List of Papers published

1. Lal, Krishan & Rawat, G.S.
(2008).Addition to the flora of Himachal Pradesh from Sirmour Distt, Indian
J. For. 31(1): 113-115

2. Lal Krishan, Agarwala, D.K. and
Chudhery, H. J. (2008) Three new generic records of Orchidaceae from HP., Journal
of non Timber Forest Product 15 (4): 293-296

3. Lal, Krishan (2008) Some little known
plants from lower Himachal Pradesh, Envis 11 (1) 41-43

4. Lal, Krishan & Rawat, G.S.
(2009).Addition to the flora of Himachal Pradesh from Sirmour Distt. -11 Indian
J. For. 16(1): 61-62

5. Krishan, Agarwala, D.K.(2009) New Plants Records from HP.(2009).Journal of
non Timber Forest Product 15(4): 293-296

6. Chowdhery, R. K. Lal, Krishan and Lee, Jonghu
(2010) Fallopia dentatiata (F.Schmdt) HOlub (Polygonaceae) A New Distributional
Records from India , Indian J. For.33(4) 613-614

7. Lal, Krishan, Agarwala, D.K. and Chowdhery
H.J. (2010) Rediscovery of Eria alba Lindl.(Orchidaceae) from HP.after a gap of
more than a century, Indian, J. For. 33(4): 647-650

8. Lal, Krishan, Agarwala, D.K. and Chowdhery
H.J. (2010) New Orfchid Records from HP, Indian, J. For. 33 (4): 619-622

9. Lal, Krishan, Agarwala, D.K. And
Pandey, Arun, K (2012) Duhaldea nervosa ( Wallich ex DC.) Anderberg (Asteraceae):
A new record to the  Flora of
Hp,Pleione,6(1): 251-259

10. Lal, Krishan and Agarwala, D.K. (2012)
Notes on the family Burseraceae HP Indian J. For. 35(3): 371-372

11. Lal, Krishan,Rawat, G.S. and Pandey Arun
K. (2012) Taverniea cuneifolium (Rotth) Arnott (Fabiaceae): A New Distribution
new to the Flora of HP Pleione 6(2): 425-428

12. Lal, Krishan & Rawat, G.S.
(2012). Addition to the flora of Himachal Pradesh from Sirmour Distt 111, Indian

13. Agarwal, D. K. and Lal, Krishan,(2012)
Extended distribution of Eria spicata (Orchidaiaceae) a curious sympodial
Orchid from the Indian sub Continet, (2012), Richadiana, 13(8) 80-91

14. Lal, Krishan & Rawat, G.S.
(2013). Addition to the flora of Himachal Pradesh from Sirmour Distt 1v ,Indian

15.Lal, Krishan, Vibha, Chauhan and Pandey
Arun.K (2013) Occurance of Indigofera prostrate Willdenow (Fabiaceae) in
Westeran Himalaya region : A New records to the Flora of HP from Sirmour Distt
( 2013) Pleoine 7 (1):270-274

16. Lal, Krishan, Kushawa, Arun and Chaudhery
L.B( 2014) Taxanomical on Hedysarum astegaloides Benth ex Baker (Fabiaceae) J.
JPN. Bot.80-91:230-235