List of Dr Rahul Sharma


Peer reviewed Journals

1.      Sharma R
and Singh SK (2013) A new species of
Gymnoascus with verruculose
ascospores. IMA Fungus 4(2):177-186.
(International Mycological Association)

2.      Sharma R,
Gräser Y. and Singh S.K. (2013) Auxarthronopsis, a new genus of
Onygenales isolated from the vicinity of Bandhavgarh National Park, India. IMA
4(1): 89-102. (International Mycological Association)

3.      Rajeshkumar
KC and Sharma R. (2013) Tamhinispora a new genus belongs to family Tubeufiaceae from the Western Ghats, India based on morphology and
phylogenetic analysis. Mycosphere 4(2): 165-174. (Mushroom
Research Foundation, Thialand

4.      Singh
S.M., Yadav L.S. Singh P.N., Hepat R, Sharma
. and Singh S.K. (2012) Arthrinium rasikravindrii, a new species from Svalbard, Norway. Mycotaxon
122: 449-460.
(International journal
for Taxonomy and Nomenclature, Ithaca, USA

5.      Sharma R. (2012) Urgent need for authentic
(derived from type or typified material) ITS sequence database from all fungi. Current
103 (11): 1270-1272.
Academy of Sciences, Bangalore

6.      Senthilarasu
G., Sharma R. and
Singh S.K. (2012) A new species of Volvariella from India. Mycotaxon
(International journal
for Taxonomy and Nomenclature, Ithaca, USA

7.      Singh
S. K, Yadav L.S., Singh P.N, Sharma R.
and Mukherjee G (2012) Additions to Gliocephalotrichum species (anamorphic Hypocreales) from fruit
litter of medicinal plant Terminalia
in the Western Ghats, India. Mycoscience 53(5):391-395. (Mycological Society of Japan, Elsevier)

8.      Rajeshkumar
K.C., Sharma R. Hepat
R., Swami S.V., Singh P.N. and Singh S.K. (2011)Morphology
and phylogeny of Pseudocercospora kamalii sp. nov., a foliar pathogen on Terminalia from India. Mycotaxon
(International journal
for Taxonomy and Nomenclature, Ithaca, USA

9.      Singh
S.K., Yadav, LS, Singh PN, Sharma, R
and Rajesh Kumar, K.C. (2010) A new
record of Gliocephalotrichum (Hypocreales) from India. Mycotaxon
114: 163-169.
(International journal
for Taxonomy and Nomenclature, Ithaca, USA

10.  Sharma, R., W. Presber, R.C.
Rajak and Y. Graeser (2008)
Molecular detection of Microsporum
in soil suggesting widespread dispersal in Central India. Medical Mycology 46:67-73. (International Society for Human and
Animal Mycology, The Netherlands


11.  Sharma, R., de Hoog, S., Presber, W.
and Y. Graeser (2007) A virulent genotype of
is responsible for majority
of human infections.
Journal of Medical Microbiology 56: 1377-1385. (Society for General Microbiology, UK)


12.  Sharma, R.,
R.C. Rajak and A.K. Pandey (2006) Keratinophilic ascomycetes of Central
India. Mycopathological Research 44(1) 27-38. (Indian Mycological Society, Calcutta)


13.  Sharma, R.,
A.K. Pandey, R.C. Rajak and Y. Graeser (2006) Internal Transcribed
spacer (ITS) of rDNA reveals synonymy of Microsporum appendiculatum and M.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
International Journal for General and Molecular Microbiology
. 89 (1) 197-202. (Springer, The Netherlands)


14.  Upadhyay,
M., R. Sharma, A.K. Pandey
and R.C. Rajak (2005) An improved zymographic method for detection of
amylolytic enzymes of fungi on polyacrylamide gels. Mycologist 19(4) 1-3. (British Mycological Society, Cambridge
University Press, UK


15.  Sharma, R.,
R. C. Rajak and A. K. Pandey (2004) Heterocephalum aurantiacum: isolation
and distribution in Indian soils. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology
34(1) 69-72.
(Indian Society for
Mycology and Plant Pathology, Udaipur)


16.  Sharma, R.
and R.C. Rajak (2003) Keratinophilic
fungi: Nature’s minute keratin cycling machines! Their isolation,
identification and ecological role. Resonance September, 28-40. (Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore)


17.  Sharma, R. (2002) The timing factor! Current
83 (6): 675
. (Indian Academy
of Sciences, Bangalore


18.  Sharma, R., R. C. Rajak and A.
K. Pandey (2002) Teaching techniques for mycology 18: A micro-dilution drop-trail method for isolating Onygenalean
ascomycetes from hair-baits. Mycologist 16(4) 153-157. (British
Mycological Society, Cambridge University Press, UK


Book Chapter

Sharma R.
and Y. Gräser (2011) Chapter 39: Microsporum In: Molecular Detection of Human Fungal Pathogens, ed. Dongyou Liu, CRC
Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, pp 279-292.


Abstract published and
papers presented in conferences

1.      Sharma R.
and Singh S.K. (2011) Morphological and
molecular studies reveal a new species of Gymnoascus (Gymnoascaceae,
Onygenales) from Indian soil
. In: 18th
Congress of International Society for Human and Animal Mycology
held at
Internal Convention centre Berlin, Germany 11th -15th

2.      Sharma R.
and Singh S.K. (2011) Molecular
identification of fungi with reference to Auxarthronopsis
. In: National
conference on
Fungal Biology &
held at Panjabi University, Patiala 21st -22nd

Singh S.K.,
L.S. Yadav, P.N. Singh, G. Senthilarasu, R.
and K.C. Rajeshkumar, (2010) Exploration,
Biosystematics and Ex-situ Conservation of Indigenous Fungi in NFCCI (WDCM-932)
with special reference to Gliocephalotrichum
In: International
Conference on Culture Collection (ICCC 12)
, Florianopolis, Brazil, 26th
September- 1st October, 2010. (POSTER PRESENTATION)

Singh S.K.
and R. Sharma (2009) Pheno-Geno Approach
to Plant Disease Diagnostics
. In: 5th
International Conference on Plant Pathology in Globalized Era
. Indian
Phytopathological Society, IARI, New Delhi, 12th November 2009.

5.      Sharma, R
and Singh S.K. (2009) Mycoparasitic Penicillium on Aspergillus niger during
pomegranate fruit rot!
In: National
Seminar on Fungal Biodiversity & Bio-prospecting in the Age of Global
and 36th Annual meeting of Mycological Society of India,
Goa University, Panaji, Goa, 28-29th Oct. 2009. (ORAL PRESENTATION)


(2008) Keratinophilic fungal diversity
of National Parks of Central India
, In: Indian
Science Congress
, Plant Science Section, North Eastern Hill University
(NEHU), Shillong, 17-18th October 2008. (ORAL PRESENTATION)

7.      Sharma, R and Y. Graeser (2005) Genetische
Variabilitaet bei von Menschen und Tieren isolierten Staemmen von Microsporum
In: 39. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der
Deutschsprachigen Mykologischen Gesellschafte.V.. Leipzig, Germany [September
8-10th 2005] Mycoses 48:288.


Sharma, R.,
R. C. Rajak and A. K. Pandey. Proteolytic enzymes of a carpet beetle and
dermatophyte in the degradation of peacock feathers
. In: National Symposium on “Research Trends in
Thrust Areas of Biological Sciences”
, Dept. of Zoology and Biotechnology,
Govt. Model Science College, Jabalpur, MP India, 29thApril, 2003, p16-17.



Sharma, R.,
R. C. Rajak and A. K. Pandey. Intraspecific variation in geophilic strains
of Microsporum gypseum
. In:
National Seminar on “Perspectives of Microbial Diversity in Present Scenario”

Department of Botany and Microbiology, Govt. Auto. M.H. College of Home Science
& Science for Women, Jabalpur, MP India. 12 March, 2003.


Sharma, R.,
R. C. Rajak and A. K. Pandey. Partial degradation of Lion tail hair by
the geophilic dermatophyte Microsporum gypseum
. In: National Seminar on “Prospecting of Fungal Diversity and Emerging
and 29th Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of
India, Agarkar Research Institute, Pune, India. 
6-7 February, 2003. p44.



Sharma, R.,
A. K. Pandey, R.C. Rajak and Ch. Mohan Rao. Study of extracellular
gelatinases produced by Microsporum gypseum during in vitro hair degradation
using gelatin zymography
In: National
seminar on “Present Status of Microbiology and Challenges for Sustainable
, H.S. Gaur University, Sagar, MP, India. 5-7 March 2001. 


Sharma, R.,
A. K. Pandey and R.C. Rajak. Snakes skin: an excellent bait for isolation
of Scytalidium from soil
In: Frontiers
of Fungal Diversity and Diseases in South East Asia
, 27th Annual
meeting of Mycological Society and International Symposium, DDU University,
Gorakhpur, UP, India 9-11 Feb. 2001.



Sharma, R.
are an integral part of our wildlife and needs conservation
International Symposium on Tropical
Forestry Research: Challenges in the new millennium
: Kerala Forest Research
Institute, Peechi, Kerala, India 2-4 August 2000. p11.


Rajak, R.C., A.K.
Pandey and R. Sharma. Mapping
biological diversity of keratinophilic fungi in Central India: Present status
and future prospects
. In: Mycology
at 2000 and Beyond,
26th Annual meeting of Mycological Society
of India” and National Symposia, Sardar Patel University, Anand, Gujrat, India.
Dec. 21-23 1999. p21-22.



Talks delivered 


and Singh SK (2013) Molecular identification of fungi. In: National Seminar on Fungi and Human Welfare held at Ramnarain Ruia
College of Arts & Science, Mumbai. 8th February, 2013.

(2012) Molecular
identification of fungi
. In: National
Workshop on Taxonomy, in-situ conservation and Bioporspecting of fungi
at Agharkar Research Institute, Pune, 26th May 2012.

(2009) FUNGI: Most
versatile life forms on this planet – Their diversity and number!
In: National Science Week program with
theme- Enhancing Horizon of Science,
Agharkar Research Institute, Pune, 26th February, 2009.

Sharma, R and Y. Graeser (2005) Genetic variability among
animal and human strains of Microsporum cani
s. In: Workshop
on Animal Pathogens during 2nd Trends in Medical Mycology. Berlin,
Germany, October 23rd, 2005.



Rahul Sharma, PhD

Center for Biodiversity Exploration and Conservation (cbec)
15, Kundan Residency
4th Mile Mandla Road
Tilhari, Jabalpur 482021