Jayanthy A.,
Prakash Kumar U. and A. B. Remashree. 2013. Effect of special and temporal
variations in cellular characters and chemical contents in Pseudarthria vicida
(L.) W.& Arn.- medicinal plant. IJPPR (ISSN 0975-4873). 5(3): 177-182.


Jayanthy A.,
Deepak M. and A. B. Remashree. 2013. Pharmacognostic characterization and
comparison of fruits of Tribulus
L. and Pedalium murex L. IJHM (ISSN 2321-2187).
1(4) 29-34.


Jayanthy A.,
Prakash Kumar U. and A. B. Remashree. 2013. Seasonal and Geographical
Variations in Cellular Characters and Chemical Contents in Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC. – An Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant.  IJHM (ISSN 2321-2187). 2(3) 34-37.

Jayanthy, A., Sulaiman, C.T. and Remashree,
A. B. 2012. Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Comparison of Roots of Solanum
pecies used in Ayurvedic Formulations
. International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research
. Vol 4(1). 28-37.


Jayanthi, A.
and Remashree, A. B. 2011. Comparative root anatomy of three Desmodium Species. J. Trop. Med. Plants
(ISSN 1511-8285). 12(1). 127-133.


Remashree, A. B., A.
, and Indira Balachandran. 2008. Comparative anatomy of six species
of Sida
. Phytomorphology (ISSN
0031-9449). Vol. 58 Nos. (3&4) pp 163-172.


A.B. Remashree Jayanthi A, Indira Balachandran
2005 Anatomy of Coscinium fenestratum
– a critically  endangered
medicinal  plant, Phytomorphology (ISSN 0031-9449). Vol. 55 Nos.
(3&4) pp 249-258.


A.B Rema Shree, A.Jayanthi, Sudhakar Raja,
Unnikrishnan.K.P and Indira Balachandran 2005 Anatomical and chemical studies
on roots of Aegle marmelos and Atlantia monophylla
J of Tropical
Medicinal Plants (ISSN 1511-8285). Vol. 6 No pp123-131.


A.B.Remashree Jayanthi A, Indira Balachandran
& P.N.Ravindran 2004.Comparative anatomy and histochemistry of 4 species of
Curcuma, Phytomorphology (ISSN 0031-9449).


A.B. Remashree,
Jayanthy A and Indira Balachandran. 2004.
Digitized histology of raw drugs used in ayurvedic health care system and its application
in standardization and quality. Tropical Medicinal
(ISSN 1511-8285).  


11.  A.B.Remashree,
S. Sudhakar Raja A.Jayanthi, Unnikrishnan.K.P and Indira Balachandran
2004. Comparative anatomical and phytochemical markers to identify genuine raw
drug asoka from its common adulterant. 
Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086). Vol. XIX, No. 1. pp13-24.


12.  Krishnan
Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK 
2004 Pharmacognostical studies on Rotula
Lour. Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol. XV II No.2 
pp. 73-87.


13.  Krishnan
Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK 
2003 Pharmacognostical studies on Patala (Oroxylum indicum
Vent. Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol. XVI No. 3 pp.78-89


14.  Krishnan
Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK 
2003 Pharmacognostical studies on Chithraka (Plumbago indica

Linn. ) Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol. V pp. 78-84.


15.  Krishnan
Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK 2002 
Pharmacognostical studies on Vilar(Limonia
Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol. XV pp 141-156


.Krishnan Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK 2002 Pharmacognostical studies
on Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennel) Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol. IIIpp.


Krishnan Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK 2001 Pharmacognostical studies
on Kutaja (Holarrhena pubescence (Buch.-Ham. ) Wallich ex Don)
Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol. XV No.1 


Krishnan Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK 2001 Pharmacognostical studies
on Orilathamara(Nervilia aragoana Gaud.
) Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol. XIV No. 2. pp72-85


Krishnan Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK 2001 Pharmacognostical studies
on Sathavar (Asparagus racemosus Willd) Aaryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086)
Vol. XI pp. 98-110


Krishnan Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK 2000 Pharmacognostical studies
on Bhoomichampaka (Kaempferia rotunda Linn.) Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol. XIV No. 1 pp.13-27


Krishnan Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK 
1999 Pharmacognostical studies on Vilva (Aegle marmelos
(Linn.)Corr.) Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) vol. XI pp. 65-73


Krishnan Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK and Rjendrakumar K 1998
Pharmacognostical studies on Danthi (Baliospermum montanum (Willd.)
M.-Arg. Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol.X pp.


Krishnan Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK and Rjendrakumar K 1998.
Pharmacognostical studies on Patola ( Trichosanthes lobata Roxb.)
Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol. Xi pp. 201-210


Krishnan Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A Sabu TK and Rjendrakumar K.1998
Pharmacognostical studies on Asoka (Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde ).
Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) vol. XI pp. 103 125


Krishnan Nambiar VP, Jayanthy A, Sabu TK and Rajendraumar K 1997
Pharmacognostical studies on Indian Madder –Rubia cordifolia Linn.
Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086). Vol. Vol. X No. 3 pp. 162-176.


Krishnan Nambiar VP. Jayanthy A, Sabu TK and Rjendrakumar K 1997
Pharmacognostical studies on Jivanthi ( Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. )
Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol.X pp. 105- 126


Krishnan Nambiar VP, Jayanthy A, Sabu TK and Rajendrakumar K 1997  Pharmacognostical studies on Cretaeva
(Lour ) DC. Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086).  vol. X pp.165-172.


Krishnan Nambiar VP, Jayanthy A, Sabu TK and Rajedrakumar K. 1997.
Pharmacognostical studies on Indian sarasaparilla- Hemidesmus indicus
(linn.) R.Br. Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol. X- No. 2 pp77-93


Krishnan Nambiar VP, Jayanthy A, Sabu TK and Vineeha K. 1996.
Pharmacognostical studies on Embelia ribes Burm. F. Aryavaidyan (ISSN
09704086).  Vol. Ix No. 4 pp 220-230.


Krishnana Nambiar VP, Jayanthy A, Harinarayanan MK, Reetha A and Sabu
TK.1995 Pharmacognostical studies on Celastrus paniculatus Willd.
(Jyothishmati) Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol. 8 no.3 pp. 132- 141


Krishnana Nambiar VP, Jayanthy A, Harinarayanan MK, Reetha A and Sabu
TK.1995 Pharmacognostical studies on Celastrus paniculatus Willd.
(Jyothishmati) Aryavaidyan (ISSN 09704086) Vol. 8 no.3 pp. 132- 141



National conferences, seminars –


1. Jayanthy, A., Prakash Kumar U and Remashree,
A. B. 2013. Effect of special and temporal variations in Cellular characters
and chemical contents in Pseudarthria viscida (L.)W. & Arn. – A medicinal
plant. Proceedings of 25
th Kerala Science congress.
Thiruvananthapuram. 319-321.


2. Jayanthy, A., Sulaiman, C.T. and Remashree,
A. B. 2011. Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Comparison of Roots of Solanum
pecies used in Ayurvedic Formulations.
Proceedings of Second National Seminar on
Genetics, Breeding and
Interuniversity Centre for Plant Biotechnology, Dept. of Botany, University of
Calicut. 22.


3.  Jayanthy. A, Hashim K.M., and A. B..
Remashree. 2007. Characterization and comparison of three species of
Desmodium.. Proceedings of Kerala Science Congress. pp234-236.


4. Rema Shree A. B. and Jayanthi
. 2006. Calcium oxalate crystal and stone cells distribution pattern as a
key to identify ten important raw drugs used in Ayurveda (Won the best
poster award in Health Sciences and Over all Best Poster Award
). Proceedings
18th Kerala Science Congress, CESS, Thiruvananthapuram.
pp. 464


5. Rema Shree A. B and.Jayanthi A. 2006. Histochemical markers as tool to identify the
ayurvedic raw drugs Haridra, Vanaharidra and Daruharidra
from its common adulterants. Proceedings of
18th Kerala
Science Congress
, CESS, Thiruvananthapuram pp 548


6. A.B.Remashree,
A. Jayanthi and Indira Balachandran 2004. Standardisation ,
Identification and quality control of raw drugs used in Ayurvedic medicines by
digitized anatomical markers, Kerala Science Congress.


7. Jayanthi A.
and A.B. Remashree 2004. Anatomical markers as a tool to identify
genuine raw drug Asoka from its common adulterants.-Poster
presentation.  17
th Kerala
Science Congress Extended Abstracts. pp298. Won
the best poster award in Health Sciences


8.  Remashree, A. B., Sandhya
B., Sreedevi K., A. Jayanthi, Girija
T.P. and Indira Balachandran Pharmacognostical and phytochemical markers
toidentify genuine bark of Asoka for
standardization and quality control. Proceedings of the national seminar on
conservation cultivation and sustainable utilization of Saraca asoca pp 42-48.