of Prof. Arun K. Pandey, Department of Botany, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007






S., A.K. Pandey and Rather, S.A. 2015.
Systematic and adaptive significance of seed morphology in Crotalaria L.  (Fabaceae). The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology, in press.


Pandey, A.K. 2015.
The changing paradigms of angiosperm systematics: symbiosis of morphology and  molecules. Proceedings of Indian Science
Congress, pp. 5-31, University of Mumbai, Mumbai.


S., Pandey, A.K.  and Rather, S.A. 2015.
A revised circumscription of the species in Bracteatae
complex (Section Calycinae) in the
genus Crotalaria L.: evidence from
nuclear and chloroplast markers. Plant Systematics and Evolution, revision





Pandey, A.K.,
Stuessy, T.F. and Mathur, R.R. 2014. Phytomelanin and systematics of the
Heliantheae alliance (Compositae). Plant Diversity and Evolution  (Germany)131: 1-21.


Chauhan, V. and Pandey, A.K. 2014. Structure
and evolution of the pod in Indigofera
(Fabaceae) reveals a trend towards small thin indehiscent pods. Botanical
Journal of the Linnean Society
176 (2):260–276.


Subramaniam, S. and Pandey, A.K. 2014.
Reinstatement of Crotolaria pellita
(Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) and a new combination for its variety. Phytotaxa


Ajmal, M.A.,
Ga´bor Gyulai, Norbert Hidvegi, Bala´zs Kerti, Fahad, M.A., Al Hemaid, Pandey, A.K.
and Lee, J. 2014. The changing epitome of species identification- DNA
barcoding. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 21: 204-231.


Al-Hemaid, M.A.F.,
Ali, M.A., Lee, J., Gyulai, G. and Pandey, A.K. 2014. Application of internal
transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA for identification of Echinops mandavillei Kit Tan. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 21(1):33-42.


Pandey, A.K., Dwivedi, M.D. and Mathur, R.R.
2014. Embryology of Cucurbitaceae and circumscription of Cucurbitales: a
review. The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology 6 (1):75-98.


Karuppusamy, S., Ajmal, M.A., Rajasekaran,
M., Lee, J., Kim, S.Y., Pandey, A.K., and Al-Hemaid, F.M.A. 2014. A new species
of Hydrocotyle L. (Araliaceae) from
India. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 21(2):167-173.



Subramaniam, S., Pandey, A.K., Geeta, R. and
Mort, M.M. 2013. Molecular systematics of Indian Crotalaria (Fabaceae) based on analyses of nrITS DNA sequences. Plant
Systematics and Evolution 299:1089-1106.


Renner, S.S. and Pandey, A.K. 2013. The
Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms, geographic distribution and
information on images and DNA sequences. Phytokeys 20:53-118.


Chauhan, V., Pandey, A.K. and Schaefer, H.
2013. Indigofera himachalensis (Fabaceae: Indigofereae), a new species from Himachal
Pradesh. Phytotaxa 112(2): 43-49.


Lal, K., Chauhan, V. and Pandey, A.K. 2013.
Occurrence of Indigofera prostrata Willdenow
(Fabaceace) in western himalyan region: a new record to the flora of Himachal
Pradesh from Sirmour district. Pleione 7(1):270-274.


Ali, M.J., Hemaid, F.M., Pandey, A.K. and
Lee, L. 2013. Taxonomic significance of spermoderm pattern in Cucurbitacaceae.
Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 20 (1): 61-65.


Shekhar, S., Pandey, A.K. and Anderberg, A.A.
2013. The genus Inula (Asteraceae) in
India. Rheedea 23(2) 113-127.


Chauhan, V.,
Subramanian, S. and Pandey, A.K. 2013. Relationships of Indian Indigofera
L. (Fabaceae) based on ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Phytomorphology
63(3&4): 157-167.


Subramaniam, S. and  Pandey, A.K. 2013. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the genus Crotalaria (Fabaceae): An
overview. Acta Biologica Indica 2(1):253-264



Maraner, F., Samuel, R., Stuessy, T.F.,
Crawford, D.J., Crisci, J.V., Pandey, A.K. and Mort, M.E. 2012. Molecular
phylogeny of Nassuvia (Asteraceae,
Mutisieae) based on nrDNA ITS sequences. Plant Systematics and Evolution


Pandey, A.K. and Ali, M A. 2012.
Intraspecific variation in Panax
Ban. (Araliaceae) populations based on internal transcribed
spacer (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) sequences of nrDNA. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 11:30-38.


Sanglakpam, P., Mathur, R.R. and Pandey, A.K.
Ethnobotany of Chothe tribe of Bishnupur district (Manipur). Indian Journal of
Natural Products and Resources 3(3): 414-425.


Goswami, S.K. and Pandey, A.K. 2012. Development,
structure and viability of embryo in Schima
khasiana Dyer and S. wallichii
(D.C.) Korth.(Theaceae).The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology
4(1): 47-51.


Sourabh, P., Shekhar, S. and Pandey, A.K.
2012. Taxonomic significance of micromorphology in some members of Inuleae (Asteraceae)
Pleione 6 (1): 195-203.


 Lal, K.,
Agrawal, D.K., and Pandey, A.K. 2012. Duhaldea
(Wallich ex D.C.) Anderberg (Asteraceae): a new record to the flora
of Himachal Pradesh. Pleione 6(1): 257-259.


Ali, M. A., Al Hamaid, F.M., Lee,  J., Chaudhary, A.K., Pandey, A. K. and Al
Habri, N.A. 2012. Assessing nr DNA  ITS-2
sequence based molecular signature of Ginseng for potential use in quality
control of drug. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 6(39) 2775-2781.


Lal, K., Rawat,
and Pandey, A.K. 2012. Taverniera cuneifolium (Roth) Arnott [Fabaceae]: a new
distributional record to the flora of Himachal Pradesh, India. Pleione
6(2): 425 – 428.


Chauhan, V. and Pandey A.K. 2012. Phylogeny
of  subfamily Nhandiroboideae
(Cucurbitaceae) based on DNA sequence data: A review. In: Multidisciplinary
Approaches in Angiosperm Systematics (eds: G.C. Maiti and S.K. Mukerjee), pp.
297-305. Kalyani University Press, Kalyani.


Rout, S.D., Panda, S.K. and Pandey, A.K.
2012. Documentation of traditional knowledge on medicinal plants from Mayurganj
district of Odisha, India. In: Diversity and conservation of plants and
traditional knowledge. (eds. Panda, S and Gosh, C.), pp. 357-387. Bishen Singh
Mahendrapal Singh, Dehra Dun.



Shekar, S., Pandey, A.K., and Anderberg, A.A.
2011. Cypsela morphology and anatomy in some genera formerly placed in Inula (Asteraceae: Inuleae-Inulinae). Rheedea



Goswami, S. and Pandey, A.K. 2010.
Pollen-pistil interaction in two north-eastern Himalayan tree species: Schima wallichii (D.C.) Korth. and Schima khasiana Dyer (Theaceae). The
International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology 2: 197-234.


Pandey, A.K. and Ali, M.A. 2010. Spatial  range expansion of Panax bipinnatifidus Seemann (Araliaceae) in India inferred from
nucleotide sequence of internal transcribed spacer of nr DNA. Pleione 4 (2):


Pandey, A.K. and Ali, M.A. 2010.
Phylogeography of Indian populations of Panax
Seem. (Araliaceae) based on internal transcribed spacer
sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Phytomorphology 60 (3&4):110-118.



Shekar, S. and Pandey, A.K. 2009. Anther
appendages and anther collar in Asteraceae and their taxonomic significance.
Pleione 3(2): 212-218.


Pandey, A.K., Ali, M.A., Biate, L.D. and
Misra, A.K 2009. Molecular systematics of Aralia-Panax
complex (Araliaceae) in India based on ITS sequences of nrDNA. Proceedings
of National Academy Sciences. India 79: 255 261.


Ali, M.A., Pandey, A.K. and Lee, J. 2009. Taxonomic
relationships among the genera of subfamily cucurbitoideae (family
Cucurbitaceae) from India  inferred
from  ITS sequences of nrDNA. Phytomorphology
59(3& 4): 127-140.


Kumari, A., Komal R., Rajesh, R. and Pandey, A.K.
2009. Invitro pollen germination, pollen viability in Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. (Cucurbitaceae). The Journal of Plant
Reproductive Biology 1(2): 147-151.



Pandey, A.K., Pragya, S. and Kumar, A. 2008.
Alien flora of Bihar and Jharkhand. Journal of Non-timber Forest Products
15(2): 111-116.


Anderberg, A.A. and Pandey, A.K. 2008.
Nanothamnus sericeus Thomson is a
derived apomorphic species of Blumea.
Compositae Newsletter (Sweden) 46:8-19.


Pandey, A.K. and Ali, M.A.2008. Systematics
and Biogeography of Panax L.
(Araliaceae)- An overview. In: Ethnobotany and Taxonomy of Angiosperms (ed.
Chaturvedi, A.), pp. 11-20. RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.


Pandey, A.K., Sourabh, P. and Aishwarya, K. 2008.
Impact of road metal mining on phytodiversity of Rajmahal hills. In: Ethnobotany
and Taxonomy of Angiosperms (ed. Chaturvedi A), pp.115-124. RTM Nagpur
University, Nagpur.



Pandey, A.K., Ali, M.A. and Mao, A.A. 2007.
Genus Panax L. (Araliaceae) in India.
Pleione 1(2):46-54.


Pandey, A.K., Varma, S.K. and Ali, M.A. 2007. Genus Luffa in India: Diversity and
Conservation. In: Global Biodiversity: Status and conservation (ed. P.C. Trivedi),
pp. 264-270. Pointer Publishers, Jaipur.


Ali, M.A. and Pandey, A.K. 2007a. Cucurbitaceae of
Bihar; Diversity and Conservation  In:
Global Biodiversity : Status and conservation (ed. P.C. Trivedi), pp. 257-263.
Pointer Publishers Jaipur.


Rout, S.D. and Pandey, A.K. 2007. Some wild
edible and other useful plants of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, India. In:
Advances in Ethnobotany (eds. A.P.Das and A.K.Pandey), pp. 61-72.  Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun.


Rout, S.D. and Pandey, A.K. 2007.
Ethnomedicobiology of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Orissa. In: Advances in
Ethnobotany (eds. A.P.Das and A.K.Pandey), pp. 247-252. Bishen Singh Mahendra
Pal Singh, Dehra Dun.


Pandey, A.K. and Kumari, A. 2007. Anatomical
patterns of pericarp in Asteraceae. In: Plant Reproductive Biology and Biotechnology
(eds. S.V.S Chauhan, Anita Rana, Seema Chauhan, Prem C Baklwal), pp. 64-77.
Aavishkar publishers, Distributors, Jaipur.



Kumari, A. and Pandey, A.K. 2006. Pollination
mechanism in safflower (Carthamus
). Journal of Indian botanical Society 85:95-99.


Pandey, A.K. and Rout, S.D. 2006.
Ethnobotanical uses of plants of Similipal Biosphere Reserve (Orissa). Ethnobotany


Pandey, A.K. and Ali, M.A.
2006. Molecular markers in Plant Systematics I: Nuclear sequences. In: Plant
Science Research in India: Challenges and Prospects (ed. S. Kumar), pp. 21-34. Botanical
Survey of India, Dehra Dun. .


Dhakal, M.R. and Pandey, A.K.
2006. Biology of reproduction in niger (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.). In: Natural
Resource Management (eds. S.B. Karmacharya, et al.), pp. 46-59. Nepal Biological
Society, Biratnagar, Nepal.


Kumari, A., Pandey, A.K. and Dhakal, M.R. 2006. Reproductive
biology of Safflower (Carthamus
L.) In: Biotechnology and Biology of Plants (ed. P. C. Trivedi),
pp. 268-279. Aavishkar Publishers,
Distributors, Jaipur


Pandey, A.K. and Wen, J.
2006. Initiating DNA Molecular Systematic studies in a developing country .In:
Plant Taxonomy; Advances and relevance (eds. A.K. Pandey, J. Wen, and J.V.V.Dogra),
pp. 31-34. CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi


Kumari, A., Pandey, A.K. and
Dhakal, M.R. 2006. Reproductive biology of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.): An overview. In: Biotechnology and
Biology of Plants (ed. P.C. Trivedi), pp. 268-279.  Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors. Jaipur.


Pandey, A.K., Varma, S.K.
and Ali, M.A. 2006. Taxonomy and conservation of diversity in the genus Luffa
(Cucurbitaceace). Prespectives in
Plant sciences (ed. P.C. Trivedi), Jaipur, pp….. Aavishkar Publishers,
Distributors. Jaipur.



Kumari, A and Pandey, A.K.
2005. Pollination mechanism and behavior of pollinators in Safflower (Carthamus
L.). Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 84: 57-61.


Wen, J. and Pandey,
A.K. 2005. Initiating DNA molecular systematic studies in a developing country.
In: Plant Taxonomy: Advances and Relevance (eds. A.K. Pandey, J. Wen and
J.V.V.Dogra), pp. 31-43.CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi.


Pandey, A.K. and
Ali, M.A. 2005. Testa topography in Papilionoideae and its systematic
significance. In: Plant Taxonomy: Advances and Relevance (eds. A.K. Pandey, J.Wen
and J.V.V.Dogra), pp. 506- 528. CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi.


Kumar, P., Pandey, A.K., Rawat, G.S. and Jalal, J.S.
2005. Diversity and conservation of orchids in Jharkhand. In: Plant Taxonomy: Advances and Relevance
(eds. A.K.Pandey, J.Wen and J.V.V.Dogra), pp. 345-353. CBS Publishers &
Distributors, New Delhi.


R., Pandey, A.K. and Prasad, U.S. 2005.
Starch, total sugar and sugar composition at different stages of fruit
development in Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. In: Plant Reproductive and Molecular biology(eds. S.N. Chaturvedi
and K.P.Singh), pp. 64-71. Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur.




Pandey, A.K. and Dhakal, M.R. 2004.  Some aspects of pollen biology and
pollination ecology of niger (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.). In: Vistas in
Palaeobotany and Morphology: Evolutionary and Environmental Perspective (ed.
P.C. Srivastava), pp. 415-428.U.P. Offset, Allahabad


Pandey, A.K., Wen, J. and Pathak, M.K. 2004.
Evolution of Indian Araliaceae inferred from Internal  transcribed spacer sequences of nuclear
ribosomal  DNA. Rheedea 14:1-8.


Khatoon, S. and Pandey, A.K. 2004. Pollen
viability, pollen germination and pollen tube growth  in Sterculia
Roxb. RUJOST 1(1):25-28.


Pandey, A.K., Wen, J. and Pathak, M.K. 2004.
Relationships in Indian Araliaceae as inferred from sequences of internal
transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nrDNA. Rheedea 14: 1-8



Dhakal, M.R. and Pandey, A.K. 2003. Change in
pollinator populations during the flowering span of niger (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.). Journal of the Indian botanical Society


Pandey, A.K. 2003. Embryology of Compositae.
In: Advances in Plant Reproductive Biology, Vol. II, (eds. A.K. Pandey and M.R.
Dhakal), pp. 21-76. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi


Dhakal, M.R. and Pandey, A.K. 2003.
Reproductive biology of niger (Guizotia
Cass.): a review. In: Advances in Plant Reproductive Biology,
Vol. II, (eds. A.K. Pandey and M.R. Dhakal), pp. 232-248. Narendra Publishing
House, Delhi.


Pandey, A.K., Jha, A. and Komal, R. 2003.
Development of female gametophyte and seed in Trichosanthes dioica (Roxb.) (Cucurbitaceae). In: Advances in Plant
Reproductive Biology, Vol. II (eds. A.K. Pandey and M.R. Dhakal), pp. 141-150.
Narendra Publishing House, Delhi.


Goswami, S., Katiyar, S.R. and Pandey, A.K. 2003.
Some aspects of reproductive biology of Schima
(DC.) Korth.  In: Advances
in Plant Reproductive Biology, Vol. II (eds. A.K. Pandey and M.R. Dhakal), pp.
275-286. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi. 


Khatoon, S. and Pandey, A.K. 2003. Phenology,
floral  biology and seed development in Sterculia urens Roxb. In: Advances in
Plant Reproductive Biology. Vol.II (eds. A.K. Pandey and M.R. Dhakal), pp.
287-292. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi.



Wen, J., Pandey, A.K. and Pathak, M.K. 2002.
Revision of Aralia L. (Araliaceae) in
India. Rheedea 12 (1): 1-20.


Pandey, A.K., Lee, C. and Wen, J. 2002. A
molecular systematic study of Aralia L. and Panax
L. (Araliaceae)  in India and its
systematic implications. Rheedea 12 (2): 89-99.


Kumar, N. and Pandey, A.K. 2002. Genus Momordica in India. In: Perspectives of
Plant Biodiversity (ed. A.P. Das), pp. 35-43. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh,
Dehra Dun. 


Pandey, A.K., Pandit, N. and Rout, S.D. 2002.
Medicinal plants of Similipal Biosphere Reserve-I. In:  Perspectives of Plant Biodiversity (ed. A.P.
Das), pp. 681-696. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun.



Dhakal, M.R. and Pandey, A.K. 2001. Storage
potential of niger (Guizotia abyssinica
Cass.) seeds under ambient conditions. Seed Science &Technology 29:205-213.


Pandey, A.K. and Dhakal, M.R. 2001.
Phytomelanin in Compositae. Current Science 80:933-940.


Chaudhary, L.B. and Pandey, A.K. 2001.
Revision of genus Tricholepis (Asteraceae)
in India. Rheedea 11(1):1-27.


Pandey, A.K. and Khatoon, S. 2001. Embryology
of Sterculiaceae. In: Botanical Essays (eds. S.V.S. Chauhan and S.N. Chaturvedi),
pp. 161-175. Printwell Publisher & Distributors, Jaipur.


Pandey, A.K., Jha, S.M. and Dhakal, M.R.
2000. Embryology of Inuleae (senu lato),
Asteraceae. In: Recent Trends in Botanical Research (ed. D.K. Chauhan), pp.
215-230. Allahabad University, Allahabad.



Pandey, A.K. and Khatoon, S. 2000.
Conservation of biodiversity of plant biodiversity in Santhal Pargana region of
Bihar: Challenges and priorities. In: Glimpses in plant sciences (ed. K.R.
Aneja, Myank U. Charaya, Ashok Aggarwal, D.K. Hans, S.A. Khan), pp. 72- 76. Pragati
Prakashan, Meerut.


Pandey, A.K., Jha, S.M. and Dhakal, M.R. 2000.
Seed coat, pericarp and pseudopericarp in Caesulia
Roxb. (Asteraceae). Compositae Newsletter 35: 37- 43.



Pandey, A.K. and Khatoon, S. 1999. Effect of
orientation of seed placement and depth of sowing on seedling emergence in Sterculia urens Roxb. Indian Forester


Pandey, A.K. and Dhakal, M.R.1999. Self
incompatibility in niger (Guizotia
cass.). Plant Cell Incompatibility Newsletter 29:1-2.



Pandey, A.K. 1998. Development of
Phytomelanin in fruit wall layers of Tagetes
L. (Asteraceae). Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 77: 35-38.


Varma, S.K. and Pandey, A.K. 1998. Impact of
mining on living and fossil flora of Rajmahal hills. In: Phytodiversification
and Human Welfare (eds. A.K.Roy, J.V.V.Dogra and S.K.Varma), pp. 269-273.M.D.
Publications, New Delhi.


Pandey, A.K. 1998. Cladistics in Plant
Systematics. In: A Handbook on taxonomy Training (eds. K.S. Manilal and M.S.
Muktesh Kumar), pp. 138-146. Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi.



Pandey, A.K. 1997. Spermoderm pattern in
Phaseoleae (Papilionoideae-Fabaceae). In: Flowering Plant Systematics and Diversity
(eds. D.S. Pokle, S.P. Nanir and V.N. Naik), pp. 91-100.  Aurangabad.


Pandey, A.K., Jha, A. and Pujari, M.M. 1997.
Floral biology of Trichosanthes dioica
Roxb. (Cucurbitaceae). In: Frontiers in Plant Science (ed. I.A. Khan), pp.
937-945. The Book Syndicate, Hyderabad.


Pandey, A.K. 1997. Taxonomy and conservation
of diversity in the genus Trichosanthes (Cucurbitaceae).
Rheedea 7(2):145-146.



Pandey, A.K. 1996. Seed ontogeny and
morphology with a bearing on systematics. Seed Technology (ed. G.S. Paliwal), pp.
24-29. Garhwal University, Srinagar.


Pandey, A.K., Varma, S.K. and Kumar, A. 1996.
Systematic significance of achene micromorphology in Cyperaceae (eds. K.S.
Manilal and A.K. Pandey), pp. 91-99. CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.



Pandey, A.K. 1995. Conservation of
biodiversity: present status and future strategy. In: Taxonomy and Biodiversity
(ed. A.K.Pandey), pp. 44-51. CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.


Pandey, A.K. and Jha, B.K. 1995. Effect of
gamma rays on some aspects of reproductive biology of Momordica charantia (Cucurbitaceae). In: Advances Plant
Reproductive Biology, Vol. I (eds.Y.S. Chauhan and A.K.Pandey), pp. 311-326. Narendra
Publishing House, Delhi.


Chaudhary, L.B. and Pandey, A.K. 1995.
Taxonomic significance of phyllaries and achenes of Tricholepis DC. (Asteraceae). In: Taxonomy and Biodiversity (ed.
A.K.Pandey), pp. 164-171. CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.



Pandey, A.K. and Singh, A. 1994.  Development and  structure of seeds and fruits in Eupatorieae
and Heliantheae (Compositae). Proceedings of National Academy Sciences, India
64B I:115-126.


Chaudhary, L.B. and Pandey, A.K. 1994.
Taxonomic notes on Tricholepis radicans
(Roxb.)DC. and its allied species. Rheedea 4:40-47.


Sivarajan, V.V., Pradeep, A.K. and Pandey, A.K.
1994. On the taxonomy and infraspecific classification of Abelmoschus angulosus Wall. Ex Wight & Arn. (Malvaceae). Rheedea


Pandey, A.K. and Chaudhary, L.B. 1994.
Anatomical patterns of seed coat in Asteraceace. Vistas In: Seed Biology (eds. Tribhuwan
Singh, Pravin Chandra Trivedi), pp. 302-312. Print well, Jaipur.


Pandey, A.K. and Chaudhary, L.B. 1994. Tricholepis elongata DC. (Asteraceae): a
new record for Nepal. Rheedea 4:31-33.



Pandey, A.K. and Jha, S.S. 1993. Spermoderm
pattern in Hedysareae (Fabaceae) and its systematic implications. Rheedea 3(1):15-021.


Pandey, A.K. and Jha, A. 1993. Seed coat and
pericarp anatomy in subtribes Melampodiinae, Zinninae and Ecliptinae (Heliantheae-
Asteraceae). Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 72:93-96.


Pandey, A.K. and Jha, A. 1993. Seed coat and
pericarp anatomy in some Heliantheae (Asteraceae). Journal of Japanese Botany
68(3): 170-173.



Pandey, A.K. and Chaudhary, L.B. 1992. Spermoderm
pattern in some Lotus species
(Fabaceae). National Academy Science Letters 15(12):385-387.


Jha, B.K. and Pandey, A.K. 1992. Effects of
gamma rays on pollen viability, pollen germination and tubes length in Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench. Journal
of the Indian botanical Society 71:293-294.


Pandey, A.K. and Jha, A. 1992a. Achene
anatomy in Coreopsidinae (Heliantheae; Compositae) and systematic implications.
Rheedea 2(1):19-26.


Pandey, A.K. and Jha, A. 1992b. Seed coat and
pericarp anatomy in some Heliantheae (Compositae). Journal of Japanese Botany


Pandey, A.K., Lammers, T.G. and Jha, A. 1992.
Sporogenesis and gametogenesis in Pacific island Lobelia (Campanulaceae-Lobelioideae). Phytomorphology


Pandey, A.K. 1992. Spermoderm pattern in
Papilionoideae (Fabaceae). In: Current Concepts in Seed Biology (eds. K.G.
Mukerji, A.K. Bhatnagar, S.C. Tripathi, Manju Bansal and Manju Saxena), pp.
31-44. Noya Prakash, Calcutta.


Bilgrami, K.S., Pandey, A.K. and Sinha, K.K. 1992.
Spices and flavouring crops: tubers and roots. pp. 837-839. Encylopedia Food
Science, UK.




Pandey, A.K., and Jha, S.S. 1991. SEM studies
on spermoderm of some Lotus species
(Fabaceae). Journal of the Indian botanical Society 70:433-434.


Pandey, A.K. 1991. Spermoderm pattern in
Trifolieae (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae). Phytomorphology 41:293-297.



Singh, A. and Pandey A.K. 1990. Development
and structure of seeds and fruits in Tagetes
L. (Asteraceae). Research Journal of Plant and Environment 6:87-91.


Pandey, A.K. 1990. Development of seed and
fruit in Tithonia diversifolia
(Hensley) A. Gray. Asteraceae. Journal of Japanese Botany 65:74-80.


Pandey, A.K., Jha, S.S. and Jha, A. 1990.
Development and structure of seed in some Dalbergieae
(Papilionoideae-Fabaceae). Journal of the Indian botanical Society 69:107-113.


Pandey, A.K. and Jha, S.S. 1990a. Development
and structure of seeds in Phaseoleae (Fabaceae). Flora (Germany) 184:360-380.


Pandey, A.K. and Jha, S.S. 1990b. Morpohology
and anatomy of seeds in some Papilionoideae. In: Recent Advances in Development,
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pp. 291-296. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun.


Varma, S.K. and Pandey, A.K. 1990. Ethnobotanical
notes on certain medicinal plants used by the tribals of Lohardagga district,
Bihar. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany.14:329-333.


Jha, S.M., Singh, A. and Pandey, A.K. 1990. Development
of female gametophyte, endosperm and embryo in Tagetes minuta L. (Asteraceae). Journal of Japanese Botany


Pandey, A.K., Jha, B.K. and Jha, A. 1990. Effect
of Gamma rays on seed germination, seedling survival and general growth pattern
in Momordica charantia L. Research Journal
of Plant Environment. 6(2):73-78.



Pandey, A.K., Wilcox, L.W. and Stuessy, T.F.
1989. Development of phytomelanin layer in fruits of Ageratum conyzoides (Compositae). American Journal of Botany 76:739-746.


Pandey, A.K. and Jha, S.S. 1989. Seed
structure in Aeschynomene (Fabaceae).
Journal Japanese of  Botany 64: 108-116.


Pandey, A.K. 1989. Developmental anatomy of
seeds and fruits in Galinsoga parviflora
and Dahlia pinnata (Asteraceae). Journal
of Japanese Botany 64:204-214.


Jha, B.K. and Pandey, A.K. 1989. Effect of
gamma rays on seed germination, seedling survival and general growth pattern in
Abelmoschus esculentus. Research Journal
of Plant and Environment. 5:77-82.


Varma, S.K., Pandey, A.K. and Jha, R.R. 1989.
Impact of mining on the flora of Motijharna. Bihar. Indian Forester


Jha, S.S. and Pandey, A.K. 1989. Seed coat
structure in Melilotus (Fabaceae).
Phytomorphology 39: 221-229.


Pandey, A.K., Jha, S.S. and Jha, A. 1989.
Seed structure  in Melilotus (Fabaceae). Biological Bulletin of India 11(2-3):102-115.


Varma, S.K., Pandey, A.K. and Sinha, A.K.
1989. Epidermal surface pattern of achenes in Eleocharis R.Br. (Cyperaceae). Current Science 58:1374-1377.


Pandey, A.K. 1989. Development and structure
of seeds and fruits in Chrysanthemum
(Asteraceae). Journal of Japanese Botany 64:241-246.



Pandey, A.K. and Jha, S.S. 1988a. Development
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(Germany) 181:415-424.


Pandey, A.K. and Jha, S.S. 1988b.  SEM studies on spermoderm of some Galegeae
(Fabaceae). Current Science 57:1008-1009.


Jha, S.S. and Pandey, A.K. 1988. Seed
structure in Alysicarpus and Uraria (Fabaceae). Journal of Japanese
Botany 63:273-285.



Pandey, A.K. and Kumari, A. 1987.  Development and structure of seeds and fruits
in Compositae-  Zinnia  species. Journal of
Japanese Botany 62:168-176.


Varma, S.K. and Pandey, A.K. 1987. Vanishing
living and fossil flora of Rajmahal hills (Bihar). Proceedings of Seminar State
and Environment, pp. 46-55, North eastern Bihar, Bhagalpur.



Singh, R.P., Chopra S., and Pandey, A.K.1986.
Effect of gamma rays and 2,4-D on shoot apex organisation in Guizotia abyssinica (Compositae).
Phytomorphology 36:67-71.


Pandey, A.K., Singh, R.P. and Chopra, S. 1986a.
Development and structure of seeds and fruits in Compositae- Cosmos species. Journal of the Indian
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Pandey, A.K., Singh, R.P. and Chopra, S. 1986b.
Development and structure of seeds and fruits in Compositae-tribe Helenieae
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Jha, S.S. and Pandey, A.K. 1985. Development
and structure of seeds and fruits in Soliva
. Biological Bulletin of India 7:63-66.


Dogra, J.V.V., Varma, S.K. and Pandey, A.K.
1985. Scanning electron microscopic studies on spermoderm of some Leea species. Current Science


Pandey, A.K. and Jha, S.S. 1985. Morphology
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Development and structure of seeds and fruits in Compositae: tribe Eupatorieae.
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Pandey, A.K., Chopra, S. and Singh, R.P.
1983. Development and structure of seeds and fruits in Compositae: tribe
Inuleae. Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences 92:467-471.


Pandey, A.K. and Singh, R.P. 1983. Development
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Pandey, A.K., Chopra, S. and Singh, R.P. 1982.
Anatomy of seeds and fruits in Asterceae (Compositae). Geophytology 12:105-110.


Pandey, A.K. and Singh, R.P. 1982.
Development and structure of seeds and fruits in Compositae: Coreopsis species. Journal of the
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Pandey, A.K. and Singh, R.P. 1982.
Development and structure of seeds and fruits in Compositae: tribe Senecioneae.
Botanische Jahrbücher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und
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Pandey, A.K. and Singh, R.P. 1980.
Development and structure of seeds and fruits in some Vernonia and Elephantopus
species. Flora (Germany) 169:443-452.


Pandey, A.K. 1980. Structure and behaviour of
endothelium in Compositae. Acta Botanica Indica 8:50-56.


Chandra, S., Singh, R.P. and Pandey, A.K.
1980. Embryological studies in Alectra
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Flora (Germany) 169:111-120.



Pandey, A.K. and Chopra, S. 1979. Development
of seeds and fruits in Gerbera jamisonii.
Geophytology 9:171-174.


Khan, P.S.H., Pandey A.K., Khan, H.A. and
Singh, R.P. 1979. Morphology and anatomy of seeds of some Crotalaria species. Geophytology 9:96-101.


Misra, C.M., Singh, R.P. and Pandey, A.K.
1979. Effect of gamma radiation on germination and seedling growth in Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. Geobios



Pandey, A.K. and Singh, R.P. 1978. Development
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Pandey, A.K., Singh, R.P. and Chopra, S.
1978.  Development and structure of seeds
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Popular Articles

Jaiswal, S. and
Pandey A.K. 2013. Hodgsonia: A
promising oil-yielding cucurbit. The 
Botanica. 62-63: 71-75.


Pandey A.K. 2011. DNA Barcoding: Applications
and limitations. Harmony Newsletter 1(1): 31-35.