List of publications

In Journals and


1.      Baby,
S., J. J. Anil, B. Govindan, S. Lukose, B. Gopakumar and  K.C.Koshy. 2013. UV induced visual cues in
grasses. Sci. Rep
. 3, 2738; DOI:


Goh WL, S Chandran, DC
Franklin, Y Isagi, KC Koshy, S Sungkaew, HQ Yang, NH Xia and  KM Wong. 2013.
region phylogenetic analyses suggest reticulate evolution and a clade of
Australian origin among paleotropical woody bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae:
. Plant Systematics and Evolution.  299: 239-257.


Koshy, K. C. 2012. Book Review. Palms of Karnataka by K. Gopalakrishna
. Rheedea 22(1):73-74.


4.      Koshy, K.C.,
K. P. Dintu and B. Gopakumar. 2010.
The enigma of leaf size and plant size in bamboos. Current Science 99(8):1025-1027 (Also cover photo). (A report of this paper appeared in Malayala
Manorama Daily
dated 5 November    


5.      Koshy, K. C.
and P. J. Mathew 2009.Does Ochlandra scriptoria flower      annually or once in a lifetime? Current Science 96(6):769-770.


6.      Koshy K C.
2009. Bambusetum. In Sathish Kumar C and K C Koshy, Souvenir of National
Seminar on Botanic Gardens “Garden & People 2009”. Tropical Botanic Garden
& Research Institute, Palode, Trivandrum pp. 19-22.


7.      Sathish
Kumar, C and K C Koshy. 2009. Tropical Botanic Garden & Research Institute.
In Sathish Kumar C and K C Koshy, Souvenir of National Seminar on
Botanic Gardens “Garden & People 2009”. Tropical Botanic Garden &
Research Institute, Palode, Trivandrum pp. 9-11. 


8.      Sathish Kumar
C. and K. C. Koshy, 2009. Souvenir. National Seminar on Botanic Gardens “Garden
& People 2009”. Tropical Botanic Garden & Research Institute, Palode,
Trivandrum pp. 1-24.


9.      Koshy K C.
2007. Book Review. Sedges & Grasses of Eastern Uttar Pradesh by Ajai
Kumar Singh. Rheedea 17:28, 32.


10.  Nazarudeen,
A., K.C. Koshy, S. Seeni and A.G. Pandurangan 2007. Notes on new distribution
of Desmodium dolabriforme Benth.: A little known taxon from southern
Western Ghats, India. Indian J. Forestry 30(1):65-68.


11.  Koshy, K. C.
and B. Gopakumar 2007. Production of Bamboo saplings – A cheaper and easier
method. In Alok Sheel (Ed.) Natural resource management and livelihood
support systems: A compendium of selected research papers and articles
published at the state level seminar on 5.3.2007 Western Ghats Cell, Planning
and Economic Affairs department, Government of Kerala


12.  Koshy, K. C.
2006. Book Review. Bamboo: The Amazing Grass-A guide to the Diversity and
Study of Bamboos in Southeast Asia
by K M Wong. Rheedea 16:117-118.


13.  Koshy, K. C.
2006. Bamboo Research and Extension Activities at TBGRI                   implemented under the
Western Ghats Development Programme. In Lizzie Jacob et al (Eds)
Sustainable Natural Resource Development, A Compendium of Research Papers.
Western Ghats Cell, Planning and Economic Affairs department, Government of
Kerala Thiruvananthapuram. pp.  95-99.


14.  Koshy, K.C. and B.Gopakumar 2005.An improvised vegetative propagation
technique for self-incompatible bamboos .Current Science 89(9):1474-1476.
(Commentary of this paper appeared in Down to Earth 14(14):25.2005.).


15.  Koshy, K.C.
2002.  Notes from TBGRI Bambusetum; precocious
flowering in Dendrocalamusstrictus (Roxb.)
Nees. Bamboo Science and Culture: J.
Amer. Bamboo Soc. 16 (1):52.


16.  Koshy, K.C. 2002.  Bamboo
cultivation near forest areas: problems and apprehensions. In Mohanan et al (Eds) Proc. 
Nat. Workshop on policy and legal issues in cultivation &
utilization of Bamboo, Rattan and forest trees in private & community
lands.  Kerala Forest Research Institute,
Peechi. Pp. 91-92.


17.  Koshy, K.C.,
D. Harikumar and T. C. Narendran 2002. Response (to Flower structure and function in the classification of bamboos).  Current
.  82(11): 1311.


18.  Koshy, K.C.
and D. Harikumar 2001.  Reproductive
biology of Ochlandra scriptoria, an endemic reed bamboo of the Western
Ghats, India.  Bamboo Science and
Culture, J. Amer. Bamboo Soc.
15(1) : 1-7. 
(also cover photo).


19.  Koshy, K.C.,
D. Harikumar and T.C. Narendran 2001. 
Insect visits to some bamboos of the Western Ghats, India.  Current Science.  81(7) : 833-838.

20.  Koshy, K.C.
and G. Jee 2001.  Studies on the lack of
seed set in Bambusa vulgaris.  Current
81(4): 375-378.  (also cover

21.  Koshy, K.C.
and D. Hairkumar 2000.  Flowering
incidences and breeding system in Bambusa vulgaris.  Current Science 79 (12): 1650-1652.

22.  Koshy, K.C.
2000.  Honey bees on elephant bamboo flower.  Cover photo. 

J. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. 97(2).


23.  Koshy, K.C.
1999.  Bamboos of Manipur.  In: M. Sivadasan& Philip Mathew
(eds.), Biodiversity, taxonomy and conservation of flowering plants.  Mentor Books, Calicut. pp. 293-302.


24.  Koshy, K.C.
and P. Pushpangadan 1997.  Bambusa
blooms, a leap towards extinction? 
Current Science 72(9) : 622-624. (also cover photo).


25.  Nazarudeen,
A., S. Seeni, K.C. Koshy and P. Pushpangadan 1996.  Folk plants of food, medicine, adornment and
repellent used by the paniyar community in north Kerala.  J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. addl. ser.
12.  pp. 299-305.


26.  Koshy, K.C.
and P. Pushpangadan 1993.  On the
occurrence of Eriocaulon minimum Lam. In India.  Rheedea (2) : 117-119.


27.  Koshy, K.C.
1991.  Bamboo collection at Tropical
Botanic Garden, Palode.  In C.K.
Karunakaran (ed) Proc. Symp., Rare, endangered and endemic plants of the
Western Ghats.  Kerala Forest Department,
Trivandrum pp. 174-180.


28.  Koshy, K.C.,
G.L. Shah and A.R.R. Menon 1989. An addition to the Flora of Gujarat State-Mackenziea integrifolia (Dalz.) Bremek.
Proc. all India Symp. Biology     and
utility of wild plants. Prof. G.L. Shah comm. vol. pp. 97-99.


29.  Koshy, K.C.
1988.  A note on TriumfettatungarensisBillore.
J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 12(2) : 499-500.


30.  Koshy, K.C.
and G.L. Shah 1988.  A contribution to
the angiospermic flora and vegetation of Mandvi and Gokhrva forest ranges in
Maharashtra.  J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 10
(1): 79-124.


31.  Koshy, K.C.
1986.  Cyperaceae, Eriocaulaceae, Poaceae
and key to Monocotyledonae. In: T.S. Nayaret al Flora of Tropical
Botanic Garden, Palode. Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute,
Trivandrum pp. 8, 102-130.


32.  Koshy, K.C.
and G.L. Shah 1985.  On the occurrence of
AspidopterysnutansJuss. (Malpighiaceae) in peninsular India.  J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 7(3): 553-555.


33.  Koshy, K.C.
and G.L. Shah 1985.  Eriocaulondianae
var. richardianumFyson in Gujarat state J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 7(1):



  1. Koshy, K. C. 2010. Bamboos
    at TBGRI
    . Tropical Botanic
    Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala India
    (ISBN 978-81-920098-0-3). pp. 104.

  1. Nayar, T.S., K. C. Koshy, C. Sathish
    Kumar, N. Mohanan and S. Mukuntha Kumar.1986. Flora of Tropical Botanic
    Garden, Palode. Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute,
    Trivandrum. pp. 144.



  1. Koshy,
    K.C. 2010. ‘Paurasthyarthagolathile valia elakalulla mula kerathil’. Deshabhimani
    in ‘Kilivathil’ supplement dated 23.12.2010.


  1. Sathish Kumar, C. and K. C. Koshy (Editors)
    2009. Refresher Course in Plant Taxonomy: Course Text. Pp. 1-198. 

Research Reports

  1. Koshy, K.C. 1999. Phenological studies
    on promising Asian bamboos and standardization of low cost method of
    macropropagation. IPGRI- APO, Serdang, Malaysia. pp. 113, Plates 16.

  1. Koshy, K.C. 2011.Bamboo and Reed
    Resource Enhancement in Kerala. Final Report. Submitted to Western Ghat
    Cell, Planning and Economic Affairs Department, Government of



A brochure for the
book ‘Bamboos at TBGRI’ was designed and printed in January 2011. It is of demy
¼ size, two fold and both side m/colour printed on 135 matte art paper.


1.      Koshy, K.C. 2012. 25 years of Bamboo Conservation at
Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, India.
The 13
th Conference of International Association of Botanical
Gardens, Guangzhou, China, 13 to 15 November 2012. 

  1. Koshy, K.C.2010. Why DNA Barcoding is required in Bamboos?
    International consultation on DNA Barcoding, 6 to 7
    November, New Delhi. p.18.


  1. Koshy, K.C. and B. Gopakumar. 2004. An
    easier and low-cost method of vegetative propagation in Bambusa vulgaris. Abstracts. VII th
    World Bamboo Congress, Delhi.  P.

  2. Koshy, K. C. 2002. Significance of phonological
    data in bamboo taxonomy.  12th  Annual conference of IAAT &National
    seminar on plant taxonomy in nation development. Dept .of Botany, Goa
    University .p .43.

  3. Koshy, K.C. 2001. 
    Ex situ conservation of self-incompatible bamboos with special
    reference to Bambusa vulgaris.
    DUBS golden Jubilee Symposium Abstracts, Delhi University. p. 54.

  4. Koshy, K.C. 2001. 
    Bamboo cultivation near forest areas: problems and
    apprehensions.  National Workshop on
    policy and legal issues in cultivation & utilization of Bamboo, Rattan
    and forest trees in private & community lands.  Kerala Forest Research Institute,
    Peechi. p.52.

  5. Koshy, K. C.,B.Gopakumar , D.Harikumar and
    S.Ajikumaran Nair. 2000.Bamboo                        propagation by
    macroproliferation method. Abstract of papers. National Seminar on
    sustainable management of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) of Western
    Ghats and Eastern Ghats. Forests and Wildlife department, Government of
    Kerala Thiruvananthapuram.p.79.

  6. Koshy, K.C. 1998. 
    Bamboos of Manipur.  Abstract
    of papers, 8th IAAT Annual Conference and National seminar on
    Biodiversity, Conservation and Taxonomy of Tropical Flowering Plants,
    CalicutUniversity. p. 75.

  7. Pushpangadan, P. and K.C. Koshy 1992.  Promising wild edibles used by
    traditional communities of Kerala. 
    III International congress of ethnobiology, Mexico City.  Abstracts p. 38.


K. C. Koshy

22 December 2014