of Sandip Kumar Basak

Expert on Indian Primula




Ø  Basak S. K., Maity D. & Maiti.G. G. Bioprospecting of fodder plant
resources for domestic animals of Kurseong Hills, Darjeeling, West Bengal-Pleione, 4(2): 294-306. 2010.

Love A., Naik D. , Basak S. K., Babu S., Pathak   N. & Babu C. R. Variability in Foliar Essential Oils among Different Morphotypes of
Lantana Species Complexes, and Its Taxonomic and Ecological Significance – Chemistry and Biodiversity, 6: 2263-2274,


Ø  Basak, S.K. & Maiti, G.G. A new
subspecies of Primula munroi Lindl.
from the Eastern Himalaya – P. munroi ssp. schizocalyxActa
Phytotaxonomica Sinica, china, 39 (5): 473-475, 2001.


Ø  Basak, S.K. & Maiti, G.G. Primula arunachalensis sp. nov. (Primulaceae) from the Eastern
Himalaya – Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, Japan, 52(1): 11-15, 2000.


Ø  Basak, S.K. & Maiti, G.G. Seed
morphology of Primula capitata Hook.
complex (Primulaceae) from the Eastern Himalaya
Journ. Econ. Tax. Bot., 24(1):
107-114, 2000.


Ø  Basak, S.K. & Maiti, G.G. A new Primula from the Eastern
Himalaya – Journ. Econ.
Tax. Bot., 23(3): 699-702, 1999.




ü  Basak, S.K., Maiti, G.G. & Hajra, P.K.

The Genus Primula Linn.
in India (A Taxonomic Revision)-
  Bishen Singh & MahendraPal Singh
Publisher  (
2014) ISBN 13:


ü  Glimpses of Nature”- an illustrated booklet on the
gardens of Chief Minister’s official residence
published jointly by Delhi
Government and CEMDE, University of Delhi, 2007.


ü  Basak, S.K. & Maiti, G.G. Seed
morphology of Primula L. sect. Petiolares Pax (Primulaceae) of the
Himalayas of Indian region. Perspective of Plant Biodiversity, 317-328. 2002
(Bishen Singh & Mahendra Pal Singh Publisher).


Newsletters & Proceedings:


v  N. Pathak, A. Love, S. Babu, S. Basak, R. Jayakumar and C.R.
Babu. Diversity in AMF of Lantana inhabiting different ecogeographical
zones of India – Proceedings
of 2
nd Asian Congress of Mycology and Plant Pathology, December
19-22, 2007, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India


v  Love, S. Babu, S.K. Basak, N. Pathak and C. R. Babu.
Eradication of Lantana camara from forest ecosystems- International
Symposium on Biology, Ecology and Management of World’s Worst Plant Invasive
Species, 10-14 December, 2006 (One day satellite workshop on the
Management of Invasive weeds for policy makers and planners) organized by
CEMDE, University of Delhi.


v  Basak, S.K. & Maiti, G.G. The
phytogeography of the genus Primula
Linn. (Primulaceae) with special reference to Sikkim Himalaya – Proceedings of
National Symposium on Frontiers of Research in Plant Sciences, National
Botanical society, Calcutta, 1999.


v  Basak, S.K. Cardamine macrophylla Willd.: A little
known wild edible herb of the Eastern Himalaya
– Envis News Letter, Botanical Survey of India, Vol. 6, 1999.


v  Basak, S.K. “The Himalayan Ginseng” – Panax pseudoginseng Wall. – Envis News
Letter, Botanical Survey of India,
Vol. 5, 1998.




Reports & Manuals:

§  Annual Reports (2005-2006 and 2006-2007), Centre of Excellence Programme,
Ministry of Environment & forests, Govt. of India, CEMDE, School of
Environmental Studies, University of Delhi.


§  Workshop Manual on “Eradication
of Invasive Weeds and Habitat Restoration
” of Corbett Wildlife Training
Institute, Centre of Excellence Programme, Ministry of Environments &
Forests, Govt. of India,
CEMDE, School of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi.


Sandip Kumar Basak

Associate Professor in Botany
Kandi Raj College (Affiliated to the University of Kalyani)
Kandi, Murshidabad, W.B.