Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum Gopalan & A.N.Henry, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 87: 128 (1990);
south India as per POWO;

Stem flattened, compressed, 2.5 x 0.5 cm, sheathed with scales. Leaves to 40 x 6 mm, linear-lanceolate, acute. Flowers white with pinkish tinge, 4-5, in about 3 cm long terminal flexuous raceme; bracts 2.5 x 2 mm, ovate, acuminate, 3-veined; dorsal sepal 5.8 x 2.1 mm, oblong-lanceolate, apiculate, 5-veined; lateral sepals 8.5 x 3 mm, subfalcately ovate-lanceolate, subacuminate, 5-veined; petals 6 x 1-2 mm, oblanceolate, apiculate, 3-veined; lip, 5 x 7 mm, pandurate, orbicular to obcordate, crenate, margins thick, disc channelled, ending in a pink fleshy callus.

Flowering and fruiting: May-July
Evergreen forests
South India and Sri Lanka
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)


Orchid-20 _ID requested : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
Submitting images of an epiphytic orchid for identification.
Date/time:14-05-2015/ 4-00 PM
Location: Devaramane, Mudigere Taluk, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1400msl
Habitat: Wild, occurring in Shola forest on a moss clad tree.

Habit; An epiphytic Orchid

Is it Cymbidium?

Could be Dendrobium heyeanum Lindl.

Wow, that’s very rare….

Dendrobium panduratum….

Beautifulllllll thanks for sharing….

Taking it as Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum as per discussions at Orchid20 _ID requested

Yes sir

TSPAUG2015-6: Images of Dendrobium panduratum shared. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)

Sharing few images of Dendrobium panduratum (Orchidaceae) 

Habit: Herb 

Habitat: Epiphytic, on moss clad tree, occurring very close to the ground in semi evergreen forest.

Sighting: Kottigehara, Mudigere, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1100.msl 

Date: 28-8-2015

Taking it as Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum as per discussions at Orchid20 _ID requested

Yes sir!!


TSP1092015-1 for ID assistance. : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Submitting images of an epiphytic Orchid sp for identification. This one was found growing on tree trunks very close to the ground. I was inclined to conclude that this is Dendrobium panduratum….But no pinkish tinge at all…!!  Could this be Dendrobium heyneanum…???
Date/time: 22-8-2015/about 6-00 pm
Location: Kottigehara, Mudigere, Chikmagalur, Karnataka about 1100 msl
Habitat: Wild, Epiphytic

Habit: Herb.

This is Dendrobium panduratum….

Taking it as Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum as per discussions at Orchid20 _ID requested


180-TSP-14APR2021-1-Dendrobium sp @ Kottigehara: 2 high resolution images.
Kindly examine and identify this Orchid….Dendrobium heyneanum…???
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild, epiphytic, semi-evergreen forest
Sighting: Kottigehara, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1100 msl

This looks like Dendrobium heyneanum.

This one also seems to have hairs on the labellum too. Kind of visible in the first picture. Could be subspecies villosum?

Yes I am thinking, I have been wrong. There is Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum misidentified as D. panduratum or D. heyneanum…..of course MY MISTAKE.

Frankly speaking, a lesson for me too. Personally I have been thinking all plants I have seen of this species are D  heyneanum!!

Now going through these conversations made me realise I have not been paying enough attention to the labellum.

I would say this is also Dendrobium panduratum var. villosum

My id is based on the fact that I can see the hairs towards the base of the labellum. Which should be absent in Dendrobium heyneanum.

182-TSP-ID-14APR2021-3-Dendrobium sp @ Kottigehara for ID assistance: 4 high resolution images.
Kindly re-examine and identify this Dendrobium sp. Previosly identified as Dendrobium panduratum in the species pages vide efi thread. This one was found growing on tree trunks very close to the ground. I was inclined to conclude that this is Dendrobium panduratum…. But no pinkish tinge at all…!!  Could this be Dendrobium heyneanum…???
Habitat:Wild,epiphytic,semi-evergreen forest
Sighting:Kottigehara,Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1100 msl

There is some issue with the taxonomy.

Some people say there is no true Dendrobium panduratum in south India. But we have Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum. It has hairs towards the base of the labellum which is very much evident in this image.

I will say this is Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum.

183-TSP-ID-16APR2021-1-Dendrobium panduratum villosum @ Kottigehara for validation.: 3 high resolution images.
Kindly examine and identify this Dendrobium sp.Earlier identified as Dendrobium panduratum vide link efi thread. In view of the recent discussions regarding villose (hairy) labellum I think that the subject is Dendrobium panduratum ssp villosum. Kindly validate.
Habitat: Wild,epiphytic,Semi-evergreen forest
Sighting:Kottigehara,Chikmagalur,Karnataka about 1100 msl

I guess Dendrobium panduratum Lindl. !

Dendrobium panduratum var. villosum

184-TSP-ID-16APR2021-2-Dendrobium sp @ Devaramane for ID assistance:
Kindly examine and identify this Dendrobium ……Dendrobium heyneana or Dendrobium panduratum….???
Habit: Herb
Habitat:Wild,epiphytic,semi-evergreen forest
Sighting:Devaramane,Chikmagalur,Karnataka about 1400 msl

Dendrobium panduratum Lindl. I guess !

I cant see the base of the labellum clearly so I cant confirm, but I would guess this as Dendrobium panduratum var. villosum, because all others are same. I am yet to see a true heyneanum.

But you have identified many posts asDendrobium heyneanumas per details herein.

Yes sir.

There was a time when I made some mistakes in identification of these particular plants and labelled them either as Dendrobium heyneanum or Dendrobium panduratum.
One basic difference between them is the presence of hairs on the labellum towards base, which would be visible in front view of the flowers in case of Dendrobium panduratum var. villosum.
Dendrobium heyneanum should be smooth hairless.

In some pics I cant see properly but in others, hairs are very much visible.

So I take most of the posts under D.heyneanum as D.panduratum subsp. villosum.

It is not possible to confirm all plants because pics are not appropriate.

Ok, …



109-TSP-ID-070CT2016-1: Dendrobium sp @ Kottigehara-1 for ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Kindly examine and identify this Dendrobium sp (Orchidaceae)…….I understand that Dendrobium heyneana, Dendrobium panduratum and Dendrobium wightii are strikingly similar to one another. I could not place them appropriately…!? 


Habitat:Epiphytic, growing close to the ground on lower branches,Evergreen forest 

Sighting:Kottigehara,Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1100 msl 


Its not easy to make out as I cant see anything like mucronate apex.

I cant see the stem.
Proper detailed pics may help.

If I had to guess, just because all of them are found at same broad location I tend to call them same, hence, Dendrobium heyneanum.

Ok I am sorry this is Dendrobium panduratum var. villosum.


Orchidaceae Fortnight: Dendrobium heyneanum 151013 GK 16 : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 5 authors.

Dendrobium heyneanum from KMTR Tamil Nadu

These are the true beauties of western ghats that you had been hiding for so long. Thanks so much for the enlightenment!!
Taking it as Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum, in view of discussions at
184-TSP-ID-16APR2021-2-Dendrobium sp @ Devaramane for ID assistance and
111-TSP-ID-07OCT2016-3:Dendrobium sp @ Kottigehara-3 for ID

This is cant confirm. I cant see hairs but pics are not clear.


Orchid_6-06-2015_Devaramane for identification. : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)
Submitting images of a specimen which I believe is a Dendrobium spp for further identification.
Date/time: 06-06-2015/  about 5-15 PM
Location: Devaramane, Mudigere, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1500msl
Habitat: Wild, Shola forest.

Habit; An epiphytic orchid.

This looks like Dendrobium heyneanum

I am a bit confused, Dendrobium heyneanum or Dendrobium panduratum.

I think … is right.

Here you are mentioning only one species therefore use sp. instead of spp. When you have multiple species of a genus to be mentioned use spp.

Just a minor correction but important as far as taxonomic principles are concerned.

Taking it as Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum, in view of discussions at
184-TSP-ID-16APR2021-2-Dendrobium sp @ Devaramane for ID assistance and
111-TSP-ID-07OCT2016-3:Dendrobium sp @ Kottigehara-3 for ID


110-TSP-ID-07OCT2016-2: Dendrobium sp @ Kottigehara-2 for ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Kindly examine and identify this Dendrobium sp (Orchidaceae)…….I understand that Dendrobium heyneana, Dendrobium panduratum and Dendrobium wightii are strikingly similar to one another. I could not place them appropriately…!?
Habitat:Epiphytic, growing close to the ground on lower branches,Evergreen forest
Sighting:Kottigehara,Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1100 msl

Ok I am sorry this is Dendrobium panduratum var. villosum.


178-TSP-ID-03APR2021-1-Dendrobium sp @ Kadmane: 4 images.
Kindly examine and identify this Dendrobium sp, Orchidaceae.
Could this be Dendrobium heyneanum….??!!
Habitat:Wild,epiphytic,moist-deciduous forest
Sighting:Kadmane,Sakaleshpur,Karnataka,about 1400 msl

Yes for me !

Yes this does look like Dendrobium heyneanum, a bit close to D. panduratum but they are different.

Taking it as Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum, in view of discussions at
184-TSP-ID-16APR2021-2-Dendrobium sp @ Devaramane for ID assistance and
111-TSP-ID-07OCT2016-3:Dendrobium sp @ Kottigehara-3 for ID



179-TSP-ID-03APR2021-2-Dendrobium sp @ Kadmane: 1 high resolution image.
Kindly examine and identify this Dendrobium sp, Orchidaceae. Could this be Dendrobium heyneanum again….??!!
Habitat:Wild,epiphytic,moist-deciduous forest
Sighting:Kadmane,Sakaleshpur,Karnataka,about 1400 msl

Dendrobium heyneanum Lindl.

Very nice. Dendrobium heyneanum. I need to see a true Dendrobium panduratum.

Taking it as Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum, in view of discussions at
184-TSP-ID-16APR2021-2-Dendrobium sp @ Devaramane for ID assistance and
111-TSP-ID-07OCT2016-3:Dendrobium sp @ Kottigehara-3 for ID


181-TSP-ID-14APR2021-2- Dendrobium sp @ Kottigehara for ID assistance.: 2 high resolution images.
Re-submitting images of a Dendrobium sp, Orchidaceae. Originally identified as Dendrobium panduratum  in the species page vide efi thread, but with a rider that it needs to be rechecked as to whether it is D.panduratum or D.heyneanum or D.wightii
Habitat:Wild,epiphytic,semi-evergreen forest
Sighting:Kottigehara,Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1100 msl

Yes, this plant is so confusing. For sure this is not D. wightii atleast. Should be Dendrobium heyneanum.

Taking it as Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum, in view of discussions at
184-TSP-ID-16APR2021-2-Dendrobium sp @ Devaramane for ID assistance and
111-TSP-ID-07OCT2016-3:Dendrobium sp @ Kottigehara-3 for ID


Presenting a couple of images of  Dendrobium panduratum, Orchidaceae
Habitat:Wild,epiphytic,semi-evergreen forest
Sighting:Devaramane,Chikmagalur,Karnataka about 1400 msl

The note about Dendrobium heyneanum says it has laterally compressed stems which I see here. However, I can not see the rest of the details on flower – side lobes with green stripes. So I cant confirm.

Taking it as Dendrobium panduratum subsp. villosum, in view of discussions at
184-TSP-ID-16APR2021-2-Dendrobium sp @ Devaramane for ID assistance and
111-TSP-ID-07OCT2016-3:Dendrobium sp @ Kottigehara-3 for ID

Cant confirm from these pics.

TSP-AUG2016-01-422: Images of Dendrobium panduratum : 14 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)

It is my pleasure to present few images of Dendrobium panduratum (Orchidaceae 

Habit: Herb 

Habitat: Wild, epiphytic, Evergreen forest 

Sighting: Kottigehara, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1100 msl 

Date: 20-05-2016 and 29-07-2016

As always I am so happy to see fruiting orchids.

This identification has some issue as also pointed by …

D. panduratum, wightii and heyneanum are very similar and not easy to differentiate.
We need to recheck.

Please give me some more time.




References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  e-monocot  IOSPE Photos  India Biodiversity Portal  Kerala Plants