List of Publications


  1. Halder, Suman, Sangita
    Dey, Anant Kumar and Potharaju Venu
    2014. Lectotypification of Fimbristylis
    in Phytotaxa

  1. Dey Sangita & Parigi
    Venkateswara Prasanna
    2013. Lectotypification
    of Scleria alta and Schoenus nemorum (Cyperaceae)

    in J. Japanese Botany 88(4):212-215.

  1. Dey Sangita & Parigi
    Venkateswara Prasanna
    2012. Typifications of
    Rhynchospora hookeri Boeck.,Rhynchospora longisetis R. Br. and Rhynchospora rubra (Lour.) Makino
    in Candollea

  1. Dey Sangita & P. V. Prasanna 2010. The tribe Rhynchosporeae Nees
    (Cyperaceae) in India in Rheedea

  1. Dey Sangita & P. V. Prasanna 2009. New Records of Scleria P.J.Bergius (Cyperaceae)
    from Karnataka, India in Indian
    Journal of Forestry

  1. Dey Sangita & P. V. Prasanna 2009. Exclusion of Schoenus nigricans L, Rhynchospora triflora Vahl, Scleria foliosa Hochst., and Scleria reticulata(Holtt.) Kern
    (Cyperaceae) from Flora of India in Indian
    Journal of Forestry

  1. Dey Sangita & P. Venkateswara Prasanna 2008. Epitypification of Scleria terrestris (L.)
    Fass.(Cyperaceae) in Taxon 57(1):1-2.

  1. Dey Sangita & P. V. Prasanna 2007. Typifications in the genus Scleria P.J.Bergius (Cyperaceae) in
    Candollea 62(1):53-59.

  1. Dey Sangita, H. S. Debnath and P. K. Sikdar 2006. A Review of the legal tools for
    management of Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, West Bengal, India in Indian Forester 132(10):1343-1356

  1. Dey Sangita & P. V. Prasanna 2005. On the status and distribution
    of Scleria sumatrensis Retz. (Cyperaceae) in India in Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products