of Papers already published National
1. Sunilkumar, T. & V. T.
Antony. 2010. The Magical Relief of Vitex negundo L. Practiced by Ulladan Tribes in Alappuzha district of Kerala State J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 54 (4)-pp 940-942.
2. Sunilkumar,T, M. A. Joseph
& V. T Antony 2012 Some Medicinal Plants of Verbenaceae used by Traditional Medical Practitioners of, Alappuzha District, Kerala State. India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot 36 (2): -pp 393-396. 3. Sunilkumar. T, M. C .Varghese,
& V. T. Antony 2011. Verbena bonariensis L. (Verbenaceae)- An addition to Flora of Kerala . Research Lines 4(2)- pp 122-124. 4. M.C Varghese, T.Sunilkumar.
5. Sunilkumar.T, K. Scaria Varghese, Salvy Thomas, N.
Pramodkumar, Jaison Joseph, M. V. Krishnaraj & V.T Antony. 2012 . Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Br (Verbenaceae) – An addition to Flowering Plants of Kerala. Ind. J. Forestry .35 (1)- pp105- 106. 6. Sunilkumar,T, 7. T.Sunilkumar.,
Pramodkumar.N & V.T Antony –2011 Some Sacred Plants Used by Namboodiri Brahmins for Worship and Medicine – Research Lines . Vol. IV, No. I-B, – pp 19-25 9.T.Sunilkumar,
A. Honey John, K. M. Prabhukumar, V. T. Antony (20131)–Premna Scandens Roxb. (Verbenaceae) – A New Distribution Record For South India – J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Vol.37.No. .PP 50-52. 10. K Ajayakumari , T.Sunilkumar, &
bite problems, by Malapanicker
in Kerala state,India J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Vol. 37 No.3 International.
1.K. M.Prabhu Kumara*,
T.Sunilkumar, V.Sreeraj, Binu Thomas, Indira Balachandrana and V. T. Antony “A new species of the genus Premna L. (Lamiaceae) from Western Ghats of India. — Webbia(Taylor and Francis Group) – Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography .Vol 68. No-2. Pages 127-131 2.SunilKumar. .
T & V.T.Antony “ Restricted distribution of Certain Plants of Verbenaceae in Southern Western Ghats of India” (FullText in International conference “Grespac”(ISBN No:978-81-907269-9-3). Green Path to Sustainability .Rajive Gandhi Chair In Contemporary Studies: 2010 -pp 66-68. 3. JibinaBai
N, Sunilkumar T, Asha Saji and VT Antony “In vitro regeneration of Lippia alba (mill.) N.E. Br. An ethno botanically useful plant” International Journal of Bioassays, 2014, 3 (07), 3119-3121 List of Papers
T.Sunilkumar, K. M. Prabhu
Kumar, V. Sreeraj and V.T Antony– Critical notes on Premna coriacea var. villosa (C.B. Clarke) A. Rajendran & P. Daniel (Verbenaceae) after a lapse of 140 years from Kerala, Southern Western Ghats of India–( Communicated to JETB ) Sunilkumar T. Vrindavanam Muhamma Alappuzha.