Publication List


1) Sudip Ray, S. Mujaffar and S. Mishra. 2011. Ethnomedicinal plants used by tribals of East Nimar, Madhya Pradesh. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 10(2):367-371. ISSN: 0975-1068 

2) S. Mujaffar Sudip R., Anis S. and C.M. Solanki. 2010. Wall Flora of Burhanpur     (M.P.). National Journal of Life Sciences, 7(3):131-133.  ISSN:0972-995X 

3) S. Mujaffar, Sudip R and S.S. Mehra. 2012. Ethno-medicinal trends of Fabaceae in East Nimar (M.P.) India Journal of Tropical Forestry. 28(III):68-71. ISSN:0970-1494 

4) S. Mujaffar, N. Qureshi and C.M. Yasin. 2012. Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr. (Menispermaceae): A new record to the flora of Madhya Pradesh. Biosci. Biotech.    Res. Comm. 5(2):214-216. ISSN:6455 

5) S. Mujaffar 2012. Studies on the Flora of East Nimar Region, Madhya Pradesh. Life Science Bulletin, 9(1):187-190. ISSN:0973-5453 

6) S. Mujaffar, S. Mishra and C.M Solanki. 2012. Amorphophallus konkanensis Hett.Yadav & Patil. A new record from Madhya Pradesh, India. Science Research reporter 2(3):298-301. ISSN:2249-2321

7) S. Mujaffar, C.M. Solanki and S. Ray. 2012. Salvadora alii (Salvadoraceae): A new record for India. Rheedea. 22(2):80-82. ISSN: 0971-2313 

8) S. Mujaffar, C.M. Yasin and C.M. Solanki. 2013. A new variety of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers (Menispermaceae) from Madhya Pradesh, India. India forester139(2):175-177. ISSN:0019-4816 

9) S. Mujaffar, C.M Yasin, S. Moinuddin and S. Mustakim. 2013. Typhonium  khandwaense, A new species from Madhya Pradesh, India. Bioscience Discovery 4(1):25-29. ISSN:2229-3469 

10) V.S. Deoda, S. Mujaffar & S. Mishra. 2013. Aquatic flowering plants of Nagchun wetland, Khandwa, M.P. India. Journal for Research Studies-Interdisciplinary for Science & Social Sciences 2(1):55-63. ISSN:2277-839X 

11) S. Mujaffar1, Shakun Mishrab, V.S. Deodab, S. Moinuddinb & S. Mustakimb. 2013. Orchid species Diversity of East Nimar, Madhya Pradesh, India. International Journal of plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences vol. 3 (4):222-230. ISSN:2231-4490 

12). S. Mujaffar1, S K Shukla2 & Shakun Mishra3 2013. Some Angiospermic Plants New To Central India. Science Research Reporter 3(2):102-105. ISSN:2249-2321 

13). S. Mujaffar, S. Moinuddin & S. Mustakim 2014. Tinospora maqsoodianaA New Species from Madhya Pradesh, India. Indian Forester 140(5):528-530. ISSN:0019-4816.

14) Shaikh Mujaffar, A.N. Chandore& S.R. Yadav 2014. Eleocharis khandwaensis sp. nov. (Cyperaceae) from the Madhya Pradesh, India.  Nordic Journal of Botany 32:710-712. ISSN:  

15) Shaikh Mujaffar, Sharad K. Kambale& Shrirang R. Yadav 2015. An extended Distribution of Ceropegia odorata Nimmo Ex. Graham (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) to the State of Madhya Pradesh, India. Journal of threatened taxa 7(1) 6830-6832. ISSN: 0974-7907. 

16)  Deoda V.S. Yadav P.C. Mishra S., Dubey K., More A. & Shaikh Mujaffar 2015. Aquatic plant Diversity of Bakri Wetland, Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. Journal of Contemporary Science 8-12.  ISSN: 2278-8418

17) S. Mujaffar, & A. N. Chandore 2015. Eleocharis lankana T. Koyama subsp. mohamadii Wadood Khan (Cyperaceae) – A New Record for Madhya Pradesh State (India). Indian forester 141 (4):471-472. ISSN : 2321-094X