1.       R.R.Rao & B.A.Razi. Flowering Plants
of Mansagangotri
. Prasaranga Publication. Mysore.1974.


2.       S.K.Jain & R.R.Rao A Handbook of Field and Herbarium Methods. Today and Tomorrow’s
Publishers. New Delhi. 1980.


3.       R.R.Rao & B.A.Razi. A Synoptic Flora
of Mysore District.
Today and Tomorrow’s Publishers.New Delhi. 1980.


4.       A.K.Baishya & R.R.Rao. Fern and Fern-allies of Meghalaya. Scientific Publisher,


5.       S.K.Jain & R.R.Rao (Ed.). An Assessment of Threatened Plants of India. Botanical Survey of
India, Howarh, 1984.


6.       R.R.Rao & K.Haridasan. A Forest
Flora of Meghalaya. Volume I&II,
Bishen Singh and Mahendra Pal Singh.
Dehradun. 1985-87.


7.       N.S.Jamir & R.R.Rao. A Pteridophytic Flora of Nagaland. Bishen Singh and Mahendra Pal
Singh. Dehradun. 1988.


8.       R.R.Rao Flora Indicae Enumeratio
– Asteraceae
. Botanical Survey of India. Calcutta. 1988.


9.       R.R.Rao & B.D.Sharma. A Manual for
Herbarium Collections
. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta. 1990.


10.    R.R.Rao. Biodiversity in India.
Bishen Singh & Mahendra Pal Singh. Dehradun. 1994.


11.    B.D.Sharma, N.P.
Balakrishnan, R.R.Rao &
P.K.Hajra (Editors) Flora of India Vol. I
(New Series)
Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta. 1994.


12.    P.K.Hajra, R.R.Rao, D.K.Singh & B.P.Uniyal
(Eds.). Flora of IndiaVol.12, Asteraceae
(Anthemideae – Heliantheae
) B.S.I., Calcutta. pp 1-454. 1995.


13.    P.K.Hajra, R.R.Rao, D.K.Singh & B.P.Uniyal
(Eds.). Flora of IndiaVol.13, Asteraceae
(Inuleae – Vernonieae)
B.S.I. Calcutta. pp 1-411, 1995.


14.    Rao, R. R. (Ed.) Advances in Legume Research
in India.
Bishen Singh and Mahendra Pal Singh Dehra Dun. Pp. 1-517. 2002.


15.    T.S.Rana, Bhasker Datt &
R.R.Rao. Flora of Tons Valley, Garhwal
(Uttaranchal). Bishen Singh and Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun,


16.    S. Myrthong & R.R.Rao. A Monocotyledonous Flora of Meghalaya India. Bishen Singh and
Mahendra Pal Singh. Dehradun. (in press).





17.    R.R.Rao & B.A.Razi. Euphorbiaceae of Mysore city and surrounding areas. J. Mysore Univ. Sect.B. 23: 35-63.


18.    B.A. Razi & R.R.Rao. Contributions from the
Herbarium, Manasagangotri. Mysore. I. An artificial key to the Pteridophytes of
Mysore city and surrounding areas. Botanique.
2 (1): 21-23.1971


19.    R.R.Rao. Contribution from the Herbarium, Manasagangotri.  Mysore. II. An annotated list of              flowering plants around `Aloka’,
Yelwal (Mysore District). J. Mysore Univ.
24: 62-     80.1971.


20.    R.R.Rao. Contributions from the Herbarium, Manasagangortri, Mysore. IV. Name
changes in Mysore plants. Bios. 1:


21.    S.V.Ramaswamy, R.R.Rao & V.Bhaskar. Contribution
from the Herbarium, Manasagangotri. Mysore. III. Notes on the adventive plants
of Banglore and Mysore District. J Mysore
Univ. Sect. B.
26: 40-44. 1973.


22.    R.R.Rao & B.A.Razi. Notes on Euphorbiaceae of Mysore City and surrounding
areas. Bios. 2: 50-54. 1973.


23.    R.R.Rao. & B.A. Razi. Contributions from the Herbarium, Manasagangortri,
Mysore. V. Notes on flowering plants of Chamundi Hills, Mysore District. J Mysore Univ. Sect. B. 26: 70-117.1974.


24.    R.R.Rao. & B.A. Razi. Contributions from the Herbarium, Manasagangortri,
Mysore. X. A sketch of vegetation of Mysore District. J. Mysore Univ. Sect. B. 26: 191-200. 1974.


25.    R.R.Rao. Oxybaphus himalaicus Edgew.
(Nyctaginacaae) – a new record from South India. Geobios. 2:196. 1975.


26.    R.R.Rao & B.A.Razi. On the occurrence of Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. (Solanaceae) in Mysore. Curr. Sci. 43(12): 734. 1976.


27.    R.R.Rao & M.K.V.Rao. Galinsoga
(Rafn.) Blake (Asteraceae) in Shillong- a new distributional
record. Geobios. 3: 71. 1976.


28.    R.R.Rao & M.K.V.Rao. Occurrence of Crassocephalum
(Benth.) S.Moore and Galinsoga
(Rafn.) Blake (Asteraceae) in Mysore. Geobios. 3:163-164. 1976.


29.    R.R.Rao. Medicobotany of some Mysore plants- 1. J. Res. Indian Med. Hom. 12:53-58. 1977.


30.    R.R.Rao. The genus Sonchus Linn.
(Asteraceae) in northeast India. Acta
Bot. Ind
. 6:94-97. 1978.


31.    R.R.Rao. Some phytogeographical observations on the flowering plants of
Biligirirangan hills in Mysore and its affinities with the flora of Khasi hills
in Meghalaya. Botanique 7(4):


32.    R.R.Rao & B.A.Razi. An artificial key to the Asteraceae of Mysore
District. My Forest 14(1):


33.    R.R.Rao & B. Neogi. Some common aquatic weeds of Meghalaya a preliminary
observation. In: Studies on weeds and their control. Symp. Vol. Meghalaya Sc. Soc. Shillong pp. 29-35. 1978.


34.    R.R.Rao. Medicobotany of Mysore plants- II.
J. Res. Indian Med. Hom
. 13(4): 92-97. 1978.


35.    R.R.Rao. Parthenium hysterophorus
Linn. (Asteraceae) in Gauhati- a new record for northeast India. J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 58(1): 44-1979.


36.    R.R.Rao. & P.Kharkongor. Floristic composition and phenologcal pattern of
vegetation of pine forests in Meghalaya.
J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc
. 75 (2): 273-285. 1979.


37.    R.R.Rao. & B.A.Razi. A contribution towards a grass flora of Mysore
district. Indian For. 105(8):


38.    R.R.Rao & S.K.Jain. A synopsis of some recent name changes in plants of
the Indian subcontinent. Indian For.
105(8): 565-570. 1979.


39.    R.R.Rao. Changing pattern in Indian Flora. In: “Status of floristic studies
in India”. Bull. Bot. Surv. India.
19(1-4): 156-166. 1979.


40.    R.R.Rao. & K.Suryanarayana. Introduced weeds in the vegetation of Mysore
District. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.
74(2): 688-697. 1979.


41.    R.R.Rao. & D.P.Dam. Non-indigenous plants in the flora of Shillong and its
surrounding areas. Bull. Meghalaya Sci.
. 3: 43-65. 1979.


42.    R.R.Rao. Ethnobotanical studies on the flora of Meghalaya. Some curious
reports of herbal medicines. In: Glimpses
of Indian Ethnobotany.
Ed. S.K.Jain. pp. 137-148. Oxford & IBH
Publishing Co. Calcutta. 1980.


43.    R.R.Rao. Ethnobotany of Meghalaya- Medicinal plants used by the Khasi and Garo
tribes. Econ. Bot. 35(1): 4-9. 1980.


44.    R.R.Rao & B.Neogi. Observations on the Ethnobotany of Khasi and Garo
Tribes in Meghalaya. J. Econ. Bot. 1:157-162.


45.    R.R.Rao. & B.A.Razi. An artificial key to the deciduous trees of Mysore
District. My Forest. 14(4): 253-260.


46.    R.R.Rao & M.K.V.Rao. The genus
Linn. (Asteraceae) in northeast India. Proc.Indian Nat. Sci. Acad. 46(4): 587-592. 1980.


47.    B.Neogi & R.R.Rao. Floristic composition of the
weed flora and seasonal variation and phenological pattern of some dominants
weeds of agricultural lands in Meghalaya. Proc.
Indian     Nat. Sci. Acad.
579-586. 1980


48.    K. Haridasan & R.R.Rao. Enumeration of some important
forest weeds of Meghalaya with special emphasis on their role and distribution.
J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 2: 161-71.1981.


49.    R.R.Rao. & A.K.Baishya. Some ecological and Phytogeographical observations
on the Pteridophytic flora of Meghalaya. J.Econ.
Taxon. Bot
. 2: 31-39. 1981.


50.    R.R. Rao & K. Haridasan. Chirita
R. Br. (Gesneriaceae)- an interesting plant record from Meghalaya. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 2: 241-242, 1981.


51.    R.R.Rao. & B.Neogi. Stachytarpheta
Vahl (Verbenaceae) – a new record for India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79(1): 233-234. 1982.


52.    R.R. Rao. Some thoughts about forest resources and their conservation. Nature Lower 1: 15-18, 1982.


53.    Y. Kumar & R.R. Rao. Ethnobotanical studies on
certain medicinal plants among some Garo people in and around Balphakram
Sanctuary (Meghalaya). Bull. Bot. Surv. India 22 (1-4): 161-165.


54.    R.R. Rao & N.S. Jamir. Ethnobotanical studies in Nagaland: Medicinal
Plants. Econ. Bot. 36(2): 176-181,


55.    R.R. Rao & K. Haridasan. Notes on the distribution of certain rare,
endangered or endemic plants of Meghalaya with a brief remark on the flora. J. Bombay
Nat. Hist. Soc
. 79(1): 93-99, 1982.


56.    N.S. Jamir & R.R. Rao. Ethnobotanical studies in
Nagaland II. Fifty four Medicinal plants used by Nagas. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 3:
11-17, 1982.


57.    S. Myrthong & R.R. Rao. A contribution towards a
sedge flora of Meghalaya. J. Econ. Taxon.
. 3: 129-139, 1982.


58.    R.R. Rao. Forests of Northeast India – prospects and constraints on utilisation.
In Ed. Sharatchandra et al. Development without destruction. pp.
75-85, Shillong, 1982.


59.    B. Neogi & R.R. Rao. Study on the weed flora of
various Hill Agro-Ecosystems in Meghalaya.
J.Australian Weeds
2(1): 9-15, 1982.


60.    R.R. Rao & B.A. Razi. Study on the weed-flora of paddy fields in Mysore
district. J. Mysore Univ.Sect. B. 26:24-37,


61.    R.R. Rao, K. Haridasan & Y. Kumar. Two interesting plant records from
Meghalaya. J. Bombay. Nat. Hist. Soc. 79(3):
708-711, 1983.


62.    Megoneitso & R.R. Rao. Ethnobotanical studies in
Nagaland – 4. Sixty two medicinal plants used by Angami Nagas. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 4(1): 167-172,


63.    R.R. Rao., K. Haridasan & Y. Kumar. New records of plants for North-East
India. J. Bombay. Nat. Hist. Soc.
79(2) 455-458, 1983.


64.    M. Satpute, B.K. Dutta &
R.R. Rao. Contributions to the
aerobiology of Shillong. 1. Studies on the seasonal variations of atmospheric
pollen and fungal spores. Proc. Ind. Nat.
Sc. Acad
. 66: 675-686, 1983.


65.    S.K. Jain & R.R. Rao. Ethnobotany in India – an
overview. Special Publication,
Botanical Survey of India, 1983.


66.    R.R. Rao & K. Haridasan. Threatened plants of Meghalaya – a plea for
conservation. In. Ed. S.K. Jain and R.R. Rao. An Assessment of
Threatened Plants of India.
pp. 94-103. Botanical Survey of India, Howrah,


67.    Y. Kumar & R.R. Rao. Studies on the Flora of
Balphakram wild life Sanctuary in Meghalaya II.            Distributional remarks on certain rare and interesting
plant species. Ibid, pp.110-115.


68.    S. Myrthong & R.R. Rao. Contributions to the
knowledge of Threatened plants in India -3. Some noteworthy monocotyledonous
species, which are rare, endangered or endemic. Ibid. pp. 131-137.


69.    S. Myrthong, Y. Kumar & R.R. Rao. Eriocaulon echinulatum Mart. (Eriocaulaceae) – a new record for
India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 80:
667-68, 1983.


70.    N.S. Jamir & R.R. Rao. Polystichum birii – a new species of Aspidiaceae from Nagaland,
India. J. Jap. Bot. 58(12): 376-378,


71.    K. Haridasan & R.R. Rao. Flora, vegetation and plant
resources of Garo Hills. In: Garo Hills
Land and the People
. Ed. L.S. Gassah. Omsons Publications, New Delhi,

72.    B.K. Dutta & R.R. Rao. Contributions to the
Aerobiology of Shillong – 1. Seasonal variation of atmospheric pollen and
fungal spores. Proc. Indian Nat. Sci.
. 49(6): 675-86, 1983.


73.    R.R. Rao. Modiola caroliniana (L) G.
Don, Malvaceae – a new generic record for India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 5(4): 907-908,1984.


74.    R.R. Rao & H.J. Chowdhery. Arabidopsis
Jafri, an addition to the Brassicaceae of India. Ind. J. Forestry. 7(3): 257-258, 1984.


75.    R.R. Rao & H.J. Chowdhery. Ecological impact studies with particular
reference to change in the flora and wildlife of B.S.L. Project area in
Himachal Pradesh. MAB Project Report
pp. 309-315,           1984.


76.    R.R. Rao, M. Satpute & B.K. Dutta. Circadian periodicity of pollen and fungal
spores of Shillong (Meghalaya). Indian
. 38(1): 60-65, 1985.


77.    R.R. Rao & K. Haridasan. A new species Araliaceae from Meghalaya, India. In Forest Flora Meghalaya. pp. 434-436,


78.    N.S. Jamir, R.R. Rao & U. chowdhury. Polystichum prolificans Va VR.
(Aspidiaceae) from Nagaland – a new record for India. Ind. J. Forestry 8(2):
157-158, 1985.


79.    R.R. Rao & B.P. Uniyal. Berberis
Rao & Uniyal – a new name for Berberis lycioides Stapf. Ind. J. Forestry 8: 334, 1985.


80.    Y. Kumar & R.R. Rao. Drosera indica L. (Droseraceae) A new distributional record for
northeast India. J.  Econ. Taxon.
7(2): 425-426, 1985.


81.    Y. Kumar & R.R. Rao. Floristic studies on
Balphakram sanctury – 3: General account of Forest types and Fauna. Ind. J. Forestry 8(4): 302-309, 1985.


82.    K. Haridasan & R.R. Rao. Syzygium jainii Haridasan et Rao – a new species of Myrtaceae from
Meghalaya. In Forest Flora Meghalaya
1: 398-399, 1985.


83.    R.R. Rao & K. Haridasan. A survey of some wild plants of horticulture
importance from Meghalaya, North – East India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 6(3): 529-537, 1985.


84.    R.R. Rao & N.S. Jamir. A new species of Cyathea
(Cytheaceae) from Nagaland, India. J.
Econ. Taxon. Bot
. 6(1): 207-209, 1985.


85.    H.J. Chowdhery & R.R. Rao. Rorippa pseudoislandica Chowdhery et. R.R. Rao – a new species of
Brassicaceae from India. Ind. J. Forestry
8: 150-152, 1985.


86.    R.R. Rao & N.S. Jamir. Bolbitis
R.R. Rao et. Janir. A new species of Lomariopsidaceae from
Nagaland, India. Reinwardtia 10:
119-121, 1985.


87.    S. Singh, U. Chowdhury &
R.R. Rao. Ferns and Fern Allies of
Chamoli district, U.P. Ind. J.Forestry 19: 1-15: 161-167, 1986.


88.    R.R. Rao & P.K. Hajra. Biological diversity of Eastern Himalayas – in a
conservation perspective. Proc. Indian
Acad. Sciences (Suppl.)
103-125, 1986.


89.    S.K. Mamgain & R.R. Rao. A new species of Lactuca (Asteraceae) from Kashmir, India. J.Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. 83(2):
406-408, 1986.


90.    R.R. Rao & P.K. Hajra. Obituary on Oleg Polunin. Trop. Ecol. 27: 222, 1986.


91.    Mangala Satpute, B.K. Dutta
& R.R. Rao. Phenology and Pollen
Incidence in the atmosphere of Shillong. In (Eds.)
P.K.K. Nair, A.P. Joshi & S.V. Ganghal. Air borne Pollen, spores and other
Plant Materials of India
. pp. 20-31, 1986.


92.    R.R. Rao & N.S. Jamir. Contribution to the Pteridophytic Flora of Nagaland.
J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 7(2): 277-297,


93.    S.K. Mamgain & R.R. Rao. A new species of Lactuca (Asteraceae) from Himachal
Pradesh, India. Bull. Bot. Surv. India
27: 120-122, 1985 (Published in 1987).


94.    S.K. Mamgain & R.R. Rao. Taxonomy and distribution of
Lactuceae (Asteraceae) from Western Himalaya. In Recent Advances in Plant Sciences. Ed. M.R. Sharma & B.K.
Gupta, Dehradun, 1987.


95.    R.R. Rao. Diminishing Forest Resources, their development and conservation with
special reference to a hill state in North – East India. In: Recent Advances in Plant Sciences, Ed.
M.R. Sharma & B.K. Gupta, Dehradun, 1987.


96.    R.R. Rao & P.K. Hajra. Methods of research in Ethnobotany. In: Ed. S.K.
Jain. A Manual of Ethnobotany.
Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, 1987, pp. 33-41.


97.    R.R. Rao, B.P. Uniyal & S.K. Mamgain. Species of Lactuca (Asteraceae) and
(Berberidaceae) for the Red
Data Book of India
. Ed. M.P. Nayar & A.R.K. Sastry, 1987.


98.    B.M. Wadhwa, R.R. Rao & P.K. Hajra. Botany of
Valley of Flowers National Park and its environs. Bull. Bot. Surv. India. 29(1-4): 129-175, 1987.


99.    Y. Kumar, Fancy Scarlet
& R.R. Rao. Further
contributions to the Ethnobotany of Meghalaya. Plants used by ‘War Jaintias’ of
Jaintia Hills. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot.
11(1): 65-70, 1987.


100. Mangala Satpute, B.K. Dutta
& R.R. Rao. A comparative study
of the air phyllosphere and soil mycoflora of potato & paddy fields of
Shillong. J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 66:
381-387, 1987.


101.      R.R. Rao. Plant systematics: Past, present and future: some basic
considerations. In (Eds.) S.S. Bir  &
M.I.S. Saggo “Perspectives in Plant
Sciences in India
“. pp. 231-236, 1989.


102.      R.R. Rao. Methods and techniques in Ethnobotanical research: Some basic
considerations. In (Ed.) S.K. Jain “Methods
and approaches in Ethnobotany
, Society of Ethnobotanists, Lucknow, pp.
13-23, 1989.


103.      R.R. Rao. The mute message of Ethnobotany for the 21st Century, Ibid, Society of Ethnobotanists.
Lucknow, pp. 179-186, 1989.


104.      R.R. Rao & Bipin Balodi. Two new species of Astragalus L. from Western Himalaya. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. Ind. 59(B) 4, 475-478, 1989.


105.      S.K. Mamgain & R.R.Rao. Some new combinations in the
subtribe Lactuceae. Jour. Bombay Nat.
Hist. Soc
. 86(2): 273, 1989.


106.      B.D. Naithani & R.R.Rao. The impact of Piligrim Influx
on the Himalayan ecosystem. in Ed. S.C. Singh “Impact of Tourism on Mountain Environment” pp. 82-89, 1989.


107.      B. Neogo, M.N.V. Prasad
& R.R. Rao. Ethnobotanical
studies on the Weed Flora of Meghalaya. Econ.
. 43(4): 471-79, 1990.


108.      R.R. Rao. Ethnobotanical studies on some Adivasi tribes of North -East India
with special reference to the Naga people. In Ed. S.K. Jain. “Contributions to Indian Ethnobotany“.
pp. 215-230, 1990.


109.      R.R. Rao. Ethnobiology in the study and conservation of fragile ecosystems:
Some issues from the Himalayan Region. Ethnobotany
2: 45-55, 1990.


110.      N.S. Jamir & R.R. Rao. Fifty new or interesting
Medicinal Plants used by Zeliangs. Ethnobotany
2: 11-18, 1990.


111.      P.K. Hajra & R.R. Rao. Distribution of vegetation
types in North-West Himalaya with brief remarks on Phytogeography and Floral
resource conservation. Proc. Ind.

112.      R.R. Rao & S.K. Murti. North – East India – a major centre of Plant
diversity in India. Indian J. Forestry
13:214-222, 1990.


113.      Chowdhery, H.J., B.P.
Uniyal, R. Mathuur & R.R. Rao. A
new Senecio from India. Ind. Jour. For. 13: 366-367, 1990.


114.      R.R. Rao & N.S. Jamir. Ethnobotany of the Ao and Angami Nagasof Nagaland. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 14(3): 593-604,


115.      S.K. Mamgain & R.R. Rao. Some medicinal plants of
Pauri Garhwal Himalaya. J. Econ. Taxon.
. 14(3): 633-40, 1990.


116.      R.R. Rao & S. Rajeshwari. Elymus
– a new species of Poaceae from Ladakh, India. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. 61(2): 1991.


117.      R.R. Rao & K. Haridasan. An ethnobotanical survey of Medicinal and other
useful plants of North – East India. J.
Econ. Taxon. Bot
. 15(2): 423-435, 1991.


118.      B. Balodi & R.R. Rao.
The genus Trigonella L. in North-West
Himalaya. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 15(1):
185-194, 1991.


119.      H.J. Chowdhery & R.R. Rao. Trigonella upendrae Chowdhery et al. R.R. Rao. – A new species of Trigonella
(Fabaceae) from India. Bull.Bot. Surv.
31(1-4): 156-158, 1992.


120.      R.R. Rao. Trends in the evolution of the Angiosperm flower. In (Ed.) B.S.
Venkatachala, D.L. Dilcher & H.K. Maheshwari p=09 “Essays in Evolutionary Plant Biology“. Paleobot. 41: 167-175, 1992.


121.      R.R. Rao. Book Review on “The Flora of Indian Desert”. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 32 (1-4): 195,


122.      S.K. Jain & R.R. Rao. Floristic Inventory of
Tropical Countries – India. Compiled by Karolyn Kendrick pp. 133-140.


123.      R.R. Rao & T. Hussain. Himalayan Legumes – Diversity and conservation.
Symposium Vol. In (Ed.) U. Dhar “Himalayan
Biodiversity: Conservation Strategies
“, G.B. Pant Himalayan Institute,
Almora, 1993, pp. 253-266.


124.      R.R. Rao & B. Dutt. Distribution and diversity of the family Berberidaceae
in the Himalaya, India. Ibid. pp.
267-278, 1993.


125.      R.R. Rao. Floristic diversity of eastern Himalaya – a national heritage for
Conservation. Ibid. pp. 131-151,


126.      H.J. Chowdhery & R.R. Rao. Plant life in the Himalayan
cold deserts: Some adaptive strategies.
Bull. Bot. Surv. India
. 32(1-4): 43-56, 1990 (Published 1992).


127.      B.P. Uniyal & R.R. Rao. Vegetation and flora of
Rajaji National Park in Uttar Pradesh. J.
Econ. Taxon. Bot.
17(1): 1-30, 1993.


128.      Raju, D.C.S., R.R.Rao and P.K.Hajra. Illiciaceae.
In: Sharma, B.D., Balakrishnan, N.P., Rao, R.R. and Hajra, P.K. (eds.), Fl.of India 1:184-187. B.S.I.,
Calcutta, 1993.


129.      Rao,
R.R and P.K. Hajra. Schisandraceae. Ibid 1:188-196. 1993.


130.      Raju, D.C.S., R.R.Rao and P.K. Hajra. Eupteleaceae Ibid 1:200-201.1993.


131.      Rao,
R.R. Berberidaceae. Ibid 1:349-412. 1993.


132.      Rao,
R.R and P.K. Hajra.  Podophyllaceae Ibid 1:414-417. 1993.


133.      R.R. Rao & S.K. Murti. Medicinal Plant Resources of North -East India –
conservation and Utilisation. Indian J.
. 6: 217-232, 1994.


134.      Rajeswari, S., R.R. Rao & A. Garg. An undescribed Saccharum (Poaceae) from J & K.
India. Sida (American) 16(1): 33-36,


135.      Tariq Hussain, B. Datt &
R.R. Rao. On the identity of two
taxa of Berberis L. from Tibet. Sida (American Journal) 1(1): 17-21,


136.      R.R. Rao & A. Garg. Can Eremostachys
be saved from extinction? Curr.
. 67(2): 80-81, 1994.


137.      Hussain, T., B. Datt & R.R. Rao. Berberis kunawurensis Royle var. diversifolia Ahrendt ex Hussain et
. an undescribed variety from East Himalaya. India. Rheedia 4(1): 37-39.


138.      R.R. Rao et al. An undescribed
variety of Berberis petiolaris Wall.
ex G. Don from the Himalaya. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica 35(4): 229-239, 1994.


139.      R.R. Rao et al. Taxonomy of Indian
Berberidaceae: Prospects and problems. J.
Econ. Taxon. Bot
. 18(2): 379-385. 1994.


140.      Rajeswari, S., R.R. Rao & A. Garg. A new species
of Poa L. from Ladakh, India. J. Jap. Bot. 69(3): 157-161. 1994.


141.      P.C. Pant, R.R. Rao and Arti Garg. Anaphais kashmirana Pant, R.R. Rao et
Arti, A new species of Compositae from Kashmir, India. J.Jap. Bot. 69(5): 258-261. 1994.


142.      T.S. Rana, T. Husain & R.R. Rao. A critical appraisal of the
Type locality of a rare palm from Kumaon Himalaya, India. Curr. Sci. 68(6): 590-592, 1995.


143.      R.R. Rao. Floristic diversity in India – An overview. Int. Soc. Envt. 1(2): 4, 1995.


144.      B.M. Wadhwa, C.L. Mehrotra,
R. Mathur and R.R. Rao. Rashtriya
Udhyan Phoolonki ghati Avam Hemkund Ki Vanaspati. In Paschimi Himalaya Ki Vanaspatiya (Eds.) D.K. Singh et al. B.S.I., Dehra Dun, pp. 66-73,
1995 (in Hindi).


145.      Saklani, A. and R.R. Rao. Bharat ki Vanaspatik
Vividhta. In Vigyan Vani. N.B.R.I., Rajbhasha
pp. 22-24, 1995 (in Hindi).


146.      R.R. Rao. Changing Scenario in Plant Taxonomic Studies. Proc. Nat. Seminar
“Changing Scenario in Plant Sciences”, Varanasi (Eds.) J.S. Singh &
V.S. Jaiswal, pp. 282-294, 1995.


147.      S.K. Mamgain & R.R.Rao. Tribe Chichorieae. In Eds.
P.K. Hajra et al., Flora of India:
Asteraceae, Vol. 12. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta. PP. 226-345. 1995.


148.      R. R. Rao. Tribe Calenduleae in Eds. P.K. Hajra R. R. Rao & D. K. Singh et
., Flora of India, Calcutta.
Vol. 12, B.S.I., Calcutta. PP 147-150. 1995.


149.      R.R.Rao. Tribe Mutisieae Ibid‚ Vol.
13, pp 163-186. 1995.


150.      R.R.Rao. Tribe Tageteae. Ibid, vol.
13, pp 163-186. 1995.


151.      R.R. Rao. Are Herbaria Redundant? Curr.
., 69 (12): 968-969. 1995.


152.      S. Rajeshwari, R.R. Rao & A. Garg. Agrostis musjidii  (Poaceae) A new species from Jammu &
Kashmir, India. J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 74:
333-334. 1995.


153.      R.R. Rao and S. Kumar. Angiosperm Taxonomy – Problems and Remedies.  Ind. Bot. Soc., Platinum Jublee Volume
74 A: 179-186 1995.


154.      T. Hussain, B. Datt, Arti
Garg & R.R. Rao. Berberis Sanei (Berberidaceae) – a new
species from Arunanchal Pradesh, India. Bull. Mus.
Nat. Paris. Ser
. 17 SectionB, Adansonia
(No 1-2) 69-73. 1995.


155.      Kumar, S., Husain and R.R.Rao. Some Nomenclatural notes in Berberis“ L. (Berberidaceae). Ind. J.Forestry 19(1): 97. 1996


156.      R.R. Rao, Phytogeography and floral diversity of the Himalayas with special
reference to Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve in West Himalaya. In.: P.S.
Ramakrishnan, A.N. Purohit, K.G.Saxena, K.S.Rao and R.K. Maikhuri. Conservation and Management of Biological
Resources in Himalaya
G.B. Pant Institute, Almora, Oxford  & IBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. pp.
171-207, 1996.


157.      R.R. Rao, Biodiversity and Conservation. Special Vol. Hyderabad University. Global environmental perspectives and
environmental management
‚ (ed. M.N.V.Prasad)1-12.1996.

158.      R.R.Rao, Ethnobiology in India: Some key issues on traditional knowledge and
sustainable development Ethnobotany
8: 14-24. 1996


159.      T.S.Rana, Bhaskar Datt and R.R.Rao. Strategies for Sustainable
Utilization of Plant Resources of the Tons-Valley, Western Himalaya. Ethnobotany 8. 96-104. 1996.


160.      Saklani, A and R.R.Rao. Role of Brahmakamal  (Saussurea obvallata“ (DC.) Edgew.) in
the life and culture of Garhwalis. Ethnobotany‚
8: 75-78. 1996.


161.      Garg, A. and R.R.Rao.  Pollination ecology of
endangered Eremostachys superba
(Labiatae). Taiwania 41(4): 309-321,


162.      R.R. Rao, Indigenous people and Forests: Perspectives of an ethnobotanical
study from Nagaland, North – East India. Proc. IVth. Int. Ethno. Conf., “Ethnobiology in Human Welfare” (Ed.
S. K. Jain) pp. 367-371. Deep publications, New Delhi, 1996.


163.      Rao, R.R. & B. Datt. Indian Compositae: Diversity and Phytogeography
in D.J.N.Hind & H.Beentje  (Eds.)  Proc. Int. Compositae
Conference, Kew. Vol.1 Systematics,
Royal Boatanic Garden, Kew. pp. 445-461. 1996


164.      R.R. Rao. Compositae in the conservation of genetic diversity in  wild
plants. In (Eds.) P.D.S.Caligari and D.J.N.Hind Proc. Int.
 Compositae Conf., Kew.‚ Vol 2 Biology
 and Utilization
‚ Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, pp. 269-275. 1996.


165.      R.R. Rao. Conserving the `Hot spots’ of Biodiversity in India. in P.S.
Ramakrishnan et. al. (Eds.) Conserving Biodiversity for Sustainable
pp. 95-107. Indian nat.
Sci. Acad
. New Delhi. 1996.


166.      R.R. Rao, T.S.  Rana, Bhaskar Datt and Arti Garg, Identifying rare,
endangered and endemic species:  The Indian scene. J. Mysore Univ.‚ Section B, 34:  93-103, 1995-96 (Published


167.      Garg, A. and R.R.Rao. Anthecological relationship
between endangered Eremostachys superba (Labiatae)
and its pollinator. Taiwania‚ 42 (2):
99-103, 1997.


168.      Garg, A., T. Husain and R.R.Rao.  Palynological Evidence
supporting   the   identity of two taxa of Berberis (Berberidaceae) from Tibet. Sida‚ 17 (3): 575-578. 1997.


169.      Garg, A & R.R. Rao. Observations on the
Reproductive Biology of the endangered Eremostachys
Royle ex Benth. (Labiatae) in the Siwaliks of Uttar Pradesh, India.
Proc. Indian Nat. Sci. Acad.‚B63
No.1& 2 pp. 79-88. 1997.


170.      Husain, T. and R.R.Rao. Identity &
Lectotypification of Berberis khasiana
Ahrendt Rheedea‚ Vol 7 (1): 41-42,


171.      Jain, S.K. and R.R.Rao. Flora and Phytogeography of India. Inst. of Ethnobiology pp.


172.      Garg, A. & R.R.Rao. Pollen limitation in Eremostachys superba Royle ex Benth. (Labiatae) and its role in loss of seed
production. Tiwania, 4(4): 307-315.


173.      Rao,
R. R. Diversity of Indian Flora. Proc.
Indian Nat.Sci. Acad
. B63 No. 3 pp 127-138. 1997.


174.      Rao,
R.R. B. Datt, & A. Prakash.
Endangered plants of the Himalayas and their conservation. In: M.Daniel. The Changing Landscape of Plant Sciences
(Spl. Vol.  Baroda): Taxonomy & Ecology International Book
Distributors, Dehra­ Dun pp. 233-259. 1997.


175.      T. Husain and R.R. Rao. Under utilised food legumes
of India with particular reference to Himalaya. In:  M.  Daniel.
 The Changing Landscape of Plant
(Spl. Vol.  Baroda): Taxonomy & Ecology Internation Book
Distributors, Dehra Dun pp. 226-232. 1997.


176.      Husain, T., R. R. Rao and Arti Garg.  Berberis lycium“ complex in India. Feddes Repertorium 109 (5-6): 385-392.


177.      Rao, R. R.; T. Husain; B. Dutt and A. Garg. Revision of the family Berberidaceae of India – I: Rheedea. 8(1): 1-66. 1998.


178.      Chaudhary, L. B. & R. R. Rao. Notes on the genus Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae) in N.W.
Himalaya (India). Feddes Repertorium 109
(7 – 8): 527 – 537. 1998.


179.      Bipin Balodi & R. R. Rao. Some wild Edible and
Medicinal plants used by the Adivasis of Garhwal and Kumaon Himalaya. Annuals of Forestry 6 (1): 18-30,1998.


180.      Chaudhary, L. B. & R. R. Rao. Some Highly Threatened taxa
of Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae) in
Indian Himalaya – Strategies for conservation. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 22 (3):
631-634. 1998.


181.      Rao, R. R. Concept and development of Herbaria with special reference to India:
Current problems and Remedies. In (Ed.) Stuchlik, L. Botanical Collections throughout the world. Proceeding. Second Int.
Conf. on Preservation of Botanical collections, Krakow. pp. 11-21. 1998.

182.      Rao, R. R. Biodiversity conservation in Northeast India: priorities and
strategies. in (Ed.) R. C. Sundriyal et
“Perspectives for planning and
development in Northeast India”
. pp. 91-98. Kosi, Katarmal, Almora. 1998.

183.      T.S. Rana, K.K. Singh & R.R. Rao. Studies on indigenous herbal
remedies for diabetes mellitus in India”. J.
Econ. Taxon. Bot.
23 (1): 115-120. 1999. 

184.      Rao, R. R. and M. R. Suseela. Vetiveria
(Linn.) Nash- A multipurpose Eco-friendly Grass of
proceedings 2nd Int. Conf. Vetiver
and the Environment.
pp. 444-448. 2000, Bangkok.

185.      Rao, R. R. et al. Palynology of
Berberidaceae. Rheedea. 9(2):
115-146. 1999.

186.      Arvind Saklani & Rao, R. R. Saussurea DC. in Garhwal
Himalaya: Diversity, Distribution and Conservation. ed. Y.P.S. Pangtey. in High Altitudes of the Himalaya -II. pp.
2: 323-334. 2000.

187.      T. S. Rana, Bhaskar Datt
& Rao, R. R. Biodiversity in the
Alpine Himalaya: Stratagies for Conservation and Ecodevelopment. Ed. Y.P.S.
Pangtey. in High Altitudes of the
-II. pp. 2: 29-48. 2000.   

188.      A. Saklani, R. R. Rao and L. B. Chaudhary.
SEM-characterisation of achene morphology towards the taxonomy of Indian
species of Saussurea DC. (Asteraceae).  Rheedea 10 (1): 1-18. 2000

189.      L. B. Chaudhary & R. R. Rao Pattern of Morphological Diversity
within Aconitum heterophyllum Wall.
ex Royle (Ranunculaceae) in India. Bull.
Bot. Surv. India
. 40 (1-4): 23-33.1998 (published 2001)

190.      L. B. Chaudhary & R. R. Rao Variation in Podophyllum hexandrum L.
(Podophyllaceae) in Himalaya. Bull. Bot.
Surv. India
. 40 (1-4) 72-81. 1998 (published 2001)                                                                                                                         


191.      L.B.Chaudhary & R. R. Rao. Taxonomy and Biodiversity of
Podophyllum hexandrum L.
(Podophyllaceae) in Himalaya. Proc.Acad.
Sci. India, Sect. B
(Biological Sciences)


192.      Bhaskar Datt, T. S. Rana, S.
S. Jha and R. R. Rao Threatened
plants of Bundelkhand Region 8 (1/2): 120-123, 2001


193.      R. R. Rao. & L. B. Chaudhary Legume diversity in India: Current Status and
future prospects. In (Ed.) R. R. Rao.
Proceedings “Advances in Legume Research
in India
” 2002. pp. 1-25.  


194.      Arvind Saklani & R. R. Rao. Some wild legumes
traditionally used by Tribals of North-East India with particular reference to
non-conventional edible legumes. Ibid. 2002.
pp. 239-250.


195.      R. R. Rao & L. B. Chaudhary. A conspectus of the genus Astragalus L. (Leguminosae – Papilionoideae) in India. Ibid. pp. 59-72. 2002.


196.      Kaushal Kumar, R. R. Rao & K. K. Singh.
Perspectives on the role of Leguminous Plants in Ayurveda. Ibid. pp. 301-315. 2002.


197.      T. S. Rana, Bhaskar
Datt  & R. R. Rao. Legumes of Tons Valley in Western Himalaya. Ibid. pp. 87-100.2002.


198.      T.S. Rana, Bhaskar Datt and R.R. Rao Vegetational Diversity in Tons
Valley, Garhwal Himalaya (Uttaranchal) India with Special Reference to
Phytogeographical Affinities of the Flora. Taiwania
46(3): 217-231, 2001.


199.      R.R. Rao, Tribal Wisdom and Conservation of Biological Diversity Proceedings of the Seventh International
Congress of Ethnobiology’
Georjia, U.S.A.-pp.1-10.2002 

200.      L. B. Chaudhary and R. R. Rao, Taxonomic study of herbaceous species of Phyllanthus L. (Euphorbiaceae) in India,
Phytotaxonomy 2:143- 162. 2002 

201.      T.S.Rana, B. Datt & R.R.Rao. Life forms and Biological
Spectrum of the Flora of Tons Valley, Garhwal Himalaya (Uttaranchal), India. Taiwania, 47(2): 164-169,2002. 

202.      S.S.Jha, Sushma Verma  & R.R.Rao.
Morphotaxonomy vs Molecular taxonomy: Some taxonomy complexes needing
molecular approaches. Phytotaxonomy 2:
108 – 122. 2002. 

203.      Garg. A. & R.R.Rao. Scanning Electron Microscopic
investigation of the glandular hairs of Eremostachys
flowers. Phytomorphology 52
(2&3): 161-166.2002.



Papers Communicated/ in press:


  1. Rajeswari,S & R.R. Rao. Elyhordeum ladakhianum S. Rajeswari et. R.R. Rao Sp.
    nov. (Poaceae) from Ladakh, India.

  1. Rajeswari,S & R.R. Rao. A New species of Poa
    (Poaceae) from Garhwal Himalaya. Proc.
    Ind.Acad. Sci
    . (Communicated).


  1. S.K. Mamgain & R. R.
    . Dubyaea forrestii,
    Mamgain et Rao – A new species of Compositae from Myanmar. Kew Bull.

207. T. S. Rana, Bhaskar Datt and
R.R. Rao, The preparation of Soor,
a traditional alcoholic beverage in Tons Valley, Garhwal Himalaya, India

208. Chaudhary L. B. & R. R. Rao. A New Site for an Endemic
and Rare Aconitum falconeri Holmes Ex
Stapy (Ranunculaceae) in Jammu & Kashmir Himalaya.

209. Vivek Kumar and R.R.Rao
Elephantopus scaber L.: An
Important Medicinal plant used by tribals of Surguja, Chhattisgarh State, India

210. Vivek Kumar and R.R. Rao Some Plant Beverages used in
Traditional Medicine.

211. Vivek Kumar and R.R. Rao wild foor plants of Surguja
District of Chhattisgarh state, India.

212. Rao. R.R, E.V.S. Prakasa Rao, R. Murugan & T.N. Parameshwaran
Ex situ conservation of Wild Genetic Resources of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
of Western Ghats: Some efforts of CIMAP Field Station, Bangalore.

213. Rao. R.R & R. Murugan Cultivation and Production practices of some Medicinal
Plants of Indian region.


INSA Honorary Scientist
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