Research publications – Padamnabhi Shanker Nagar


Nagar, P. S. and S. M. Pandya. (2002) Stylosanthes
A New record to the flora of Gujarat. (With one
text figure). J. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol.99 (2): 363-364.


Nagar, P. S. and S. M. Pandya. (2002) Addition
to the flora of Saurashtra, Gujarat, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Vol. 26
No.1: 75-77.


Nagar, P. S. and S. M. Pandya. (2002) Cleome scaposa D.C. (Capparidaceae). A
rare species of Saurashtra, Gujarat. J. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol 99(3): 543-544.


Nagar, P. S., S. J. Sata and S. J. Pathak
(2003) Rediscovery of Tephrosia
(Fabaceae), an endangered and narrow endemic plant species of
Saurashtra Sida 20:1701-1705.


Nagar, P. S. and S. M. Pandya. (2003) Floristic
diversity of Barda Hills and their surroundings, Saurashtra, Gujarat. J.Econ.
Taxon. Bot.
Vol. 27: 1166-1180.


Nagar, P. S. and S.M. Pandya (2004) The alien
flora of the Barda Hills and their surroundings, Saurashtra, Gujarat. Ind. J. of Forestry. Vol. 27 (1):25-38


Nagar, P.S. (2004)
Status of some regionally threatened species of Saurashtra, Gujarat, India.
J. Current Biosciences
Vol. 1 (3-4) 238-247.


Nagar, P. S. 2007. A
little known plant species of Gujarat Tephrosia collina var.
J. Bomb.
Nat. Hist. Soc.
Vol. 104 (3): 378-379.


Patel, B. H., S. Tahkore,
P. S. Nagar (2009) Chemical composition and characteristics of Commiphora
(Arnott) Bhandari seed oil, J. Amer. Oil chem. Soc. Vol 86


Nagar, P. S., Sachin
Sata and T. D. Parmar (2009) Some rare and Endangered plant species of Gujarat,
one text figure). J. Bomb.
Nat. Hist. Soc.
Vol.106 (2): 226-227.


Radha Maharjan, Padamnabhi S. Nagar and
Laxmipriya Nampoothiri 2010. Effect of Aloe barbadensis Mill.
Formulation on Letrozole induced polycystic ovarian syndrome rat model. J.
of Ayurved & Integrative medicine
. Vol 1(4): 273-279


Patel, B.H., Takore Sonal, Padamnabhi Shanker
Nagar and M.Daniel. 2011. Fatty acid Composition of Strebulus asper
Lour. Seed oil. JLST. Vol. 43. No. 2.


Mayur Valodkar, Padamnabhi S. Nagar,
Ravirajsinh N. Jadeja, Menaka C. Taounaojam, Ranjit V. Devkar and Sonal Thakore
2011. Euphorbiaceae latex induced green synthesis of non-cytotoxic metallic
nanoparticle solutions: A rational approach to antimicrobial applications.
Colloids and Surfaces a: Physiochem. Eng. Aspects 384 (2011) 337-344


Menaka C Thounaojam, Ravirajsinh N Jadeja, Mayur Valodkar,
Padamanabhi S Nagar, Ranjitsinh V
, Sonal Thakore 2011. Oxidative stress induced apoptosis of human
lung carcinoma (A549) cells by a novel copper nanorod formulation. Food and
Chemical Toxicology.
Food and
Chemical Toxicology
, Volume
49, Issue 11, November 2011, Pages 2990-2996


Sunil Tiwari Sonal Thakore and Padamnabhi S. Nagar. 2011. Fatty acid
Composition of Diospyros
Roxb. var. cordifolia (Roxb.) Hiern Seed Oil
. J. Lipid Science and Technology, Vol. 44. No.
1. 2011, ISSN No.: 0973-6379


Padamnabhi S. Nagar, Poonam Mangalorkar, Sunita Shailajan, Brijesh
2012. Physiochemical and Preliminary phytochemical
studies of Taverniea cuneifolia (Roth.)
Arn. – A potential Substitute of Glycyrrhiza
L. International J. of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol 4,
Issue 4, ISSN No.:  0975-1491


(xvii)       Padamnabhi S. Nagar, P.S.
Mangalorkar, B.R. Patel
2013. Anatomy and Pharmacognosy of Taverniera cuneifolia (Roth) Arn. Root,
A possible Substitute of Glycyrrhiza
L. International J. of Pharma and Biosciences. Vol 4(1): 221-226,
2013, ISSN No.: 0975-6299


(xviii)     G.D.
Bhatt, P.S. Nagar, D.M. Tadvi, S.P.S. Kushwaha, S.Nandy and K. Bargali. 2012.
Ethno-Botanical Practices Associated with the Tribal People: A Case Study From
Dangs District, South Gujarat. OAKS. Issue 8, Novemeber 2012. ISSN: 0975-5918.


Padamnabhi S. Nagar, Gagandeep K Bhambra, M. Daniel 2012. Pharmacognostic studies
on Tephrosia jamnagarensis Sant. – An
endemic species of India. Phcog. J., Vol4, Issue 32, 1-5, 2012, ISSN No.:


Puran Singh Rathore, Poonam Mangalorkar, Padamnabhi
S. Nagar, M. Daniel and Sonal Thakore. 2013. Novel Nanoparticle-Assisted
Room-Temperature Synthesis of Methyl Esters from Aloe vera Seed oil. Energy
Fuels, 2013, 27, 2776-2782.


G.D. Batt, S.P.S. Khushwaha, S. Nandy, Kiran
BArgali, D. Tadvi, P.S. Nagar and M. Daniel 2013. Plant Richness modeling in
South Gujarat using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System. Indian
Forestor, 139 (9): 757-768.


(xxii)       Nikunl K
Patel,Padamnabhi S Nagar and Shailesh Shah. 2013. Identification of Non-edible
Seeds as Potential Feedstock for the production and Application of Bio-diesel.
Energy and Power 2013, 3(4): 67-78.


(xxiii)     M.R.
Bhatt and P.S. Nagar 2013. Evaluation of physicochemical propert and fatty acid
composition of Opuntia elatior seed
oil. JPACD (2013) 15: 13-19.


(xxiv)     Padamnabhi
S. Nagar, Mital Bhatt & Karan Rana 2013. Cleome brachycarpa (Forssk.) Vahl ex DC. (Cleomaceae) – A new
record for the flora of Saurashtra. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Vol 37 No. 4, 741-743


(xxv)       Poonam
S. Mangalorkar, Karan G. Rana, Rahul D. Parikh and Padamnabhi S. Nagar. 2014.
The effect of Different Chemial reatments and Salt Stress on the Germination
potential of Taverniera cuneifolia (Roth) Ali seeds. J.Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci.
Sec. No, 2013-Jan,014: 2014: Vol 4, No.1: 369-374.


(xxvi)     Padamnabhi
Nagar & Susy Alber 2014. An unusual multicarpellary condition in Crotolaria verrucosa L. (Fabaceae) from
Gujarat (India). Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography. Vol 68. No. 2,






Dipak S. Tadvi,
Nikunj K. Jambu and P.S. Nagar (2009) Amla Facts and Figures. Amla –An
indigenous Tree with Enormous Potentialities. Edited by Daniel M. and Arun
Arya, Department of Botany, The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, Sponsored
by National Medicinal Plant Board (NMPB), Chapter 6.


(xxviii) Ripple Macwan, Pranav Kothi, Punita Parikh and
P.S. Nagar. Flora of Mahableshwar and adjoining Maharashtra. Int. J. of
Bioscience Reporter. Vol 8 (1Suppl.) 29-33, 2010, ISSN No.: 2277 9493


Rahul Bhole, Karan
G. Rana, Dipak S. Tadvi and P.S. Nagar 2012. Jungle Journal: Digital
Documentation of Plant Diversity of University Campus. Regional Science
Congress on Science for Shaping the future of India September 15th
16th, 2012.




Nagar, P. S. 2005. Floristic Diversity of Barda
Hills and its surroundings. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur. p.325.


Singh, H.S., Nagar, P.S. et. al. 2005, Biodiversity of Barda Wildlife Sanctuary, GEER
Foundation, Gandhinagar.


Nagar, P. S. 2008. Medicinal Plant of Saurashtra
Region, Gujarat, India. Bishen Singh Mahendrapal Singh Publishing Pvt. Ltd.,
Dehradun. p.238.


M. & P. S. Nagar. 2010.
A Sojourn to the Herbal Treasures of MSU (Botanical
Gardens, Arboretum & Dhanvantari). Published by The M. S. University of
Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.


Kushwaha, S.P.S. Nandy Subrato, Bhatt D.G.,
Daniel M., P.S. Nagar, Tadvi Dipak, Nikunj Jambu
2011. Biodiversity Characterisation at Landscape
level in North-West India and Laksdweep Islans using Satellite Remote Sensing
and Geographic Information System.
Bishen Singh Mahendrapal Singh Publishing Pvt. Ltd., Dehradun. 2011. ISBN: 9788121107747