Published Books


Kotia, A. 2012. Prosopis cineraria –
A Kalpvarksha Tree of Indian Desert.
A case study of biomass improvement in Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce in arid and semiarid region of Rajasthan,
India. LAP LAMBERT, Academic Publishing
GmbH & Co. KG
Dudweiler, Landstr. 99 – D-66123 Saarbrücken. Germany.




  1. Kotia, A. 2014. Endemic and threatened plants of Indian Desert, Rajasthan,
    Biodiversity in India
    Volume 7

  2. Kotia, A., Adhikari, B.S., Pasha, M.K.S. and Rawat,
    G.S. 2014. Status and distribution of Coleus
    barbatus in Tehri District of
    Uttarakhand. J. Biodivers Endanger Species, Vol 2 (2) 127.

  3. Kotia, A. 2013. Orchid rediscovered after 30 years: Zeuxine strateumatica (L.) Schltr. a single orchid from Jaipur
    District of Rajasthan. Indian
    (2) : 180-181.

  4. Kotia, A. Tiwari, U. K, Kumar, P. and Rawat, G. S. 2011. Orchid Diversity and
    Distribution in
    Kanger Valley National
    Park, Chhattisgarh. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Vol. 37 (1) 207-215.

  5. Jalal,
    J.S., Kumar, P., Kotia, A.
    & Rawat, G.S. 2012. On the
    occurrence of Pelatantheria insectifera (Orchidaceae) in Jim
    Corbett National Park, India.
    Richardiana. XII (3): 108-115.

6.      Kotia, A., Kunzes, A. and Rawat, G.S.
2011. Sighting of a Eurasian Lynx near Chushul village in Ladakh, India. CATnews
54: 18-19.  

  1. Kotia, A., Angmo, K., Bharti, R.R. and Adhikari, B.S. and Rawat, G.S. 2011. A
    record of the little-known Stoat Mustela erminea ferghanae from
    Ladakh, India.
    Small Carnivore Conservation 44: 1–9.

  2. Kotia, A., Kumar, P., Tiwari, U., Parsad, A.N. and
    Rawat, G.S.
    2010. New Distribution records of
    some orchids from Chhattisgarh State (
    Kanger Valley National Park), India. The Indian Forester 136 (1): 354-358.

  3. Tiwari, U., Kotia, A., Mewada,
    T. and Rawat, G. S. 2009. New Distributional Records of an
    Endemic Orchid, Peristylus stocksii
    (Hook.f.) Kraenzl., from Rajasthan. Indian
    Journal of Forestry
    32 (1): 149-152.

10.  Tiwari,
U.L, Kotia, A. and Rawat,
G. S.2009
. Medico-ethnobotany of the
Monpas in Tawang and West Kameng

districts of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Pleione 3 (1): 1 – 8.

11.  Tiwari U., Kotia, A. and
Rawat G. S. 2008. On the occurrence of Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. in
India. Pleione 2 (2): 241 – 243.

12.  Kotia, A. and Kumar, A. 2001.
Some of the common weeds of medicinal value Rajasthan. Int. J. Mendel. 18: 17-18.

13.  Kotia, A. and Kumar, A. 2001.
Biodiversity characterization in arid and semi arid regions of Indian Desert. Int. 
J. Mendel.
18: 109-110.

14.  Kotia, A. and Kumar, A. 2001.
Characterization of weed on wasteland and their role in eco-development. Int. J. Mendel. 18: 7-8.

15.  Kotia, A. and Kumar, A. 2001.
Characterization of biomass during wasteland development in semi arid region. J. Env. Poll. 8: 213-216.




to Books


Kotia, A. 2008.

Threatened Plants and Their Habitats in Indian Thar Desert. Special Habitats
and Threatened Plants of India.
Envis. 11 (1): 93-99. (Envis-Center Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun).

Kotia, A.
, Tiwari,
and Rawat, G.S. 2008.
Semiarid Region of India: Vegetation Characteristics
Threatened Plants.
Envis. 11 (1): 109-116. (Envis-Center Wildlife Institute of India,

Kotia, A.
and Parsad, A.N. 2008. Vegetation and Floral Characteristics of
Kanger Valley National Park, Chhattisgarh. Special Habitats and Threatened
Plants of India.
Envis. 11 (1): 163-166. (Envis-Center Wildlife Institute of India,

4.      Sharma,
S. K.
Kotia, A. 2008.
Orchids of Rajasthan. In: Conserving Biodiversity of Rajasthan. Himanshu Publications,
New Delhi (India), 432-438.

5.      Kotia, A. and Kumar, A. 2001.
Biodiversity of the Indian Desert and its value. In: From soil to cell-a broad
approach to plant life, (eds. L. Bender and A. Kumar). GieBen Electronic Library (GEB). www.Bibd.Uni-giessen de.1-13.

6.      Kumar, A., Kumar,
V. R., Parveen, S., Shekhawat, V.S.
and Kotia, A.
2004. Production and improvement of hydrocarbons in laticifers plants. In: 2nd
world conference and Technology Exhibition on biomass for energy, Industry and
Climate protection, 10-14 May 2004 Palazzo
dei Congressi
, Rome, Italy.

7.      Kumar, A. and Kotia, A.
2004. Some potential plants for bio-energy. In: 2nd world conference and
Technology Exhibition on biomass for energy, Industry and Climate protection,
10-14 May 2004 Palazzo dei Congressi,
Rome, Italy.

8.      Kotia, A. and Kumar, A. 2003.
Ethnobotnical studies of some medicinal plants collected from semi-arid
wasteland of Rajasthan. In: proceeding of National Interactive Meet on
medicinal and aromatic plants, eds. A. K. Mathur, CIMAP, Lucknow (India), pp. 119 – 125.

9.      Kotia, A. and Kumar, A. 2000.
Biomass characterization during the process of wasteland colonization in
semiarid condition. In: 1st world conference on biomass for energy and
Industry. Proceeding of the conference held in Sevilla, (eds. S. Kyrisis,
A.A.C.M. Beenackers, P. Helm, A. Grassi and D. Chiaramonti). Spain. James and
James, Science Publishers, Ltd. U.K. 311-314.



Dr Amit Kotia

Department of Botany

University of Rajasthan
