Books authored and published by S. G. Neginhal 
1. Neginhal S.G (1983) : Field Identification Characteristics of Evergreen Species. Myforest, Vol 19 No. 1 (Quarterly Journal of the Karnataka Forest Department)
2. Neginhal S.G (1994): Your Bangalore, the Trees. Bangalore Urban Art Commission, Bangalore.
3. Neginhal S.G (2002): A Handbook on City Trees and Urban Planting (Urban Forestry).
4. Neginhal.S.G (2004): Forest Trees of South India.
5. Neginhal.S.G (2006): Golden trees, Greenspaces and Urban Forestry.
6. Neginhal.S.G (2016):Sanctuaries and Wildlife of Karnataka.Enlarged third edition due in january 2016
7. Neginhal.S.G (2011) Forest Trees of Western Ghats includes Eastern Ghats and Deccan Plateau