Research Papers
1. Pethe J., A. Tillu and A. Watve 2015. Threat status assessment of Ceropegia anjanerica Malpure et al. (Magnoliopsida: Gentianales: Apocynaceae) from Anjaneri Hills, Nashik District, Maharashtra, India 2. Watve, A. & S. Thakur 2015. Law and Life: Traditional hunters in modern society. Working Paper No. 5/Jan/2015 Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Tuljapur.
3. Watve, A. 2013. Status review of rocky plateaus in the NW Ghats and Konkan region of Maharashtra with recommendations for conservation planning. Journal of Threatened Taxa 5(5): 3935–3962. 4. Kumar, R. B., Anitha, K., Watve, A., Mani, S., Rehel, S.,& Arisdason, W., 2011. The status and distribution of aquatic plants of the Western Ghats. In: Molur, S., Smith, K.G., Daniel, B.A. and Darwall, W.R.T. (Compilers) The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in the Western Ghats, India. Cambridge, UK and Gland,
Switzerland: IUCN, and Coimbatore, India: Zoo Outreach Organisation. 5. Tadwalkar M., Joglekar A. , Mhaskar M., Kanade R. ,Chavan B., Watve A., Ganeshaiah, K. N. and Patwardhan A. 2012. Dispersal modes of woody species from the northern Western Ghats, India, Tropical Ecology,
53(1): 53-67. 6. Watve, A. 2011. Biodiversity Issues in Indian Mining Areas, IN: Ghosh A. K. & A. Watve (eds.) Optimizing Biodiversity and Social Security in Indian Mining Areas, An Earthy Vision Naturenomics 4.0(2):16-33.
7. Watve, A. 2010. Rocky Plateaus: Special focus on Northern Western Ghats and Konkan. Commissioned paper by Western Ghats Ecology Experts Panel (WGEEP) available at 8. Thakur Sanjay and Aparna Watve2009. Occurrence Of Enhydrissie boldii (Schlegel, 1837) in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh State of India. Russian Journal of Herpetology. 16(2): 159-160.
9. Goetze, D., Ursula Karlowski, K Tockner, AWatve, K Riede, S Porembski 2008. Spatial and temporal dimensions of biodiversity dynamics. Biodiversity: Structure and function. In UNESCO (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)166-208
10. Chavan V., N. Rane, A. Watve, M. Ruggiero 2005c. Resolving taxonomic discrepancies: Role of Electronic Catalogues of Known Organisms. Journal of Biodiversity Informatics. 11. Poremsbki S. & A. Watve. 2005b. Remarks on the Ephemeral flush communities on paleotropical rock outcrops. Phytocoenologia. 35( 2-3): 389-402
12. Watve, A., 2005a. Poikilohydrous plants in the Northern Western Ghats. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society. 101(3): 479-480.
13. Watve A. and S. Thakur, 2004f. “Ecological studies of lateritic plateau habitats in Northern Western Ghats” as a chapter in the book “Ecology, Diversity and Conservation of Plants and Ecosystems in India”. Published by Dept of Ecology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
14. Thakur S. & A. Watve. 2004e. Report of lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni Fleischer) flock near Thoseghar, Sataradt. Maharashtra. Newsletter for Birdwatchers. 44(6): 60.
15. Chavan V, A. Watve, M. Londhe, N. Rane, A. Pandit& S. Krishnan. 2004d. Cataloguing Indian Biota: the electronic catalogue of known Indian fauna. Current Science 87(6): 749-762.
16. Watve A. J. Gaikwad& V. Chavan. 2004c. Accessing biological collection data of Indian origin. Current Science 86(1): 8.
17. Jagtap S., S.Deokule & A. Watve 2004b. Occurrence of threatened fragrant Ceropegia in Toranmal forests, Maharashtra. Current Science 87(5): 553-54.
18. Watve A., K. Gandhe & R. V. Gandhe 2004a. Seed Dispersal Mechanisms in Semi-Evergreen Forests of Mulshi region in the Northern part of Western Ghats. Indian Forester. 1522-1532.
19. Chavan V., A. Watve & S. Krishnan, 2003e. Electronic catalogue of known Indian fauna. Current Science 85(11): 1515.
20. Watve, A. 2003d. Vegetation on Rock Outcrops in Northern Western Ghats and Konkan Region, Maharasthra. In: Janarthanam, M.K. & D. Narasimhan (Ed.), Plant Diversity, Human Welfare and Conservation. Goa University, Goa. pp 185-190.
21. Watve, A. 2003c. Vegetation on Rock Outcrops in Northern Western Ghats and Konkan Region, Maharasthra. Geobios. 30(1): 41-46.
22. Thakar J.D., K. Kunte, A. Chauhan, A. Watve& M. Watve. 2003b. Nectarless flowers: ecological correlates and evolutionary stability. Oecologia 136(4): 565-70.
23. Watve A, R. Gandhe& K. R. Gandhe 2003a. Vegetation structure and composition of semi-evergreen forest fragments in Mulshi area of Northern Western Ghats. Annals of Forestry 11(2): 155-165.
24. Londhe, A., A. Watve and M. Ansari. 2002. Additions to the Flora of Melghat Tiger Reserve. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany. 26(2): 385-395.
25. Godbole, A., A. Watve, S. Prabhu& J. Sarnaik. 1998. Role of Sacred groves in Biodiversity Conservation with Local People’s Participation: A Case Study from Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra. In: Ramakrishnan, P. S., K. G. Saxena, and U. M. Chandrashekara. (eds.) Conserving the sacred for Biodiversity management. Oxford and IBH Publ. New Delhi.
Scientific Articles : 2. Porembski, S. and A. Watve. 2003. Rock outcrops in India: a hitherto neglected ecosystem. Submitted to National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. 3. Watve A. 2005. Plateaux of life: Sadas of Maharashtra. Sanctuary Asia June 2005. 4. Watve A. 2008. Special Habitats: Rock Outcrops in Northern Western Ghats. ENVIS, Wildlife Institute of India. 5. Watve, A. 2010. Plant Predators. Hornbill.
Books: A booklet on “Plant Adaptation” as a part of educational aids programme of WWF, India and ICEF, Canada.