/ Papers published on BIODIVERSITY/ETHNOBOTANY/ medicinal plants



Pushpangadan, P., Mehrotra, S., Rawat, A.K.S., Tewari,
S.K., Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Misra, Neeta 2001.  Package of practices for Organic
Cultivation & Utilization of Important Medicinal Plants (Part-1)
EBIS, NBRI, Lucknow.

Jain, S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1998. dqN
ikS/kksa ds vifjfpr vkS”k/kh; xq.k
of Ethnobiology, Lucknow. (It is also published in Urdu).

Jain, S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2004
Hkkjr ds nqyZHk ikS/ks National Book Trust,
India, New Delhi.

Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2005 fp=dwV ds  nqyZHk ikS/ks Deendayal Research
Institute, Chitakoot , Satna, M.P.

Dubey, P.C., Sikarwar, R.L.S., and Tiwari, Arjun
Pradad 2007. Biodiversity
Concept and its threat assessment in Vindhya Region,
Forest Department,
Research and Extension Circle, rewa, Madhya Pradesh.

Dubey, P.C., Sikarwar, R.L.S.,  Khanna,
and Tiwari, Arjun Pradad
 foU/; dh vkS”kf/k;ka ,oe nqyZHk ouLifr;ka
Forest Department, Research and Extension Circle, rewa, Madhya Pradesh.

Jain, S.K. (Assist. By Shukla, Rasmi, Sikarwar, R.L.S.
and Srivastava, Sumita 2009.
Affecting Human Mind,
Deep Publications, New Delhi.

Khanna, K.K., Diwanji, V.B, Sikarwar, R.L.S., Dubey, P.C. and Tiwari, Arjun 2013.  
e/; izns’k 
ds izeq[k ou o`{k
Om Sai Prakashan, Indore.




Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Kaushik, J.P. 1992.
Traditional medicine among the rural  
folk of Morena district, Madhya Pradesh. Ancient Sci. Life   11:274-279.

Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Kaushik, J.P. 1992. Some
less known uses of trees among   the
Sahariyas of Morena district, Madhya Pradesh. Ethnobotany   4: 71-74.

Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1992. Ethnomedicines of North
Surguja Forest Division,  Ambikapur,
Madhya Pradesh. Aryavaidyan   6(2): 97 – 100.

Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Painuli, R.M. 1992.
Ethnobotanical importance of Family Cucurbitaceae among the Sahariyas of Madhya
Pradesh. Bull. Med. Ethno bot. Res. 13(3 & 4): 124 – 129.

Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1993. Ethnogynaecological uses
of plants by the tribals of Madhya Pradesh. Vanyajati   41(2): 28 – 31.

Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Kaushik, J.P. 1993. Folk
Medicines of Morena district, Madhya Pradesh, India.  Int. J. Pharmacog. 31(4): 283-287.

Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Kaushik, J.P. 1993. Ipomoea
(L.) Roth ex Roem. & Schult. (Convolvulaceae) – A new record
for Madhya Pradesh. Indian J. For. 16(1): 81-82.

Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Kaushik, J.P. 1993. Wall
flora of Gwalior Fort, Madhya Pradesh. J.  Econ. Tax. Bot. 17(3): 627-631.

Kaushik, J.P., Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Shukla, R.M.
1993. Flora of Gwalior   Fort.   Arhat Vacan  
5(1): 7-25.

10.  Sikarwar,
and Painuli, R.M. 1993. Studies on the medicinal uses of plants by
the Sahariya tribe of Madhya Pradesh. Aryavaidyan   7(1): 51-53.

11.  Painuli,
R.M. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1993. Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.)
Alston (Fabaceae) – An addition to the flora of Madhya Pradesh. Indian J.
16(1): 83-84.

12.  Sikarwar,
1993. Chambal ke Behdon men Paijane wali ek Bahupayogi  Ghas – Dabh.  Vigyan 24-26 (Oct.-Nov., in Hindi).

13.  Sikarwar,
and Kaushik, J.P. 1994. Additions to the flora of Madhya Pradesh. J.
Bombay nat. Hist. Soc.
91(1): 170-171.

14.  Maheshwari,
J.K., Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Painuli, R.M. 1994. Plants used in tribal
medicine in the Dangs district of Gujarat. 
7(4): 201 – 205.

15.  Sikarwar,
, Bajpai, A.K. and Painuli, R.M. 1994. Plants used in Veterinary
Medicines by Aboriginals of Madhya Pradesh, India.  Int. J. Pharmacog. 32(3): 251-255.

16.  Jain,
S.K., Ranjan, Vinay, Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Saklani, A. 1994. Botanical
distribution of Psychoactive Plants of India.  Ethnobotany   
6: 65-75.

17.  Sikarwar,
1994. Wild Edible Plants of Morena district (M.P.). Vinyajati 42(4):

18.  Sikarwar,
and Maheshwari, J.K. 1994. Some unrecorded ethnomedicinal plants
from Amarkantak plateau of Madhya Pradesh. Bull. Tribal Res. Instt.
20(1 & 2): 19-22.

19.  Sikarwar,
 1995. Khajoor – The
Kalpbriksha of tribals of Bastar.                Ethnobotany 7: 137 – 138 (In

20.  Sikarwar,
and Kaushik, J.P. 1995. General aspects of the vegetation of Morena
district, Madhya Pradesh. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 19(1): 47-54

21.  Sikarwar,
and Kaushik, J.P. 1995. Flora of Morena district, Madhya Pradesh.
J. Econ. Tax. Bot.
19(1): 75-112.

22.  Sikarwar,
 1996. Ethno-veterinary
herbal medicines in Morena district of Madhya Pradesh, India. In Jain, S.K.
(Ed.) Ethnobiology in Human Welfare. Deep Publications, New Delhi (PP.

23.  Sikarwar,
1996. Kareel ka Aushdhiya Upayog. Jeevaneeya 7(1): 52
(Greeshm issue, In Hindi).

24.  Sikarwar,
1996. Life forms and biological spectrum of the flora of Morena
district, Madhya Pradesh. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 75: 275-277.

25.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1996. Bharat tatha Amazon kshetra men prayucta
aushdhiya paudhon ka tulnatmak adhyayan – Ek naya shodh kshetra. Sachitra
46(2): 96, 155-159 (In

26.  Sikarwar,
1997. Upliftment of the tribals of Sheopur Forest Division of Madhya
Pradesh – Ways and Means.  Vasundhara   2: 17-20.

27.  Sikarwar,
1997. Ethnobotany of Sahariya tribe, Madhya Pradesh, India. Appl.
Bot. Abst.
17(2): 129-140 (Review Article).

28.  Sikarwar,
and Kaushik, J.P. 1997. Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Plants of Morena
district, Madhya Pradesh. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 21(3): 639-647.

29.  Sikarwar,
and Kaushik, J.P. 1997. Family Cyperaceae of Morena district in
Madhya Pradesh. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 21(3): 607-614.

30.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1997. Studies on Comparative Ethnobotany of
India and South America.  Ethnobotany   
135-142 (In Hindi).

31.  Jain,
S.K. Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Pathak, V. 1997. Ethnobotanic aspects of some
plants in Latin America.  Ethnobotany
9: 16-23.

32.  Sikarwar,
and Rajendran, A. 1997. Credibility of folk claims in South Central
India.  Bull. Tribal Res. Inst.,
25(2): 63-68.

33.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1997. Prospective underutilized
bioresources-clues from indigenous knowledge in Latin America. J. Indian
Bot. Soc.
76: 253-260.

34.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S.
1998. Ethnobiologcal working plans – A
strategy for future forestry. In Thaiutsa, B., Puangchit, L. amd Thammincha, S.
Tropical Forestry in the 21st Century (Vol. 3,
Ethnobiology), K.U. Bangkok, Thailand (pp. 168-172).

35.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1998. Bharat ki Janjatiyon ki Kuchha Aparichit
Vanaushdhiyan –1, ‘Bihar’. Sachitra Ayurved  
51(4): 256-258 (I n Hindi).

36.  Sikarwar,
1998. Bastar ki Janjatiyon  
ke utthan hetu laghu vanopajon par adharit kuteer udhyog. In Solanki,
S.S. (Ed.) Adunik Prodhyogiki Tatha Gramin Vikas.  Bhagirath Sewa Sansthan, Gaziabad.  (pp. 71-80).

37.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1998. Bharat ki Janjatiyon ki Kuchha Aparichit
Vanaushdhiyan –2, ‘Madhya Pradesh’. Sachitra Ayurved
51(5): 348-350 (In

38.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1998. Bharat ki Janjatiyon ki Kuchha Aparichit
Vanaushdhiyan –3, ‘Orissa’. Sachitra Ayurved  
51(6): 424-426 (In Hindi).

39.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1998. Some Indian Plants used in Latin
American Ethnomedicine.  Ethnobotany  
10: 61-65.

40.  Sikarwar,
1998. The role of tribals in environmental conservation. Ethnobotany   10
: 138-141.

41.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1998. Bharat ki Janjatiyon ki Kuchha Aparichit
Vanaushdiyan –4, ‘Maharastra’. Sachitra Ayurved   
51(7): 507-508 (In Hindi).

42.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1998. Bharat ki Janjatiyon ki Kuchha Aparichit
Vanaushdiyan –5, ‘Gujarat’. Sachitra Ayurved   
51 (8): 582-583 (in Hindi).

43.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1998. Bharat ki Janjatiyon ki Kuchha Aparichit
Vanaushdiyan –7, ‘West Bengal’. Sachitra Ayurved  
51 (10): 755-756 (In Hindi).

44.  Sikarwar,
1999. Less known ethno-veterinary uses of plants in India. In
Mathias, E., Rangnekar, D.V. and McCorkle, C.M. (Eds.) Ethno-veterinary
Medicine, Alternatives for Livestock Development
(Vol.I), BAIF Development Research
Foundation, Pune, India (pp. 103-107).

45.  Sikarwar,
and Kaushik, J.P. 1999. Observations on the weeds of mustard fields
in Morena district (M.P.) Vasundhara 
4: 56-64.

46.  Sikarwar,
and Painuli, R.M. 1999. Stylosanthes erecta P. Beauv.
(Fabaceae). A new record for Madhya Pradesh. Indian Jour. Forestry
22(3): 276-277.

47.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1999. Bharat ki Janjatiyon ki Kuchha Aparichit
Vanaushdiyan –6, ‘Rajasthan’. Sachitra Ayurved   
835-836 (In Hindi).

48.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1999. Nepal Men Uplabdh Kachha Paudhon ke
Sambhavit Naye Aushdhiya Guna. Ayurved Vikas  
38(10): 74-78 (In Hindi).

49.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1999. Kuchha Paudhon ke Ararichit Upayog.
Vanaspati Vani 10
(9): 1-8.

50.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2000. Bharat ki Janjatiyon ki Kuchha Aparichit
Vanaushdiyan –9, ‘Meghalaya’. Sachitra Ayurved  
52(11): 1048-1050. (In Hindi).

51.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2000. Bharat ki Janjatiyon ki Kuchha Aparichit
Vanaushdhiyan –10, ‘Nagaland’. Sachitra Ayurved   

52.  Sikarwar,
2001. Ethnobotany of Madhya Pradesh, India. Appl. Bot .Abstr.
21(2): 133-147.

53.  Sharma, H.O. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2001.
The Socio-Economic Status of Sahariya Tribe of Madhya Pradesh. In Sahu
Chaturbhuj (Ed.) Indian Tribal Life,
Sarup & Sons, New Delhi (pp.135-146).

54.  Sikarwar,
2002 Floristic Diversity in Chambal Ravines of Madhya Pradesh. J.   Econ. Tax. Bot. 26(1): 55-65.

55.  Sikarwar,
Brijlal and Maheshwari, J.K. 2002.  
Traditional Phytotherapy among the Tribals in Raigarh district of
Chattisgarh. J. Non. Timb. For. Prod. 9 (1&2): 22-25.

56.  Sikarwar,R.L.S.
2002. Mahua (Madhuca longifolia (Koen.) Macbride) –A paradise tree
for the tribals of Madhya Pradesh. Indian J. Tradition. Knowledge 1 (1):

57.  Sikarwar,
2002. Utilization and Conservation of Medicinal Plants
in     Narainpur, Chhattisgarh
State,India. Jour. Trop. Med. Pl.  3 (2): 213-218.

58.  Sikarwar,
2002.  Ethnogynaecological Uses of Plants New to
India. Ethnobotany   14:

59.  Kumar,
Vivek and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2002. Observations on some rare and
endangered plants of Chhattisgarh state, India. 

60.  Sikarwar,
Kumar, Vivek, Rawat, A.K.S., Mehrotra, S. and Pushpangadan,
P.2003.     Radermachera xylocarpa (Roxb.)
K.Schum.- An endangered and interesting tree of Central India.  Phytotaxonomy 3: 32-34.

61.  Rajendran,
A. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2003. Intra-cultural ethno-botanical studies on
the tribe Kadar (TamilNadu) and Sahariya (M.P.), J. Econ. Tax. Bot.

27(3): 662-664.

62.  Kumar,
Vivek and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2003. Plants used as Fish poison by
of Surguja District in
  Ethnobotany   15:

63.  Sreevidya,
N., Kumar, Vivek, Kumar, Santosh and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2003. Utilization,
Depletion and Conservation of Safed Musali (Chlorophytum Spp.). J.
Non-Timber For. Prod
. 10 (3/4): 155-157.

64.  Kumar,
Vivek and   Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2004. Role of
Tribals in Conservation of Plant Diversity in Central India. Vanyajati 52

65.  Khanna,
K. K., and   Sikarwar, R.L.S.
2004. Chlorophytum borivilianum 
Sant. & Fern. – A new record for Madhya Pradesh.  Phytotaxonomy
4: 74-75.

66.  Sikarwar,
and Kumar, Vivek. 2005. Ethno veterinary Knowledge and practices
prevalent among the tribals of Central India. Jour. of Natural Remedies
5 (2): 147-152

67.  Sikarwar,
. and Jaiswal, Anil and Kumar, Vivek. 
2005. Medicinal uses of Alectra chitrakutensis   J. Trop. Med. Plants 6 (1): 93-97.

68.  Sikarwar,
Jaiswal, Anil and Chaturvedi, Archana 2004. Uses of some important
medicinal plants of Chitrakoot region of Satna (M.P.) Nat. Jour. of Life
1(2): 349-352.

69.  Tirkey,
Amia, Kumar, Vivek, Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Jain, S.K. 2006. Ethnobotanical
research in Chhattisgarh-A conspectus. Ethnobotany

70.  Sikarwar,
. and Jaiswal, Anil and Kumar, Vivek. 
2006. Medicinal uses of Actiniopteris radiata   J. Trop. Med. Plants 7 (2): 279-282.

71.  Sikarwar
, R
.L.S. and Pathak, Bharat. 2007. 
Diversity, Utilization and Conservation of Medicinal Plants of
Chitrakoot Region. In Trivedi, P.C. (Ed.) Ethnomedicinal Plants of India,
Avishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur. (pp.180-187).

72.  Dubey,
P.C., Sikarwar, R.L.S., and Tiwari, Arjun Pradad 2007. Ethnobotany of Cordia
. J. Trop. Med. Plants
8 (2): 78-81.

73.  Sikarwar,
2007. Ex situ Conservation of Alectra chitrakutensis (Rau) R.
Prasad & R.D. Dixit,  Curr. Sci.
92 (11): 1485-1486.

74.  Sikarwar,
and Dasila, Lokesh 2007. Livistota jenkinsiana Griff.
(Arecaceae)-An endemic and Endangered Palm of Northeast India. J. Econ.
Taxon. Bot
. 31 (2): 414-416.

75.  Dubey,
P.C., Khanna, K.K., Sikarwar,
and Tiwari, A.P. 2007. Threat Assessment of Plant Diversity in
Amarkantak Area. In Joshi, K.C. & Mandal, A.K. (Ed.), Research Needs for
Achanakmar-Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve,
Tropical Forest Research
Institute, Jabalpur (pp. 55-79).

76.  Dubey,
P.C., Khanna, K.K., Sikarwar,
Saxena, R.N. and
Tiwari, A.P. 2007. Biodiversity and its threat assessment in Vindhyan region. Indian J. Trop. Biodiv.
15 (1): 1-52.

77.  Sikarwar,
2007. Floristic
diversity of Kamadgiri (the Chitrakoot hill)- a most ancient sacred grove of
India. Phytotaxonomy 7: 66-77.

78.  Singh,
Vijay Pratap, Sikarwar, R.L.S. and
Dalai, Sujit. 2008. D-Cap- An Infallible Drug for Diabetes Prepared from Bougainvillea. In Roy, R.K. & Goel,
A.K. (Ed.) Bougainvillea-2006,

Economic Botany Information Services, NBRI, Lucknow (pp. 76-79).

79.  Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2008. Status,
Utilization and Conservation of Threatened Medicinal Plants of Chitrakoot
region. In Upadhyay, Ashutosh (Ed.) State
of Art in Cultivation, Collection, Storage, Processing & Marketing of
Herbal, Medicinal, and Aromatic Plants,
MGCGV, Chitrakoot  (pp. 29-35.).

80.  Dubey,
P.C., Sikarwar,
 Khanna, K.K., Saxena,
R.N.  and Tiwari, A.P. 2008.
Identification and Conservation priorities of threatened plants of Vindhyan
region. Bhartiya Vaigyanik Evam Audyogik Anusandhan Patrika
(June Issue).

81.  Soni,
Priti, Sikarwar, R.L.S. and
Chaurasia, Sadhana 2008. Plants used as Medicine by Mawasi tribe of Chitrakoot
region (M.P.). In Upadhyay, Ashutosh (Ed.) State
of Art in Cultivation, Collection, Storage, Processing & Marketing of
Herbal, Medicinal, and Aromatic Plants,
MGCGV, Chitrakoot 
(pp. 97-100).

82.  Sikarwar, R.L.S., Pathak, Bharat and
Jaiswal, Anil 2008. Some unique Ethnomedicinal perceptions of Tribal
communities of Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh. Indian
Journal of Traditional Knowledge
7 (4): 613-618.

83.  Sikarwar,
2009. A List of trees of
Botanic Garden (NBRI) Lucknow. J. Econ Tax. Bot. 33(2) 376-384.

84.  Sikarwar,
L.S. 2009.Taxonomic status of Alectra chitrakutensis (Rau) R.
Prasad & R.D. Dixit. J . Econ
Tax. Bot.

85.  Khanna,
K.K., Dubey, P.C., Sikarwar,
and Tiwari, A. 2009. Some Angiospermic plants new to Central India.
J. Econ. Tax. Bot.
33 (4): 834-836.

86.  Shulka,
A.N., Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Singh,
K.P.  2009. Observations of Plants of
Achanakmar-Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve and their Ethnomedicinal uses. In
Trivedi, P.C. (Ed.) Indigenous
Ethnomedicinal Plants
, Pointer Publishers, Jaipur. (pp. 157-171)

87.  Dubey,
P.C., Sikarwar, R.L.S., Khanna, K.K and Tiwari, Arjun Pradad
2009. Ethnobotany of Dillenia pentagyna Roxb. in Vindhya region of
Madhya Pradesh Natural Product Radiance

88.  Sikarwar,
Dubey, P.C., Khanna,
K.K.and Tiwari, A.P. 2009.Threat Assessment and Utilization of Medicinal Plants
of Vindhyan Region of Madhya Pradseh. In Trivedi, P.C. (Ed.) Indian
Medicinal Plants,
Avishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur. (pp.184-195).

89.  Tripathi,
Manoj, Dwivedi, N., Mishra, S.N., Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2009.Ethnomedicinal
formulations used by the traditional herbal practitioners of Chitrakoot
district (U.P.). In Pandey, B.N., Singh, S.P. and Singh, Rashmi (Ed.) Sustainable
Management and Conservation of Biodiversity,
Narendra Publishing House, New
Delhi (pp. 215-220).

90.  Soni,
Priti, Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Chaurasia, Sadhana 2010. Plants used in
Magico-religious Belief by Mawasi tribe of Chitrakoot region. In Trivedi, P.C.
(Ed.) Ethnic tribes and Medicinal Plants,
Pointer Publishers, Jaipur
(pp. 151-154).

91.  Sikarwar,
and Tiwari, Ashok Kumar 2010. Ethnobotany of Balanites
aegyptiaca. J. Trop. Med. Plants

92.  Sikarwar,
and Tiwari, Ashok Kumar 2010. Exploitation, Utilization and
Conservation of endemic and critically endangered plant species Alectra
in the Chitrakoot region. Ethnobotany 22: 225-127.

93.  Khanna,
K.K., Kumar, Anand, Sikarwar, R.L.S and Dubey, P.C. 2010. Eryngium
L. (Apiaceae)- A new record for Uttar Pradesh. Journal of
Tropical Forestry
26 (1): 80-81.

94.  Sikarwar,
and Pande, H.C. 2010. Selaginella chrysocaulos (Hook. et
Grev.) Spring- An Addition to the Pteridophytic Flora of Central India. Jour.
Non Timb. For. Products
17 (2):259-260.

95.  Sikarwar,
 Dubey, P.C., Khanna, K.K., Saxena,
R.N.  and Tiwari, A.P. 2010. Additions to
the flora of Madhya Pradesh. Phytotaxonomy 10:29-31.

96.  Sikarwar,
2010. The Herbal Garden and herbarium of Arogyadham, deendayal
Research Institute, Chitrakoot, Dist. Satna, Madhya Pradesh. Phytotaxonomy 10:

97.  Soni,
Priti, and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2011. Pharmacopoeial Standardization of Alectra
(M.A.Rau) R. Prasad & R.D. Dixit found in Chitrakoot
region. Jour. of Natural Remedies
11 (2): 124-131.

98.  Sikarwar, R.L.S., Tiwari, Ashok Kumar
and Pathak, Bharat. 2011. Medicinal Uses of Momordica
. J. Trop. Med. Plants 12 (2): 177-178.

99.  Sikarwar,
L.S. 2011. Chitrakoot Forests: A treasure of Cultural and Biological
diversity. In Singh, Pratibha, Shrivastav, R. and Dubey, R.K. (Eds.) Forest
Biodiversity: Earths Living Treasure,
U.P. State Biodiversity Board,
Lucknow (pp.62-67).

100. Sikarwar,
L.S. 2011. Chitrakoot Forests: A treasure of Cultural and Biological
diversity. In Singh, Pratibha, Shrivastav, R. and Dubey, R.K. (Eds.) Forest
Biodiversity: Earths Living Treasure,
U.P. State Biodiversity Board,
Lucknow (pp.62-67).

101. Agnihotri,
A.K. Tiwari, Lalit, Rai, Nitin, Sharma, R.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2012. Traditional Healthcare of wild plants
prevalent in Haldwani forest area, Central Himalaya. Research & Reviews: Jour. of Herbal Science
1(1): 34-39.

Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2012. Oceans in Hindu
Mythology. In Singh, Pratibha, Srrivastava, R. and Dubey, R.K. (Eds.) Marine
U.P. State Biodiversity Board, Lucknow (pp.169-173).

103. Sikarwar,
L.S. 2012. Ethnobotanical Uses of Prosopis
 (L.) Druce in Morena
district of Madhya Pradesh. J. Econ.
Taxon. Bot.
 36 (1): 8—11.

104. Tiwari, A.P., Dubey, P.C., Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Khanna, K.K. 2012.
Ethnomedicinal plants used by Baiga tribe of Achanakmar-Amarkantaka Biosphere
Reserve, Central India. Jour. Trop. Med. Plants 13(2): 167-175.

105. Sikarwar,
L.S., Tripathi, Manoj and
Pathak, Bharat 2012. Ethnomedicinal plants sold by herbal vendors in the
Kamadgiri Parikrima Marg in Chitrakoot (M.P.). Ethnobotany 24 (1&2):114-118.

106. Tripathi, Manoj and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2013. Some Traditional Herbal Formulations of
Chitrakoot region, Madhya Pradesh, India. Indian J. Traditional Knowledge
12(2): 315-320.

107. Sikarwar,
L.S. 2013. Aquatic Biodiversity of the River Mandakini of Chitrakoot. In Singh,
Pratibha and Shrivastav, Ramji (Eds.) Water & Biodiversity. U.P.
State Biodiversity Board, Lucknow (pp.70-74).

108. Rao, Ch.V; Rajesh Kumar, G.; Sharma, Manju;
Gupta, Shyam Sunder and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2013. Effect of Alectra parasitica var. chitrakutensis on aspirin induced
ulceration in rats. Research and Reviews:
Journal of Medical Health Sciences
2(1): 10-15.

109. Sikarwar,
2013. Ethnomedicinal uses of
Selaginella bryopteris (L.) Baker in
J. Econ. Taxon. Bot.  37(1):101-105.

110. Jain, A.K.
and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2013. Some
Important Contributions to Indian Ethnobotany. In Jain,S.K. & Jain, A.K.
(eds.) An 
Introduction to Ethnobotany
, Deep Publications, New Delhi  

111. Tomar, Sangeeta and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2013. General Economic loss caused by
Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta ssp. mulatta) in Chitrakoot
Region. National Journal of Life Science 10 (2): 159-163.

112. Joshi,
Bhavana; Tiwari, Arjun Prasad and Sikarwar,
2013. Poisonous plants with medicinal values from Bilaspur District,
Chhattisgarh. Bionature
33 (2):

113. Sikarwar,
Tiwari, Ashok Kumar and
Pathak, Bharat 2013. Ethnomedicinal Uses of Van Kareli (Momordica charantia L.) in Chitrakoot Region. Life Science Bulletin 10 (1): 57-59.

114. Joshi, Bhavana; Tiwari, A.P. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2013. Opuntia
(Ker-Gawl.) Haw. – A promising crop plant. Phytotaxonomy 13:146-149.

115. Mukherjee, Prasanjit; Das, Anuradha and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2013.Use of gemstones and their plant substitutes
in Berhampore subdivision of Murshidabad district, West Bengal. Ethnobotany
25: 169-171.

116. Negi, R.S., Pathak, Bharat and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2014. Rehabilitation
of waste lands through Fruit Orchard Plantations. Ind. For. 140 (3):

117. Joshi, Bhavana; Garg, Arti, Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Tiwari, A.P. 2014.
The Altered output of Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. Crop under differential
water stress conditions. Journal of Natural Remedies 14 (1): 112-118.

118. Sikarwar,
2014. Medicinal Plants of
Chhattisgarh- Status and Conservation. Heritage
10(2):33-36 (April 2014).

119. Sikarwar,
2014. Status and
Conservation of Medicinal Plants of Madhya Pradesh. Heritage Amruth 10(2):43-46 &49 (April 2014).

120. Sharma, P.P. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2014. Floristic Diversity of Diu
Island. In Singh, Pratibha, Shrivastava, Ramji and Nayaka, Sanjeeva (Eds.) Island
U.P. State Biodiversity Board, Lucknow (pp.151-154).

121. Sikarwar, R. L.S. 2014. Plant Diversity
of Kamadgiri Hill (Chitrakoot). In Krishna, Nanditha (Ed.) Ecological Traditions of India Vol. IX Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh,
CPR Environmental Education Centre, Chennai (pp.57-79).

122. Tomar, Sangeeta and Sikarwar, R.L.S.
2014. Feeding Ecology and Diet Composition of Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta ssp. mulatta) in Chitrakoot Region. Ind. For. 140 (10): 970-975.



Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Maheshwari, J.K. 1992.
Ethno-Medicobotany of Dangs district of Gujarat. In “National Conference on
Ethnobotany in relation to Human Welfare” at K.R.G.P.G. College Gwalior (M.P.)
from 24-25 March 1992.

2.   Kaushik,
J.P. and Sikarwar, R.L.S.
1992. Plants used as medicine in Morena
district of Madhya Pradesh. Ibid.

3.   Sikarwar,
and Kaushik, J.P. 1992. Aquatic and Semi aquatic plants of flora of
Morena district, Madhya Pradesh. In “National Seminar on Problems and Prospects
of Angiosperm Taxonomy in India” at School of Studies of Botany, Jiwaji
University, Gwaior (M.P.) from 9-11 October, 1992.

4.   Sikarwar,
and Kaushik, J.P. 1992. A contribution of the flora of Madhya
Pradesh. Ibid.

5.   Sikarwar,
1994. Ethnoverinary plant medicines in Morena district of Madhya
Pradesh. In “IV
th International Congress of Ethnobiology” at NBRI,
Lucknow (U.P.) from 17-21 November 1994.

6.   Sikarwar,
1995. Wild edible plants of Morena district (M.P.). In “National
Research Seminar on Ethnobotany and Human Welfare” at Govt. New Science
College, Rewa (M.P.) from 13-14  March,

7.   Sahu,
T.R., Sahu, P.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S.
1996. Traditional cultural and
biological resources in life of Abujhmaria of Bastar (M.P.) India. In “National
Conference of Relevance of Taxonomy in Conservation of Biodiversity” at Dept.
of Botany, Sagar University, Sagar (M.P.) from 15-17 July, 1996.

8.   Jain,
S.K., Sikarwar, R.L.S.
and Sneh Lata 1996. Unique perceptions about
plants in distant and distinct environments: A case study from India and Latin
America. In “International Conference on Plants and Environmental Pollution” at
NBRI, Lucknow from 26-30 Nov. 1996.

9.   Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1996. Ethnobiological working plans – A
strategy for future forestry. In “International Conference on Tropical Forestry
in the 21st Century” at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand from
25-29 November 1996.

10.  Jain,
S.K. and  Sikarwar,  R.L.S.
1997. Vanopuj Par Adharit Kuteer
Udhyogon ki esthapana dwara Janjatiyon ka Samazic Utthan – Bastar Jile ke
Sandarbh mein. In “National Seminar on Adhunik Prodhyogikiyan Tatha Gramin
Vikas” at NISTAD (CSIR) New Delhi from 27-29 March, 1997.

11.  Sikarwar,
1997. Some Ethnoveterinary uses of plants less known in India. In
“International Conference on Ethnoveterinary medicines” at Pune from 4-6
November 1997.

12.  Jain,
S.K. and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 1998. Some Indian Plants uses in Latin American
Ethnomedicine. In “21st All India Botanical Conference” at Ujjain
from 24-26 
October, 1998.

13.  Jain,
S.K. and  Sikarwar, R.L.S.
Some herbs less known for reproductive and child health care in India. In
“South-East Asian Seminar on Herbs and Herbal Medicines” at Patna from 16-19
January, 1999.

14.  Sikarwar,
1999. Floristic diversity in Chambal Ravines of Madhya Pradesh. In
nd All India Botanical Conference” at Mumbai from 23 to 25
October 1999.

15.  Sikarwar,
and Brijlal 1999. Traditional Phytotherapy among the tribals of
Raigarh district of Madhya Pradesh. In “V
th International Congress
on Ethnopharmacology” 
at NBRI, Lucknow
from 17-21 November 1999.

16.  Sikarwar,
Mehrotra, Shanta and Rawat, A.K.S. 2000.
e/; izns’k dh
tutkfr;ksa }kjk vkS”kf/k;ksa esa iz;qDr isM+&ikS/ks
In : Akhil
Bhartiya Vigyan Sammelan, at Lucknow from 16-18 October, 2000.

17.  Singh,
Mukta, Sikarwar, R.L.S.,
Shukla M., Misra, Neeta, Rawat, A.K.S. and
Mehrotra Shanta 2000.
xzkeh.k efgykvksa ,oa cPpksa ds LokLF; ,oa
iks”k.k esa vkS”k/kh; ikS/kksa dh Hkwfedk % ,d voyksdu

18.  Shukla,
M., Mehrotra, Shanta, Rawat, A.K.S. and Sikarwar, R.L.S.
lkSan;Z   izlk/ku esa iz;qDr ouLifr;ka ibid.

19.  Sikarwar,
Srivastava, Sharad, Rawat, A.K.S., Mehrotra, Shanta and Pushpangadan,
P. 2000. Use of some forest herbs by tribal/local people of Chitrakoot Region.
In “National Conference on Swadeshi Vigyan. Traditional and Modern Focus:
Health Agriculture, Water”  at NSIT, New
Delhi from 26-28 December, 2000.

20.  Misra,
Neeta, Sikarwar, R.L.S.,
Rawat, A.K.S., Mehrotra, Shanta and
Pushpangadan, P. 2000. Organic farming in the present scenario. ibid.

21.  Sikarwar,
, Rawat, A.K.S.,Mehrotra, S.and Pushpangadan, P. 2001. Biodiversity
Resources of Chitrakoot Region of Madhya Pradesh. In National seminar on
Biodiversity Conservation – challenges for 21
st Century, at Jiwaji
University Gwalior (M. P.) from 26- 28 Nov. 2001.

22.  Mishra,
Neeta, Sikarwar, R.L.S.
and Mehrotra, S. 2001 Javik Krishi Men Mahilaon
Ka Yogdan. In Mahila Shashktikaran Sangosthi, held at National Botanical
Research Institute, Lucknow from 5-6 Dec. 2001.

23.  Sikarwar,
, Mishra, Neeta, Rawat, A.K.S., Mehrotra, S. and Pushpangadan,
P.  2002. Role of Rural Women in
Environmental Conservation through Organic farming. In 2
nd International
Conference on Plants and Environmental pollution, at National Botanical
Research Institute, Lucknow from 4-9 Feb., 2002.

24.  Mishra,
Neeta, Sikarwar, R.L.S., Rawat, A.K.S., Mehrotra, S. and
Pushpangadan,  P.  2002. Integrated Pest management: A need for
21st Century Farm Women.  In 2nd
International Conference on Plants and Environmental pollution, at National
Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow from 4-9 Feb., 2002.

25.  Sikarwar,
Kumar, V., Rawat, A.K.S., Mehrotra, S. and Pushpangadan, P. 2002.
Radermachera xylocarpa (Roxb.)
K. Schum. (Bignoniaceae)-an
endangered and interesting tree of Central India. In National Seminar on
Taxonomy in the study and Conservation of Plant diversity-a national Priority,
at National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow,  from 5-6 October,2002.

26.  Kumar,
Vivek, Sikarwar, R.L.S., Rawat, A.K.S., Mehrotra, S. and Pushpangadan,
P.  2002.
Role of Tribals in
Conservation of Plant diversity in Central India. ibid.

27.  Sikarwar,
, Rawat, A.K.S., Mehrotra, S. 2003. 
A Study on Ethnobotany of Central India. In National Seminar on
Ethnobiology: Sustainable Development and Conservation of Cultural and
Biological Diversity, at Govt. New Science College, Rewa (M.P.) from 7-8 Feb.

28.  Jaiswal,
Anil, Chaturvedi, Archana and Sikarwar, R.L.S
. 2003. Ethnobotany of
Chitrakoot Region, District Satna (M.P.). ibid.

29.  Sikarwar,
., Kumar, Vivek, Rawat, A.K.S. and Mehrotra, S. 2003.
Folk Uses of Plants in Veterinary Medicine in Central India. In 2
World Congress on Biotechnological Developments of Herbal Medicine (organized
by IIHM) at National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow from 20-22, Feb.

30.  Kumar,
Santosh, Sikarwar, R.L.S.
, Rawat, A.K.S., Mehrotra, S. 2003. Some
Potential Medicinal Plants of Chitrakoot, Satna District of Madhya Pradesh.

31.  Kumar,
Vivek, Sikarwar, R.L.S., Rawat, A.K.S., Mehrotra, S. 2003. Some
Important Medicinal Plants Prevalent Among the Tribals of Surguja District,

32.  Agnihotri,
Adarsh Kumar,  Sikarwar, R.L.S.,
Khatoon, Sayyada, Rawat, A.K.S., Mehrotra, S. 2003.Some Common Medicinal Plants
Used by Local People of Haldwani Forest Division of Uttaranchal.  Ibid.

33.  Sikarwar,
Jaiswal, Anil and Chaturvedi, Archana 2003. Alectra
(Rau) Prasad & Dixit (Scrophulariaceae)- A wonder drug
of Chitrakoot region. In National Workshop on Ayurveda Research Scenario-
Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects for Excellences at Arogyadham, (D.R.I.)
Chitrakoot, from 24 to 26 May, 2003.

34.  Sikarwar,
Jaiswal, Anil and Tiwari, A.K. 2003. Live Gene Bank of Medicinal
Plants of Arogyadham- a Paradigm for ex situ Conservation. In National
Seminar on “New Millennium Strategies for Quality, Safety & GMPs of Herbal
Drugs/ Products” held at National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow from
11-13, November, 2003.

35.  Sikarwar,
Khanna, K.K. and Jaiswal, Anil 2003. Chlorophytum boribilianum
Sant. & Fern. (Liliaceae)- A new record for Madhya Pradesh. In “13th Annual
Conference of IAAT and International Symposium on Plant Taxonomy: Advances and
Relevance” at University Dept. of Botany, T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur
from 14-15 November 2003.

36.  Sikarwar,
and Jaiswal, Anil 2004. Traditional Knowledge and IPR with
particular reference to tribals of Chitrakoot region. In “National Workshop on
IPR Issues: Education, Awareness & Execution” at S.O.S. in Botany, Jiwaji
University, Gwalior (M.P.) from 1-5, March 2004.

37.   Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2004. Biodiversity of
Chitrakoot. In Regional workshop on “Biodiversity of Vindhya region”, at
Collectorate Auditorium, Rewa on 20 August 2004.

38.  Sikarwar,
2005. An assessment and Conservation of Biodiversity of Chitrakoot,
Madhya Pradesh. India. In Third International Conference on Plants &
Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-3) held at NBRI, Lucknow from 28.11.2005 to

39.  Sikarwar,
2005. Floristic Diversity of Chambal Ravines. In a Seminar on
“Survey and Conservation of Biodiversity of Chambal Division” held Dept. of
Botany, Ambah PG Autonomous College, Ambah, Dist. Morena (MP) 0 27.12.2005.

40.  Sikarwar,
2006. An overview of Ethnobotany of Madhya Pradesh, India. In  “Silver Jubilee Symposium on Ethnobotany in
the New Millennium, held at NBRI Lucknow from 12-14 January 2006.

41.  Sikarwar,
and Jaiswal, Anil 2006. IPR issue in reference to tribals of
Chitrakoot region. In National Seminar on “Modern trends in IPR issues in
reference to science, technology, society and commercialization” held at Jiwaji
University, Gwalior from 3-5 March 2006.

42.  Singh,
Vijay Pratap and Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2006. D-Cap- an infallible drug for
diabetes prepared from Bougainvillea
leaves. In National Conference on
Bougainvillea, held at NBRI, Lucknow from 12-13 April 2006.

43.  Sikarwar,
2006. Ex situ conservation of Biodiversity of Chitrakoot with
special reference to medicinal plants. In 29
th All India Botanical
Conference held at Department of Botany, M.L. Sukhadia University, Udaipur from
9-11 October 2006.

44.  Sikarwar,
2007. Biodiversity of Chitrakoot-utilization and Conservation. In
National Seminar on Environment-2007, Conservation of Biological Resources and
sustainable Development at Govt. New Science College, Rewa form 9-10
February 2007.

45.  Sikarwar,
Dubey, P.C. and Tiwari, Arjun 2007. Cordia macleodii (Ehretiaceae)-An
unique ethnomecinal plant of Vindhya region, Madhya Pradesh. ibid

46.  Dubey,
P.C., Sikarwar, R.L.S
. and Tiwari, Arjun 2007. Assessment and
Conservation of Biodiversity of Vindhya region, Madhya Pradesh.

47.  Dalai,
Sujit Kumar and Sikarwar, R.L.S.
2007. Collection and Preservation of
medicinal plants in ancient India.

48.  Dubey,
P.C., Sikarwar, R.L.S
. and Tiwari, Arjun 2007. Threat assessment of
important Medicinal plants in Amarkantak area. In a National Workshop on “Research
needs for Achanakmar-Amarkantaka Biosphere Reserve” at TFRI. Jabalpur on30.4.2007.

49.  Sikarwar,
R.L.S. 2007.
Status, Utilization and Conservation of Threatened plants of
Chitrakoot region. In “National Seminar on State of Art in Cultivation,
Collection, Storage, Processing & Marketing of Herbal, Medicinal and
Aromatic plants”, at MGCGV, Chitrakoot from 22-23 September 2007.

50.  fldjokj]
jkey[ku flag
2007] fp=dwV dh tSofofo/kk dk losZ{k.k ,oa
laj{k.k] jk”Vªh; laxks”Bh orZeku lanHkZ esa tSofofo/krk dk egRo]
22-&23 uoacj]
2007] jk’Vªh; ouLifr vuqla/kku laLFkku]
y[kuÅ A

51.  Sikarwar,
2007. Contribution of Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) in Indian Plant
Taxonomy. In 30
th Botanical Conference (Indian Botanical Society)
held at School of Studies in Botany, Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P.) from-
28-30 November 2007.

52.  Sikarwar,
2007. Floristic Diversity of Kamadgiri (Chitrakoot Hill)- A most
ancient sacred grove of India ibid.

53.   Soni, Priti, Sikarwar, R.L.S. and
Chaurasia, Sadhana 2007. A study on Ethnomedicine of Mawasi Tribe in Chitrakoot
region ibid.

54.  Sikarwar,
2007. Floristic Diversity of Chitrakoot Region (M.P.). In Bhartiya
Vigyan Sammelan 2007, MPCST, Bhopal from 23-25 Nov. 2007.

55.  Sikarwar,
R.L.S. 2008. Ethnomedicinal uses of Pteridophytes in Chitrakoot. In
National Conference on Peridophytes, held at NBRI, Lucknow from 27.11.08 to

56.  Sikarwar,
R.L.S. 2008. Chitrakoot- An Unexplored Paradise of Biodiversity. In
International Seminar on “Role of Plant Taxonomy in Biodiversity Management and
Human Welfare.” Held at FRI, Dehradun from 01.12.08 to 03.12.08.

57.  Sikarwar,
L.S. 2008. A Past and Present Status of Biodiversity of Chitrakoot. In “31st
All India Botanical Conference & International Symposium on Plant Biology
and Environment: Changing Scenario”, held at Dept of Botany, University of
Allahabad, from 17th to 19th December 2008.

58.  Sikarwar,
2008. Taxonomic Survey and
Conservation of Biodiversity of Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh. Ibid

59.  Soni,
Priti, Sikarwar, R.L.S. and Chaurasia, Sadhana 2008. Traditional
Veterinary Herbal Medicines Used by Mawasi Tribe of Chitrakoot Region. Ibid

60.  Dubey,
P.C, Khanna, K.K., Sikarwar,
.. and Tiwari, Arjun 2008. Traditional Medicinal Uses of Plants in
Vindhyan Region, Madhya Pradesh and Conservation Strategy for Threatened

61.  Sikarwar,
2009. A scenario of Indian Biodiversity. In National Conference on
Biodiversity and Biotechnology, held at SRK College Satna from 24 to25 January

62.  Sikarwar,
2009. Contribution of Charles Darwin (1809-1882) in Plant Taxonomy. In
Annual Conference of Indian Association of Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT) &
International Symposium on “Angiosperm Systematics & Phylogeny: Retrospects
and Prospects”, held at NBRI, Lucknow from 12-14 November 2009.

63.  Sikarwar,
Dubey, P.C., Khanna, K.K. and Tiwari, Arjun 2010. Study of
Biodiversity of Vindhyan region of Madhya Pradesh. In national Conference on
Biodiversity and Biotechnology held at Govt. MSG College, Rewa from 16-17
November 2010.

64.  Sikarwar,
2010. Taxonomic Survey and conservation of Biodiversity of
Chitrakoot, M.P., India. In national Conference on Biodiversity and
Biotechnology held at Govt. MSG College, Rewa from 16-17 November 2010.

 Tomar, Sangita, Sikarwar,
and Chaturvedi, S.K. 2010. “Phytophagy in Rhesus  Macaque (Macaca mulatta) in Chitrakoot Forest
area”. In 33
rd Indian Botanical Society Conference held at Shiwaji
University, Kolhapur from 10-12 November 2010.

66. Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2010. “Interesting
Ethnomedicinal uses of Pterodophytes among tribal communities of Chitrakoot
region, Madhya Pradesh” ibid.

67. Sikarwar, R.L.S. and
Pathak, Bharat 2010.Chitrakoot- an unexplored paradise of medicinal plants
diversity. In 20
th Annual Conference of Indian Association for
Angiosperm Taxonomy and International Symposium on Taxonomy, Plant diversity
and Conservation, held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore from 26-28 November

68. Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2010.
Plant Diversity of kamadgiri Sacred Grove, Chitrakoot. Ibid.

69. Sikarwar, R.L.S.
2010.Utilization, Depletion and Conservation of Alectra chitrakutensis (Rao)
R. Prasad & R.D. Dixit. Ibid.

Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2011. Plant feeding of Rhesus
Macaque (Macaca mulatta) in Chitrakoot Forest area”. In 34 All India
Indian Botanical Conference, Held at University of Lucknow from 10-12 October,

71.   Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2011. “Ethno medicinal Plants sold in the Kamadgiri
Parikrima Marg, Chitrakoot. ibid.

72.  Sangeeta
Tomar, R.L.S. Sikarwar
and S.K.
Chaturvedi. 2011
Plant feeding of Rhesus macaque (Macaca
in Chitrakoot Forest area. ibid.

73.  Sikarwar,
2011. Taxonomic Survey and Conservation of Biodiversity of
Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh.
National Seminar on
“Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change” (BCCI-11), held at IIMR,
Bhubaneshwar, from December 2-4, 2011.

74.  Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2011. Ethnomedicinal
Uses of Pteridophytes in Chitrakoot region of Madhya Pradesh.ibid.

75.  Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2012. An Over view of
Vehicles of Communication of Ethnobotanical  Knowledge. In National Seminar on “Impact of
Development Activities on Traditional Ethnomedicines, Biodiversity and its
Conservation” held at CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow from 17-19 March, 2012.

76.  Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2012. Chitrakoot a
Paradise of Ethnobotanical Studies, ibid.

77.  Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2012. Development of
Ethnobotany in last 50 years. In National Seminar on “Role of Ethnobotany in
Conservation of Nature” held at Department of Botany, Govt. (Autonomous) Holkar
Science College, Indore from 23-24, March 2012.

78.  Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2012. Survey and
Conservation of Plant diversity of Chitrakoot, M.P., India. In 35th Indian
Botanical Society Conference held at Maharaja Sayajirao University, Vadodara,
Gujarat from 08-10 December 2012.

79.  Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2013. Medicinal plants diversity of India:
condition, identification and conservation. In National Seminar on Emerging
Trends & Applications of Herbal Technology, held at Rajiv Gandhi Institute
of Pharmacy (AKS University), Satna (M.P.) from 10-11, August, 2013.

80.  Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2014. Chitrakoot-A hub
of Biological and Cultural Diversity. In National Seminar on “Biodiversity
Conservation for Human Welfare” held at Govt. P.G. College, Satna (M.P.) from
24-25 May, 2014.

81.  Sikarwar, R.L.S. 2014. Floristic study
and conservation of Biodiversity of Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh, India. In 37
All India Conference of the Indian Botanical Society, held at V.G. Vaze
College, Mulund, Mumbai from 7-9 November, 2014.