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10. Daniels, A.E.D. 2015a. The epiphyllous liverworts of the Southern
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11. Daniels, A.E.D. 2015b. Diversity
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12. Daniels, A.E.D.  & N.D.
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13. Daniels, A.E.D. & P. Daniel 2002. Two new species of Riccia L. (Hepaticae: Marchantiales) from the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu.  Bull.  Bot. Surv. India. 44: 135 – 140.

14. Daniels, A.E.D. & P. Daniel 2003a. Fissidens
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15. Daniels, A.E.D. & P. Daniel 2003b. Additions to the bryoflora of Peninsular India. Indian
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16. Daniels, A.E.D. & P. Daniel 2003c. An Addition to the bryoflora of India. Bull. Bot. Surv. India.
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17. Daniels, A.E.D. & P. Daniel 2004. Leptolejeunea
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18. Daniels, A.E.D. & P. Daniel 2005. Additions to the moss flora of the Indian mainland. Bull. Bot.
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19. Daniels, A.E.D. & P. Daniel 2007a. Name changes in two Indian Liverworts. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 49:
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20. Daniels, A.E.D. & P. Daniel 2007b. The mosses of the southern Western Ghats. In Nath, V. & A.K. Asthana (ed.), Current Trends in Bryology, 227 – 243.
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21. Daniels, A.E.D. & P. Daniel 2008a. The liverwort Schistochila
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22. Daniels, A.E.D. & P. Daniel 2008b. Frullania ceylanica Nees (Frullaniaceae) –
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25. Daniels, A.E.D. & P. Daniel 2013. The Bryoflora of the Southernmost Western Ghats, India. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal
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26. Daniels, A.E.D & R. Felix
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27. Daniels, A.E.D. & K.C. Kariyappa 2007.
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28. Daniels, A.E.D. & K.C. Kariyappa 2012.
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29. Daniels, A.E.D. & K.C. Kariyappa 2012.
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30. Daniels, A.E.D. & K.C. Kariyappa 2013.
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31. Daniels, A.E.D. & K.C. Kariyappa. Pseudosymblepharis subduriuscula (Pottiaceae)– new to India from the Western Ghats. Nelumbo 56: (in press).


32. Daniels, A.E.D. & K.C.
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33. Daniels, A.E.D., K.C. Kariyappa
& P. Daniel 2010a. A new species of Spruceanthus Verd. (Hepaticae: Jungermanniales)
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34. Daniels, A.E.D., K.C. Kariyappa & P. Daniel 2010b.
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35. Daniels, A.E.D., K.C. Kariyappa
& P. Daniel 2011a. The liverwort Thysananthus
(Reinw. et al.) Lindenb. (Lejeuneaceae) long-lost in India rediscovered.
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36. Daniels, A.E.D., K.C. Kariyappa
& P. Daniel 2011b. Two species of Daltonia
Hook. & Taylor (Hookeriaceae: Bryophyta) new to the moss
flora of India. Nelumbo 53: 133 – 139.

37. Daniels, A.E.D., K.C. Kariyappa & P. Daniel 2011c. The moss genus Ochrobryum Mitt. (Leucobryaceae) added to the bryoflora of the Western Ghats. Nelumbo 53: 155 – 160.       


38. Daniels, A.E.D., K.C. Kariyappa, J.L. Mabel, R.D.A. Raja & P.
Daniel 2010. The overlooked and rare
liverwort Frullania ramuligera (Nees)
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39. Daniels, A.E.D., K.C. Kariyappa & R. Sreebha 2013. Rediscovery
of Trichostomum hyalinoblastum (Broth.) Broth., an elusive moss endemic
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40. Daniels, A.E.D., K.C. Kariyappa & R. Sreebha 2014. On the
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41. Daniels,
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43. Daniels, A.E.D. & J.L. Mabel 2013. Two new records of mosses for
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Biosphere Reserve in the Western Ghats. J.
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110: 90 – 92.

44. Daniels, A.E.D., J.L. Mabel
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Biosphere Reserve. Nelumbo 53: 145 – 154.

45. Daniels, A.E.D., R.D.A.
Raja & P. Daniel 2010.
Indopottia zanderi (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta)
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46. Daniels, A.E.D. & R.D.A.
Raja 2011. The New Guinean Thysananthus appendiculatus Steph.
discovered in the Western Ghats of India.
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47. Daniels, A.E.D. &
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Steph. (Lejeuneaceae)
discovered in the Western  Ghats of India’ by
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48.  Daniels, A.E.D., D.G. Long, K.C. Kariyappa
& P. Daniel 2012. Anastrophyllum aristatum (Herzog ex N.Kitag.)
A.E.D. Daniels et al., comb. et stat. nov. (Marchantiophyta: Anastrophyllaceae)
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49. Daniels, A.E.D., J.L. Mabel & P.
Daniel 2012. The Erpodiaceae
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50. Daniels, A.E.D. & K.C. Kariyappa 2013. Fissidens angustifolius (Fissidentaceae) –  new
to India from the Western Ghats. Evansia 30: 76 – 78.

51. Felix, R. & A.E.D.
Daniels 2012. Four mosses new to the Western Ghats and collected after
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52. Gunawardene, N.R., A.E.D. Daniels, I.A.U.N. Gunatilleke, C.V.S.
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K.G. Nayak, S. Prasad, P. Puyravaud, B.R. Ramesh, K.A. Subramanian
& G. Vasanthy 2007. A brief overview of the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka
biodiversity hotspot. Curr. Sci. 93:
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53. Kariyappa, K.C. &
A.E.D. Daniels 2010. The African moss Trachyphyllum
(Müll.Hal. ex
Broth.) Broth. (Hypnobryales: Entodontaceae)
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131 – 134.

54. Kariyappa,
K.C. & A.E.D. Daniels 2013a.
The liverwort Radula formosa (C.F.W. Meissn. ex Spreng.) Nees (Radulaceae) – new to India
from the Western Ghats and
a revised list of Radula species in
India.    Phytotaxonomy 13: 67 – 71.

55. Kariyappa,
K.C. & A.E.D. Daniels 2013b. T
he moss Distichophyllum ceylanicum (Mitt.) Paris – new to the bryoflora of India from the Western Ghats. Acta  Bot.
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247 – 250.

56. Kariyappa, K.C. & A.E.D. Daniels 2015. Leptolejeunea epiphylla (Lejeuneaceae):
a new addition to the Western Ghats
. Taprobanica 7: 98.

57. Kariyappa, K.C. & A.E.D. Daniels 2015. Seasonal variations influencing the bryophyte
diversity of monoculture plantations
in the Southern Western Ghats. In: Laladhas K.P. & al. (ed.), Biodiversity
Conservation – challenges for future
223 – 228.  Bentham Sci. Pub. (Online).

58. Raja,
R.D.A. &
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Gottsche ex Schiffn.
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the bryoflora of India.
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59. Sreebha, R., K.C. Kariyappa & A.E.D. Daniels 2015. Ceratolejeunea belangeriana (Lejeuneaceae), new to India from the Western Ghats. Acta Bot. Hung. 57: 225 – 231.

60. Wang,
J., S.R. Gradstein, A.E.D. Daniels & R.-L. Zhu 2014. New synonymy in Ptychanthus
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