Research Publications (1981-2015) of Dr. D. De Sarker, M.Sc., Ph. D., F.B.S. University College of Raiganj (now, Raiganj University)

1. De Sarker, D., S.C. Santra and T.K. Adhya. 1981. Ecological studies on Bidens pilosa L. : Effect of Light, Temperature, Salt and different extracts on seed germination and seedling growth. Trop Ecol. 22 : 162.

2. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1981. Chromosomal basis of interspecific differentiations in Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. (Cucurbitaceae). Procs Ind. Sci. Cong. Part III : 65.

3. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1982. In vitro cytological studies on a dioecious cucurbit (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.) Proc. Ind. Sci. Cong. Part III : 34.

4. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1983. The role of endogenous ethylene in regulation of sex expression in some sex forms of Trichosanthes spp. Procs. Ind. Sci. Cong. Part III.

5. De sarker, D., T. Chatterjee, A. Pramanik and S. Biswas. 1983. Chromosomes in cultivars of Zinnia L. Trop Plant Sci. Res. 1 : 115.

6. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1984. Cytological situation in Trichosanthes anguina L. under in vitro conditions. Procs. All Ind. Cong. Cytol. Genet. : 89.

7. De Sarker, D. 1984. Cytogenetic, Biochemical and Tissue Culture Studies in some wild and cultivated members of Trichosanthes L. in relation to Sex Expression. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Kalyani.

8. De Sarker, D. and K.B. Dutta. 1985. Callus initiation and differentiation in Herpestis monnieria H.B. and K. (Scrophulariaceae). Procs. International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) Symposium.

9. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1985. Nucleic acid level in Trichosanthes anguina L. and two sex forms of T. dioica Roxb. Procs. Ind. Sci. Cong. Part III : 176.

10. Data, K.B., Bag, A.k. and De Sarker, D. 1987. Auxin-Cytokinin interaction in growth and cytodifferentiation in cultured explants of coccinis grandis (L.) Voigt. Cell & Chr. Res. 10 : 116.

11. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1987. Cytomorphology of some wild and cultivated members of Trichosanthes L. Cytologia 52 : 405.

12. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1987. Giemsa C Banding patterns in some cultivars of T. diocia Roxb. Cytologia. 50 : 419.

13. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1987. Nucleic acid level in Trichosanthes anguina L. and two sex forms of T. diocia Roxb. North Bengal Univ. Rev. (Sci. and Tech.). (accepted).

14. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1988. Cytological basis of sex expression in Trichosanthes L. Cytologia. 53 : 475.

15. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1988. Callus initiation and differentiation in Herpestis monieria H.B. and K. (Scrophulariaceae). Exptl. Genet. 4 : 1.

16. Bahumick, D., De Sarker, D. and Dutta, K.B. 1988. Developmental biology of Rhynchostylis retusa BL. Under in vitro conditions. Environ. and Ecol. 7:727.

17. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1989. Endogenous Auxin/Gibberellin level in Trichosanthes anguina L. and two sex forms of T. diocia Roxb. Pers Cytol. And Genet. (eds. G.K. Manna and U. Shina). 6 : 143.

18. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1989. Growth and cytology of callus in two sex forms of Trichosanthes diocia Roxb. Pers. Cytol. And Genet. 6 : 159.

19. Sen, R., De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1989. Sexual dimorphism and polyploidy in Momordica L. (Cucurbitaceae). Pers. Cytol and Genet. 6 : 249.

20. Sen, R., De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1989. Cytogenetic investigations in two Eastern Himalayan cultivated cucurbits. Pers. Cytol. And Genet. (eds. G.K. Manna and U. Sinha). 6 : 263.

21. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1990. Sex differentiation and GA3 contents in two species of Trichosanthes L. Bangladesh J. Bot. : 1.

22. Dutta, K.B., Bag. A.K. and De Sarker, D. 1991. Induction and cytology of callus from another of Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt. (Cucurbitaceae). Pers. Cytol. And Genet. 7 : (in press).

23. Dutta, K.B., Bag. A.K. and De Sarker, D. 1991. Chromosomal inconstancy in explants of different origin of Cucumis L.(Cucurbitaceae). Pers. Cytol. And Genet. 7 : (in press).

24. Dutta, K.B., Bag. A.k. and De Sarker, D. 1991. Differential radiosensitivity in two different species of Cucumis L. (Cucurbitaceae). Procs. All Ind. Cong. Cytol. And Genet. 7 : 131.

25. De Sarker, D., and K.B. Datta. 1991. Sex differentiation and endogenous ethylene contents in certain sex forms of Trichosanthes L. (Cucurbitaceae). Procs. All Ind. Cong. Cytol. And Genet. 7 : 132.

26. De Sarker, D., Rahman, M. and Datta, K.B. 1991. Taxonomic and biochemical investigation in Tatarichosanthes sp. – a new find in North Bengal. Proc. All Ind. Cong. Cytol & Genet . 7: 86

27. De Sarker, D, Kundu, S.K. and Datta, K.B. 1991 . Cutogenetic and Biochemical investigations in two sex forms of Momordica dioica Roxb. (Cucurbitaceae) . Procs. All Ind. Cong. Cytol. And Genet. 7 : 87.

28. De Sarker, D, and T. Majumder, T. 1991. Genetic Variability of pollens in Trichosanthes bracteata . Procs. All Ind. Cong. Cytol. And Genet. 7 : 82.

29. De Sarker, D. 1991. Genomic constitution of Trichosanthes cordata. Procs. All Ind. Cong. Cytol. And Genet. 7 : 85

30. Datta, K.B. and De Sarker, D . 1991. Biochemical regulation of sex expression in certain angiosperms. 8th FAOB Symposium , Dhaka, 11-13 June, 1991. Pp. NA16. Bangladesh Biochem. Soc. And Fed. Asian and Oceanian Biochemists.

31. Kanjilal, B.,K.B. Dutta and D.De.Sarker. 1998. Conservation studies on a rare and endandered orchid of Tarai hills (West Bengal), Cytology and Genetics V01 9:319-324.

32. Kanjilal, B.,K.B. Dutta and D.De.Sarker. 1998. Aneuploid lines in Arundina graminifolia. (Don) Hocher. (Orchidaceae) obtained through in vitro micropopagation Cytology and Genetics V01 9:417-421.

33. Kanjilal, B.,K.B. Dutta and D.De.Sarker. 1998. Conservation studies on a rare and endandered orchid of Tarai hills (West Bengal), Cytology and Genetics V01 9:319-324.

32. Kanjilal, B., K.B. Dutta and D.De.Sarker. 1998. Aneuploid lines in Arundina graminifolia. (Don) Hocher. (Orchidaceae) obtained through in vitro micropopagation Cytology and Genetics V01 9:417-421.

34. De Sarker, D., M.A.T. Johnson, A.Reynolds and P.E. Brandham, F.L.S. 1997. Cytology of the highly polyploidy disjunct species, Allium dregeamum (Alliaceae), and of some Eurasian relatives, Botanical Jour. Linn. Society (London). 124:361-373.

35. De Sarker, D., W.L.A. Hetterscheid. 1996. Notes on the genus Amorphophallus (Araceae) 7: Amorphopallus (Plesmonium) margaritifer (Roxb.) Kunth in profile. Aroideana. 19:132-138.

36. De Sarkar, D., W.L.A. Hetterscheid. 1999. Notes on the genus Amorphophallus (Araceae) 7: Amorphopallus (Plesmonium) margaritifer (Roxb.) Kunth in profile. Aroideana. 19:132-138.

37. De Sarkar, D., W.L.A. Hetterscheid. 1999. Artificial seed technology: Development of protocol in Geodorum densiflorum (Lam) Schltr.- An endangered orchid. Current Science. 76(8):1142- 1145.

38.B. Kanjilal, D. De Sarker, J. Mitra and Dutta K.B., 1999. Stem dics culture: development of a rapid mass propagation method for Dendrobium moschatum (Buch.-Ham.) Swartz an endangered orchid. Current Science. 77(4) 497-500.

39. De Sarker D. 1999. The House of rising sun. The Statesman, February 5,1999.Calcutta.

40. De Sarker D. 1999. The Bio-diversity of North Bengal. The Statesman, June 4,1999. Calcutta.

41. De Sarkar D. 2000. On the trail of the mules, The Statesman, Oct.20,2000. Calcutta.

42. De Sar kar D. 2012. The Origin of Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. In Biodiversity and Conservation fundamentals and applications. Eds. H. Saha et. al. 2012.pp. 115-117, Publisher. Dumdum Motijheel College, Kolkata.

43. De Sarkar D. , Saha, S and Bhattacharjee, D. 2013. Sericulture as a tool for development in Malda, In Economy of North Bengal: A district level study, D. C. Roy(ed). Pp.629-638. .N. L. Publisher, Siliguri, W.B.

44. De Sarker, D., Subrata Saha, Jayanta Bhattacharjee, ,Subhash Ch. Roy and Palas Baran Mandol ( 2013 ) Evaluating edible wild plants to improve food security: A study of their economic , medicinal and dietetic support. In 5th Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, December 8-12, 2013, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.(OS 26).

45. Choudhury T, Saha MR. & Sarker D De. 2011. Survey of plants used for the treatment of diabetes in Dinajpur (Utter & Dakshin) and Malda Districts of Paschimbanga. In: Ghosh C& Das AP (Edn.), Recent Studies in Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in India, pp. 295- 299.

46. Saha MR & Sarker D De. 2013 Medical properties of ethnobotanically important plants of Malda and Uttar Dinajpur districts : a review. In : Sen, A. (Ed.), Biology of Useful plants and microbes, pp. 209-226.

47. Saha MR, Sarker D De & Sen A. 2014. Ethnoveterinary practices among the tribal community of Malda district of West Bengal, India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 13(2): 359-367.

48. Saha MR, Sarker D De, Kar P, Sen Gupta P & Sen A. 2014. Indigenous knowledge of plants in local healthcare management practices by tribal peopal of Malda district, India. Journal of Intercultural Enthnopharmacology. Doi: 105455/jice.20140630022609

49. Saha MR, Kar P, Sen A & Sarker D De. 2014, Ethnobotany of Chanchal block of Malda district (West Bengal, India): plants used in local healthcare. Pleione,8(2):361-366.

50. Sequence(s) Published:

1. Saha MR, Sarker D De & Sen A. 2014. Mimosa invisa chloroplast partial matK gene for for maturase K. EMBL. [Accession NO: LM643807]

2. Saha MR, Sarker D De & Sen A. 2014. Acacia concinna chloroplast partial matK gene for maturase K.EMBL. [Accession No: LM643808]

3. Saha Mr, Sarker D De & Sen A. 2014. Albiziz chinensis chloroplast partial matK gene for maturase K. EMBL. [Accession No: LM643809]

4. Saha MR, Sarker D De & Sen A. 2014. Mimosa pudica chloroplast DNA containing partial trnL gene, trnL trnF IGS and partial trnF gene. EMBL. [Accession No: LM643810]

5. Saha MR, Sarker D De & Sen A. 2014. Mimosa invisa chloroplast DNA containing partial trnL gene, trnL trnF IGS and partial trnF gene. EMBL. [Accession No: LM643811]

6. Saha MR, Sarker D De & Sen A. 2014. Albizia chinensis chloroplast DNA containing partial trnL gene, trnL trnF IGS and partial trnF gene. EMBL. [Accession No: LM643812]

Paper(s) Communicated:

51. Saha MR, Dey P, Chaudhuri TK, Goyal AK, Sarker D De & Sen A. 2014. Assessment of haemolytic, cytotoxic and free radical scavenging activities of alaser known fruit, Baccaurea sapida (Roxb.) Muell. Arg. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. [Communicated; Under Review]

52. Saha MR, Rai R, Kar P, Sarker D De & Sen A. 2014. Ethnobotany, Traditional Knowledge and Socioeconomic Importance of Native Drink among the Oraon Tribe of Malda District in India. Journal of Intercultural Enthnopharmacology. Accepted for publication.

53. Saha MR, SEn Gupta P, Sarker D De & Sen A. 2014. The efficacy of herbal ayurvedic remedies in disease management of Malda district, India. Ancient Science of Life. [Communicated; Under Review]

54. De Sarker, D., D. Bhattacharya and A. Sarkar, 2015.Dietetics and Economics of some plants of Uttar Dinajpur District . at : West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress. Invited Lecture, Section Botany.DT:07; 28Feb &1st March, 2015. North Bengal University.

55. De Sarker, D., D. Bhattacharya and A. Sarkar, 2015. Folk uses of plants in the Uttar and Dakshin Dinajpur District. In. Folk culture-its diverse aspects,National Symposium. Raiganj Surendranath Mahavidyalaya, Raiganj,West Bengal. May,2-3,2015.


BOOKS By Dr. D. De Sarker


1) The Silkworm Bilogy, Genetics and Breeding (1997).  Vikas Publishing house Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. Pages-320. ISBN: 81-259-0407-7.

2) Biodiversity and Medicinal Plants of West Dinajpur and Malda (Vol.- I). De Sarker D., Chowdhury T. and Saha M R. (2011). Raiganj College (University College), India. pages -90. [ISBN: 978-81-8465-358-8].

3) Perspective of dietetic and antioxidant properties of medicinal plants. 2015. Notion Press. Chennai. ISBN: 978-93-84878-95-5. Pp.170.