List of Dr. K. N. Reddy Research
Publications for Efloraofindia database of Publications


Address for
correspondence:           Dr. K. N. REDDY

HOD, Taxonomy Department

Laila R&D Centre,

Phase-III, Jawahar Autonagar,

520 007, Andhra Pradesh, India.



: 81


BOOKS:  a)    Authored:   4 
b)   Edited:      1


Publications: 76

papers/articles: Published/ accepted      : 56

Seminars, conferences, workshops, symposiums
attended and presented papers: 20


Areas of
Research Specialization:
1. Ethnobotany

                                                            2. Phyto-diversity

Forest Ecology

                                                            4. Plant Taxonomy




1. Reddy, K.N., Bhanja, M.R. & Raju,
V.S. 1998. Plants used in ethno-veterinary practices in Warangal district,
Andhra Pradesh. Ethnobotany 10 (1&2): 75-84. 

2. Reddy, K.N. & Raju, R.R.V. 1999.
Plants used in ethno-veterinary practices in Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh
J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 23 (2): 347-357. 

Reddy, C.S., Reddy, K.N. Bhanja,
M.R. & Raju, V.S. 1999. On the identity of Physalis minima L. (Solanaceae) in southern India J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 23: 709-710.

4. Reddy, K.N., Nagesh, K. Reddy, C.S.
& Bhanja, M.R. 2000. Polyembryony in Garcinia
   (Dupetit- Thuars)
Choisy  (Clusiaceae). J. Non Timber Forest Products 7: (3-4). 247-248.

Reddy, C.S., Reddy, K.N. & Raju,
V.S. 2000. Cardamine trichocarpa and Cleome rutidosperma -As alien weeds in
Andhra Pradesh, India J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 24: No.2. 291-292.

6. Reddy, K.N., Reddy,
C.S. & Raju, V.S. 2000. On the
occurrence of Taraxacum javanicum Soest
(Asteraceae) in Andhra Pradesh, India J.
Econ. Taxon. Bot
Vol. 24 No. 2.

Reddy, C.S., Reddy, K.N. &
Jadhav, S.N. 2001. Malaxis acuminata  D. Don (Orchidaceae):       A new record for Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian J. Forestry Vol. 24(1) 111.

8. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S., & Jadhav, S.N. 2001. Heterostemma deccanense (Talb.) Swarup
& Mangaly   (Asclepiadaceae): An
endangered and endemic taxon from Andhra Pradesh.  Indian
127: No.12; Pp: 1403-1404.

9. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S. & Jadhav,
S.N. 2002. Dendrobium macrostachyum
Lindl. (Orchidaceae): A New record for Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, Vol. 9(1/2): 91-92.

10. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S. & Raju, V.S. 2002. Ethnobotanical
observation on some Orchids of Andhra Pradesh. J. Non-Timber Forest Products
9 (3/4): 146-147.

11. Reddy, K.N., Jadhav, S.N., Reddy,
C.S., & Raju, V.S.  2002. Life forms
and Biological spectrum of Marriguda Reserve Forest, Khammam district, Andhra
Pradesh. Indian Forester 128(7): 751-756.

Reddy, C.S., Nagesh, K., Reddy, K.N.
& Raju, V.S. 2003. Plants used in ethnoveterinary practices by Gonds of
Karimnagar district, Andhra Pradesh, India. J.
Econ. Tax. Bot.

13. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S. & Raju, V.S. 2004. Memecylon jadhavii : A new species
from Andhra Pradesh, India. J. Econ. Tax.
28 No.1. 165-166.

14.Reddy, C.S. &
Reddy, K.N. 2004.
Cassia rotundifolia
Pers. (Caesalpiniaceae): A new record
for India  J. Econ. Tax. Bot.28(1): 73-74.

Raju, V.S. & Reddy, K.N. 2005.
Ethnobotanic medicine for Dysentery and Diarrhoea from Khammam District of Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian
Journal of Traditional Knowledge
Vol. 4(4), pp.443-447.

16. Reddy, K.N. & Subbaraju, G.V.
2005. Ethnomedicine from Maredumilli region of East Godavari District, Andhra
Pradesh. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot.
29. No.2. 476-481

17. Reddy, K.N. & Subbaraju, G.V.
2005. Ethnobotanical medicine for rheumatic diseases from Eastern Ghats of
Andhra Pradesh. Recent Trends in Plant
. P.p:128-138.

18. Reddy, K.N., Madhuri, V., Subbaraju,
G.V. & Hemadri, K. 2005. Ethno-therapeutics of certain Ayurvedic medicinal
Plants of Kondapalli Fort, Andhra Pradesh, India. The Indian Forester Vol. 131,
N0.3, P.p: 442-448.

19. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S. & G.
Trimurthulu. 2006. Ethnobotanical survey on respiratory disorders in Eastern
Ghats, Andhra Pradesh. Ethnobotanical leaflets:
10: 139-148. ( 

20. Reddy, K.N., Subbaraju, G.V., Reddy,
C.S. & Raju,V.S. 2006.  Ethno veterinary
medicine for treating livestock in Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol.
5(3). 368-372.

21. Reddy, K.N., Subbaraju, G.V. &
Raju, V.S. 2006. Reinwardtia indica  Dumort.. (Linaceae): A New record for Andhra
Pradesh, India. Indian J. Forestry
Vol. 29. (4): 379-380.

Reddy, C.S., Reddy, K.N., Pattanaik, C. & Raju,V.S. 2006.
Ethnobotanical observations on some endemic plants of Eastern Ghats, India. Ethnobotanical
10: 82-91. (  

23. Reddy, C.S., Rao, K.S., Reddy, K.N., Pattanaik, C. & Raju,
V.S. 2007. Cycas sphaerica Roxb.: A little known endemic species from
Eastern Ghats, India. (Jour. Plant Sciences 2(3): 362-365).

24. Reddy, K.N., Pattanaik, C., Reddy,
C.S. Raju, V.S. 2007. Traditional knowledge on wild food Plants in Andhra
Pradesh. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol. 6 (1): 223-229. 

25. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S., &
Trimurthulu, G.T. 2010. Medicinal
plants used by the ethnic people of Medak district, Andhra Pradesh.
Journal of Traditional Knowledge 
Vol. 9 (1): 184-190.

26. Reddy, C.S., Pattanaik, C. & Reddy,
2009. Magnoliopsida, Gamopetalae, Gentianales, Asclepiadaceae, Heterostemma
(Talb.) Swarup & Mangaly: Distribution extension and
Geographic distribution map. Check List 58(3): 468-470.  ISSN 1809-127X 

27. Reddy, C.S., Reddy, K.N.,
Murthy, E.N. & Raju, V.S. 2009.
Tree wealth of
Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, India: Check
: 5(2): 173-194.  ISSN 1809-127X.

28. Murthy,
E.N., Reddy, C.S., Reddy, K.N. & Raju, V.S.
2007. Plants used in Ethnoveterinary Practices by Koyas of Pakhal Wildlife
Sanctuary, Andhra Pradesh, India. (Ethnobotanical leaflets 11: 1-5. 

29. Thulsi
Rao, K., Reddy, K.N., Pattanaik, C.
& Reddy, C.S. 2007.
Ethnomedicinal importance of Pteridophytes used by Chenchus of Nallamalais,
Andhra Pradesh, India. Ethnobotanical leaflets 11: 6-10.

30. Reddy, C.S., Pattanaik, C., Reddy, K.N., & Raju, V.S. 2007.
Census of Endemic Flowering Plants of Kerala, India. (J. Plant Sciences 2(5): 489-503.    ISSN 1816 – 4951

31. Reddy, C.S., Reddy, K.N., Thulsi Rao, K. &
Pattanaik, C. 2007. Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants used by the
Chenchus of Nallamalais in Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Research
Journal of Medicinal Plant
1-6.   ISSN 1819 – 3455

32. Reddy, K.N., Trimurthulu, G.T. &
Reddy, C.S. 2008. Traditional medicinal plants used by the ethnic people of
Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Traditional
Vol. 9 (2): 313-1317.

33. Reddy, K.N. & Reddy, C.S. 2008.
First Red-list of Medicinal plants of Andhra Pradesh, India- Conservation
Assessment Management Planning (CAMP) Ethnobotanical
12: 103-107. ( 

34. Raju,
V.S., Reddy, C.S., Reddy, K.N.,
Rao, K.S. & Bahadur, B. 2008. Orchid Wealth of Andhra Pradesh, India. Proc.
A.P. Akademi of Sciences, Hyderabad. Special Issue on Plant Wealth of Andhra
Pradesh, Vol. 12 (1&2) Pp: 180-192.

35. Reddy, K.N., Pattanaik, P., Reddy,
C.S., Murthy, E.N. & Raju, V.S. 2008. Plants used in traditional
handicrafts in North eastern Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Traditional
. Vol. 7(1), Pp:

36. Reedy, K.N. 2008. Ethnobotany of Andhra
Pradesh: A Review. Ethnobotanical
Vol.12. 305-310) 

37. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S. & Raju,
V.S. 2008. Ethnomedicinal observations among the Kondareddis of Khammam
district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Ethnobotanical leaflets 12:916-926.

38. Murthy,
E.N., Reddy, C.S., Reddy, K.N. & Raju, V.S.
 2008. Ethnomedicinal observations from the Maha-Mutharam and Yamanapally
tribal villages of Karimnagar, East Forest Division, Andhra Pradesh. Ethnobotanical
12: 513-519.

39. Reddy,
C.S., Shilpa B., Giriraj, A., Reddy, K.N.
& Thulsi Rao, K. 2008. Structure and Floristic Composition of Tree
diversity in Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest of Eastern Ghats, Southern Andhra
Pradesh, India. Asian Journal of Scientific Research 1 (1): 57-64). ISSN 1992-1454

40. Reddy,
C.S., Reddy, K.N. & Jadhav,
S.N.2000. Medicinal uses of Hildegardia
(Roxb.) Schott. & Endl.
and Pterocarpus santalinus L.f.:
Red listed and endemic taxa from Andhra Pradesh. EPTRI-ENVIS News letter 6(1):

41. Reddy,
C.S., Reddy, K.N., P.R.C. Prasad
& V.S. Raju. 2003. Threatened Endemic plants from Eastern Ghats, India. EPTRI – ENVIS Newsletter. 9(2): 3-6.

42. Reddy,
C.S., Pattanaik, C., Murthy, M.S.R.
& Reddy, K.N. 2005.
Orchids of Eastern Ghats, India.
EPTRI-ENVIS  Newsletter, Vol-11, No-4, pp 6-12.

43. Reddy, K.N., Subbaraju, G.V., Reddy,
C.S.  & Raju, V.S. 2005. Ethnobotany
of Certain Orchids of Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh EPTRI-ENVIS News letter Vol.
No.3.  5-9.

44. Reddy, K.N., Subbaraju, G.V. &
Reddy, Ch.S. 2005. Aphanamixis
(Wall.) Parker: Red-Listed medicinal plant from Maredumilli
region, East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh. EPTRI-ENVIS News letter
Vol.11, No.4. 4.

45. Jadhav,
S.N. & Reddy, K.N. 2006.
Threatened Medicinal Plants of Andhra Pradesh. ENVIS-SDNP Newsletter special issue Pp 18-28.

46. Reddy,
C.S., Reddy, K.N., Murthy, E.N.
& V.S. Raju. 2009. Traditional medicinal plants in Seshachalam hills,
Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of
Medicinal Plant Research
Vol.3 (5)
pp. 408-472. ISSN 1996-0875.

47. Pattanaik, C., Reddy, C.S. & Reddy, K.N. 2009. Ethno-medicinal survey of threatened plants in
Eastern Ghats, India. Our Nature 7: 122-128.

48. Penchala Prasad Goli, Trimutulu, G, Reddy, K.N. & Naidu, M.L. 2010.
Analytical study of Kuberaksha / Kataki Karanja patra Churna [Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. Leaf
powder] AYU. Vol. 31(2). 251-254.

49. Penchala Prasad Goli, Trimutulu, G, Reddy, K.N. & Naidu, M.L. 2010.
Standardisation of Kandughna Taila (Medicated oil for Filariasis). Aryavaidyan
Vol. XXIV. No.2. pp. 112-116.

50. Penchala Prasad Goli, Trimutulu, G, Reddy, K.N. & Naidu, M.L. 2011
Standardisation of an herbal preparation- Vrddhadaruka mula curna [Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.) Boj.] root
Journal of Traditional Knowledge
. Vol. 10(4), Pp: 612-616.

51. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S. & Jadhav,
S.N. 2003. Dendrobium macrostachyum
Lindl. (Orchidaceae): A New record for Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, Vol. 10(1/2): 65.

Anonymous 2007. Indian Phamacopoeia. Assisted to Preparation of this
Pharmacopoeia for Bhringraj, Bhuiamla, Lasuna, Mandukaparni, Satavari, &
Sati. Page nos.2027-28, 2047-48, 2063-64.

53. Sai Prasad AJV*, Ratna Manikyam B, Trimurtulu G, Reddy KN &
Naidu ML
Physico-Phytochemical Investigation and analytical Standardization of Hedychium
Ham. ex. Smith. (Sati).
Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol.2, No.3 (2013)
Pages 63 – 68.

54.  Sai Prasad A. J. V.
Ratna Manikyam Trimurtulu G. Reddy K. N.
&  Naidu M. L. 2013. Analytical
Evaluation of Aqueous extract of Haridra.  
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Volume 1 (3), Pp: 1-7.

55. Sai Prasad A. J. V, Ratna Manikyam B,
Trimurtulu. G, Reddy K. N & Naidu M. L. 2014.
Analytical Standardization of Ayurvedic Formulation-
Aqueous extracts of Hedichium spicatum Ham. ex Smith., Sassurea lappa
C.B. Clarke, Emblica officinalis Gaertn. and Curcuma longa Linn.
Journal of Advanced Pharmacy
Education & Research
Vol. 4 (2), Pp: 221-228.

56. K. N. Reddy , S. Ingalhalikar, P. Kumar
& C. Sudhakar Reddy 2014.
Thunia Rchb.f. (Orchidaceae): A New Generic Record
for Eastern Ghats in Andhra Pradesh, India.
 Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. DOI




Jadhav, S.N. & Reddy, K.N. 2003.Threatened
Medicinal Plants of Andhra Pradesh. Medicinal
Plants Conservation Centre
, EPTRI, Hyderabad.

Jadhav, S.N., Ved, D.K., Uthkersk,G., Reddy,
. & Reddy, C.S. 2001 Proceedings of the Workshop on Conservation
Assessment and Management Plan(CAMP) for Medicinal Plants of Andhra Pradesh.

3. Reddy, K.N. & C.S. Reddy 2002.
Sukkumamidi Medicinal Plants Conservation Area-Floristic and Phytosociological
studies on plant wealth with focus on Medicinal Plants.

4. Reddy, C.S., Reddy, K.N. & Raju,
V.S. 2008. Supplement to Flora of Andhra Pradesh, India. Deep
Publications. New Delhi. ISBN 81-85622-17-3

5. Reddy, C.S., Bagyanarayana,
G., Reddy, K.N. & Raju, V.S.
2008. Invasive Alien Flora of India. U.S.G.S., USA





1. Reddy, K.N. Bhanja, M.R. & Raju,
V.S. Ex-situ conservation of Medicinal Plants diversity in Andhra Pradesh. Abstract published in S.V. University
Symposium, March 1999.

2. Reddy, K.N., Bhanja, M.R. & Raju,
V.S. Cultivation of Aswagandha (Withania
(L.) DC. (Abstract published
in St. Xavier College, Tirunelveslli, Feb- 2000).

Raju, V.S. & Reddy, K.N.
Ethnomedicine from Kondareddis of Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh.  A Sym,posium on Ethnomedicinal plants,
Biodiversity and Conservation, Venkatagiri. October 29th 2000.  

4. Jadhav, S.N. & Reddy,
. In-Situ Conservation of Medicinal Plants in Andhra Pradesh. Abstract published in National seminar on
Conservation of Eastern Ghats 24-26th March 2002. S.V. University,

5. Reddy, K.N., Reddy,
C.S. & Raju, V.S. Phytodiversity of Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh,
published in National seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats 24-26th
March 2002. S.V. University, Tirupati.

6. Reddy, K.N.  &
Sujata, T.
interesting Poisonous plants from Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh.
Abstract published
in National seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats 24-26th March
2002. S.V. University, Tirupati.

7. Reddy, K.N., Reddy,
C.S. & Jadhav, S.N. Threatened medicinal plants from Eastern Ghats, India.
Abstract published
in National seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats 24-26th March
2002. S.V. University, Tirupati.

8. Reddy, K.N.  &
Sujata, T.
Selected Fibre-Yielding Plants from Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh. 
Abstract published in National seminar on
Conservation of Eastern Ghats 24-26th March 2002. S.V. University,

9. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S. & Raju,
V.S. The Ethno-orchidology of Eastern Ghats in Andhra Pradesh.
Abstract published
in National seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats 24-26th March
2002. S.V. University, Tirupati.

10. Reddy, K.N. & Raju, V.S. 2002.
Ethnobotanical observations on Konda reddis of Mothugudem in Khammam district,
Andhra Pradesh.
Abstract published in National seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats
24-26th March 2002. S.V. University, Tirupati.

11. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S, Jadhav, S.N.
& Bhanja, M.R.  Some folklore
information of Maredumilli region of East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh.
Abstract published
in National seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats 24-26th March
2002. S.V. University, Tirupati.

12. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S. & Jadhav, S.N.
Native Phyto-therapy of Chittoor East Division of Chittoor district, Andhra
published in National seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats 24-26th
March 2002. S.V. University, Tirupati.

13. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S. & Jadhav, S.N. Ethnobotanical plants
among the Chenchus of  Nallamalais,
Andhra Pradesh. Abstract published in
National seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats 24-26th March
2002. S.V. University, Tirupati.

Reddy, C.S., Reddy, K.N., Rao, P.S.
& Bhanja, M.R. Conservation of Forest Genetic resources of Eastern Ghats-
An Ex-Situ Management of Tree Diversity. 
published in National seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats 24-26th
March 2002. S.V. University, Tirupati.

15. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S. & Raju, V.S. 2002. Ethnobotany of certain
orchids of Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh. Proceedings of National Seminar on
Conservation of Eastern Ghats, EPTRI,
Hyderabad (pp. 154-160).

16. Reddy, K.N., Trimurthulu, G. &
Reddy, C.S. Ethnomedicinal Plants used by the Valmikis of Visakhapatnam
District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
(Abstract published in National seminar on
Conservation of Eastern Ghats, Chennai 28-29th Dec. 2007).

17. Reddy, K.N., Reddy, C.S., Murthy, E.N.,
Pattanaik, C & Raju,  V.S.
Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants of Seshachalam hills in Cuddapah
District, Andhra Pradesh, India
(Abstract published in National seminar on
Conservation of Eastern Ghats, Chennai 28-29th Dec. 2007).

18. Reddy, K.N. Some common ethnomedicinal
used by the local tribes of Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh. (Re-orientation
training Programme on Dravyaguna at NRS Ayurvedic College, Vijayawada. 1st
to 6th December 2008)

19. Krishnaraju, A.V., Rao, C.V, Reddy, K.N. & Trimuthulu G. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
activities of Aphanamixis polystachya
bark. Abstract Published in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Life
Sciences Research (ETLSR 2009) BITS-Pilani, March 6-7, 2009.

20. Reddy, K.N. & Trimurthulu, G. Some
Phytomedicinal claims among the Koyas of Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh,
India.  Abstract published in National
Seminar on Trends in Plant Sciences Mar. 25-26.2011, S.K. University,