Name                                                  : 


Designation                                        :   Assistant Professor


Address for Correspondence           :   Department of Botany

Yogi Vemana University


KADAPA – 516 003



Area of research
: Plant Taxonomy, Biodiversity Conservation,
Medicinal plants and Lichenology


of Project




scale cultivation and commercialization of elite varieties of Banana for
Rayalaseema region. 


Science Project Ministries of Industries and Commerce Govt. of Andhra Pradesh




situ Conservation of wild medicinal plants Agri Science Park Project Sponsored
by Ministries of Industries and Commerce Govt. of Andhra Pradesh


Science Project Ministries of Industries and Commerce Govt. of Andhra Pradesh




Assessment and Bioprospection of lichens in Rayalaseema forests of Andhra
Pradesh, India.  (In Collaboration with
NBRI, Lucknow, UP, India.)




Details of significant
paper publications:


1. Anjali D.B.,
Mohabe S
Reddy, A.,
Nayaka S. (2015). Antimicrobial   activities of 2-Propanol crude extract from
lichen Parmotrema tinctorum
(Despr.ex.Nyl.) Hale, collected from Eastern Ghats, India. Current Research in Environmental
& Applied Mycology
(CREAM) 5 (3): 160–168 (2015) ISSN

2. S. Mohabe, Nayaka S., Madhusudhana Reddy, A. and Anjali Devi B. (2015).
Stigmatochroma microspora
(Physciaceae), a new species from India. Journal on New Biological Reports, 4(2): 127 – 131. .  ISSN
2319 –1104 (Online)

3. Anjali D.B., Mohabe S., Madhusudhana Reddy, A., Nayaka S., Ponmurugan P. and Ayyappadasan G.
(2015).  Efficacy of a potential lichen Parmotrema
(Müll. Arg.) Hale against pathogenic microorganisms. Journal on New
Biological Reports, JNBR
149 – 156.
 ISSN 2319 –1104 (Online)

4. Mohabe
S., Nayaka S., Madhusudhana Reddy,
and Anjali D.B. (2015). Diorygma kurnoolensis (Graphidaceae),
a new species of saxicolous lichen from Southern India. Geophytology
45(1): 47-50. ISSN 0376 –5561 (Online)

5. Anjali
D.B., Mohabe S.,
Madhusudhana Reddy, A., Nayaka S., Ponmurugan P. and Ayyappadasan G.
(2014). Antimicrobial Activity of
Lichen Roccella montagnei Bél.
obtained from Horsley hills, Andhra Pradesh, India.
In Bioactives from
Natural Products (Eds. Madhusudhana Rao J.). Proceedings of Andhra Pradesh
Academy of Sciences, Special Issue  Volume-16(1)
January –June, 2014.  pp 13–20.

6. Fathima Nazneen, H., Arun kumar
naik, B., Chandramati Shankar, P., and Madhusudhana
Reedy., A.
2014: Comparative studies
of effect of some plant growth regulators and coconut water on callus induction
in Tinospora cordifolia
(Willd) – A
Medicinal plant.
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. Vol.
5, Issue, 11, pp. 2072-2077, November, 2014.
(ISSN 0976-3031)

7. Madhusudana Reddy, A., 
Priyadarsini, P., and  Ravi Prasad
Rao, B. 2014: Arthraxon nudus and Ischaemum commutatum (poaceae), New distributional
records for Andhra Pradesh.  J.
Econ. Taxon. Bot. Vol. 38 No.1: 21-23 ISSN: 2050-9768

8. Satish Mohabe, Madhusudhana Reddy, A.,   Anjali Devi
B., Sanjeeva Nayaka and Chandramati Shankar P. 201
4: Further new additions to the Lichen
mycota of Andhra Pradesh, India.
Journal of Threatened Taxa. 6(8):
6122 – 6126  ISSN 0974-7907

9. Rajagopal Reddy, S.,
Madhusudhana Reddy, A
., 2014:
Traditional medicinal plants used
by tribal people of Jyothi reserve forest,
YSR District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
 International  Journal of Scientific Research.
Vol. 3 (6) June – 2014  pp.51-52 . ISSN: No.

10. Anjali Devi B., Satish Mohabe, Madhusudhana Reddy,
Sanjeeva Nayaka and Chandramati Shankar P. 2013:
 Diversity and Distribution of lichens in YSR district, Andhra Pradesh with several new additions. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences ISSN: 2319-3824.  2013Vol. 2 (4) October-December, pp.1-9/Anjali
et al.

11. Raghavendra, M., Madhusudhana reddy,
Pulala Raghuveer Yadav, Sudharshan raju,
  A., Siva kumar, L. 2013:  Comparative studies on the in vitro antioxidant
properties of methanolic leafy extracts from six edible leafy vegetables of
.  Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 6, Issue 3, 2013,

12. Sanjeeva
Nayaka, Madhusudhana Reddy, A.,  Ponmurugan, P.,  Anjali Devi, B., Ayyappadasan, G.     Upreti, D.K.   2013:
Eastern Ghats, biodiversity reserves with unexplored lichen wealth. CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL.
104, NO. 5, 10 MARCH 2013.

13. Vijayalakshmi,
N., Madhusudhana Reddy, A., 
Jayaveera, K.N.,   Muralidhara
Rao, D. 2012:  PCR
 Standerdisation & DNA Barcoding to assess
the variation in DNA among the species with Hildegardia populifolia.  
International Journal of
Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (e-ISSN: 2230-7605). Vol. 2 Issue 3/

14. Uma Maheswari, Madhusudhana Reddy, A.,  Rambabu, 
Basha, S.K.M.  2012: Traditional medicinal flora
habituated in various regions of YSR (Kadapa) District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied
Life Sciences ISSN: 2231-6345 (Online) An Online International Journal
Available at 2012 Vol. 2 (3) July-September,
pp.162-175/Maheswari et al.

15. Rajagopal Reddy, S., Madhusudhana
Reddy, A
., and Yasodamma, N. 2012:
Exploration of Wild Ornamental Flora of YSR District, Andhra Pradesh,
 Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences  2012 Vol. 2 (1) January- March, pp.192 -199
/Reddy et al. ISSN: 2231-6345 (Online)

16. Madhusudhana Reddy, A.,
Nayaka, S., Chandramati Shankar, P., 
Rajagoal Reddy, S., Ravi Prasad Rao, B. 2011: New distributional records and checklist of lichens for Andhra Pradesh,
Indian Forester. Vol. 137: 1371-1376.  ISSN 
0019 – 4816

17. Rajagopal Reddy, S., Madhusudhana Reddy, A.,  
Philomina., N. S., and N. Yasodamma
Ethnobotanical survey of Sheshachala
hill range of Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh, India
.  Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences  2011 Vol. 1 (4) October- December,
pp.324-329/Reddy et al. ISSN: 2231-6345 (Online)


18. Boyina Ravi Prasad Rao, Madha Venkata Suresh Babu, Araveeti Madhusudhana
, S. Sunitha and Mohammad
Ahmedullah. 2011: Conservation status of Hildegardia
(Roxb.) Schott & Endl.
(Malvaceae-Sterculioideae-Sterculieae), an Endemic of Southern Peninsular
India. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 3(8): 2018-2022. ISSN 0974-7907

19. Ravi Prasad Rao, B., Madhusudhan Reddy, A., Priyadarsini, P.,
Sadasivaiah, B., and  Khadar Basha, S.
2011: Themeda villosa (Poiret) A.
Camus, Tripogon trifidus Munro ex
Stapf (Poaceae). New distributional records for south India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.

20. Ravi Prasad Rao, B., Suresh
Babu, M.V., Sridhar Reddy, M.,
Madhusudhana Reddy, A.,
Rao, V., Sunitha, S., & Ganeshaiah, K.N. 2011:  Sacred
Groves in Southern Eastern Ghats, India are their better managed than forest
Tropical Ecology 52 (1): 79-90. ISSN 0564-3295

21. Ravi Prasad Rao, B.,
Madhusudhana Reddy, A.
Two little known grass of India. Indian Forester. Vol. 136: 

22. Ravi
Prasad Rao, B., Madhusudhana Reddy, A.  Khadar Basha, S., & Sadasivaiah, B.
2010: Two endemic grasses India,
additions to flora of Andhra
Pradesh, India.
Econ. Tax. Bot. Vol. 34 (2): 
394 – 397. (Alloteropsis
semialata &        Arundinella

23. Mahdhusudhana Reddy, A. & Ravi
Prasad Rao, B. 2009: Isachne albens Trin.  (Poaceae)
a new distributional record for Peninsular India
. J. Indian Bot. Soc. Vol.89 (3&4): 158-159 ISSN 0019-4468

24. Ravi Prasad Rao, B., Sadasivaiah, B., Sunitha, S., & Madhusudhana Reddy, A. 2009: Occurrence
of East Himalayan floral elements in the
Eastern Ghats
of Andhra Pradesh: I. Gasses. Pleione 3(1):  40 – 44. ISSN 0973-9467

25. Mahdhusudhana Reddy, A., Sadasivaiah,
B., Subbaiah, K.V., Suresh Babu, M.V. & Ravi Prasad Rao, B. 2009: Three new distributional records  of Poaceae for Andhara Pradesh, Indian. J. Eco.Tax.Bot. Vol. 33 No.2:
411-413. ISSN 0250-9768

26. Ravi Prasad Rao, B., Mahdhusudhana Reddy, A., Sadasivaiah,
B.,  Subbaiah, K. V., &  Sunitha, S., 
2009: Two  new distributional  records 
of Poaceae for Peninsular  India
J. Econ. Tax. Bot. Vol. 33
No.2: 434-436.

27. Mahdhusudhana Reddy, A. & Rajagopal
Reddy, C.  2008: Medicinal plants for Human Welfare. Dravidian
Herbal Heritage and Modern Clinical System. 52-55.

28. Mahdhusudhana Reddy, A.,  Sunitha, S. & Ravi Prasad Rao, B.
2005: Paspialum Conjugatum Berg.
(Poaceae) a new record to Andhara Pradesh, India
. J. Bom. Nat Hist.Soc.
102 (2), 259-260. ISSN 0006-6982

29. Mahdhusudhana Reddy, A., Sunitha, S. &
Ravi Prasad Rao, B. 2004: Cyrtococcum deccainense Bor. (Poaceae) a new record to Andhara
Pradesh, India.
J .Econ. Tax .Bot.
Vol.28 No.1. 84-86.

30. Ravi Prasad Rao, B., 
Jyaprada, C., Sandhya Rani, S., Sri Rama Murthy, K.,  Srinivasulu, K.V.,  Madhusudhana Reddy, A. &  Pullaiah, T.
2003: Additions to the Flora of Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh. J. Econ. Tax .Bot. Vol.27: 1151-1159.

31. Ravi Prasad Rao, B. & Madhusudhana Reddy, A. 2003: Plant Resources Conservation in Anantapur
District through watershed approach a case study
. Plant Diversity, Human
Welfare and Conservation. 329 -332.

32. Varada Rajulu, A., Babu Rao, G., 
Ravi Prasad Rao, B., Madhusudhana
, A.,  Jisong He & jun Zhang 2002: Properties
of Ligno- Cellulose fiber of Hidegardia populifolia.
J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Vol.84: 2216-2221 ISSN

33. Sunitha S., Madhusudhana
Reddy, A.,
& Ravi Prasad Rao, B. 
2002: Kaempferia rotunda L., a new report to Andhara Pradesh, India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 26:1.156-158.

34. Mahdhusudhana Reddy, A.,  Sunitha, S.  & Ravi Prasad Rao, B. 2002;
Brachiaria brizantha (A.Rich)Stapf, (Poaceae) a new report to
peninsular India.
J. Econ. Tax.
Bot. 26:1.166-168.


35. S. Mohabe, B. Anjali Devi, A. Madhusudhana
Reddy, S. Nayaka and P. Chandramati Shankar (2015). In Biodiversity in India (Eds.
T. Pulaiah and S. Sandhya Rani). An appraisal of lichen biota in Chittoor
district of Andhra Pradesh, India. Regency Publications a division of Astral
International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. Vol. 8, 247-298. (in press).

36. Mahdhusudhana Reddy, A. & Ravi
Prasad Rao, B. 2011: Medicinal
Plants and ethnobotanical impotance of Palakonda Hill Ranges of Kadapa
District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Herbal perspectives present and
future. SSPH Publisher, New Delhi. 125-134. ISBN No. 8189304-91-7

37. Ravi Prasad Rao, B., B. Sadasivaiah, P.
Madhusudana Reddy
*, S. Sunitha, A. Lakshmaiah, K.
Venkata Subbaih, J. Narahari Prasad, S. Khadar Basha, M.V. Suresh Babu, and
P.Venkateswara Prasanna. 2011:
A Conspectus of
the Tribe: Eragrostideae (Poaceae) in Andhra Pradesh, India. In (ed. Pullaiah,
T. ) Biodiversity in India. Vol.
IV.259-291 Daya Publishing House, New Delhi. ISBN No.: 8189233203.

38. Madhusudana Reddy, A., 2014: Ex situ Conservation of Wild
Medicinal Plants at Botanical Garden, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa
. In (ed. Pullaiah, T. ) Biodiversity in India. Vol. 7.265-272 Regency Publications, New
Delhi. ISBN No.: 978-81-89233.

39. Madhusudhana Reddy,
& Ravi Prasad Rao, B. 2011: Two new records of  forest grasses for Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian Forester (Bothriochloa bladhii & Pseudechinolaena
). (Accepted)

40. Madhusudana
, A., 
Priyadarsini, P., and  Ravi Prasad
Rao, B. 2011: arthraxon nudus and Ischaemum commutatum (poaceae), New
distributional records for Andhra Pradesh.
J. Econ. Tax. Bot. (Accepted)

41. Anjali D.B., Mohabe S., Madhusudhana
Reddy, A.,
Nayaka S. (2015). Antimicrobial
  activities of 2-Propanol crude extract
from lichen Parmotrema tinctorum
(Despr.ex.Nyl.) Hale, collected from Eastern Ghats, India. Current Research in Environmental
& Applied Mycology
(CREAM) x (x): x–x (2015) ISSN 2229-2225 (In Press)


42. S. Mohabe, Nayaka S., Madhusudhana Reddy, A. and Anjali Devi B. (2015). Stigmatochroma microspora (Physciaceae),
a new species from India. Journal on New Biological Reports, 4(2): 127 – 131. .  ISSN
2319 –1104 (Online)


43. Anjali D.B., Mohabe S., Madhusudhana Reddy, A., Nayaka S., Ponmurugan P. and Ayyappadasan G. (2015).  Efficacy of a potential lichen Parmotrema andinum (Müll. Arg.)
Hale against pathogenic microorganisms. Journal on New Biological Reports, JNBR
4(2): 149 – 156.  ISSN 2319 –1104 (Online)


44. Mohabe
S., Nayaka S., Madhusudhana Reddy, A. and
Anjali D.B. (2015). Diorygma
a new species of saxicolous lichen from Southern India. Geophytology
45(1): 47-50. ISSN 0376 –5561 (Online)


45. Anjali D.B., Mohabe S., Madhusudhana
Reddy, A.,
Nayaka S., Ponmurugan P. and Ayyappadasan G.
(2014). Antimicrobial Activity of Lichen Roccella montagnei Bél. obtained from
Horsley hills, Andhra Pradesh, India.
In Bioactives from Natural Products
(Eds. Madhusudhana Rao J.). Proceedings of Andhra Pradesh Academy of Sciences,
Special Issue pp Volume-16(1) January –June, 2014. pp13–20.


46. Fathima Nazneen, H., Arun kumar naik, B., Chandramati Shankar, P.,
and Madhusudhana Reedy., A. 2014: Comparative studies of effect of some plant
growth regulators and coconut water on callus induction in Tinospora cordifolia
(Willd) – A Medicinal plant.
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. Vol. 5, Issue, 11, pp.
2072-2077, November, 2014.