• L. Rasingam
    & N.Parthasarathy, 2012. “Biodiversity
    inventories of Little Andaman Island – the tree and understory plant diversity
    in undisturbed and disturbed lowland tropical forests
    ” Lambert Academic
    Publishing, Germany.

  • Lakshminarasimhan, P., Gantait, S., Rasingam, L. and Bandyopadhyay, S.
    2011. “Bibliography and abstract of
    papers on the flora of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
    .” Envis Centre on Floral
    Diversity, Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.



  • L.
    . Five new additions to the flora of
    Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India 7(3): 7037-7041. 2015.

  • L. Rasingam, Alok Chorghe, P. V. Prasanna & M. Sankara Rao. Glochidion
    (Phyllanthaceae) ─ A New Species from Seshachalam
    Biosphere Reserve of Andhra Pradesh, India, Taiwania
     59 (1): 9–12. 2014.

  • L. Rasingam, Alok Chorghe, U. Meve, M. Sankara Rao, P. V. Prasanna. 2013. Brachystelma
    (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) — a new species from
    Andhra Pradesh, India. Kew Bulletin
    68 (4): 663-667. 2013. (Springer).

  • L. Rasingam
    & G.K. Upadhyay. “
    W. J. de Wilde subsp.
    W. J. de Wilde (Myristicaceae) and Ficus annulata Blume (Moraceae) – New Additions to the Flora
    of India”.
    Taiwania, 58(4): 295299. 2013.

  • Alok Chorghe, L. Rasingam, P.V. Prasanna & M.
    Sankara Rao. 2013. “
    Tripogon tirumalae (Poaceae), a new species from the Seshachalam hills of Andhra Pradesh,
    Phytotaxa 131: 17-22. 2013.

  • L.
    & S. Jeeva. “Indigenous brooms
    used by the aboriginal inhabitants of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Western Ghats,
    India” Indian Journal of Natural Products
    and Resources
    4 (3): 312-316.

  • L. Rasingam. “Two new additions to the
    family Urticaceae of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India. Rheedea 23
    (1): 37-39. 2013.

  • L. Rasingam.
    “Ethnobotanical studies on the wild edible plants of Irula tribes of Pillur
    Valley, Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu, India”
    Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine S1493-S1497. 2012. (Elsevier).

  • L.
    , S. Jeeva & D. Kannan. “Dental care of Andaman
    and Nicobar folks: medicinal plants use as tooth Stick” Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine S1013-S1016. 2012.

  • Solomon Jeeva, T.S. Shynin Brintha & L.
    Striga scottiana Scrophulariaceae) – a new species from
    southern Western Ghats of Tamilnadu, India” Journal of Basic and Applied
    6: 79-82. 2012.

  • L.
    (Cucurbitaceae) – A new record for India from Andaman Islands. Rheedea 22(1): 9-10. 2012.

  • L.
    & P.Lakshminarashimhan “Anredera cordifolia (Basellaceae) – An
    addition to the non-indigenous flora of India. Rheedea 22(1): 16-17. 2012.

  • L.
    Aizoaceae (Magnoliopsida: Caryophyllales) – a
    new family record to the flora of Andaman Islands, India” Journal of Threatened Taxa 4(6): 2653-2655. 2012.

  • L.
    P.Lakshminarashimhan & P.G.Diwakar. “Rediscovery of Ginalloa andamanica Kurz (Angiosperms: Viscaceae) – an endemic
    and threatened species from Little Andaman Island, India. Journal of
    Threatened Taxa
    2(9): 1158-1159. 2010.

  • L.
    “Aquatic and wetland plants of Little
    Andaman Island, India.” Journal of Basic
    and Applied Biology
    4(3): 52-59. 2010.

  • R.P.Pandey,
    P.G.Diwakar, L. Rasingam and M.Palanisamy “A Reassessment of biological
    spectrum of the flora of Andaman & Nicobar Islands-India” Journal of
    Economic & Taxonomic Botany
    . 34(3): 682-692. 2010.

  • L.
    & R.P.Pandey.
    Combretum tetragonocarpum Kurz var. tetralophum (C.B.Clarke)
    Gang. & T.Chakrab. – A new record for India from the Nicobar Islands” Nelumbo (Bulletin of the Botanical
    Survey of India
    ) 51: 211-212. 2009

  • R.P.Pandey,
    L. Rasingam & G.S.Lakra. “Ethno-medicinal plants of the aborigines
    in Andaman and Nicobar Islands” Nelumbo (Bulletin
    of the Botanical Survey of India
    51: 5-40. 2009 (2010).

  • L. Rasingam
    & N. Parthasarathy. “Diversity of understory plants in undisturbed and
    disturbed tropical lowland forests of Little Andaman Island, India.” Biodiversity and Conservation 18:
    1045-1065. 2009. (Springer).

  • L. Rasingam
    & N.Parthasarathy. “Tree species diversity and population structure across
    major forest formations and disturbance categories in Little Andaman Island,
    India”. Tropical Ecology 50(1):
    89-102. 2009.

  • L.
    , P.G. Diwakar & R.P.Pandey
    “Recollection of Cassine viburnifolia (Juss.) Ding Hou from Andaman
    Islands” Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 50: 161-162. 2008 (2009).

  • L.
    P.G.Diwakar & Subhangi Ingole “Does Achyranthes bidendata Blume
    (Amaranthaceae) occur in Andaman & Nicobar Islands?” Journal of Bombay Natural History Society 16(1): 129-130. 2009.

  • S.Kumar & L. Rasingam. “Assessment of floristic diversity of Chidiyatapu
    Biological Park, South Andaman.” Phytotaxonomy
    8: 65-70. 2008

  • L.
    , P.G.Diwakar &
    R.P.Pandey. “Some new combinations in the family Apocynaceae” Journal of
    Economic and Taxonomic Botany

    32(3): 550. 2008.

  • L.
    , R.P.Pandey & P.G. Diwakar “Two new additions to the orchid flora of
    Andaman Islands” Indian Journal of Forestry 31(3): 429-430. 2008.

  • L.
    , P.G.Diwakar & R.P.Pandey “New additions to
    the flora of Andaman and Nicobar Islands” Journal of Economic Taxonomic
    32(3): 678-680. 2008. 

  • R.P.Pandey
    & L. Rasingam. “Ficus sinuata Thunb. (Moraceae) – A
    new record from Bay Islands.” Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32(3): 542-543. 2008.

  • R.P.Pandey, L.
    M.Palanisamy. “Details of type specimens deposited in the Botanical Survey of
    India, Andaman & Nicobar Circle herbarium (PBL)” Journal of Economic and
    Taxonomic Botany
    32(3): 636-659.

  • S.Kumar, L.
    & R.P.Pandey “Glimpses of floristic diversity of Andaman and Nicobar
    Islands” Journal of Indian Botanical Society 87: 67-73. 2008.

  • L.
    & G.S.Lakra. “Record of
    introduction of a tropical American weed Evolvulus
    (L.) L. (Convolvulaceae) in Andaman and Nicobar Islands” Journal
    of Bombay Natural History Society
    232. 2008.

  • P.G.Diwakar
    & L. Rasingam “Three new additions to the non-indigenous flora of
    Andaman Islands, India.” Journal of Bombay Natural History Society 105(2):
    242-243. 2008.

  • L.
    R.P.Pandey, J.J.Wood & S.K.Srivastava. A new species of Vanilla from
    the Andaman Islands. Orchid Review 155: 350-351. 2007.

  • L.
    P.G.Diwakar. Desmos dumosus (Roxb.) Safford (Annonaceae) – an addition
    to the flora of Andaman – Nicobar Islands. 
    Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany
    31(2):  414-415. 2007.

  • L.
    R.P.Pandey & P.G.Diwakar. “Bouea macrophylla Griff. (Anacardiaceae)
    – a new report for India from Andaman Islands.” Malayan Nature Journal
    59(4): 277-279. 2007.

  • M.Palanisamy, L. Rasingam, R.P.Pandey &
    R.Raja. Spermacoce latifolia Aubl.(Rubiaceae) an addition to the flora
    of Andamans. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 31(2): 472-473. 2007

  • M.Palanisamy,
    R.P.Pandey, L. Rasingam & R.Raja. Sebastiania Sprengel.
    (Euphorbiaceae) – a new generic record for Andaman Islands. Journal of
    Economic and Taxonomic Botany
    31(2): 464-465. 2007.

  • L.
    & P.G.Diwakar. Toxocarpus
    Wight & Arn. (Asclepiadaceae) – A new record for Andamans from
    Little Andaman Island. Indian Journal of Forestry 29: 443-444. 2006.

  • L.
    & P.G.Diwakar. Recollection of Trichospermum
    Bl. (Tiliaceae) from Nicobar Islands, India after a gap of one
    century.  Journal of Economic and
    Taxonomic Botany
    30: 427-428. 2006.

  • P.G.Diwakar,
    D.K.Agrawal & L. Rasingam. Acampe Lindl. (Orchidaceae): A new
    generic record for Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India.  Journal of Orchid Society of India.
    19: 63-66. 2005.


  • L. Rasingam & P.G.Diwakar. “Epiphytic Flora of host Elaeis
    Jacq. (Red Oil Palm) in Little Andaman Island, India” ENVIS Newsletter 15(2): 3. 2011.

  • Saneesh, C.S. & L. Rasingam. “A forest trail of Jangli Almond
    (Hydnocarpus pentandra)” Voices from the
    19: 9. 2010.

  • L. Rasingam “Wild edible Tubers and Rhizomes of the Nilgiri
    Biosphere Reserve” Newsletter of the
    Nilgiri Natural History Society
    1: 3. 2010.

  • L. Rasingam “Species Focus – Rhododendron arboretum Sm. ssp. nilagiricum
    (Zenker) Tagg (Ericaceae)” Newsletter of
    the Nilgiri Natural History Society
    1: 12. 2010.

  • L. Rasingam
    & Shiny Mariam Rehel. “An
    indigenous broom made from

    Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae)” ENVIS
    News Letters

    14(2): 3-4. 2010.

  • L.
    & Shiny
    Marium Rahel. “Major wild edible plants of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve,
    India.” Voices from the forests 17:
    8-9. 2009.

  • R.P.Pandey,
    G.S.Lakra and L. Rasingam “A note on the historic ‘Peepal tree’ in the
    Cellular Jail of Port Blair-India” ENVIS News Letters 11: 5. 2007.