[Details: First serial number and then followed by title of the Research Paper, name of the Book or

Journal, publisher, pages and the year of publication]

1. Therapeutic potential of Giloe, Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook. f. & Thomson (Menispermaceae): The Magical Herb of Ayurveda, Review Article, International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives 4(4): 558 – 584; 2013

2. Ethnobotanical Studies on some Weeds of Gujarat, in series Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants, Vol. 1 Ethnomedicine and Pharmacognosy (Eds. V.K.Sing, J.N.Govil and Gurdip Sing) SCI TECH PUBLISHING LLC, Houston, Texas, USA, 33-40 pp; 2002.

3. Ethnobotanical wealth of the “DRUK-YUL” (Bhutan), Journal of Economic Taxonomic Botany, 23(1), 94-98; 1999. [Also included in the book, “Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plants of Indian Subcontinent”, compiled by J. K. Maheshwari.]

4. Phytosociological analysis of weed communities in Saurashtra, Geophytology, 26 (2), 89-94; 1997.

5. The Flow of Energy in some Agroecosystems of Saurashtra, India, Journal of the Indian
Botanical Society, 76, 47-50; 1997.

6. Analysis of some Agroecosystems of Saurashtra (India) with special reference to Melilotus indica a weed, Indian Journal of applied and Pure Biology. 12 (1), 37-42; 1997

7. A synoptic account of the weeds and wayside plants of Eastern-Bhutan, Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 75, 49-51; 1996.

8. Medico-ethnobotanical value of Saurashtra weeds, Journal of Economic Taxonomic Botany Additional series, 12 [also included in the book, “Ethnobotany in South Asia”], 166-168; 1996.

9. Distribution studies on exotic weeds of Saurashtra (India), Advances in Plant Sciences, 9 (1), 23-32; 1996

10. Ecological assessment on Agroecosystems of Saurashtra, with special reference to weeds, Advances in Plant Sciences, 9 (1), 153-158; 1996

11. Nutrient dynamics in the Semiarid Agroecosystems of Saurashtra (Gujarat), India., Journal of the Indian Botanical Society, 74, 353-354; 1995

12. Studies on weed flora of Saurashtra, India, Journal of Economic Taxonomic Botany, 19 (2) 371-383; 1995

13. Ecological assessment on crop-weed associations of Saurashtra (India), Geobios New Reports, 13, 167-170; 1994

14. Distribution studies on weed flora of Diu, an island, Advances in Plant Sciences, 3(2) 183-188, 1990

15. Ecological studies of crop-weed association of Gram (Cicer arictimum L.) crop fields at Rajkot (Gujarat), Advances in Plant Sciences, 2(1), 10-18; 1989.

16. And few more…. plus “Manuscript of a Book entitled ‘Weird world of Plants’ is in final stage.”