Publications: There are 83 publications
as follows:


Karve, A. D., Nagavekar, D. V. and Nimbkar,
(1976). Seed set on self-pollination in safflower, Indian J. Genetics
and Plant Breeding
.  36 (1): 108-110.


World Register of Cultivated Peanut Germplasm (Arachis hypogaea
L.). Compiled by R. J. Varnell, N.
and M. Hernandez Jr. (1978). International Peanut Program.  Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences,
University of Florida, Gainesville.


Nimbkar, N. (1978). Simulation studies
on the effect of weather variability on peanut (Arachis hypogaea
L.) M. S. thesis (University of Florida) pp. 52.


Nimbkar, N. (1981).  Cell number in relation to seed size in
peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.).  Ph.D. Dissertation (University of
Florida).  pp. 64.


Nimbkar, N., Duncan, W. G. and Gardner,
F. P. (1981). Cell number in relation to seed size in peanuts, (Abstract) American
Peanut Research and Education Society, Inc. (APRES),
Vol. 13 (1): 83.


Nimbkar, B. V. and Nimbkar, N.
(1983).  Some observations on Prosopis
sp. collection in India.  Nitrogen
Fixing Tree Research Reports
. 1: 9-10.


Basarkar, C. D., Nimbkar, N. and Ghanekar, A. R. (1986).
Elements of
integrated control of shootfly in sweet sorghum. P. 3.32-3.40. In: Proceedings
of the First Australian Sorghum Conference
, Gatton, Queensland,
Australia.  Feb. 4-6, 1986. (Foale, N. A.
and Henzell, R. G. eds.).


Ghanekar, A. R., Nimbkar, N. and Basarkar, C. D. (1986).
Progress in
sweet sorghum research at the Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute, p.
7.37-7.45.  In : Proceedings of the
First Australian Sorghum Conference,
Gatton, Queensland, Australia. Feb.
4-6, 1986.  (Foale, N. A. and Henzell, R.
G. eds.).


Nimbkar, N. and Zende, N. (1986).
Comparative growth of eight tree species on wasteland under limited irrigation.
P. 122-127. Greening of Wastelands. Proceedings of the National Workshop on
Utilization of Wastelands for Bioenergy
, held in Pune, April 27-29, 1985.
(Hegde, N. G. and Abhyankar, P. D. eds.).


Nimbkar, B. V., Nimbkar, N.
and Zende, N. (1986). Establishment of trees in degraded land using limited
irrigation. P. 163-170. In: Plantation Crops: Opportunities and Constraints –
Vol. I.  Proceedings of the Symposium
on Plantation Opportunities in India
, held in New Delhi.  Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 1986. 
(Srivastava, H. C., Vatsya, B.
and Menon, K. K. G. eds.).


11.     Nimbkar, B. V., Nimbkar, N. and Zende, N. (1986).
Desertification of western Maharashtra : Cause and possible solutions. I.
Comparative growth of eight tree species. 
Forest Ecology and Management. (An International Journal).  16: 243-251.


12.     Nimbkar, N., Ghanekar, A. R. and Joseph, R. D. (1987). Development of improved
cultivars and management practices in sweet sorghum as a source of
ethanol.  P. 180-188.  In: Technology and Application for
Alternative Uses of Sorghum. Proceedings of the National Seminar held on
Feb. 2-3, 1987 at Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani (Ingle, U. M.,
Kulkarni, D. N. and Thorat, S. S. eds.).


13.     Nimbkar, N. and Joshi, A. B. (1988). Breeding sweet sorghum for the production of
sugar.  Final Technical Report
submitted to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 44 pp.


14.     Rajvanshi, A. K., Jorapur,
R. M. and Nimbkar, N. (1989).
Ethanol from sweet sorghum.  Publication
No. NARI-ALC-1 of Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute, Phaltan.


15.     Deshmukh, A. K., Patil, R.
M. and Nimbkar, N. (1991).
Commercial scale exploitation of hybrid vigour in safflower using genetic male
sterility system. P. 163-168. In : Proceedings of Second International
Safflower Conference,
India.  January 9-13, 1989 (Ranga Rao, V.
and Ramachandram, M. eds.).


16.     Nimbkar, N. and Joshi, A. B. (1991). Evaluation of the productivity of Prosopis
species as a biomass source in semi-arid regions of western Maharashtra. Final
Technical Report
submitted to Department of Non-conventional Energy
Sources (DNES)
, New Delhi.  209 pp.


17.     Ghanekar, A. R., Basarkar, C. D. and Nimbkar,
and practice relating to sorghum as a source of sugar in parts of India. P.
139-142. In: Utilization of Sorghum and Millets (Gomez, M. I., House, L.
R., Rooney, L. W. and Dendy, D. A. V. eds.). 
Patancheru, A. P. 502324, India: International Crops Research Institute
for the Semi-Arid Tropics.


18.     Nimbkar, N. (1992). Breeding sorghum for grain and sugar. Final Technical
submitted to Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR),
New Delhi. 52 pp.


19.     Nimbkar, N. (1992).  Study of Prosopis
species with a view to establishing social forests in the arid areas of
Maharashtra. Final Technical Report submitted to Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR)
, New Delhi. 
52 pp.


20.     Rajvanshi, A. K., De, T. K.,
Jorapur, R. M. and Nimbkar, N. (1993).
Jaggery and syrup from sweet sorghum. 
Publication No. NARI-GUR (1993) of Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute
, Phaltan.  pp. 12.


21.     Singh, V., Dhembare, A. J.,
Deshpande, M. B. and Nimbkar, N. (1993).
Variability and character association studies in safflower.  J. Maharashtra Agric. Univ. 18 (3):


22.     Singh, V. and Nimbkar, N. (1993). Genetics of aphid
resistance in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius
L.).  Sesame and Safflower Newsletter.  8: 101-106.


23.     Nimbkar, N. (1993). Genetic selection and improvement of Opuntia
cultivars for human and animal food on semi-arid lands.  Final Project Report Submitted to Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
, New Delhi.  89 pp.


24.     Dhembare, A. J. and Nimbkar, N. (1994). Preference of
aphids to different parts of a safflower plant. 
J. Maharashtra Agric. Univ. 19 (1): 157.


25.     Nimbkar, N., Yadav, D. B. and Prabhune, R. N. (1994). Evaluation of the
bioefficacy, phytotoxicity and compatibility of Neemax on okra [Abelmoschus
esculentus L. (Moench)] cultivar Parbhani Kranti.  Pestology.  XVIII (11): 10-19.


26.     Singh, V., Deshpande, M. B.,
Yadav, D. B., Choudhari, S. V. and Nimbkar,
(1995).  An appraisal of 25 years
of safflower research under irrigated conditions: 1968-1993.  Sesame and Safflower Newsletter.  10 : 69-79.


27.     Rajvanshi, A. K. and Nimbkar, N. (1996). Sweet sorghum R
& D at the Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute.  P. 356-362. 
In: Proceedings of First European Seminar on Sorghum for Energy and
held in Toulouse (France) from 1-3 April, 1996.


28.     Singh, V., Choudhari, S. V.,
Deshpande, M. B. and Nimbkar, N. (1997).
Status of hybrid safflower research in India. P. 266-268 In: Proceedings of
the Fourth International Safflower Conference
held in Bari (Italy) from 2-7
June, 1997.


29.     Nimbkar, N. and Rajvanshi, Anil K. (1997). 
Research on sweet sorghum in India: Part I – Resource Development. P.
398-414. In: Proceedings of the First International Sweet Sorghum Conference
held in Beijing, China from September 14-19, 1997 Session III: Germplasm and
Genetic Resources ed: Li Dajue, 793 pp.


30.     Rajvanshi, Anil K. and Nimbkar, N. (1997). Research on sweet
sorghum in India: Part II – Technology Development. P. 40-48. In: Proceedings
of the First International Sweet Sorghum Conference
held in Beijing, China
from September 14-19, 1997 Session I: Current situation on use and development
of sweet sorghum in different countries. ED: Li Dajue. 793 pp.


31.     Singh, V., Deshpande, M. B., Galande, M. K., Deshmukh, S. R. and Nimbkar, N. (2000).  Current status of research and development in
safflower hybrid in India.  In:
Extended Summaries.  National Seminar
on “Oilseeds and Oils Research and Development Needs
in the millennium
February 2-4, 2000. Indian Society of Oilseeds Research DOR, Hyderabad. p.


32.     Singh, V. Deshpande, M. B.
and Nimbkar, N. (2000). Potential
for commercial exploitation of hybrid vigour for flower yield in safflower and
popularisation of safflower flower as herbal health tea.  J. of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences
Vol. 22/4A and 23/1A (Oct. 2000-Mar. 2001). P. 303-307. (Proceedings of the
National Seminar on the Frontiers of Research and Development in Medicinal
– September 16-18, 2000) Published by Direcor, CIMAP, Lucknow.


33.     Deshmukh Shrinivas, Singh,
V. and Nimbkar, N. (2000). Marathi
article on safflower flowers (Maharashtrateel shetkaryanna vardan tharnare
kardaichya fulanche peak). In Aksharranga-a special supplement of newspaper
‘Lokmat’. 18 October. p. 8. 


34.     Nimbkar, N. (2001). Marathi article based on the article in nature magazine Myths
about organic agriculture (sendriya shetibaddalchya dantakatha). Baliraja.
October. p. 28-32.  


35.     Singh, V., Nimbkar, N. and Rajvanshi, A. K.
(2001). Safflower research and development at Nimbkar Agricultural Research
Institute (NARI). P. 117-121. In : Proceedings of the Fifth International
Safflower Conference,
Williston, N. D., U.S.A. July, 23-27, 2001.


36.     Singh, V., Galande, M. K., Deshmukh, S. R., Deshpande, M. B. and Nimbkar, N. (2001).  Identification of male sterile cytoplasm in
safflower.  P. 123-126. In: Proceedings
of the Fifth International Safflower Conference,
Williston, N. D., U.S.A.
July 23-27, 2001.


37.     Singh, V., Galande, M. K., Deshpande, M. B. and Nimbkar, N. (2001). Inheritance of wilt (Fusarium oxysporum
f sp. carthami) resistance in safflower. P. 127-131. In:
Proceedings of the Fifth International Safflower Conference
, Williston,
N.D., U.S.A. July 23-27, 2001.


38.     Singh, V. and Nimbkar, N. (2001). Studies on nature
of anthocyanin pigmentation and its inheritance in relation to genetic male
sterility in safflower. Abstract. Diamond Jubilee Symposium on hundred years
of post-mendelian genetics and plant breeding
: Retrospects and prospects,
November 6-9, 2001, IARI, New Delhi.  P.


39.     Nimbkar, N. (2002). Marathi article on need to improve science education in the
universities (vidyapeethanmadheel vidnyan shikshan sudharnyachi avashyakta).
Yuva Sakal. 9 March. 


40.     Hegde, D. M., Singh, V. and Nimbkar, N. (2002).  Safflower. P. 199-221 In: Genetic
Improvement of Field Crops
. (Singh, C. B. and Khare, D. eds.). Scientific
Publishers (India), Jodhpur.


41.     Nimbkar, N. Safflower rediscovered. Times Agricultural Journal.
November-December (2002).  2(1) : 32-36.


42.     Singh, V., Nimbkar, N. and Deshmukh, S. (2002).
Marathi article on improved non-spiny variety developed by NARI (shetisathi
naricha binkateri sudharit kardai van). Baliraja. 33 (10) : 56-60.


43.     Nimbkar, N. (2002). Marathi article on sweet-stalked sorghum for ethanol
production (goad dhatachi jwari-ethanol nirmitisathi uttam paryay). Pani
Patrika. 21 (4) : 10-12 (Oct.-Dec.)


44.     Singh, V., Rathod, D. R.,
Deshpande, M. B., Deshmukh, S. R. and Nimbkar,
Breeding for wilt resistance in safflower.  In: Extended Summaries: National Seminar
on Stress Management of Oilseeds for Attaining Self-reliance in Vegetable Oils
January 28-30, 2003.  Indian Society of
Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad, pp. 368-370.


45.     Raebild, A., Graudal Lars
and Nimbkar Nandini. (2003).
Evaluation of an Acacia aneura provenance trial at Phaltan,
India. Trial no. 19 in the arid zone series. Results and Documentation No.
22.  Danida Forest Seed Centre.
Humlebaek, Denmark.


46.     Raebild, A., Graudal Lars
and Nimbkar Nandini. (2003).
Evaluation of a Prosopis species and provenance trial at Phaltan, India.
Trial no. 20 in the arid zone series. Results and Documentation No. 23.  Danida Forest Seed Centre. Humlebaek,


47.     Hegde, D. M., Singh, V. and Nimbkar, N. (2003). Safflower. P.
73-92.  In: Hybrid Seed Production in
Field Crops
(Singhal, N. C. ed.) Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.


48.     Singh, V., Deshpande, M. B.
and Nimbkar, N. (2003). NARI-NH-1:
The first non-spiny hybrid safflower released in India. Sesame and Safflower
.  18: 77-79.


49.     Nimbkar, N., Singh, V. and Deshmukh, S. (2003). Marathi article on NARI’s non-spiny
varieties of safflower (kardichya bharghose utpadanasathi NARIche binkateri
naveen prasarit van: NARI-6 (sudharit van) va NARI-NH-1 (sankarit van) Mahabeej
varta. 3 (4) : 10-14.  


50.     Nimbkar, N. and Rajvanshi Anil K. Sweet sorghum ideal for biofuel. Seed World.
Vol. 14, No. 8, November 2003.


51.     Nimbkar, N., Singh, V., Deshpande, M. and Deshmukh, S. (2004).  Marathi article on non-spiny safflower
(binkateri kardai). Pragati (Special supplement of Sakal). 29 September. p. 4.


and Akade, J. (2004). Marathi article on sweet-stalk sorghum for ethanol
production (madyarkanirmitisanthi goad dhatachi jwari. 1 December. p. 1.     


Singh, V., Deshpande, M. B., Choudhari, S. V. and Nimbkar, N. (2004). Correlation and
path coefficient analysis in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius
L.).  Sesame and Safflower Newsletter
19: 77-81.


Nimbkar N., Singh Vrijendra and Akade Jitendra. Final
Report of Project on “Developing sorghum as an efficient biomass and bioenergy
crop and providing value addition to the rain damaged kharif grain for creating
industrial demand”. Submitted to NRCS and CRIDA (Govt. of India), Hyderabad.  February 2005.  pp. 84


Singh, V, Deshpande, M. B. and Nimbkar, N. (2005). Polyembryony in safflower and its role in crop
improvement.  P. 14-20.  In the Proceedings of VIth International
Safflower Conference
, Istanbul, Turkey, June 6-10, 2005.


Singh, V., Nimbkar,
and Deshmukh, S. (2005). Marathi article on non-spiny safflower hybrid
NARI-NH-1 (bharatatil pahile binkateri kardaiche sankarit van NARI-NH-1). 
Baliraja. 36 (8): 71-74 (August).


Akade, J.
H., Patil, S. P. and Nimbkar, N.
Analysis of morphological, agronomical and biochemical
characters of CMS lines of sweet-stalked sorghum. J. Maharashtra Agric. Univ.
31 (1): 42-45.  


58.    Singh, V., Kolekar, N. M. and Nimbkar, N. Final Report of Project on
“Biometrical investigations of flower yield and its components and their
maximization in safflower”.  Submitted to
the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. July 2006. P.


59.    Nimbkar,
and Nimbkar, C. (2006). Marathi article on ‘Globalization and
Agricultural Research (jagatikikaran ani krishi sanshodhan).  In a special issue on ‘Globalization and
Agricultural Development’ published by Vanarai magazine.  November 2006.  


60.    Singh, V. and Akade, J. H., and Nimbkar, N. (2007). Existence of
apomixis in safflower.  In, ISOR, 2007.
Extended Summaries: National Seminar on Changing global vegetable oils
scenario. Issues and challenges before India, January 29-31, 2007. Indian
Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad. 
pp. 110-111. 


  Singh, V., Deshpande, M., Deshmukh, S. and
Nimbkar, N. (2007).  Marathi article on non-spiny safflower – a
sustainable crop (binkateri kardai-ek shashwat peak).  Annadata. September. p. 29-31.


  Singh, Vrijendra and Nimbkar, N. (2007).  Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius
L.) P. 167-194. In : Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop
. Volume 4 : Oilseed Crops (Singh, Ram J., ed.) CRC Press,
Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.


Nimbkar, N.
(2008). Marathi article on sweet sorghum (goad dhatachi jwari
‘kalpavruksha’).  Agro News. 24-30 September
2008. p. 4.


Nimbkar, Nandini
(2008). Issues in safflower production in India.  In Knights S. E. and Potter T. D. (Eds). Safflower:
Unexploited potential and world adaptability. 
Proceedings of the 7th International Safflower Conference,
Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.


Singh, V.,
Akade, Jitendra H. and Nimbkar, N.
Identification of aposporic embryo sacs development in safflower
(Carthamus tinctorius Linn). 
In Knights S. E. and Potter T. D. (Eds). Safflower: Unexploited potential
and world adaptability. 
of the 7
th International Safflower Conference
, Wagga Wagga, New
South Wales, Australia.


Vrijendra, Deshmukh, S. R., Deshpande, M. B. and Nimbkar, N. (2008). 
use of thermosensitive genetic male sterility for hybrid development in
safflower. In Knights S. E. and Potter T. D. (Eds) (2008). Safflower:
Unexploited potential and world adaptability.
Proceedings of the 7th
International Safflower Conference
, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales,


Vrijendra, Kolekar, N. M. and Nimbkar,
Breeding strategy for improvement of flower and seed
yields in safflower.  In Knights S. E.
and Potter T. D. (Eds) (2008).  Safflower:
Unexploited potential and world adaptability.
Proceedings of the 7th
International Safflower Conference
, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales,


Singh, Vrijendra, Ranaware, A. M. and Nimbkar, Nandini (2008). Bioefficacy of
antagonists against root-rot fungus Macrophomina phaseolina
safflower. In Knights S. E. and Potter T. D. (Eds) (2008). Safflower:
Unexploited potential and world adaptability.
Proceedings of the 7th
International Safflower Conference
, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales,


Singh, Vrijendra, Ranaware, A. M. and Nimbkar, N. (2008).  Breeding for Fusarium wilt resistance
in safflower. In Knights S. E. and Potter T. D. (Eds) (2008). Safflower:
Unexploited potential and world adaptability.
Proceedings of the 7th
International Safflower Conference
, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.    


Nimbkar, N.
(2009). Development of photo-thermosensitive sweet-stalk sorghum variety and
hybrid having attributes desired by ethanol industry. Final Technical Report
submitted to Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. 165 pp.  


Nimbkar, N.
(2009). Marathi article on work being done at NARI (Phaltanchi ankhi ek olakh).
Daily Sakal’s special issue on ‘Phaltan taluka towards development’ (vedh
vikasacha). 21 February 2009. p. 9 and 16.


Nimbkar, N.
(2009). Marathi article on the 7
th International Safflower
Conference (kardila ahe jagatik sandhi). ‘Agrowon’ daily newspaper. 24 March
2009. p. 8-9.


Nimbkar, N.
(2009). Marathi article on need for zero tillage agriculture (garaj shoonya
mashagat shetichi). ‘Agro News’ 15-21 April 2009. p. 2-3.


Nimbkar, N. (2010). Marathi article on work being done at
NARI (Antarashtriya khyatichi NARI). Daily Sakal’s special issue on ‘Famous
institutions of Phaltan’ (Keertishikhare). 21 February 2010. P. 10 and 12.     


Nimbkar, N.
(2010). Marathi article on Leaf meal: Nutritious feed for animals (janawaranche
paushtik khadya : Leaf meal). ‘Krishi Panan Mitra’ March 2010. p. 41.


Ranaware, Abhijit, Singh Vrijendra and Nimbkar Nandini.  (2010). In
antifungal study of the efficacy of some plant extracts for
inhibition of Alternaria carthami fungus. 
Indian Journal of Natural Products and
Resources. Vol. 1 (3), September, pp. 384-386.


Singh, Vrijendra,
Akade, Jitendra H. and Nimbkar Nandini.
(2010). Inheritance of
stem fasciation and twin/multi-embryonic seeds and genetic linkage between them
in safflower.  Indian J. Genet., 70 (3):


Siddique, Anaytullah, Singh, Vrijendra and Nimbkar Nandini. (2011). Performance of sweet sorghum hybrids in Kharif and Rabi seasons under irrigated condition. J. Agric. Res. Technol., 36
(3): 407-412.


Singh, Vrijendra, Deshpande, M. B. Singh, Jagdish, Nagaich,
Vivek P. and Nimbkar N. (2012).
Status of hybrid safflower using thermosensitive genetic male sterility in
J. Oilseeds Res., 29 (Spl. Issue):


Nimbkar, N.
and Rajvanshi, A. K. (2013). Simple filtration and low temperature
sterilization of water.  Current Science.
104: 519-22.


Singh, Vrijendra,
Kolekar, N. M. and Nimbkar N. (2013).
Maximization of flower yield in
safflower (Carthamus tinctorius
L.).  J. Oilseeds Res., 30: 43-47.


Singh, Vrijendra, Bhagwat, Vilas, Kolekar, Narayan, Siddique,
Anaytullah and Nimbkar, Nandini. (2014). Diallel analysis of
sugar and sugar contributing characters in sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor L. (Moench)]. 
J. Agric. Res. Technol., 39: 50-55.


Singh, Vrijendra Chavan, Ashwini, Burungale, S. V.
Deshpande, M. B. and Nimbkar, N. (2014).
Heterosis for yield and its components in thermosensitive genetic male
sterility based hybrids in safflower. 
Agric. Res. Technol., 39: 320-323.


December 2014   


Dr. N. Nimbkar
Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
P.O.Box 44, Tambmal, Lonand Road
Phaltan – 415523, Maharashtra, India