crop
plants in Andhra Pradesh – Diversity, Distribution and Conservation.
Proceedings of Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences. Special Issue on Plant
wealth of Andhra Pradesh. Pp 101-119.


30.  Sunil, N., N.
, S.R. Pandravada, V.Kamala, P. Raghuram Reddy and K.S. Varaprasad
2008. Genetic and geographical divergence in horsegram germplasm from Andhra
Pradesh, India.  Plant Genetic Resources:
Characterization and Utilization 7(1):84-87.


31.  Sunil, N., K.S. Varaprasad, N. Sivaraj, T. Suresh Kumar, Babu Abraham, R.B.N. Prasad 2008.  Assessing Jatropha curcas L. germplasm – A case study.  Biomass & Bioenergy 32:198-202.


32.  Sunil,N. N.Sivaraj,
K.Anitha, Babu Abraham, Vinod Kumar, E.Sudhir, M. Vanaja and K.S. Varaprasad .Analysis of diversity and distribution of
Jatropha curcas L. germplasm using Geographic Information
System (DIVA-GIS). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 56:115-119.


33.  Sunil, N., G. Subbi Reddy, N.Sivaraj and S.Sridhar. 2008. 
Collection and conservation of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) – a multipurpose
tree for livelihood of rural poor.
Econ. Taxon. Bot. 32(Suppl.):24-29.


34.  Sivaraj, N., N.Sunil, V. Kamala and S.R.Pandravada 2007.  Weed flora in the groundnut field-an
ecological study.  J. Econ. Taxon. Bot.


35.  Sivaraj, N.,  Sunil, N., Pandravada, S.R., Kamala, V.,
Vinod Kumar., Rao, B.V.S.K., Prasad, R.B.N and 
Varaprasad, K.S. 2009.  DIVA-GIS
approaches for diversity assessment of fatty acid composition in linseed (
Linum usitatissimum
L.) germplasm collections from peninsular India.  Journal of Oilseeds Research. 26 (Special
issue): 13-15.


36.  Pandravada, S.R., Janardhan Reddy, K., Sivaraj, N and Kamala, V.   2007 Morphological variability in paprika
chilli germplasm. South Indian Horticulture 158-165.


Sivaraj, N., Pandravada,
S.R., Kamala, V., Sunil, N and 
Varaprasad, K.S. 2009.
IC 571819 –
A unique bottle gourd with spindle-shaped fruits.  ICAR News. 15 (4): 4.


38.  Sunil, N.,
Vinod Kumar, N. Sivaraj, C. Lavanya,
R.B.N. Prasad, B.V.S.K. Rao, K.S. Varaprasad 2009. Variability and divergence
Pongamia pinnata
(L.) Pierre
germplasm- a candidate tree for biodiesel. GCB Bioenergy  1:382-391.


39.  Babu Abraham, V. Kamala, N. Sivaraj, N.Sunil, S.R. Pandravada, M. Vanaja and K.S. Varaprasad
DIVA-GIS approaches for diversity assessment of pod
characteristics in black gram (
Vigna mungo L. Hepper). Current Science 98(5) 616-619.


40.  Gangopadhyay, K. K., Mahajan, R. K., Kumar, Gunjeet,
Yadav, S. K., Meena, B. L., Pandey, Chitra, Bisht, I. S., Mishra, S. K., Sivaraj,
., Gambhir, Rajeev, Sharma, S. K., Dhillon, B. S. 2010.  Development of a Core Set in Brinjal (
Solanum melongena L.).  Crop Science
50: 755-762.


41.  Sivaraj, N., Sunil, N., Pandravada, S.R.,
Kamala, V., Rao, B.V.S.K., Prasad, R.B.N., Nayar, E.R.,  Joseph John, K., Abraham, Z and Varaprasad,
K.S. 2010.  Fatty acid composition in seeds of Jack bean [
Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC] and Sword bean [Canavalia gladiata Jacq.)DC] germplasm from South India: A
DIVA-GIS analysis. 
Seed Technology 32(1):46-53.


42.  Sivaraj, N., Pandravada, S.R., Kamala, V., Sunil, N., Murthy,
K.S.N and Varaprasad, K.S. (2010). Ethnic uses of Castor (
Ricinus communis L.) in Eastern ghats, India. Journal of Oilseeds
Research. 27 (Special issue): 318-323.


43.  Varaprasad, K.S. and N. Sivaraj 2010. Plant genetic resources conservation and use in light of recent policy
developments.  Electronic journal of
Plant Breeding 1(4):1276-1293.


44.  Sunil, N.,Sivaraj, N., Pandravada, S.R.,
Kamala, V. Babu Abraham, Vinod Kumar and Varaprasad, K.S. (2010). Trait
specific analysis of castor (
Ricinus communis
L.) germplasm
for dlineation of areas of diversity in Andhra Pradesh using DIVA-GIS.  Journal of Oilseeds Research. 27 (Special
issue): 154-159.


45.  Anitha, K., Sunil, N., Sivaraj, N.,  Chakrabarty,
S.K.,  Babu Abraham, Viond Kumar, Suresh
Kumar, G.,  Varaprasad, K.S and
Khetarpal, R.K. 2010.
Spatial distribution of seedborne fungi on Pongamia pinnata: ADIVA-GIS analysis with reference to Macrophomina phaseolina. Indian Journal of Plant Protection. 38 (1): 67-72.


46.  Elangovan, M., Nageshwara Rao, T.G and Sivaraj, N. 2010. EC-1 (IC345703;
INGR09103), a sorghum (
Sorghum bicolor
germplasm with source of resistance to multiple foliar diseases; EC-31
(IC345733; INGR09104), a sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) germplasm with source of
resistance to multiple foliar diseases; EC-32 (IC345734; INGR09105), a sorghum
(Sorghum bicolor) germplasm with source of resistance to multiple foliar
diseases; SEVS-6 (IC345772; INGR09106), a sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) germplasm
with source of resistance to multiple foliar diseases. Plant germplasm
registration notice.  Indian Journal of
Plant Genetic Resources. 23 (3): 342.


47.  Sivaraj, N.,  Pandravada,
S.R., Kamala, V.,  Sunil, N and
Varaprasad, K.S. 2011. NS/ 2009/ 042 (IC0571819; INGR10064), Bottlegourd
(Lagenaria siceraria L.) germplasm, a rare and unique bottlegourd accession
with spindle shaped fruits with hard durable rind. Plant germplasm registration
notice.  Indian Journal of Plant Genetic
Resources. 24 (1): 128-129.


48.  Sivaraj, N., Sunil, N.,  
Pandravada, S.R.,   Kamala, V.,
Babu Abraham and Varaprasad, K.S. 2011. NS/ 08/ 047 (IC0564627; INGR10027), a
Linseed (Linum usitatissimum) germplasm with high oleic acid content in seed
(32.0%). Plant germplasm registration notice. 
Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 24 (1): 109.


49.  Sivaraj, N., Sunil, N.,  
Pandravada, S.R.,   Kamala, V and
Varaprasad, K.S. (2011). NS/ 08/ 102 (IC0564681; INGR10028), a Linseed (Linum
usitatissimum) germplasm as source of high oil content in seed (42.6%). Plant
germplasm registration notice.  Indian
Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 24 (1): 110.


50.  Varaprasad, K.S., Sharma, S.K., Sivaraj, N and Sarker, A. (2010). 
Integrated gene resource management of underutilized legumes in India.
Euphytica 180:49-56.


51.  Spandana, B., Anuradha, G., Sivaraj, N and
Sivaramakrishnan, S. 2011. Determination of genetic variation in Indian Sesame
Sesamum indicum
) genotypes for
agro-morphological traits.  Journal of
Research in Agricultural Sciences. 7 (2): 88 – 99.


52.  Kamala, V., Gupta, A.J., Sivaraj, N.,
Pandravada, S.R., Sunil, N., Varaprasad, K.S 
and Lawande, K.E. 2011.  Diversity
analysis of onion germplasm collections from north Telangana region of Andhra
Pradesh. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 24 (2): 163 – 171.


53.  Sivaraj.N., Pandravada,S.R.,
Dikshit, N., Abdul Nizar, M., Kamala, V., Sunil, N., Chakrabarty, S.K.,
Mukta, N and Varaprasad, K.S. 2012. Geographical
Information System (GIS) approach for sustainable management of Safflower (Carthamus
tinctorius L.) genetic resources in India.
J. Oilseeds Res. 29 (Special Issue): 45 – 49.


54.  Sivaraj, N.,
Sunil, N., Pandravada, S.R., Kamala, V., 
Vinod Kumar., Babu Abraham., Rao, B.V.S.K.,  Prasad, R.B.N and Varaprasad, K.S. 2012.  Variability
in linseed (
Linum usitatissimum) germplasm collections from
peninsular India with special reference to seed traits and fatty acid
. Indian Journal of
Agricultural Sciences 82 (2): 102 – 105.


55.  Dikshit, N., Abdul Nizar, M and Sivaraj, N. 2012. Evaluation and diversity
analysis of safflower germplasm in relation to morpho-agronomic
J. Oilseeds Res. 29 (Special Issue): 17 – 23.


56.  Pandravada,S.R.,
., Sunil, N., Kamala, V., Dikshit, N., Abdul Nizar, M.,
Chakrabarty, S.K., Bhandari, D.C., Ranbir Singh., Dutta, M and Agarwal, P.C.
2012. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) genetic resources of India: Status of
collection, evaluation, conservation and utilization from peninsular region. J.
Oilseeds Res. 29 (Special Issue): 80 – 84.


57.  Sunil,
Varaprasad, K.S., Sivaraj, N., Babu Abraham and Vinod Kumar 2012.
Identification and characterization of green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) R.
wilczek.) Photosensitive lines and their significance.
(1): 78 – 80.


58.  Sunil,
, Vinod
Kumar, Sivaraj, N., Babu Abraham, Panwar, N.S. and Varaprasad, K.S.,
2012. Identification of areas of diversity and distribution of Pongamia based
on altitude and seed traits.  Indian
Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82(6): 489-493.


59.  Elangovan, M., Kiran Babu, P., Vilas A Tonapi,
Subbarao, L.V. and Sivaraj, N. 2012. Cultivated grasses their wild relatives of
Andhra Pradesh and its conservation concerns. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic
Resources 25(2):  166-173.


60.  Pandravada, S.R., Sarath Babu, B., Anitha, K.,
Chakrabarty, S.K., Sivaraj, N.,
Kamala, V., Sunil, N and Varaprasad, K.S. 2012. BSBS-151 (IC0383192;
INGR11031), a Dolichos bean (Lablabpurpureus) germplasm, with resistance to
aphids (
Aphis craccivora
) and Anthracnose
(Colletotrichum lindemuthianum). Plant Germplasm Resgistration Notice.  Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources


61.  Mulpuri Sujatha, Sheri
Vijay, Singareddy Vasavi, Natarajan
and Sankaraneni Chander Rao 2012.Combination of thidiazuron and
2-isopentenyladenine promotes highly efficient adventitious shoot regeneration
from cotyledons of mature sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seeds. Plant Cell
Tissue and Organ Culture 111:359-372.


62.  Sivaraj, N., SR Pandravada, R Jairam, N Sunil, KS Varaprasad,
P Ramesh, IS Bisht and SK Pareek 2012. An indigenous cost effective innovation
for bird scares by the Gond tribe in Adilabad district, Andhra Pradesh.  Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
11(4): 714-718.


63.  Spandana, B., N. Sivaraj,
G. Anuradha, S. Sivaramakrishnan and Farzana Jabeen 2012. Diversity analysis of
Sesame germplasm using DIVA-GIS.
of Spices and aromatic crops 21(2)


64.  Nilamani Dikshit,
Anath Bandhu Das, Natarajan Sivaraj,
Meera Kumari Kar  2012. Phenotypic
diversity for agro-morphological traits in 105 landraces of rice (Oryza sativa
L.) from Santha Pagranas, Jharkhand, India.  
Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. (Published online 24.12.2012)


65.  Archana P. Raina, Veena Gupta, N. Sivaraj & M. Dutta (2013) Andrographis
(Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees (kalmegh), a traditional
hepatoprotective drug from India. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
60 (2):
DOI 10.1007/s10722-012-9953-0


66.  BalajiLokesh, P Suryanarayana Reddy, R V S K ReddyandN. Sivaraj 2013. Variability,
heritability and genetic advance studies in Brinjal(Solanummelongnea L).
Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 4(1): 1097-1100.


67.  BalajiLokesh, P Suryanarayana Reddy, R V S K Reddy and
N. Sivaraj 2013. Correlation and
path coefficient studies in Brinjal(Solanum melongnea L). Green Farming 4:1-5


68.  Babu Abraham, KS Varaprasad, M. Vanaja, N. Sunil, V. Kamala, N.Sivaraj
and PR Reddy 2013. Identification of photosensitive lines in Black gram and
their characterization. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 26 (1):


69.  Pandravada,S.R., N.
 N Sunil, R Jairam, Y
Prashanthi, S.K. Chakabarty, P Ramesh, IS Bisht and SK Pareek 2013. Sorghum
landraces patronized by tribal communities in Adilabad district, Andhra
Pradesh.  Indian Journal of Traditional
Knowledge 12(3): 465-471.


70.  Spandana, B., RBN Prasad, Ch Sarika, G.Anuradha, N. Sivaraj and S. Sivaramakrishnan
2013.  Variation in seed oil content and
fatty acid composition in some species of sesame (Sesamum indicum).   Indian
Journal of Agricultural


71.  Gunjeet Kumar, Sivaraj, N., Kamala, V.,  Gangopadhyay,
K.K., Sushil Pandey, Panwar, N.S., 
Dhariwal, O.P., Meena, B.L., Tiwari, S.K and Dutta, M. (2013). Diversity
Analysis in Eggplant Germplasm in India Using DIVA-GIS Approach. Indian Journal
of Horticulture 70(4):519-525.


72.  Kiranmayi, S.L., V.Roja, K. Padmalatha, N. Sivaraj and S.
Sivaramakrishnan 2013.  Assessment of
genetic diversity in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) using morphological and
molecular approaches. Trends in Biosciences 6 (6):710-718.


73.  Babu Abraham, M Vanaja, P Raghu Ram Reddy, N
, N Sunil, V Kamala and KS Varaprasad (
2013) Identification
of stable and high yielding genotypes in blackgramgermplasm
J. Genet. 73(3): 264-269.


74.  Nilamani Dikshit andNatarajan Sivaraj 2013. Diversity for Protein and Morpho-Agronomical Characteristics in Proso
Millet Germplasm Collections of Ratnagiri District, Maharashtra, India.Vegetos
26 (2): 164-170.


75.  Sunil Neelam, Vinod Kumar, Sivaraj Natarajan, Kamala Venkateshwaran, Someswara Rao Pandravada (2014)Evaluation
and Diversity Observed in 
Horsegram  Macrotyloma
uniflorum (Lam) Verdc.)  Germplasm from Andhra Pradesh, India.
International Journal of Plant Research. 4(1): 17-22


76.  F. Aliya,
H. Begum, M.T. Reddy, N.Sivaraj, G.
Narshimlu, 2014. Correlation and path coefficient analysis of quantitative
characters in spine gourd (
Roxb.). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 17(5):659-666.


77.  M.Thirupathi
Reddy, Hameedunnisa Begum, N. Sunil, S.R. Pandravada, N. Sivaraj and S. Kumar 2014. Preliminary characterization and
evaluation of Indian spinach (Basella spp. L.) for agro-economic and quality
Plant Breed.
Biotech. 2(1):48-63.


78.  M.
Abdula Nizar, N. Dikshit and N. Sivaraj
2014. DIVA-Geographic Information System approaches for assessment of diversity
and distribution pattern of Abelmoschus species from Maharashtra, India.  Adv. Appl. Res. 6(1):28-34


79.  S.R. Pandravada, N.
, R. Jairam, N.Sunil, Hameedunnisa Begum, M.Thirupathi Reddy, S.K.
Chakrabarty, IS Bisht and K.C. Bansal 2014. 
Luffa hermaphrodita: First Report of its distribution and cultivation in
Adilabad, Andhra Pradesh. South India. Asian Agri-History 18(2):123-132.


80.  Sheikh Mohammad Sultan, Sher Ahmad Dar, Suheel Ahmad
Dand and Natarajan Sivaraj 2014. Diversity of common bean in Jammu and
Kashmir, India: a DIVA geographic information system and cluster analysis
. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 6 (1): 226-233


81.  K.
Rathnam, N. Sivarajand Adhi Shankar
2014.  Effect of salt stress on
germination and early seedling growth of roselle (Hibisucs sabdariffa L.)
landraces. Res. Environ. Life Sci. 7(1):27-30.


82.  N. Sivaraj, Vijai Pal Bhadana, S.Ganesh Ram, S. Hari
Ramakrishnan, A. John Joel, K. Rameash, S.R. Pandravada, V. Kamala, S.K.
Chakrabarty and D.C. Bhandari 2014. Collection and conservation of cold adapted
indigenous rice landraces from Western Ghats, south India.  Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 27


83.  Babu Abraham, K.S.
Varaprasad, M. Vanaja, N. Sunil, N.Sivaraj, V. Kamala and S.K. Chakrabarty
2014. BAR062 (IC426765; INGR13057), a blackgram (Vigna mungo) germplasm as a
photosensitive line(Flowers only in post-rainy/Rabi season). Indian Plant
germplasm registration notice. Jounral of Plant Genetic Resources 27(1):70-71.


84.  N. Sunil,
M.Thirupathi Reddy, Hameedunnisa Begum, Vinod, S.R. Pandravada, N. Sivaraj, V. kamala, RBN Prasadand
BVSK Rao and SK Chakrabarty 2014. Diversity in bottlegourd [Lagenaria
siceraria(Molina)Standl.] germplasm from South India.  Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding


85.  Nilamani Dikshit, Natarajan Sivaraj,Anath Bandhu Das
variations in agro-morphological and physico-chemical traits in ethnic aromatic
rice (
Oryza sativa L.) landraces of Odisha. Indian Journal of Agricultural
Sciences 84(8):83-88.


86.  K.V.Krishnamurthy
and N. Sivaraj, 1993.  Gender distribution and breeding systems in
the flora of Shervaroy Hills. In:
Science and Environment
(ed.) Ramprakash, pp.327-349. Ashish Publishing House,
New Delhi.



87.  Pandravada, S.R., Sivaraj,
and Varaprasad. 2004. The changing pattern of Plant Biodiversity in the
Eastern Ghats. In: Dhillon,B.S., Tyagi, R.K., Lal A., Saxena, S.(Eds.). Plant
Genetic Resource Management. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India. pp


88.  Pandravada, S.R., Sivaraj,
., Sarath Babu, B., Varaprasad, K.S. and Ismail. Md. 2006. Biodiversity of
Medicinal Plants – Exploration, Collection and Conservation from South East
Coastal India.
In Janardhan
Reddy, K., Bir Bahadur, Badraiah, B and Rao, M.L.N. (Eds.). Advances in
Medicinal Plants. Universities Press (India) Pvt Limited, Hyderabad, India. Pp
79 – 91.


89.  Varaprasad, K.S., N.
, Mohd Ismail and S.K. Pareek 2007. 
GIS mapping of selected medicinal plants diversity in the Southeast
Coastal Zone for effective collection and conservation. In: Advances in
Medicinal Plants (eds. K. Janardhan Reddy, Bir Bahadur, B. Bhadraiah and MLN
Rao).  Universities Press (India) Private
Ltd. pp.69-78.


90.  Varaprasad, K.S., Sivaraj,
., Jyothirmai, V.K and Hampaiah, R. 2006. Biodiversity management – A tool
for anti-desertification in Eastern Ghats. A Regional Workshop on “Deserts and
Desertification” organized by the AMR-AP Academy of Rural Development from 29 –
30, December, 2006 at Hyderabad. Technical Papers. Pp 37-44.


91.  Varaprasad, K.S., N.Sivaraj
and S.R.Pandravada 2007. Eastern ghats flortistic wealth with special reference
to Agrobiodiversity. In Biodiversity in India: Issue and concern Kannaiyan, S.
and Gopalan.A (eds). Associated Publishing Company, New Delhi.


92.  Murthi N.Anishetty, Varaprasad, K.S. and N.Sivaraj 2007.International treaty on
Plant Genetic Resources for food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA): Scope and
Provision. In Biodiversity in India: Issue and concern Kannaiyan, S. and
Gopalan.A (eds). Associated Publishing Company, New Delhi.


93.  Sivaraj. N., N. Sunil, Vinod Kumar and K.V. Krishnamurthy. 2008.
Phenology and reproductive ecology of tree taxa in the scrub vegetation of
Eastern Ghats, India. In: Bioresources Conservation and Management, AJ Solomon
Raju (ed.). Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers. New Delhi. Pp.5-21.


94.  Sivaraj, N., Varaprasad, K.S., Pandravada, S.R. and Sharma, S.K.
2009.  Agrobiodiversity hotspots in
Eastern Ghats – Issues and challenges. In: Agrobiodiversity Hotspots: Access
and Benefit Sharing Kannaiyan, S (ed.) Narosa Publishing Company, New Delhi.
325 pp.


95.  Seetharama, N., M Elangovan, I. S. Khairwal, K. T.
Krishne Gowda, A. Seetharam, Vilas, A. Tonapi and N. Sivaraj 2009.  Sorghum and
millet genetic resources management. In: Agrobiodiversity Hotspots: Access and
Benefit Sharing Kannaiyan, S (ed.) Narosa Publishing Company, New Delhi.


96.  Pandravada, S.R., Sivaraj, N., Kamala, V., Sunil, N.,
Sarath Babu, B and Varaprasad, K.S. 2008. Agri-biodiversity of Eastern Ghats –
Exploration, Collection and Conservation of Crop Genetic Resources. Proceedings
of the National Seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats. Environment
Protection Training and Research Institute, Hyderabad. Pp 19 – 27.


97.  Sivaraj, N., Pandravada, S.R. and
Krishnamurthy, K.V. 2008. Gender distribution and breeding systems among
medicinal plants of Eastern Ghats.
In: Anonymous (Ed). Proceedings
of the National Seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats
. Environment Protection
Training and Research Institute, Hyderabad. Pp 148 – 153.


98.  Sivaraj, N and SR Pandravada 2008.
Application of DIVA-GIS techniques for mapping and assessment of oilseed
germplasm diversity.  In: Lavanya
et al. (eds) Lecture
Notes, Winter School on “Innovative approaches for increasing productivity in
oilseed crops: A crop improvement perspective
Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad pp 1-5.


99.  Sivaraj, N and V Kamala 2008. Recent
trends in management of plant genetic resources with special reference to
oilseed crops. In: Lavanya
et al. (eds) Lecture Notes Winter School on “Innovative approaches for
increasing productivity in oilseed crops: A crop improvement perspective
.  Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad
pp 1-8.


100. Sivaraj, N., KS Varaprasad and RK
Khetarpal 2009.
Monitoring procedures for
pests: GIS & GPS.  Lecture Notes,
Winter School on “Biosecurity and Biosafety: Policies, Procedures and
Issues”.  National Bureau of Plant
Genetic Resources, New Delhi.


101. Varaprasad K.S.and Sivaraj, N. 2009.  Status of invasive alien species as threat to
Indian agriculture.  Proceedings of the
state level workshop on “Invasive alien species-a great threat to agriculture”.
Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad and AP Biodiversity Board,
Hyderabad pp.1-18.


102. Nirmala, R., N.
Sunil and N. Sivaraj 2009.  Molecular approaches for plant genetic
resource management. In: S. John Britto (ed.) Diversity of plants-A molecular
approach.  The Rapinat Herbarium and
Centre for Molecular Systematics, St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirapalli 620 002
pp 89-102.


103. Sivaraj, N.,
Pandravada, S.R., Kamala, V., Sunil, N., Sarath Babu, B., Babu Abraham and
Varaprasad, K.S. 2010. Bottle gourd diversity in tribal pockets of Andhra
Pradesh, India – A potential livelihood component for rural folk. In:
Sulladmath, U.V and Swamy, K.R.M. (Eds.). Proceedings of International
Conference on Horticulture (ICH-2009), PNASF, Bangalore. Pp. 1311-1315.


104. Sivaraj, N.
2011. Plant genetic resources conservation with special reference to In-vitro
technologies. Short term training programme on “Agroindustrial applications of
plant tissue culture, agrobacterium mediated gene transfer and PCR techniques”
organized on 6.11.2011. Training manual. Saraswathi Narayan College
(Autonomous), Madurai. Pp 63-69.


105. Radhamani, J and N. Sivaraj 2013. Conservation
strategies and management of Jatropha germplasm. In: Bir Bahadur, Mulpuri
Sujatha & Nicolas Carels (Eds.) Jatropha Challenges fora new energy crop.
Volume 2: Genetic improvement and Biotechnology. Pp. 479-500. Springer, New


106. N. Sivaraj 2013. Agro-biodiversity conservation for sustainable
development. Proceedings of the National Conference on Biodiversity-Green
Strategies for sustainable development. Womens’ Christian College, Chennai. Pp


107. N. Sivaraj 2013. Conservation strategies for plant genetic
resources with special reference to Agro-biodiversity in India. Proceedings of
the International Conference on Conservation Strategies for bioresources, PSGR
Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore.


108. N. Sivaraj, S.K.
Chakrabarty, K.V. Kumar and S.K.Soam 2013. GIS applications for plant genetic
resources management with special reference to germplasm conservation. In: S.K.
Soam, P.D. Sreekanth and N.H. Rao (eds.) Geospatial Technologies for Natural
Resources Management. Pp.321-333. New India Publsihing Agency, New Delhi,


109. N. Sivaraj and S.K. Chakrabarty 2014. Agro-biodiversity
conservation: Status and strategies.  In:
Proceedings of the National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation – Present
Status.  Department of Zoology, JMJ
College for Women (Autonomous), Tenali.


110. N. Sivaraj and S.K. Chakrabarty 2014 Policy developments and their implications on germplasm ownership and
Intellectual Property Rights with reference to Plant Genetic Resources and
In: Proceedings of National Seminar on Ethnobotany,
Traditional Knowledge and Access and Benefit Sharing (NSEBTK-2014) organized by
the Department of Botany, S.V. University, Tirupati on 29-31 January, 2014. Pp


111. N. Dikshit and N.
2014.  Folk medicinal plants, uses and claims of
tribal peoples of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Odisha.
In: Proceedings
of National Seminar on Ethnobotany, Traditional Knowledge and Access and
Benefit Sharing (NSEBTK-2014) organized by the Department of Botany, S.V.
University, Tirupati on 29-31 January, 2014. Pp 71-77.


co-authored (1)

Anitha, K., Sivaraj, N, Chakrabarty, S.K., Sarath
Babu, B., Prasada Rao, RDVJ, Varaprasad, K.S. and Khetarpal. RK. 2007.  Weed species of quarantine significance to
India. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Hyderabad.



Other Publications (10)

Extension Folders

Pandravada,S.R, Sivaraj, N and
Sridhar,S. 2003.
Andhrapradeshlo Arudaina, Antarinchipotunna Sthania
Vruksha Jatulu – Samrakshana Mariyu Viniyogamu
.  An Extension Folder on PGR
Awareness. Published by NBPGR Reg.Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030. p


Pandravada,S.R, Sarath Babu, B and Sivaraj,
Mokkala   Janyu Sampadapai
Sanketika Samacharamu
. An Extension
Folder on PGR Awareness. Published by NBPGR Reg.Station,Rajendranagar,
Hyderabad-500 030.p 12.


3.      Sivaraj, N., Pandravada, S.R., Sunil, N., Jairam, R., Chakrabarty,
S.K., Bisht, I.S and Bansal, K.C. 2012.
Sorghum landrace diversity of Adilabad. National
Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar,
Hyderabad-500 030, Andhra Pradesh.  8 pp.


Pandravada, S.R., Sivaraj, N.,
Kamala, V., Sunil, N., Sarath Babu, B and 
Chakrabarty, S.K. 2012. Rytaangaaniki
medhoparamina hakkulu pondadaaniki vupayogapade chattaalu
. National Bureau
of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030,
Andhra Pradesh.  4 pp.


Pandravada, S.R., Sunil, N., Sivaraj, N.,
Kamala, V., Sarath Babu, B and 
Chakrabarty, S.K. 2012. Visakhapatnam
jillalo pantala janyu vanarula abhivruddhilo girijana tegala patra – Deshavaali
rakaala parirakshanapai avagaahana mariyu aavasyakata
. National Bureau of
Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030,
Andhra Pradesh.  4 pp.


  1. Sunil, N., Pandravada, S.R., Sivaraj, N.,
    Jairam, R., Chakrabarty, S.K., Bisht, I.S and Bansal, K.C. 2012. Farmers and their seed wealth, Adilabad,
    Andhra Pradesh. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional
    Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Andhra Pradesh.  4 pp.


Pandravada, S.R., Sivaraj, N., Kamala, V., Sarath Babu,
B., Rameash, K and  Chakrabarty, S.K.
(2013). Khammam jillalo pantala janyu vanarulu – Antargata vividhyata,
paatarakaala praamukhyata mariyu parirakshana aavasyakata. National Bureau of
Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030,
Andhra Pradesh.  4 pp



  1. Pandravada, S.R., Sivaraj, N., Sunil, N.,
    Jairam, R., Chakrabarty, S.K., Ramesh, P., Jadhav, S.N., Bisht, I.S and Bansal, K.C. 2011. NAIP Brochure
    on Adilabad, Andhra Pradesh. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources,
    Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Andhra Pradesh.  4 pp.


Pandravada SR, N Sivaraj, V Kamala, B Abraham, K
Rameash, K Anitha, B Sarath Babu and SK Chakrabarty (2014) Grameena Sthayilo
Jeeva vaividya Parirakshana Upakaranalu. NBPGR, Regional Station, Hyderabad –
500030, Telangana, India. Pp 4.



  1. Pandravada, S.R., Sivaraj, N., Sunil, N.,
    Jairam, R., Chakrabarty, S.K., Bisht, I.S and Bansal, K.C. (2012).Promising accessions of Agri-horticultural
    Biodiversity from Adilabad.
    National Bureau of Plant Genetic
    Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Andhra
    Pradesh.  2 pp.
