I. SCIENTIFIC PAPERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and P. V. SREEKUMAR. 2000. Ludwigia peruviana (L.) Hara – A shrub new 9. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and B. D. SHARMA. (1996) 2001. A note 10. RAO, P. S. N. and V. SAMPATH KUMAR. 2001. Tannin yielding plants of 11. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and S. C. AGARWAL. 2001. Bioinformatics: 12. SHARMA, 13. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and P. V. SREEKUMAR. 2002. On the 14. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and P. S. N. RAO. 2003. Dye yielding 15. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and 16. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2004. 17. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2005. 18. SAMPATH 19. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2006. 20. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 21. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and W. DINESH ALBERTSON. 2008. 22. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2008. A new allopatric species of Pogostemon Desf. (Lamiaceae) from Manipur, India. 23. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2009. Addition of two labiates 24. 25. 26. SAMPATH 27. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. V. Sampath Kumar & S. Karthikeya- Nomenclatural notes on a few flowering plants of India- Phytodiversity 2015: Vol. 2 (1): 5-7- (Abstract- One new name and five new combinations are proposed in this paper: new name – Gentianella burkillii Karthik. & V.S. Kumar and new combinations – Campylospermum barberi (Manickam & Murugan) Karthik. & V.S. Kumar; Limnophila limnophiloides (Blatt. & Hallb.) Karthik. & V.S. Kumar; Rubus irritans Focke var. subinermis (Hook. f.) Karthik. & V.S. Kumar; Elatostema macroceras (Gagnep.) Karthik. & V.S. Kumar; Elatostema procridifolium (Kurz)Karthik. & V.S.Kumar).
II. 1. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 1999. Human population, 2. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 1999. Role of Taxonomy in 3. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 1999. Science and 4. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. 2000. Biodiversity: An Element of Health and Food Security to 5. SREEKUMAR, P. V.
IN 6. ANSARI, A. A., D. 7. SAMPATH KUMAR, V., L. B. CHAUDHARY and S. C. AGARWAL. 2002. Jaiv-vividhata – Manav swastha ki amulya 8. SAMPATH KUMAR, V. and HARISH SINGH. (2003) 2004. Jaiv-vividhata