A. Research Papers published
1. J.K. Maheshwari & Harish Singh
1988. Ethnobotanical observations on the Saharia tribe of Lalitpur district, Uttar Pradesh. Vanyajati 36(3): 23-34. 2
Harish Singh & G.S. Bisht 1988. Depletion of ethnomedicinal plants of alpine region of ChamoliGarhwal along with concept of their conservation and multiplication. Jour. Sci. Res. Pl. & Med. 9(1&2): 20-23. 3. Harish Singh 1988.
Ethnobiological treatment of piles by Bhoxas of Uttar Pradesh. Ancient Science of Life 8(2): 167-170. 4. Econ. Bot. & Phytochem.2(1-4): 16-20.
5. Harish Singh 1989.
Ethnobotanical studies on Urticadioica Linn. among the Bhotias of ChamoliGarhwal, U.P. Jour. Econ. Tax. Bot. 13(3): 719-724. 6. Harish Singh, Arvind
Saklani & BrijLal 1990.Ethnobotanical observation on some Gymnosperms of Garhwal Himalaya, India. Economic Botany 44(3): 349-354. 7. J.K. Maheshwari & Harish
Singh 1990. Herbal remedies of Bhoxas of Nainital district, U.P. Aryavaidyan 4(1): 30-34. 8. J.K. Maheshwari and Harish
Singh 1992. Plants used by Bhoxas P.T.G. of Dehradun. Vanyajati 40: 1-8. 9. Harish Singh &J.K.
Maheshwari 1992. Traditional remedies for snakebite and scorpion-sting among the Bhoxas of Nainital district, U.P. Aryavaidyan 6(2): 120-123. 10. G.S. Bisht, Harish Singh &
R.D. Khulbe 1993. Damage to medicinal plants and deterioration of their active constituents by fungal species in central Himalaya, India.Cent. Him. Env. Assoc. Bull. 6: 66-72. 11. Harish Singh&G.S.
Bisht 1993. Traditional therapy among the Tolchhas of ChamoliGarhwal, U.P. Jour. Sci. Res. Pl. & Med. 13: 5-7. 12.Harish Ancient
Science of life 18(304): 250-253. 13. Harish district,
Uttar Pradesh, India. Ethnobotany 5: 63-65. 14. Harish Uttar Prakashan,
15. G.S.Bisht & Harish
Singh 1993. Observation on fungal diseases of some medicinal plants in central Himalaya.Int. Jour. Trop. Pl. Diseases 11: 107-116. 16. G.S.Bisht, Harish Singh &
S.L.Srivastava 1994. Survey of fungal plant diseases in a part of high altitudes of Central Himalaya. In: Y.P.S. Pangtey and R.S. Rawal (eds.) High Altitudes of the Himalaya: Biogeography, Ecology and Conservation, Gyanodaya Prakashan, Nainital, pp. 281-297. 17. S.C.Shah, L.K.Gupta & Harish
Singh 1994. Effect of growth regulators on growth, yield and pyrethrin content in Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cineriaefolium (Trev.)Bocc.) Recent Horticulture 1: 84-87. 18. G.S. Bisht, G.S. Himalaya: Status and
Potentialities. In: B.R. pant and M.C.Pant (eds.) Glimpsesof Central Himalaya, Vol. II, Radha Publication, New Delhi, pp. 317- 332. 19. Harish Singh, L.K.Gupta,
S.C.Shah & G.S.Bisht 1995. Observation on wild edible plants growing around the Government Garden, Chaubattia (Ranikhet), district Almora, Uttar Pradesh. Jour. Econ. Tax. Bot. 19: 325-330. 20. S.C. Shah, L.K.Gupta & Harish
Singh 1996. Effect of Auxins on rooting of stem cuttings of Rosemary (Rosmerinusofficinalis Linn.) Recent Horticulture 3: 126-128. 21. Harish Singh 1996.
Prospects of plant based cottage industries in the Bhoxa tract of Uttar Pradesh, In: P.K. Samal (ed.) Tribal Development: Options, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Almora. Pp.234-241. 22. G.S.Bisht &Harish
Singh 1997. Fungal disease of useful plants in the Garhwal Himalaya and their management. In: S.C.Satiet al. (ed.) Recent Research in Ecology,Environment and Pollution. Vol. X. Today and Tomorrow’s Publishers, New Delhi, pp 255-271. 23. S.C.Shah & Harish
Singh-Bhujwan 1998. Yield of tuber and percentage of diosgenin in Dioscoreadeltoidea Wall. as effected by different intervals of digging. Progressive Horticulture 30(1-2): 82-84. 24. Harish Singh Bhujwan, J.K.Maheshwari
& G.S. Bisht 1999. KumaonkiBhoxajanjatikaLokVanaspatikAdhyan. In: P.C.Pandeyet al. (ed.) Ethnobotany of Kumaon, Sci. Publ. Jodhpur, pp.95-105. 25. S.C.Shah & Harish
Singh-Bhujwan 1999. Rotting behavior of Berberis cuttings as influenced by plant growth regulators. Progressive Horticulture 31(1-2): 98-100. 26. Harish Singh 2003.
Herbal recipes for spermatorrhoea by Bhoxa tribe of Uttaranchal. Ethnobotany 15 (1-2): 115-117. 27. Harish Singh 2005. Plants used as Ethnomedicine by the Bhoxas of
Uttaranchal. In: S.K. Prabhujiet al. (ed.) Recent Advances in Medicinal Plants Research, Satish Serial Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 251-261. 28. Harish Singh 2005. Ex-situ Conservation of rare medicinal
plants in Govt. Garden Chaubattia (Ranikhet), District-Almora, Uttaranchal. Annals of Forestry 13(2):291-298. 29. Harish Singh 2006. Medicinal Plants and their local uses in
sub-Himalayan tract of Uttaranchal. In: P.C. Trivedi (ed.) Medicinal Plants: Ethnobotanical Approach, Agrobios (India), Jodhpur, pp. 201-206. 30. Harish Singh 2005. Bergenia ciliata
(Haw.)Sternb. – A rare promising medicinal plants needing conservation and cultivation. Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Newsletter 10(1&2): 12-13. 31. Harish Singh 2006. Some unrecorded dye yielding plants and their less known
ethnomedicinal uses in Uttaranchal. Ethnobotany 18(1-2): 119-121. 32. Harish
Singh2007. Himalayan Yew (Taxus wallichiana Zucc.): A multipurpose rare gymnosperm in India. Indian Forester 133(5):690-696. 33. Harish
Singh 2007. Promising Ethno-medicinal plants of Jharkhand. In: P.C. Trivedi (ed). Ethnomedicinal Plants of India, Aaviskar Publishers, Jaipur, pp. 1-32. 34. DC.
–An uncommon wild edible plant. ENVIS Newsletter 12(1-2):12. 35. Indian Journal
of Traditional Knowledge 7(2): 365-370. 36. cures:
Traditional Approach, Aavishkar Publishers, Jaipur. pp. 248-263. 37. Harish Singh, S.C. Srivastava, G. cassioidesRottlerex DC. Indian
Forester, 135(2):227-230. 38. lactucoides
and Dipcadi serotinum from Uttaranchal. J.Econ. Taxon. Bot. 33(1): 32-34. 39. in Ranchi district, Jharkhand. J. Econ. Taxon.
Bot. 33(4):803- 810. 40. study Plants, Pointer
publishers, Jaipur. pp. 89-106. 41. (rheumatism, Opinion.2(9): 22-26.
42. Harish Singh, G.Krishna& P.K. Baske 2010. Mayurbhanj
District, Odisha.Ethnobotany22 (1&2): 128-131. 43. vegetable
in Angul district, Odisha. ENVIS News Letter 16(2): 2. 44. Harish Singh 2012. Traditional Phytotherapy Ancient
Sci. Life. 31(3):137-140. 45. Harish Singh, G. Krishna, P.K. Baske & R. Saravanan2012. Less known Recipes shoots
from Western Odisha. ENVIS News Letter 17(2):6. 46. Harish district,
Odisha (India). Ethnobotany 24 (1 &2):86-91. 47. Harish Singh 2012.Less known ethnomedicinal uses of some plants from Sundargarh, Mayurbhanj, Angul and Balangir districts of Odisha, India.Nelumbo54:172-181.
48.Harish Singh 2012.ChlorophytumaundonaceaBaker (Nepayee): A Little known wild edible Plant with indigenous method of cooking in Angul Bot. 36
(4): 777-780. 49.Harish Singh & G. Krishna 2012.Ethnobotanical Observations on Angul District of Odisha, India, J.
Econ. Taxon. Bot. 36 (4): 781-808. 50. Harish Singh, G.Krishna & P.K. Baske 2013.Ethnomedicinal Sundargarh, Natural Products and resources 4(4); 419-424.
51. Harish Angul
and Bolangir districts of Odisha. Ethnobotany 25 (1&2):115-119. 52. Harish Mayurbhanj in
India, Deep Publication New Delhi, pp.80-117. 53.Harish Singh, P.K. Baske & R. Saravanan2014.Ethnobotanical District of Odisha, India, J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 38 (1): 40-73.
54. Harish Singh, G. Krishna, R. Saravanan, P.A.
Dhole & P.K. Baske 2014. Handia- the indigenous rice beer of Tribals in Odisha. ENVIS News Letter 19(1): 4.
B. Popular Articles Published: 1. Harish Singh 1988. 36(3): 15-18.
2. Harish Singh Bhujwan 1993. Jiwan rakshak jari- bootion Jagran, Bareilly on 6.8.1993, pp 8.
3. paudha. Uttarakhand Bhaishjya
Ratnakar, 1(1): 19. 4. dristikon ) Vanaspati Vani 13(12):
26-31. 5. 14(13):
54-56. 6.
V.S. Kumar and Harish Singh 2005. Jaiw vividhata: ek amulya vardaan. Paryavaran, 16(2): 5-8. 7. Vani 15(14): 38-40.
8. 30.
9. Harish Singh. ‘Bhujwan’ 2007. 17(16): 44-46.
10. Harish Singh ‘Bhujwan’ pahachan
men mahatwa. Vanaspati Vani 18(17): 102-107. 11. Harish Singh ‘Bhujwan’ 2009. Lok vanaspati vigyan Vani 19 (18):129-133.
12. unaka sarakshan. Vanaspati
Vani 19(18):134-136. 13. kuchh ped-paudhon ke parampragat
chamatkarik upayog. Vanaspati Vani 20(19): 99-105. 14. Harish Singh & Gopal Krishna 2011. vanaspation ke alp gyant aushdhiya
upayog. Vanaspai Vani 21(20):145-153. 15. Harish gharelu upayog. Vanaspai Vani 22(21):41-45.
16. Harish Singh tatha unke utpadon ka wipadan : Ek