of Important Publications of Dr Sas. Biswas



I      Floristic
Survey and Taxonomic Studies

Gregarious flowering of Aechmanthera
(Nees) Nees in .Mussoorie Hills. Indian Forester 101
(10):597-99 + photo, 1975. (Sas.

On the identity of some food plants of Garo Hills, Meghalaya,. Indian J. Forestry 6(3):203-213 + photo, 1983.
(Sas..Biswas & TC. Bhuyan).

Three new taxa in Indigofera
(Fabaceae) from Western Himalaya. Indian
J. Forestry
6(4):318-322 + pl. 1983. (Sas. Biswas).

A tentative accounting of the dicotyledonous flora of Burnihat. valley,
Assam/Meghalaya Proceed. 72nd session of
Indian. Sc. Congress.
Botany, Lucknow: 31 (53A) Abstract, Calcutta, 1985. (Sas. Biswas & TC Bhuyan).

Rainy season weeds of Burnihat valley, Assam/Meghalaya. Proceed.. 31st Annual Conference Assam Sc.
Section of  Forestry: 63:1985. (Sas. Biswas & KC Pathak).

Two new taxa in Clematis connata
DC. (Ranunculaceae and  Trachlospermum lucidum (D.Don) Schum. (Apocynaceae)  from North Western Himalaya. Indian J. Forestry  8(1):61-63,
2 fig. 1985. (Sas. Biswas).

Studies on the Forest flora ofTehriGarhwal,U.P.- Introduction, Plant
Exploration & Phytogeography. Indian
J. Forestry
8(3):199-204. 1985. (Sas. Biswas)

Three new taxa in Caragana
(Fabaceae) from North-Western Himalaya. Indian
J. Forestry
9(1):70-73, fig. 1986.  (Sas. Biswas).

Tentative accounting on the monocotyledonous flora of Burnihat valley,
Assam/Meghalaya. Proceed. 73rd session
Indian Sc. Congress,
 Delhi Abstract.
129:87, Calcutta, 1986.   (Sas. Biswas & KC Pathak).

Studies on the Forest Flora of Lower Assam with reference to Kachugaon
Reserve Forests, Kokrajhar, Assam. Proceed
Annual Conference of Assam Sci. Society.
Section of           Forestry (Abstract):26. Jorhat, 1987. (Sas. Biswas, TC Bhuyan & GC

Systematic studies on the wetland flora of Assam with particular
reference to Loharghat Range, West Kamrup Forest Division. Proceed. Annual Conference Assam Sci. 
Section of forestry .Abstract:27. Jorhat. (Sas. Biswas, KC
Pathak & A. Ahmed).

New combinations (comb. nova.)
of 26 plants. In Naithani:Fl.  Plants of India, Nepal & Bhutan pp.
14, 25, 42, 49, 94,  95, 99, 129, 170,
192, 291, 333, 334, 342, 353, 388,  466,
471, 472, 473, (1990). (HB Naithani
& Sas.  Biswas).

Studies on the forest flora of lower Assam with particular reference to
Kachugaon Reserve Forests, Distt., 
Kokrajhar, Assam. Indian J.
(Special Issue)  II:
173-181. 1991. ( Sas. Biswas et al.)

Glycosmis cymosa var. simplicifolia (Kurz)
Narayan. – An addition to the flora of Garo Hills, Meghalaya. Indian Forester     117
(8):612-613. 1991. (TC Bhuyan &
Sas. Biswas).

Studies on little-known trees and shrubs of Sikkim Himalaya-I.  Van Vigyan 29(3):161-168. 1991. (PJ
Singh & Sas.

A note on Afzelia africana Sm.
(Caesalpiniaceae) – A tropical
African tree introduced in the FRI Arboretum. Van Vigyan 30(2):107-108
+ Fig. 1993. (S. Chandra &
Sas.  Biswas) 1993.

“Trees of Chandbagh” – Doon’s National
Heritage. Konark Pub. Pvt. Ltd., Delhi-92. pp. 192+B/W &  coloured plates (Sahni,KC; Naithani,HB;
Singh,S; Biswas,Sas.& Das,B.) 1996.

Little and less known Gymnosperms of Sikkim Himalaya. In: Dhir KK (Ed.) Advances in Plant Science Research 5&6:228-234.IBD Publ Dehradun (Paramjit Singh & Sas.Biswas) 1997.

Preservation of Indian Botanical Collection and paintings – need for
integrated approach through application of 
recent advances. Proceed. Second International Conference on “Preservation of Botanical Collections”
June 26-29, 1997. W. Szafer Inst. of Botany, Kracow, Poland. 1997.

Flora of Burnihat Valley,
In: Higher
Plants of Indian sub-continent 8:
145-180. Bishen Singh & Mahendra Pal Singh,Cannought Place, Dehradun
(Sas.Biswas; Pathak KC; BhuyanTC; Ahmed A &Thakuria GC) 1998.

Contribution to the wetland flora of Assam with particular reference to
the Loharghat Range, Kamrup West Division. In: Higher Plants of Indian
sub-continent 8: 91-100. (Sas.
Biswas: Pathak, KC & Boissya, CL) 1998.

A note on the reoccurrence of gregarious flowering of Aechmanthera gossypina (Nees) Nees in
Sahastradhara and Mussoorie Hills, Uttar Pradesh. Indian J. Forestry 5 (3/4): 85-95.(Keerti Parhar & Sas. Biswas) 1998.

Developing a floristic model for restoration of threatened biodiversity
of NW & Central Himalayas. Proceed.
National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation – Challenges & Opportunities.

October 9-10, 1998. Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun: 59-60. (Sas. Biswas) 1998.

Taxonomic research on forest tree genetic resources of India – need and
priorities. Paper presented in a Seminar on “Taxonomic
research, Teaching and Training as related to the rich Biodiversity of India”
by Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) at TERI, New Delhi: 1-7. (BN Gupta
& Sas. Biswas). 1998.

evaluation of some important clones of poplar through studies on their winter
buds. Indian J. Forestry 22:391-393 (Alpana & Sas. Biswas). 1999.

differentiation in the clones of Poplar with particular reference to winter
buds. Proceed. National Seminar on Poplar
held at Forest Research Institute 25-27th Nov. 1999:42 (Abstract)
(Sas. Biswas and Alpana). 1999.

Contribution to
the taxonomy of Populus Linn. And its some useful clones growing in India. Proceed. 88th Session of Indian
Science Congress Association,
Section of 
Botany. New Delhi pp. 6 (Alpana and Sas. Biswas) 2001.

Brandisia discolor Hook.f. & Thomson. Van
Vanaspati ke Kshetra mein Sir Dietrich Brandis kaa Yogdaan (ou ouLifr ds {ks=
esa lj MhfV~’k czkfUMl dk ;ksxnku) – Contribution of Sir Dietrich Brandis in
the field of Forest Botany Van Anusandhan
Year 6(3):8-9. July – September 2000. Forest Research Institute,
Dehra Dun. In Hindi

Development of
OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) and allied database for computerization of
Herbarium of Forest Research Institute (DD). In: Sas. Biswas (Course Director).
Lecture Notes for UNESCO Training Workshop on Herbarium Conservation Techniques
organized by Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun and sponsored by UNESCO at
FRI, Dehra Dun 16-28 March 2001:1-12 (Sas. Biswas) 2001.

Emerging trends
of clonal systematics in angiosperm taxonomy. In: Proceedings of XIth Annual
Conference of Indian Association of angiosperm Taxonomy and National Seminar on
Plant Systematics in 21st
Century: Approaches and Prospects
sponsored by Ministry of Environment
& Forests, Indian National Science Academy and Department of Science and
Technology organized at Botanical Survey of India, Dehradun, 7-8 November
2001  (Sas.Biswas) 2001.

characterization of promising clones of exotic poplars- an emerging trend in
clonal systematic. Proceedings of 89th Session of the Indian Science
Congress, Lucknow, 3-7 January, 2002. Section of Botany IV : Advance Abstracts:
41- 42 , ISC Association, Kolkata (Alpana and Sas. Biswas) 2002.

characterization of useful clones of Populus
Marsh of agro – forestry significance. Proceedings of 90th
Session of the Indian Science Congress, Section XIV : Plant Sciences, Advance
Abstracts: 55- 56, 3rd –7th  January, 2003, Bangalore 2003, Indian Science
Congress Association, Kolkata (Alpana and Sas. Biswas) 2003.

systematics of Indian sub-continent and neighboring region with particular
reference to the bambusoideae (bamboo) and development of south – west
partnership for inter-continental networking & support. Paper for presentation in The
Third International Conference on the Comparative Biology of the Monocotyledons

and the Fourth International Symposium on
Grass Systematics and Evolution
Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, USA 
31 March – 4 April 2003 (Biswas, Sas.) 2003.

Recent Trends in
Plant Systematics with Reference to Classification and its Integration. Paper
presented in the In- Service Education Course for Post Graduate Teachers, of
Kendriya Vidayalaya (KV) organized at KV, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun,
14th June 2003 (Biswas, Sas.) 2003.

identification of exotic poplars
(Populus deltoides Marsh)
(Biswas, Sas. and Alpana) 2004

Importance of
taxonomic features of introduced clones of
Marsh for agro-forestry uses in North India. Section of Plant
Sciences XIV.
Proceed. of 91st
Session of Indian Science Congress Association
: 45-46 ISCA, Kolkata ( Alpana
and Sas. Biswas)

Emerging trends
in clonal taxonomy of poplars introduced in India for certification and
sustainable utilization
In: 22nd
Session of International Poplar Commission
held at Santiago, Chile from 28th Nov- 2nd Dec. 2004.
organized Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, Comision
Nacional del Alamo , Chile and Comision del Alamo, Republica Argentina : 8-9.
(Sas. Biswas and Alpana).

Recent need and priorities in taxonomic
monographs and revisionary works.
: Proceeding of National Seminar on New Frontiers in Plant taxonomy and
Biodiversity Conservation and Biodiversity for Human Welfare in XIV Annual
Conference of IAAT (Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy) organized by
Tropical Botanic Garden and
Institute and IAAT, 29-31 Dec. 2004, Thiruvananthapurum: 63 ( 45.L) (Sas.

Decades of
forest flora of New Forest, Dehradun.
Proceeding of Van Dharohar (The Forest Heritage), 75 Years of FRI Building
(1929- 2004) Forest Research
Dehradun : 39-41 (Sas. Biswas)

Orchid- Van ke abhusharan. Van Anusandhan
2004: 4 (In Hindi) (Sas.
Biswas) 2004

Van Anusandhan Sansthan, Dehradun kaa Paadap Sangrahalaya. Van
Anusandhan Patrika-
2004: 8.
(In Hindi) (Sas. Biswas ,Jain, SS, Singh, M. and
Satish Chandra )

marvels of the Botanical Garden of Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. Bhoomi-
A Delhi Doodarshan Presentation on 21
st August 2005, sponsored by
Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, New Delhi, Cinema
Vision, Mumbai, India. (Biswas, Sas.)

Rare and threatened conifers of India:
Need and priorities for conservation assessment. Proceeding of IUFRO – ISTS
(Indian Society of Tree Scientists) – FRI International Symposium on
“Biodiversity and Improvement of Asian Conifers during 20
th Century,
11-13 September, 2006, Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun
: 2 (Abstract) Sas. Biswas (2006).

Global Taxonomy Initiatives (GTI) and
dwindling expertise. In: Biswas, Sas.
et al.
Proceeding of International seminar “Role of Plant Taxonomy for
Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare”
1-3 December 2008, organized by Forest research Institute, Dehradun, India : 6
– Sas. Biswas and S.S. Negi

Clonal Taxonomy: A case Study for the
Application of New Trend in Systematics for the Authentication and
Certification of Germplasm, In: Biswas, Sas.
et al. (Eds.) Proceeding of International seminar “Role of Plant Taxonomy
for Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare”
from 1-3 December 2008, organized by Forest research Institute,
Dehradun, India :7 – Sas. Biswas and
Alpana (2008)


Thesis : Systematic studies on the
Forest Flora of Tehri Garhwal, U.P.
Vol. I & III
(Vol. III with illustrations only). Ph.D. Thesis, Forest Research Institute,
Dehra Dun, Meerut University, Meerut
Under publication as “Forest Flora of
Tehri Garhwal HImalaya”


Report:  Grasses of Haridwar Siwaliks, D.A.V. (P.G.) College, Dehra Dun, Meerut University. Meerut
(Supplementary Report for the partial fulfillment of M.Sc. Degree in Botany of
University of Meerut
1972. (To be
published as
“Grasses of Siwaliks”.)


II.        Taxonomic Evaluation through the
Application of Recent Trends


Multiplication & characterization of old trees of Black Poplar (Populus nigra) for gene conservation. In
Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen. (Eds. F. Begemann, C. Ehling und R.
5S: 344-346 (In German)
(Wuehlisch, G. von; Chawhaan, P.; Biswas, Sas., Ahuja, M.R., Muhs,HJ).

Identification of Populus nigra
L. Clones by their isozymes with particular reference to Germany. Section of
Botany. Indian Science Congress, Delhi Session, Delhi University 3-8 January,
1997: 41-42. (Biswas, Sas. & Wuehlisch, G. von).

Final Report on the Fellowship awarded for
training under FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations).
Tree Improvement Training. Institute of Forest Genetics, Grosshansdorf, Federal
Republic of Germany. pp. 47.(Sas. Biswas)

Contribution to the isozyme studies on Indian bamboo, Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees with
emphasis on diversity evaluation.
of Forestry

Need for biomolecular-cum-phytogeographical
prospecting of forest biodiversity for Nanotechnological characterization and
In: Proceedings of
Conference on “
Natural Products &
: Chemsitry and
2-3 November, 2006. Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun.
Uttaranchal: 45-46 (Sas. Biswas, Anup Chandra, Neelesh Yadav and KR


III  Taxonomic Works (Carpological Studies )

Carpological studies on some fruits/seeds of Indian Trees-I: Dipterocarpus Gaertn.f. Van Vigyan 29(1): 58-61. 1991. (
Sas. Biswas and Gyanandra Kumar).

Carpological studies – an aid to the identification of Indian trees: Terminalia Linn. Indian Forester 118(11):813-821.
1992. (Sas. Biswas & S. Kukreti).


IV Phytogeographical Studies


Phytogeographical studies on the forest flora of Tehri Garhwal Himalaya.
Proceed. Focal theme symposium, “High Altitude studies” of 72nd
Session of Indian Science Congress. Botany Lucknow (Advance notes): 38,
Calcutta, 1985. (Sas. Biswas).

New distributional record of Acalypha
L. (Euphorbiaceae) in India. Indian
J. Forestry
10(1):65-66, fig.
1987. (TC Bhuyan & Sas. Biswas).


Studies on bamboo distribution in North-Eastern Region of India. Indian Forester. 114 (9):514-531 + 1 map 1988. (Sas. Biswas). 1988.

Phytogeographical studies on the forest flora of Tehri Garhwal Himalaya. Indian J. Forestry (Special Issue) I:223-234. 1990. (Sas. Biswas). 1990.

Glycosmis cymosa var. simplicifolia (Kurz)
Narayan. – An addition to the flora of Garo Hills, Meghalaya.
Indian Forester  117 (8):612-6131991. (TC
Bhuyan & Sas. Biswas).


V  Resource Survey, Impact Assessment &


Impact of shifting cultivation on the Wildlife of Burnihat valley,
Assam/Meghalaya – some field observations.
Paper presented & published in Proceeding of above mentioned
Ibid. (Sud DC & Sas.
Biswas): 67-74,

Potential Forest Resources for pulp and paper in North-Eastern India with
particular reference to the exploration & exploitation.
Proceed. 31st Annual Conference of  Assam Science Society. Section of
Forestry. Abstract: 9.
  1984. (Choudhury, HC & Sas. Biswas)

Forest Resources of Assam and Meghalaya. In R.S. Tripathi (Ed.)  Resource potentials of North – East India Vol. II  (Living
): 83-87, 1984.
(Choudhury,HK & Sas. Biswas).

Potential Forest Resources for pulp and paper in North-Eastern India with
particular reference is the exploration & exploitation.
Indian J. Forestery 10:(4):304-309, 1987.
(HC Choudhury & Sas. Biswas).


VI  Ethnobiological Studies


Ethnobotanical studies in the North/South Kamrup Forest Divisions some
noteworthy medicinal and food plants. Paper presented and published in
Proceed. 2nd Forestry Conference F.R.I.
& Colleges, Dehra Dun
I:75. 1983.

Ethnobotanical studies on some plants of Burnihat valley,  Assam/Meghalaya. Proceed. 71st Indian Sc.
(Pt. III) Section of Botany 315:148. Abstract. Calcutta, 1984. (Sas. Biswas & A. Ahmed)

Studies on the Ethnobotany of Kachugaon Forest Division, Kokrajhar,
Proceed. 31st Annual Conf. of Assam Sc. Society Section of Forestry:
10. 1984, Abstract, Guwahati,
(Sas. Biswas & A. Ahmed).

Ethnobotanical studies on some medicinal and food plants of Kachugaon
Forest, Distt., Kokrajhar, Assam.
73rd session Indian Sc. Congress.
Delhi Abstract. (202):137. Calcutta, 1986. (Sas. Biswas & A. Ahmed).

Ethnobotanical studies on some significant medicinal and food plants of
North-Eastern Region.
Proceed. Annual
of Assam Sci. Society.
Section of forestry (Abstract: 25, Jorhat,
(Sas. Biswas & A. Ahmed).

Ethnobotanical studies on some plants of Burnihat valley,
Indian Forester 113(8):634-639, 1987. (Sas. Biswas & A. Ahmed).

Ethnobotanical studies on wild edible plants of district Satna, Madhya
Proceed. Nat. Seminar on Minor
Forest Product and tribal development
at Tropical Forest Research
Institute, of Jabalpur 18-20 Oct., 1989:1-9,
1989. (DN Pandey and Sas. Biswas).

Ethnobotany of Burnihat valley Assam/Meghalaya – studies on some aspects
of tribals dependence on forest.
  3rd Forestry Conference,
Dehra Dun. I:7.

Ethnobotanical studies on Northeastern region of India with particular
emphasis on conservation of biological diversity.
Proceed. 2nd International Congress of 
The “Challenges
of Ethnobiology in the 21st Century”
held at Kunming, China, Oct., 22-26,
1990. Symposium Session 5 (Abstract):128. 1990. (Sas.
  Biswas) 1990

Ethnobotanical studies on wild edible plants of Satna District,Madhya
Indian J. MFP 1(3-4):99-102. 1991.  (DN Pandey & Sas.

Ethnobotanical studies on Northeastern region of India with particular
emphasis on conservation of biological diversity.In: Shengji P
et al(Eds.)Proceed. 2nd International Congress of Ethnobiology, The “Challenges of Ethnobiology in the 21st
held at Kunming, China, Oct., 22-26,1990. :344-350 1997. Yunnan
Science.& Technology Press (Sas. Biswas
) 1997

Ethnobotanical studies on some food and medicinal plants of North-eastern
India and strategy for their conservation.
Non-Timber Forest Products.
4 (1 & 2): 78-84. 1997. (Sas. Biswas).

Ethnobotany and biodiversity conservation with special reference to
medicinal plants. Proceed. National Workshop & Conference on “
Biodiversity evaluation and need for
establishment of data bank”
organized by Deptt. of  Botany, University of Jammu (J & K),
th Dec.(Veena Chandra, Sas. Biswas & SS Jain). 1997

Collecting indigenous knowledge on the Himalayan flora for conservation
and benefit sharing
Proceed. National
Seminar on “Biodiversity Conservation – Challenges & Opportunities”.
9-10, 1998. Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun : 17-18. (Sas. Biswas, Sumer
Chandra, SS Jain & M. Pal).

Integration of indigenous traditional knowledge (ITK) for biodiversity
conservation. Paper presented in Proceedings of XI Professional Skill
Upgradation Course for IFS Officers, 5
th July – 11th
August, 2000 organised by Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA) at
IGNFA, Dehra Dun (Sas. Biswas, Sumer Chandra & SS Jain)


VII Economic Forest Produce


Potential economic forest produce of Tehri Garhwal Himalaya,  Uttar Pradesh with Tehri Garhwal Himalaya,
Uttar Pradesh with reference to the studies on the forest flora.
Proceed. 77th Indian Sci. Congress Part
Botany): 96. 1990. (Sas.

Rare and endangered plants of economic value – Coptis teeta Wall.  MFP News 1(1): 7. 1991. (Sas. Biswas) 1991

“Food from Forest”. ICFRE No.13.612pp,plates 158 +photos 30.Indian Council of Forestry
Research and Education, Dehradun (Bennet SSR, Sas.Biswas, Chandra V, Singh PJ,
Chandra S & R Dayal)

Potential economic forest produce of Tehri Garhwal Himalaya,Uttar  Pradesh with reference to systematic studies.
In: Higher plants of Indian sub-continent.Vol.
(Addl.Series of
Indian J. Forestry
No6.)Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, DehraDun. (Sas. Biswas)

Resource potential of Siwaliks with particular reference to the forest
flora of Rajaji National Park.
Proc. 82nd
Ind. Science Congress
. Part III (Abstract): 64. 1995. (Sas. Biswas & S.

Neem (Azadirachta indica ) – A
versatile multipurpose tree,
121 (11):1057-1062.
1995 (Sas. Biswas, PJ Singh & S. Chandra).

Potential economic forest produce of Siwaliks with particular reference
to the vegetation of Rajaji National Park.
Non Timber Forest Produce.
& 2): 56-59.(Sas. Biswas & S. Chandra).

Rare and endangered bamboos, rattans and medicinal plants of Indian
Himalaya and strategies for their conservation. Proceed. Intl. Workshop on “
Role of Bamboos, Rattans and Medicinal
  in Mountain Development,

organized by ICMOD, IDRC, INBAR, IPGRI, IOF, Pokhara, 15-18th May, 1996, Nepal
: 1-19. (Sas. Biswas, SS Jain & S. Chandra).

Rare and
Endangered plants of economic value: Indian Squill (
Urginea indica (Roxb.) Kunth. J.
Non Timber Forest Products.
 4 (3/4): 129-132 + fig. (Sumer Chandra
& Sas. Biswas)

Medicinal plant
resources of Doon Valley and adjacent Siwaliks
– I. J. Non Timber Forest
5 (1/2): 29-33. (Keerti Parhar & Sas. Biswas). 1998.

activity of
Alseodaphne kenanani extracts.Indian Perfumer 47 (1): 47- 90.2003             
(Versha Parcha, M. Gahlot, P.Kumar and Sas. Biswas) 2003

  and priorities for conservation of
Indian medicinal flora.
Indian Forester
129 (1): 85-92. 2003 (Biswas, Sas. , SS Jain
& M. Pal) 2003

multipurpose tree diversity of Indian flora with emphasis on threat value
assessment and conservation. In: Proceeding ( Souvenir – cum- Abstracts) of
IUFRO International Conference, ” Multipurpose trees in the tropics:
Assessment, growth and Management” November 22- 25, 2004, Arid Forest Research
Institute, Jodhpur sponsored by APA, MoEF, Govt of India, Goethe- Institut, New
Delhi, etc : 68
  (Sas. Biswas)  2004.

cultural and economic values of NWFPs. Advance Note for deliberation in
  One -Week compulsory Training Course for IFS
Officers on
  “Management of Non-
Wood Forest products for Sustainable Development”,
  8-12 August, 2005, Forest Research Institute,
Dehradun (Biswas, Sas. )

of different steriliants in sterilization of nodal explants of
Swertia chirata Buch.Ham- a medicinally
important herb.Proceeding of National Seminar on Medicinal Plants:
conservation.9-11 March,2006. DST-FIST &UGC-SAP Departmrnt of Zoology&
environemntal Sciences, Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar (Prabha Bisht,
Ruma Bisht, ID Arya and Sas. Biswas)

of anti-microbial potential of
leaves. In: Proceedings
of Conference on “
Natural Products &
: Chemistry and
2-3 November, 2006. Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun.
Uttaranchal:: 59 (Kumar, R; Kaushik, V; Versha Parcha and Sas. Biswas)

Food from forests for forest-dependent communities
for rural development.
In: Proceed.
National Workshop on “
Role of Forestry in
Employment Generation and Rural Development
”. Theme II: Forestry to support
village industries and forest dependent communities, 29-30 August, 2006, Forest
Research Institute, Dehra Dun, Uttaranchal: 23-25 (Sas. Biswas)

Evaluation of antimicrobial potential of Alseodaphne andersonii leaf extracts
against pathogenic bacteria.
45(1):1-4, 2007 (Parcha, V; Kaushik A’ Kaushik, J; Rawat, MSM; Sas.

Role of non-wood
forest produce (NWFP) in livelihood system for sustainable development of
biodiversity and environment in Thandi village, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand- a case
study from the Indian Himalayan region, MFP News, Centre of Minor Forest
Products (COMFORPTS) 15 (4): 5-8. 2008 (Yogesh Gairola and Sas. Biswas)


VIII   Teratological and other Studies


Notes on the teratology of some angiospermic plants. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 13 (1):52-55
+ 2 pl. 1989. (Ram Dayal,
& Sas. Biswas).

A note on the fruit abnormality in Suregada
Baill.  (Euphorbiaceae). Van Vigyan 28(4):163-164. 1990.

An observation on Teak (Tectona
Linn.f.) as a phorophyte. Indian
118(11):871. 1992.
(Sas. Biswas & S. Chandra)

Teratological notes on leaf abnormality of some angiospermic plants. Indian J. Forestry 2 (3) : 266-270  (Sas. Biswas, Sumer Chandra & Ram Dayal). 1999


IX  Bamboos
(Phytogeography,Gregarious Flowering,Conservation)


Studies on bamboo distribution in North-Eastern Region of India. Indian Forester. 114(9):514-531 + 1 map 1988.
(Sas. Biswas).

Gregarious flowering of Thamnocalamus
in Sikkim. Indian Forester.
1990. (HB Naithani, S.
Chandra, PJ Singh & Sas. Biswas).

Occurrence of a bamboo: Melocanna
in Sikkim. Indian Forester 117(7):583. 1991 (Sas. Biswas HB
Naithani &
  S. Chandra) 1991

Gregarious flowering of Dendrocalamus
Indian Forester 118
(4):300. 1992
.(HB Naithani &
Sas. Biswas)

On the occurrence of Bambusa
Gamble in India. Indian
16(1):75-76. 1993. (Sas.

Diversity and Genetic resource of Indian bamboos and strategies for their
conservation. Proc. 1st INBAR. Biodiversity, Genetic Resources and Conservation
Working Group, 7-9, November 1994. Singapore (VR Rao & AN Rao): 29-34.
1995. (Sas. Biswas).

Gregarious flowering of bamboos in North East India. Indian Forester 122(3): 275. (Sas. Biswas & TC

Rare and endangered bamboos, rattans and medicinal plants of Indian
Himalaya and strategies for their conservation. Proceed. Intl. Workshop on “
Role of Bamboos, Rattans and Medicinal
  in Mountain Development,

organized by ICMOD, IDRC, INBAR, IPGRI, IOF, Pokhara, 15-18th May, 1996, Nepal.
(Sas. Biswas, SS Jain & S. Chandra).

Gregarious flowering of Bambusa
in Nepal Himalaya Indian
123(5):355 1997.

(Sas. Biswas) 1997

Choice of potential species and institutional support for bamboo
development in India. Proceed. of Workshop on
“National Level Institutional Framework for Bamboo Development”. Organised
by Khadi & Village Industries Commission, Mumbai 400 058 held at New Delhi
on 24
th July 1997 pp. 13 (Sas. Biswas). 1997.

Diversity evaluation of Indian bamboo, Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees with particular reference to
isozme patterns.
Proceed. of Working Group
Meeting on “Biodiversity, Genetic Resources and Conservation of Bamboos &
organised by International Networking on Bamboo & Rattan
(INBAR) and International Plant Genetic Research Institute (IPGRI) 24th-27th
August,Serdang, Malaysia 1-10, 1997 ( Sas. Biswas)

Choice of Indian Palms and Bamboos for urban landscaping. International
Symposium on ornamental palms and other monocots from the tropics. Session
IIIrd: Landscaping, Marketing and Economic Issues. Spain.

Bamboo diversity in Key areas of conservation in Himalaya, NE &
Eastern regions of India and need for survey and conservation of rare and
threatened species.
Proceed. Bamboo
Training Course/Workshop, Kunming & Xishuangbanna, PR China, May 10-18,
1998 organised by INBAR, IPGRI-APO and ICIMOD

Choice of Indian Bamboos for sustainable development with particular
emphasis on integrated approach & application of
  recent advances. Proceed. Vth International
Bamboo Congress & Vth International Bamboo Workshop organised by
International Bamboo Association, (INBAR) and Fundacioid Del Bambu, San Jose,
Costa Rica, 2-6
th November : 144. 1998.  

Rare and endangered species of indigenous bamboos and their conservation.
Proceed. CTA (Chief Technical Advisor). Workshop-cum-Peer Review on bamboos,
th October, 1999 pp. 15, FRI Dehra Dun (Sas. Biswas and SS Jain).

Role and Management of bambusetum and bamboo herbarium – FRI Bambusetum
and Herbarium – a case study.
th Oct. 1999 pp. 30 (SS Jain, Sas. Biswas & M.Pal). 1999.

Diversity evaluation of Indian bamboo, Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees with particular reference to
isozyme patterns.
In: Rao, A.N. and
V. Ramanatha Rao (Eds.) “
Bamboo and
Rattan Genetic Resources and use and Research Reports”
. Proceed. Of Third INBAR-IPGRI Biodiversity Genetic Resources and
Conservation Working Group Meeting
organized by International Networking on
Bamboo & Rattan (INBAR) and International Plant Genetic Research Institute
(IPGRI) 24
th-27th August, Serdang, Malaysia: 13-18, (Sas.

Ecological diversity of Dendrocalamus
(Roxb.) Nees in different forest types.  . In:
Rao, A.N. and V. Ramanatha Rao (Eds.) “
and Rattan Genetic Resources and use and Research Reports”
. Proceed. Of Third INBAR-IPGRI Biodiversity Genetic Resources and
Conservation Working Group Meeting
organized by International Networking on
Bamboo & Rattan (INBAR) and International Plant Genetic Research Institute
(IPGRI) 24
th-27th August, Serdang, Malaysia: 19-25, (Sas.

Bamboo diversity and distribution evaluation for plantation strategy.
Proceedings of “
Short Term Training
Course in Plantation Technology”
for the Officers of Uttar Pradesh Forest
Department at Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun w.e.f. 3-7
January, 2000. (Sas. Biswas)

Bamboo diversity and conservation in India In: Rao, AN and V. Ramanatha Rao (Eds.), “Bamboo conservation, diversity, ecogeography, germplasm, resource
utilization and taxonomy”,
Proceed. of training course cum workshop 10-17th
May 1998, Kunming and Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China, IPGRI-APO Serdang,
Malaysia: 164-175, 2000 (Sas. Biswas).

A note on the
flowering behaviour and a new infra specific combination under
(Nees) Keng in the Kumaun Himalaya of Uttaranchal Indian J. Forestry 25 (4): 476-478, 2002
(Sas. Biswas, SS Jain and M.Pal)

Is Copeland’s
bamboo (
Bambusa copelandi Gamble ex
Brandis ) ‘presumed extinct’?- A taxonomic search for its whereabouts.
Indian J. Forestry 25(4): 472-475, 2002
(Biswas, Sas. and SS Jain)

Bamboo and
interdependent dynamics of its biological diversity. Lecture notes on Short
Term Training Course on Biodiverrsity Conservation. Feb 4-8, 2002,
124-126.Forest Research institute, Dehradun (Sas. Biswas and SS Jain)

A note on the
flowering of
Dendrocalamus somdevae  Naithani in Kumaun hills, Uttaranchal (Sas.
Biswas, SS Jain and M. Pal )
Indian J.
26 (1):95-96, 2003

systematics of Indian sub-continent and neighbouring region with particular
reference to the bambusoideae (bamboo) and development of south – west
partnership for inter-continental networking & support.
Paper for presentation in The
Third International Conference on the Comparative Biology of the Monocotyledons

and the
Fourth International Symposium on
Grass Systematics and Evolution
Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, USA 
31 March – 4 April 2003 ( Biswas, Sas.) 2003

Infra-specific New Combinations in Indian Bamboos: Bambusa bambos (Linn.) Voss
Indian Journal of Forestry
26 (4):
433, 2003. (Jain, SS. and Biswas Sas.)

Biodiversity of India. Proceeding of World Bamboo Congress held at New Delhi,
th February – 4th March 2004: 10-11 (Biswas, Sas.) 2004

Bamboo Herbarium
and Bambusetum with reference to management and database development.
Proceeding of World Bamboo Congress held at New Delhi, 27
th February
– 4
th March 2004.: 11-12 (Jain, SS and Sas. Biswas) 2004

Bamboo diversity
studies with reference to New Forest, Dehradun, Uttaranchal.
Van Vigyan

39 (1-4) : 12-24
2005. (Jain, SS and Sas. Biswas)

bamboo diversity and genetic resource for long term field experiments and monitoring
for sustainable development : need and priorities. Abstract of paper for
presentation in the International Conference on “
The long term field experiments in agricultural and ecological
and “Practical
Solutions for managing Optimum C and C Content in Agricultural Soils III

” organized by Research Institute of Crop Production, 22- 24 June 2005,
Prague, Czech Republic.(Sas. Biswas and KK Chaudhuri)

of Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, India: Repository of genetic resource
ex situ and in situ studies. National symposium on Plant Biotechnology: In
vitro Regeneration & Cloning Techniques: Tissue Culture Plantations,
Communicable Aspects: 12-14 October 2006, Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun,
Uttaranchal: 109 (T-112) (Sas. Biswas).

Observation on self watering in Bamboo. Indian Forester 132 (11):1534. 2006
(Sas. Biswas)

Gregarious flowering of a hill bamboo, Sinarundinaria maling, in Arunachal
Indian Forester
133(2):273-274 (HB Naithani, Anup Chandra and Sas. Biswas),

Farmers friendly bamboo- Propagation technologies.
Proceeding of Conference on “
Innovations and Inventions
” organized by National Research Development
Corporation, New Delhi, India, 15-16 October, 2007 : 104-115 (Nautiyal,S; Negi,
SS and Sas. Biswas)

Geographical indications and grassroot innovations
of ITK relevance on bamboo for livelihood and trade.
In: International Conference
of Bamboo Productivity and Marketing for Sustainable Livelihood
Session-4: Potential and Marketing),
April, 2008, New Delhi : 69-70,
Biswas, Arti Kala, Yogesh Gairola, Tarakchi Marak, Anirbana Jana, Neha Awasthi
and Manisha Wagde
) 2008

State-of -The-Art Bambusetum of Forest Research
Institute, Dehradun, India for its layout and design, repository of genetic
resource, education and awareness.
134 (9): 1261-1263 ( Sas. Biswas)

Bamboo Forest Management in West Garo Hills,
Meghalaya with Particular Reference to Community Involvement and Development,
In: Biswas, Sas. et al. (Eds.) Proceeding
of International seminar
Role of
Plant Taxonomy for Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare” from 1-3 December
2008, organized by Forest research Institute, Dehradun, India : 91
(Terakchi K. Marak and Sas. Biswas)

Creation of Field Germplasm Bank of Dendrocalamus strictus, In: Biswas, Sas.
et al. (Eds.)
Proceeding of International seminar “Role of Plant Taxonomy for Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare
from 1-3 December 2008, organized by Forest research Institute, Dehradun,
India: 89-90,
Nautiyal, D. P. Nautiyal, Ashutosh Mishra, Manoj Kumar, Sas Biswas and S.S.

Phenological variability in Melocanna baccifera ( Roxb.) Kurz in the New Forest, Forest
Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun.
(8) : 1143-1144
(Sas. Biswas and HB Naithani) 2008

use, Technologies and Enterprise Development. Regeneration, Silviculture practices and
Conservation strategies for selected species.
Sas. Biswas and SP Singh (2012)

Development of
NE and South Indian Hill Bamboo-based ethnic villages for livelihood,
conservation and tourism. Proceeding of
Seminar “Hill Bamboos- an important resource for improving rural livelihoods”
17-18 October, 2014 organized by Himalayan Forest Research Institute , Shimla [
ICFRE], Manali, Himachal Pradesh pp 25-26.
Biswas, Sas [2014]

Edible bamboo Products and its Impact on Livelihood of Tribal Village Community
of Wokha District, Nagaland. Proceeding of
National Seminar “Hill Bamboos- an important
resource for improving rural livelihoods”
, 17-18 October, 2014
organized by Himalayan Forest Research Institute , Shimla [ ICFRE], Manali,
Himachal Pradesh pp 28-29.
Nzilo Kithan, Sandhya
and Sas. Biswas
[ 2014]

Bamboos of
  district, Nagaland and their
role in livelihood of tribal community : Need for value addition. Proceeding of
Seminar “Hill Bamboos- an important resource for improving rural livelihoods”
17-18 October, 2014 organized by Himalayan Forest Research Institute , Shimla [
ICFRE], Manali, Himachal Pradesh pp 19-20.

Merensangla, Ishaan Raspha,Variti, NeelamNegi, Shikha, Kushgra and Sas. Biswas [2014]

Traditional techniques for
processing bamboo shoots in northeast India as food resource.
International Journal of Current Research
7(3): 13524-13528 [2015] Nzilo Kithan, Sandhya Goswami and
Sas. Biswas [2015]


X. Rattans


On the diversity, distribution and conservation of lesser-known Indian
Rattans -1:
Korthalsia Bl. Proceed. 80th Indian Sc. Congress Part III (Abstracts), Section of
  Goa: 102. 1993. (Sas. Biswas & S. Chandra).

Studies on Indian Rattans with reference to their diversity distribution
and conservation:
Korthalsia Bl. Van Vigyan 30(2):73-76. (Sas. Biswas & S. Chandra) 1993

Indian Rattans (Canes): Diversity, distribution and propagation.  Paper
presented in the “National Seminar on Forest Produce”
sponsored by ICFRE
and Ministry of Environment
  and Forests,
Govt. of India at IFGB, Coimbatore, 15-16
Oct., 1993. (Sas. Biswas
& R. Dayal).

Review Article on: Rattans of South India by A.C.Lakshmana. Pub. M/S
Evergreen Pub.Vijayanagar,Banglore.180pp,i-iv Annexure.
Indian Forester 120 (4):
387.1994. (Sas. Biswas).

Indian Rattans (Canes): Diversity, distribution and propagation. Indian Forester 121(7): 620-633. 1995  (Sas.Biswas & R.Dayal).

Rare and endangered bamboos, rattans and medicinal plants of Indian
Himalaya and strategies for their conservation. Proceed. Intl. Workshop on “
Role of Bamboos, Rattans and Medicinal
  in Mountain Development,

organized by ICMOD, IDRC, INBAR, IPGRI, IOF, Pokhara, 15-18th May, 1996, Nepal.
(Sas. Biswas, SS Jain & S. Chandra).

A preliminary survey on the occurrence of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae
(VAM) in rattans of Nroth-East India
Rao, AN & Rao V. Ramanatha (Eds.) Bamboo and Rattan Genetic Resource and
use Proceedings of the Third INBAR – IPGRI Biodiversity Genetic Resources and
Conservation Working Group Meeting, 24-27
th August 1997. And
Research Reports: 45-47 IPGRI Rome 1999 (Borah, RK, Sharma, GS, Borah, DP and
Sas. Biswas).


XI Choice of Species for
Bioaesthetic Planting & Landscaping


Choice of species and bioaesthetic planting and
landscaping. Paper presented in National Seminar on Trees for Landscaping
organized by Society of Indian Tree Scientists, YS Parmar University of
Horticulture and Forestry, Solan Himachal Pradesh. (Biswas, Sas. and Joshi, NK

Choice of Indian Palms and Bamboos for urban landscaping. International
Symposium on ornamental palms and other monocots from the tropics. Session
IIIrd: Landscaping, Marketing and Economic Issues. Szafer Institute of Botany,
Kruseff, Poland (Biswas, Sas.).

Developing botanical garden and arboreta in  India and world : An overview. In : Biswas Sas. (Course Director) “Short Term Training Course in Management of
Forest Herbarium and Arboreta”
13th – 17th May 2002
organized by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. : 70-82. (Jain, SS and
Biswas, Sas.)

Landscape planting and bioaesthetic integration for
planning and development of greenbelt.
: Chandra V (Course Director) “
Short Term
Training Course on ”Development of Green Belts)
19th – 23rd
August 2002 organized by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. 5pp (Sas. Biswas)


Choice of tropical species for urban landscaping—Contribution of
taxonomic-cum-dendrological studies.pp 60 + 25 fig. & 25 pl. (To be
published as “Tropical Trees for Urban Landscaping). (Sas. Biswas).


XII   Biodiversity,  Threatened Flora & Conservation Strategy


Endangered plant heritage. Paper presented and published in Proceed. of
“Development without
organised by Forest Department, Meghalaya  & N.E. Hills University, Shillong (Sas.
Biswas): 10-13,

An observation on five most spectacular plants of North Eastern Region. Rare, Endangered & Spectacular Fauna
& Flora:
13-14 + pl. 1982. (Sas. Biswas) 1982

Rare and endangered plants of North-Eastern India and the role of  Botanical Garden in their conservation. Proceed. 31st Annual Conference
of Assam Science Society.
Section of           Forestry (Abstract): 9. 1984,
Guwahati. (Sas. Biswas)

Lady slippers (Paphiopedilium)
of North-Eastern India. Miraculous Wildlife.
Publication of Assam valley Wildlife society.  Guwahati: 1:4-6,
1984. (Sas. Biswas)

Rare and threatened taxa in the forest flora of Tehri Garhwal Himalaya
and the strategy for their conservation.
Indian J. Forestry 11(3):233-237, 1988. (Sas. Biswas).

On the distribution and conservation of five spectacular and endangered
ligneous species of Sikkim Himalaya.
28(3):106-16. 1990. (Sas. Biswas, V. Chandra and S.

On the occurrence, distribution and conservation of some woody species of
Sikkim-I. Section of Botany.
78th Session
  Indian Sci. Congress

held at Indore. (Sas. Biswas & S. Chandra)

Rare and endangered flora of eastern Himalaya and the measures for its
In: G.S. Rajwar (Ed.) Advances in Himalayan Ecology 6:267-273. 1991

biodiversity of Indian flora & the strategies for its conservation. In
Sahni, K.C. (Ed.)
Advances in Plant
Science Research
(1994): 74-91. 1994 (Sas. Biswas and R. Dayal).
International Book Distributors, Dehra Dun.

Endangered biodiversity and the strategies for its conservation with
particular reference to the flora of India: 15. 1995. Paper presented in a
Workshop on a project on tree plantation in Kendriya Vidalayas sponsored by
Wasteland Development, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India organised
by Kendriya Vidalaya Sanghatan at KVS(FRI) Dehra Dun, May 1-5, 1995. (Sas.

Notes on some spectacular species: Ceratonia and Tipuana (Tree Legume) Van Vigyan 33(2): 117-121. 1995
(Sas. Biswas, S. Chandra & R. Singh).

Rare and endangered bamboos, rattans and medicinal plants of Indian
Himalaya and strategies for their conservation.
In: Karki, M. et. al.
(Eds.) Proceed. Intl. Workshop on “
of Bamboos, Rattans and Medicinal plants
in Mountain Development,
organized by ICMOD, IDRC, INBAR, IPGRI,
IOF, Pokhara, 15-18th May,
113-121. Nepal. (Sas. Biswas, SS Jain & S. Chandra).

Conservation status of threatened potential Indian forest genetic
resource and need for diversity and distribution evaluation (Abs.) UNDP-ICFRE
Project (IND/92-038) organized by ICFRE, Dehra Dun: 32-33. (Biswas, Sas.).

Indopiptadenia oudhensis (Brandis) Brenan – an endangered tree legume of UP and Nepal, Indian Forester 123(5):419-421. 1997
(Sas. Biswas & S. Chandra).

Biodiversity of Indian region with reference to endangered flora &
strategies for the conservation. Proceed. Intl. Symposium of “Sustainable
utilization of biodiversity”. Sai Institute of Environment, IGNFA, 8-10 March
1997 (Abs.) (Sas.Biswas).

Developing a floristic model for restoration of threatened biodiversity
of NW & Central Himalaya.
National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation – Challenges & Opportunities.

October 9-10, 1998. Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun: 59-60. (Sas. Biswas)

Taxonomic research on forest tree genetic resources of India – need and
priorities. Paper presented in a Seminar on
research, Teaching and Training as related to the rich Biodiversity of India”
by Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) at TERI, New Delhi: 1-7. (BN Gupta
& Sas. Biswas).

Indigenous knowledge on biodiversity of Himalaya and North-eastern region
of India – conservation & benefit sharing)
5 (1) : 7. 1999- In Hindi (Sas. Biswas, Sumer Chandra, S.S. Jain
and M. Pal) (In Hindi)

Rare and Threatened Indian Forest Tree Genetic Resource. In: Sas. Biswas (Course Director)
One-Week Compulsory Training Programme on Biodiversity Conservation for IFS
Officers held at Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, 25
th –29th
October, 1999: 105-115 (Sas. Biswas)

Conservation status of threatened Indian potential forest genetic
resource and need for diversity and distribution evaluation.
In: Negi, RS. et al. (Eds.)Forestry Research in Conservation of Natural
”. Proceedings of an International Workshop UNDP-ICFRE Project IND/92/038
India: 33-41. 1999, ICFRE (Sas. Biswas).

Collecting Indigenous Knowledge on Forest Biodiversity Conservation &
Benefit Sharing.
In: Sas. Biswas
(Course Director) One-Week Compulsory Training Programme on Biodiversity
Conservation for IFS Officers held at Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, 25
– 29
th October, 1999: 83-87 (Sas. Biswas, Sumer Chandra & S.S.

Bamboo diversity and distribution evaluation for plantation strategy.
Proceedings of “
Short Term Training
Course in Plantation Technology”
for the Officers of Uttar Pradesh Forest
Department at Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun w.e.f. 3-7
January, 2000 (Sas. Biswas)

Developing Inter-institutional and Inter-disciplinary support and
networking on Biodiversity Conservation.
Sas. Biswas (Course Director) “
Short Term
Training Course on Biodiversity Conservation
”, Forest Research Institute,
Dehra Dun, 7
th-11th February, 2000 pp. 7 (Sas. Biswas) 2000.

Threatened Forest Biodiversity and Conservation Strategies. In: JDS Negi (Course Director) “One Week
Training Course on Forest Ecology” for the Officers of State Forest Department
of Uttar Pradesh held at Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, 14
Feb., 2000
pp. 20. (Sas. Biswas) 2000.

Some rare and threatened medicinal plants of Himalayas and NE region of
India and strategies for their conservation. J. non timber Forest Products
7: (1/2):101-111.
2000. (Sas. Biswas, SS. Jain and Sumer Chandra).

Lesser known forest species for the environment of new millennium – need
and priorities for conservation. Proceed. National Seminar on ‘Environmental
perspectives and management strategies in the new millennium organized by
Centre for Advanced Studies in Forest Soil and Reclamation, Forest Research
Institute and CREATE (Centre for Research on Ecology, Environmental
Applications, Training and Education, Dehra Dun), 14
th – 15th
April, 2000: 20-21. (Sas. Biswas).

Widening the horizon of Joint Forest Management (JFM) through
participation of indigenous knowledge (IK) holders on Indian forest
biodiversity conservation (IFBC).
MK Singh
et al. (Eds.). Proceedings
of International Workshop – ‘A decade of JFM, retrospection and introspection’
held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi 19-20 June 2000 organized by Indian Council of
Forestry Research and Education, Dehra Dun and sponsored by Ford Foundation,
New Delhi: 55 (Sas. Biswas, Sumer Chandra and SS Jain).

Integrating science and technology advances for in situ conservation of
under explored/under-utilized wild plant species diversity of India.
International Conference on “
Science and
Technology for Managing Plant Genetic Diversity in the 21
st Century”
Exploring underused species –
diverse options
 organized by
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), MARDI, FAO, Forest
Research Institute, Malayasia (FRIM) and Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), 12
June, 2000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 63.

hotspots of Indian forest biodiversity – Need for Conservation of Floristics.
Van Vigyan 38:(1-4): 90-104, 2000. 15. (Biswas, Sas.) 2000.

Role of
Herbarium in Biodiversity Conservation. ). In: Sas. Biswas (Course Director).
Lecture Notes for UNESCO Training Workshop on Herbarium Conservation Techniques
organized by Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun and sponsored by UNESCO at
FRI, Dehra Dun 16-28 March 2001:1-12
(Sas. Biswas) 2001.

Van Anusandhan
Sansthan Ka Vanaspati Uddhan avam Vriksha Kunj ( Botanical Garden and Arboretum
of Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, India.
Van Anusandhan Patrika.7 (1-2) : 11. January- June 2001. (In
  (Sas. Biswas, OB Chhetri and SC

Van Vanaspati ke
kshetra mein Sir Dietrich Brandis ka yogdaan
Ped Paudha Samachar Allahabad 5 (21): 2. 2001, Sas. Biswas and S S
Jain (In Hindi)

knowledge integration for biodiversity conservation. Paper for presentation in
training programme on
Biodiversity Management, Monitoring, Ethno-biodiversity, Patenting and
Impact of World Trade Agreement”
at the Wildlife Institute of India  for the staff of Integrated Watershed
Development Project (IWDP), 19
th– 23rd August, 2002. (
Sas. Biswas)

Widening the
horizons of joint forest management (JFM) through participation of indigenous
knowledge holders on Indian forest biodiversity conservation. (IFBC). Proceedings
of the
  International Workshop –‘ A Decade of JFM – Retrospection and
organized by Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Government of India and Ford Foundation:, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, June
19-20,2000: 198 – 204. (Sas. Biswas)

biodiversity conservation initiative and poverty alleviation. Proceeding of the
Asia -Pacific Regional Workshop on “Forests
for Poverty Reduction: The changing role for research, development and training
”, organized by Ministry of Environment & Forests- ICFRE,
APAFRI (Asia– Pacific Association of Forest Research institutes) FORSPA/
FAO,17-18 June, 2003, ICFRE/FRI, Dehra Dun. (Sas. Biswas) 2003.

Forest biodiversity conservation and
preservation plots. In: Sas. Biswas
(Course Director) “Compulsory Training
Course for IFS Officers on Biodiversity Conservation
”, Forest Research
Institute, Dehra Dun, 26th-30th May, 2003  pp. 3
(AK Rana and Sas. Biswas) 2003.

Forest biodiversity and environment management .Proceeding of IAEM
National Conference on “Innovative
Approaches in the Management of Environment”
, 17-18 October, 2003 organized
by Indian Association for Environmental Management, Nagpur and Delhi College of
Engineering. 49-50. (Biswas, Sas.) 2003

Eco-restoration of threatened habitats of biodiversity
significance. Proceeding of 
International Conference on “Eco-Restoration
organized by National Institute of Ecology (NIE) and Indian Council of Forestry
Research & Education (ICFRE, 14-21 October, 2003, Dehradun and New Delhi:
143. (Biswas, Sas.) 2003

Indigenous knowledge integration of
Indian mountains, communities and biodiversity conservation. Proceedings of the
Intenational Symposium on “Mountain Farming, High Altitude Harvest- A Mosaic of
Perspectives on Mountain Farming”, 19-21 Nov. 2002, Mussoorie, Uttaranchal,
India organized by Canadian Centre for International Studies & Cooperation
(Community Based Developemnt Project) and Canadian International Developemnt
Agency (CIDA): 67- 68 (Sas. Biswas)

Forest biodiversity conservation study of Indian Himalayas
eco-sensitive sites.
(Vijita Kumari Sas. Biswas)

Lesser-known rare and threatened tree diversity of wetland sites
of Doon valley and surroundings, Uttaranchal : Need for Conservation. In : Proceedings of National Workshop on
Conservation and Sustainable Utilization
of Lesser Known Tree Species
” (Abstracts) Sponsored by Ministry of
Environment & Forests, Government of India, New Delhi & organized by
Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, 8-10 March 2004 : 3.( Biswas, Sas., SS
Jain and Sumer Chandra ) 2004

rare and threatened lesser known tree diversity and strategies for their
Conservation: In: Proceedings of
National Workshop on “Conservation and
Sustainable Utilization of Lesser Known Tree Species
” (Abstracts) Sponsored
by Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, New Delhi &
organized by Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, 8-10 March 2004 : 81.( Jain,
SS and Sas. Biswas ) 2004

studies on forest and water for biodiversity management. In: Proceeding of National Workshop on Forests and Water Conservation-
Myths and realities, Theme I Sustainable
Resource management for Water and Food Security,
June 8-10, 2004 organized
by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun :
16-17 ( Sas. Biswas and SS Jain) 2004

In situ
conservation – a multidisciplinary participatory task. In: Dhillon, BS and others ( Eds.) 
Plant Genetic Resource Management :
205- 219. Narosa Pub. House, New Delhi. (Biswas, Sas.)  2004

of sacred groves in biodiversity conservation. Paper presented in National
Workshop on “Conservation of Sacred
” Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore (ICFRE),
27-28 May 2004 (Abstracts): pp 2 ( Biswas, Sas and SS Jain) 2004.

regional co-operation on Indian biodiversity hotspots for research support and
networking. Paper presented in Workshop on “Regional
co-operation on conservation of biodiversity hotspots of the Indian
sub-continent and databases on bio-resources of India
”, organized by
University of Agricultural Sciences, Banglore, Karnataka , 30th
August-1st  September 2004, pp
7 ( Katwal RPS and Sas. Biswas ) 2004

biodiversity and genetic resources, and Convention on Biological Diversity
(CBD). In: Proceed. of National
Seminar on Coastal resources & their
sustainable management: issues and strategies
organized by Bidhan Chandra,
Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Kalyani, West Bengal, 24-27 November, 2005:
81-83 (Sas. Biswas) 2005.

peripheral mixed plantation for threatened wetland sites of Doon valley for
biodiversity conservation. National Workshop on “
Status and Future of Mixed Forest Plantation in India”, 30th May
-1st June 2005 organized by Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala:
23-24. (Sas. Biswas and Anup Chandra)

‘Validation of
geospatial model for biodiversity characterization at landscape level- a study
  Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India.
Ecological modelling 185 (2005):
349-369. Elsevier Publishers, Denmark. (Roy, PS; Padalia, H; Chauhan, N;
Porwal, MC; Gupta, S; Sas.Biswas and Jagdale)

Conservation of
Biodiversity in India
  : Status,
Challenges and Efforts.
Council of Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun
(Eds. Rawat, JK, Srivastava, S, Sas. Biswas and HB Vasistha, HB) pp
  2005 (BOOK)

Developing a
floristic model for restoration of threatened biodiversity of North-Western and
Central Himalayas. In: Rawat, JK; Srivastava, S; Sas. Biswas and HB Vasistha
(Eds.) Proceedings of workshop on “
of Biodiversity in India: Status, Challenges and Efforts”,
organized by
Forest Research Institute, Dehradun: 148-151. Indian Council of Forestry
Research & Education, Dehradun
(Biswas, Sas.) 2005

knowledge on Himalayan flora for conservation and benefit sharing.
In: Rawat, JK; Srivastava, S; Sas.
Biswas and HB Vasistha (Eds.) Proceedings of workshop on “
Conservation of Biodiversity in India 
: Status, Challenges and Efforts”,
organized by Forest Research
Institute, Dehradun: 152-156. Indian Council of Forestry Research &
Education, Dehradun (Biswas, Sas.; S Chandra; Jain SS and M. Pal)

monitoring in Rayagada Forest Division, Orissa with emphasis on
floristic-cum-ecological evaluation. Proceeding of National Symposium on “
Recent advances in Forest Sciences: A
, organized by Dolphin (PG) Institute of Biomedical and Natural
Sciences, Dehradun, 3-5 June 2005: TS-S/P 15
(Arti Kala, Purobi Nath, PK Mallick and Sas. Biswas) 2005

approach for forestry research extension activities with reference to
biodiversity development and management. Paper presented in Regional Workshop
on “
Challenges and Opportunities of
Forestry Extension
” organized by FRI, 17-18, November, 2005, pp 5 (Sas.

Integration of eco-floristic components in
biodiversity mapping: a case study of Kashipur range, Rayagada Forest Division,
Orissa. Proceeding of National Seminar on “
Advances in Forest sciences: A Prospective”
: 116-117 organized by
Department of Forestry, Wild Life & Environment Science, Guru Ghasidas
University, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh, 30-31 January, 2006 Bilaspur-495009.(Arti
Kala, Purobi Nath,P.K Mallick and Sas. Biswas)

Role of women in
plantation : A case study of some selected sites of Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh.
Proceeding of National Seminar on “
Advances in Forest Sciences: A Prospective”
: 131-132 organized by
Department of Forestry, Wild Life & Environment Science, Guru Ghasidas
University, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh, 30-31 January, 2006 Bilaspur-495009.(Richa
Shanker and Sas. Biswas)

conservation through joint forest management. Abstract of paper for
presentation in the National Seminar on “
Advances in Forest Sciences: A Prospective”
: 97-98 organized by Department
of Forestry, Wild Life & Environment Science, Guru Ghasidas University,
Bilaspur, Chattisgarh, 30-31 January, 2006 Bilaspur-495009.(Deep N Singh and
Sas. Biswas)

biodiversity and poverty alleviation: Need and priorities. Proceeding of
National Conference on Forest Ecology & Environment- Priorities in 21
Century. 27-28 February 2006,
(Abstract):30-33, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun
  ( Sas. Biswas) 2006

perspectives in biodiversity related forestry education for interdisciplinary
and inter-institutional support and networking. Proceeding of National Workshop
on “
Forestry Education: Issues and
” organized by Forest Research Institute, Dehraun, 21-22 March
2006 :16-17 ( Sas. Biswas) 2006

Surveys for biodiversity studies a case study from Orissa. Proceeding of
National Conference on Forest Ecology & Environment- Priorities in 21
Century,27-28 February 2006,
(Abstract):6-8, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun
  (Arti Kala, P.Nath, PK Mallick and Sas.

traditional knowledge (ITK) integrated and biodiversity-oriented approach for
plantation: need and priorities. Proceed. International Congress on “
Cultivated Forests [Planted Forests and
Sustainable Development] with Forum on Ecosystem Goods and Services from
Planted Forests
”, 3-7 October 2006, Bilbao, Spain. (Sas. Biswas and SS

Need for
biomolecular-cum-phytogeographical prospecting of forest biodiversity for
nanotechnological characterization and application.
In: Proceedings of Conference on “Natural Products & Biodiversity: Chemsitry and Utilization”, 2-3 November, 2006. Forest Research
Institute, Dehra Dun. Uttaranchal: 45-46 (Sas. Biswas, Anup Chandra, Neelesh
Yadav and KR Rajbhandari)

Rare and
threatened conifers of India: Need and priorities for conservation assessment.
Proceeding of IUFRO – ISTS – FRI International Symposium on “Biodiversity and
Improvement of Asian Conifers during 20
th Century, 11-13 September,
2006, Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun: 2 (Abstract) Sas. Biswas (

Goods and
services of village ecosystem for livelihood- A case study of Thandi village,
Dist. Uttarkashi, Uttaranchal, India.
Johri Tarun
et al. (Eds.) Proceeding
of “
International Conference on Planted
  Ecosystem Goods & Services
Theme I: Planted Forests: Assessment and Validation of Goods and Services.
Abstracts EU-INDIA ECCP- NETFOP Project, 13-15 December 2006, Forest Research
Institute, Dehradun: 23 (Gairola, Y. and Sas. Biswas)

The forest-
plantation matrix in the Anamalais, India: a case of effective habitat use and
services from fragmented landscapes.
Johri Tarun
et al. (Eds.) Proceeding
of “
International Conference on Planted
  Ecosystem Goods & Services
Theme I: Planted Forests: Assessment and Validation of Goods and Services.
Abstracts EU-INDIA ECCP- NETFOP Project, 13-15 December 2006, Forest Research
Institute, Dehradun: 26 (PR Shankar, Sas. Biswas and RK Srivastava)

and prioritization of species specific realms for goods and services from
planted groves and forest for livelihood security.
In: Johri Tarun et al. (Eds.) Proceeding of “International Conference on Planted
  Ecosystem Goods & Services
Theme III: Community Participation in Managing Planted Forests. Abstracts.
EU-INDIA ECCP- NETFOP Project, 13-15 December 2006, Forest Research Institute,
Dehradun: 47-48 (Sas. Biswas and A. Chandra)

Eco-restoration of threatened habitats of
biodiversity significance.
Bulletin of
National Institute Ecology

Biodiversity for the Present Millennium: Global Prospects and Perspectives.
321, plates 5, photos 20. SPSK Publication, New Delhi, India. (Sas. Biswas)
2006 (BOOK)

Tropical tree
diversity and threatened heritage – A survey at Ta Prohm (Tree Temple),
Proceeding of International
Tropical Congress
2007, 2-5 Dec. 2007. p. 133 HNB Garhwal University and
International Society for Tropical Ecology. (SS Negi and Sas. Biswas)

in Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand,
94 Issue: 9 pp: 1139-1143, June 2008 (Yogesh Gairola and Sas. Biswas) 2008

Livelihood studies on willow dependent communities of Indian
trans-himalayan region with emphasis on sustainable management of bio-resource
and better well being,
Proceeding, “
Poplars, Willows and
People’s Wellbeing
23rd Session of International
Poplar Commission (FAO), 27-30 October, 2008, Beijing, PR China, FAO, Rome,
Italy: 20 (Sas. Biswas and S.Showkat Hussain)

Indian willows-based cricket bats of
International significance of trade and income.
In: Proceeding, Poplars, Willows and People’s Wellbeing”, 23rd Session of
International Poplar Commission (FAO), 27-30 October 2008, Beijing, PR China :
87, FAO, Rome, Italy (S. Showkat Hussain and Sas. Biswas )

Conservation Studies on Jardhar
Village Forest Ecosystem of Uttarakhand Himalaya, India-
In: Biswas, Sas. et
(Eds.) Proceeding of International seminar “Role of Plant Taxonomy for Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare
from 1-3 December 2008, organized by Forest research Institute, Dehradun, India
: 59 (
Arti Kala, Arti Khanduri, Anup Chandra and Sas.

Development of
Networking on Forest Invasive Species (FIS) in India, In: Biswas, Sas.
et al. (Eds.) Proceeding of
International seminar
“Role of Plant
Taxonomy for Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare
” from 1-3 December
2008, organized by Forest research Institute, Dehradun, India: 16 (Devendra
Kumar and Sas. Biswas)

Role of
Inventorization and Monitoring for Biodiversity Management and Utilization, In:
Biswas, Sas.
et al. (Eds.) Proceeding
of International seminar
“Role of Plant
Taxonomy for Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare
” from 1-3 December
2008, organized by Forest research Institute, Dehradun, India : 58 (Anup
Chandra and Sas Biswas)

of Forest Resource for Utilization and Management with Reference to the Tribal
Community of Jaunsar, Uttrakhand,
Biswas, Sas.
et al. (Eds.) Proceeding
of International seminar
“Role of Plant
Taxonomy for Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare
” from 1-3 December
2008, organized by Forest research Institute, Dehradun, India :73 (Rajiv Pandey
and Sas. Biswas)

Management of Important Obnoxious Forest Invasive Species (FIS) in India and
Control Measures, In: Biswas, Sas.
et al.
(Eds.) Proceeding of International seminar

“Role of Plant Taxonomy for Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare
” from
1-3 December 2008, organized by Forest research Institute, Dehradun, India :
100 ( Sas. Biswas and Devendra Kumar)

Country Report
on Poplars and Willows of India International Poplar Commission (IPC) 23
Session, October 26-30, 2008, Beijing, China. Prepared for National Poplar
Commission of India, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education,
Dehradun, India , pp32 (Jagdish Kishwan, Dinesh Kumar and Sas. Biswas)

Book of Abstracts: Proceeding of International
“Role of Plant Taxonomy for
Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare
” from 1-3 December 2008,
organized by Forest research Institute, Dehradun, India pp 110, 2008; Eds. :
Sas. Biswas, S Nautiyal, Veena Chandra, Anup Chandra, Meenakshi, Arti Kala,
Arti Khanduri, Terakchi Marak, Heisnam, Sapabi

Role of non-wood
forest produce (NWFP) in livelihood system for sustainable development of
biodiversity and environment in Thandi village, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand- a case
study from the Indian Himalayan region, MFP News, Centre of Minor Forest
Products (COMFORPTS) 15 (4): 5-8. 2008 (Yogesh Gairola and Sas. Biswas)

Rethinking the
causes of biodiversity loss?
A study of high altitude threatened species
in Pindari valley, Uttarakhand. Paper presented in the National Conference on :
Biodiversity : Present Status and Future Challenges, 10-12 March, 2009
organized by the University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir.
(Vasundra and Sas Biswas)

Prospecting of
floral biodiversity and need of appropriate technology transfer to traditional
practices in Garhwal Himalayan region:
A reconnaissance study. Proceeding
National Conference on : Biodiversity : Present Status and Future
Challenges, 10-12 March, 2009 organized by the University of Kashmir, Srinagar,
Jammu & Kashmir. (Yogesh Gairola and Sas Biswas)

Development of
management strategies and policy on the Indian Himalayan biodiversity emerging
through impact of climate change. Proceeding of International conference on
climate change: “
Climate Change Global
Risks, Challenges and Decisions
”, Theme 4: Preparing for the Impacts:
adapting to the Inevitable, COP-15, Lead in Congress,
10-12 March 2009
  (Sas. Biswas) 2009
IOP Conf. Series:
Earth and Environmental Science
6 (2009) 312014

Sustainable Forest Management C & I with Reference to Threat Perception
and Specific Cross- cutting issues of
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
Paper presented in the National Workshop on “Strengthening Institutional
Capacity and Stakeholders Partnerships for Implementation of Monitoring
Assessment and Reporting on Sustainable Forest Management (MAR- SFM)” organized
by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, 22-23 April 2009, pp 10 ( Sas. Biswas )

impacts of climate change in context to the adaptability and development of
bio-socio-economic management strategies : A case study on the retreat of
Rohtang Pass and Pindari Glaciers, NW Indian Himalayas
Paper for the Working Group on Climate Change
Conference & Expo 09 (WGCC Conference & Expo 09), 18th-22nd September
2009 at Mayfair London Hotel, W1K 4HR.(Sas. Biswas, Bhanu Pratap Thakur,
Vasundhara Kandpal, Arti Kala and Yogesh Gairola)

Climate change
and Retreating Gangotri Glacier in Indian Himalayas Paper for the Working Group
On Climate Change Conference & Expo 09 (WGCC Conference & Expo 09), 18th-22nd
September 2009 at Mayfair London Hotel, Mayfair London W1K 4HR. (Shikha Arora
and Sas Biswas)

Impact of degradation on the
forest biodiversity and the assessment of adopted conservation strategies
. Proceeding of
National Workshop on
“Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands”, 6-7 October
2009 organized by Centre for Social Forestry & Eco-rehabilitation,
Allahabad under Forest Research Institute, Dehradu : 9, Key Lecture
  (Sas. Biswas, Anup Chandra, Arti Kala and
Arti Khanduri)

Biodiversity of India and Dependent Community: Need for Value Addition and IPR
Integration. Paper presented in
World Forestry Congress, “Forests in
Development- a Vital Balance”, WFC 2009/ CFM 2009 18-25 October 2009 held in
Buenos Aires, Argentina 
(Terakchi K. Marak and Sas. Biswas) 2009

Need for
characterization of forest biodiversity significant heritage sites. Proceeding
of IV National Forestry Conference, 9-11 November 2009, Forest Research
Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 26 (Sas. Biswas, Arti Kala, Arti Khanduri
and Yogesh Gairola)

management strategies for Man- Elephant conflict in Rajaji National Park,
Uttarakhand. Proceeding of IV National Forestry Conference, 9-11 November 2009,
Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 78 (Manjari Malviya
and Sas. Biswas)

Forest invasive
species of Dudhwa National Park, Uttar Pradesh and management strategies.
Proceeding of IV National Forestry Conference, 9-11 November 2009, Forest
Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 193-194 ( Arti Khanduri, Arti
Kala and Sas. Biswas)

impacts of climate change in context to the adaptability and development of
bio-socio- economic management strategies: A case study on the retreat of
Rohtang Pass and Pindari glaciers, NW Indian Himalayas. Proceeding of IV
National Forestry Conference, 9-11 November 2009, Forest Research Institute,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 209 (Sas. Biswas, Bhanu Pratap Thakur, Vasundhara
Kandpal and Yogesh Gairola)

characterization of low altitudinal evergreen forest of the Anamalai hills,
western Ghats, India. Proceeding of IV National Forestry Conference, 9-11
November 2009, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 228 (
PR Shankar, Sas. Biswas and RK Srivastava)

Land- use planning for bamboo community.
Proceeding of IV National Forestry Conference, 9-11 November 2009, Forest
Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 262 ( Terakchi K Marak and
Sas. Biswas)

Invasive alien
species of village forest ecosystem ( Dikhol Village, Tehri Garhwal) and
management strategy. Proceeding of 4
th Uttarakhand State Science
& Technology Congress, 11-12 November, 2009, p 101 ( Arti Khanduri and Sas.

support of Jageshwar village forest, Kumaon, Uttarakhand with reference to
biodiversity management. Proceeding of 4
th Uttarakhand State Science
& Technology Congress, 11-12 November, 2009, p 101 ( Arti Khanduri and Sas.

Bamboo as renewable natural resource. Paper presented in the
International Conference on “
& Energy Conservation
” organized by Graphic Era Deemed University,
Dehradun, 27- 28 November 2009, Technical Session 3(Session Theme: Renewable
  Sources Private Sector
  ( Sas. Biswas) 2009
[ Session Speaker]

Constitution of
  National Poplar
Commission- India (NPC). Draft prepared
and presented in the Core Group Members Meeting of  NPC organized by Indian Council of Forestry
Research & Education , Dehradun, 3
rd December 2009. pp 25 ( Sas.

Disaster in slow
motion for rapid action and management- a concern of invasive alien species.
Paper presented in Training programme for the officers of Indian Forest Service
Disaster Management in Forestry Sector
organized by Forest Research Institute, Dehradun
  and National Institute of Disaster
Management, New Delhi at Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand,
India, 18-22 January, 2010 pp (Sas. Biswas)

Biodiversity Management and Value Addition for Sustainable Development : Need
for Strengthening Institutional Structures and Capacity Building. Proceeding of
National Seminar on Productivity
Enhancement and Value Addition of Bamboos
”, 9 – 10 March, 2010 organized by
the Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi and Jharkhand State Forest
Development Corporation Limited , 1-2, (
Sas. Biswas)
2010 [
Paper presented as Key
note address]

NRM: Challenges
and Opportunities. Lecture delivered to the Post Graduate students of Natural
Resource course, School of Environment & Natural Resources of Doon
University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 9
th April 2010 (Sas. Biswas) 2010

Property Rights (IPR) and Biosafety. Special Lecture delivered to the newly
recruited scientists of Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education,
Dehradun, 12
th April 2010 (Sas. Biswas) 2010

alien species- a massive but slow way to catastrophes. In: AK Gupta and SS Nair
(Eds.) “Environmental knowledge for
disaster risk management
”, 10-11 May 2011:101-105 ek DRM Secretariat,
National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi-11002 ( Sas. Biswas) 2011

Strengthening Institutional  Structures 
to  Implement  the Biological Diversity Act with reference
to the Biodiversity Conservation of Jharkhand 
State, India.
of 1
st Indian Forestry Congress, New Delhi, 22- 25 November 2011
organized by Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun,
Uttarakhand. Theme 4: Forest Biodiversity and landscapes: 309- 310
(Sas. Biswas) 2011

conservation in context to sustainable land and ecosystem management (SLEM)
mainstreaming and up-scaling. Proceeding of 1
st Indian Forestry
Congress, New Delhi, 22- 25 November 2011 organized by Indian Council of
Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Theme 4: Forest
Biodiversity and landscapes: 298 – 299 (Rabindra Kumar, D. Verma, SK Sharma and
Sas. Biswas) 2011

strategy for the dissemination of the outcome of baseline study on the
biodiversity conservation component of SLEM-CPP, TFO, ICFRE. Proceeding of 1
Indian Forestry Congress, New Delhi, 22- 25 November 2011 organized by Indian
Council of Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun, Uttarakhand (D.
  Sas. Biswas,  SK Sharma and
Nivedita M. Thapliyal)

A surrogate approach in the arena of diversity
studies in
Dendrocalamus strictus
(Roxb.) Nees through morphological parameters and protein profiling. Proceeding
of 9th World Bamboo Congress (WBC),
Antwerp, Belgium 10-15 April, 2012 (SR Malik,
Sas.Biswas and M. Bakshi)

Role of Poplars
and Willows in Improving Quality of Lives of People in Badgaum District, Jammu
and Kashmir, India. “
Improving lives with
Poplars and Willows
”, Working Party on Environmental Applications of
Poplars and Willows, Proceedings of 24
th  Session of International Poplar Commission,
October 30
th  –November 2nd
, 2012 Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India: 166-167, Working Paper IPC/1 Food &
Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy (
Sas. Biswas and Musadiq) 2012

Biodiversity for
water, Water for Life. Special lecture delivered in
a programme on “World Biodiversity Day” on 22nd
May organized by
Dolphin (PG) Institute of
Biomedical & Natural Sciences, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
[Sas. Biswas] 2013

Orchid growing for
community development and livelihood in Uttarakhand, Special lecture delivered
  the Training Workshop on “Entrepreneurship Development Programme on
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants”,
organized by Dolphin (PG) Institute of
Biomedical & Natural Sciences,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, 27 May to 2 June 2013 [ Sas. Biswas] 2013

cases of urban biodiversity of north Indian metropolis: management approach and
 Paper presented in National Seminar on “Management of
Urban Biodiversity-
  MUBIBCS – 2014”
organised by Christ University, Bangalore, Karnataka , 1-2 September 2014,
pp1-4 ( Sas. Biswas)

Hotspots of biodiversity significance for community
based sustainable tourism.
of Garden City College , Bangalore, India 1(2): 36-41
Biswas, Sas

of municipal solid waste [MSW] involving peri-urban and forest communities:
Need for awareness and employment potential.
Paper presented in Training
Programme “
Employment through Solid Waste
” under Entrepreneurship Development Programme in  Biotech Based Industry” organized by Dolphin
[PG] Institute
  of Bio-medical &  Natural Sciences in association with
Uttarakhand State Biotechnology
Department, Government of Uttarakhand
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 22-27 September 2014, pp1-4. Sas. Biswas

Hotspots of biodiversity significance for community
based sustainable tourism. Paper presented in
International Conference
organized by the Department of
Tourism, Garden City College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India on  
and Community Development”
 ,  10th
October 2014.
Biswas, Sas [2014]

Biodiversity of Indian Ports in corridors of urban
ecosystems with reference to Kochi and Kolkata, India – Need for impact and
conservation assessment. Proceeding of UGC sponsored
National Seminar on urban environmental issues with special focus on
, Kerala, 2-3 December 2014 organized by Department of Zoology,
Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Thevara, Kochi (Book of Abstracts) : 23-26
Biswas, Sas; Sebastian, Jis, Mathew Milu [2014]

techniques for processing bamboo shoots in northeast India as food resource.
International Journal of Current Research
7(3): 13524-13528 [2015] Nzilo Kithan, Sandhya Goswami and Sas. Biswas [




Popular Articles (
  Brochure, T.V. Programme,
Pamphlets , Handouts)


marvels of the Botanical Garden of Forest Research Institute, Dehradun.
Bhoomi– A Delhi Doodarshan Presentation
on 21
st August 2005, sponsored by Ministry of Environment &
Forests, Government of India, New Delhi, Cinema Vision, Mumbai, India. (Biswas,

of Forest Research Institute, Dehradun (Biswas, Sas.)

Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun(Biswas, Sas.)

of Forest Research Institute , Dehradun –

Van Vigyan Kendra Ki Vriksha Vividhta (Tree diversity of Centenary Forest
Science Centre, City Campus, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun-

Tree Diversity of Shatabdi Van Vigyan Kendra, Forest Research Institute.
Bhoomi– A Delhi Doordarshan
Presentation on 10
th February 2007 sponsored by Ministry of
Environment & Forests, Government of India, New Delhi, Cinema Vision,
Mumbai, India. (Biswas, Sas.)

ki bans vibhinnata avam prajatiyon ki pahachan (Bamboo diversity of India and
species diagnostics) In Hindi (Biswas, Sas.)

FRI ki
state-of –the art Bans Vatika, Aaj tak Dilli TV Channel , August 2009





“Conservation of Biodiversity in India  : Status, Challenges and Efforts Indian Council of Forestry Research
& Education, Dehradun pp 257
Rawat, JK, Srivastava, S,
Sas. Biswas and
Vasistha, HB).

“Indian Biodiversity for the Present Millennium:
Global Prospects and Perspectives”.
pp 321, plates 5, photos 20. SPSK
Publication, New Delhi, India. (

“Book of
Proceeding of International seminar
of Plant Taxonomy for Biodiversity Management and Human Welfare
” from 1-3
December 2008, organized by Forest research Institute, Dehradun, India pp 110,
Eds. : Sas. Biswas, S Nautiyal, Veena Chandra, Anup Chandra, Meenakshi, Arti
Kala, Arti Khanduri, Terakchi Marak, Heisnam, Sapabi