List of Publications




1. Veena Chandra & R. C.
Gaur 1988 Name Changes in Common Indian Plants. Indian For.  Rec. New series (Botany) 7(1): 93pp.

2. Bennet, S.S.R.,
Biswas, Sas, Veena Chandra, Singh,
P., Chandra, S. & Dayal, R, 1991  
Food from forest. ICFRE, Dehradun.

3. Chandra, Veena 1997 Edible
Plants of Forestry Origin. ICFRE, Dehradun.

4. Soni, P., Veena Chandra & Sharma, S.D. (Ed.)
1998 Environmental Management, 
Concepts, Strategies and Legislation for mine areas. ICFRE,

5. Mishra, R.N. & Veena Chandra 1998 Trees of Rajasthan.
BSMPS, Dehradun.

6. Singh, Mudit Kumar, Chauhan,
Jayshree Ardey & Chandra, Veena
(Ed.) 2002 Proceedings  of the
International Workshop on JFM – ‘A Decade of Joint Forest Management –      Retrospection and Introspection’. ICFRE,

7. Soni, Prafulla, Chandra, Veena  & Sharma, S.D. (Ed.) 2005 Mining Scnario
and   Ecorestoration Strategies. Jyoti
Publishers & Distributors, Dehradun


8. Chandra, Veena 2011 A Handbook on Plant Taxonomy. ICFRE, Dehradun


1. Verma, D.M. & Veena Chandra 1979 Distributional
notes on Cyperaceae. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 20: 140 – 142.

2. Verma, D.M. & Veena Chandra 1980 The genus Rhynchospora in India. Bull. Bot.
Surv. India 22: 126 – 135.

3. Chandra, Veena 1980
Merremia quinquefolia (L.)
Hall.f. – a new record for upper gangetic plains. Indian J. for. 3(1):54 –


4. Chandra, Veena &
Singh, S.K. 1980 Biological Spectrum of Azamgarh (U. P.) Bull. Bot. Soc.
Bengal 34: 107 – 110. 

5. Verma, D.M. & Veena Chandra 1981 Cyperaceae of
Madhya Pradesh. Rec. Bot. Surv. India.21(2): 223 – 275.

6. Chandra, Veena 1982
Merremia tuberosa (L.) Rendle –
a new record for upper gangetic plain. Indian For. 108: 633 – 634. 

7. Singh, S.K. & Veena Chandra 1982 Asteraceae of
Azamgarh (U.P.) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India 52 (B): 29 – 41.

8. Chandra, Veena
1983 Occurrence of Eleocharis
(Linn.) Roem. & Schult. (Cyperaceae) in Uttar Pradesh.
Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 80(1): 247 – 248.

9. Chandra, Veena 1983
Notes on endangered species of Scleria
in India- in Jain, S.K. & Rao, R.R. (ed.) An Assessment of threatened
plants of India. 276 – 278.

10. Chandra, Veena “Bharat
mei Nrivanaspati vigyan ka ahyayan” (Hindi) in Jain, S.K. & Mudgal, V.
(ed.) Bharat ki vanaspati, New Delhi. 170 – 173.

11. Chandra, Veena 1985
“Apiaceae” in Verma et al, Flora of Raipur, Durg and Rajnandgaon. 164 –
167. 12. 

12. Chandra, Veena 1985
“Campanulaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 207 – 208.

13. Chandra, Veena
1985 “Myrsinaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 210 – 211.

14. Chandra, Veena 1985
“Sapotaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 211-212.

15. Chandra, Veena,
1985 “Oleaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 214 – 216.

16. Chandra, Veena 1985
“Loganiaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 228 – 230.

17. Chandra, Veena 1985
“Hydrophyllaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 234.

18. Chandra, Veena 1985
“Solanaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 250 – 253.

19. Chandra,
1985 “Lamiaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 298 – 309.

20. Chandra, Veena 1985
“Polygonaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 320 – 323.

21. Chandra, Veena 1985
“Lauraceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 325.

22. Chandra, Veena 1985
“Loranthaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 326 – 327.

23. Chandra, Veena 1985
“Santalaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 328.

24. Chandra, Veena 1985
“Ceratophyllaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 360.

25. Chandra, Veena 1985
“Cyperaceae” in Verma et al Ibid. 405 – 431.

26. Chandra, Veena 1989
Medicinal Plants used by the tribals of Arunachal Pradesh  – a preliminary study. Journ. Econ. Tax. Bot.
13(2): 391 – 394.

27. Chandra, Veena 1990 Scleria purpurascens Steud. (Cyperaceae)
– a new record for India from Andaman 
and Nicobar Islands. Indian For. 116: 841.
28. Chandra, Veena
1990 Rhynchospora submarginata Keukenth.
and Scleria alta Boeck.
(Cyperaceae) in Nayar, M.P. & Sastry, A.R.K. (ed.) Red Data Book of
Indian Plants 3: 104 – 105.

Verma, D. M. & Chandra, Veena 1990 The genus Scleria in India. Bull Bot.
Surv.   India
32: 57 –

30. Biswas, Sas, Veena Chandra & Sumer Chandra
1990 On the distribution and conservation of five spectacular and
endangered lignoeus species of Sikkim Himalaya. Van Vigyan 28(3):106 –

31. Chandra, Veena
1991 Ethnobotany in conservation of environment and resources. In Trivedi,
R. N. et al (Ed.) Recent
Researches in Ecology, Environment and Pollution. 5: 77 – 81.

32. Ansai, A.A. &  Veena Chandra 1992 Additions to the
flora of Gorakhpur. Journ. Econ. Tax. Bot. 16(1): 115 – 160.

33. Chandra, Veena 1993
Some unreported uses of plants from northeastern India. Annals of For. 1:
102 – 104.

34. Chandra,
, Luxmi Chauhan & Ramesh Dayal 1994 Gum and gum-yielding
trees. Adv. Forestry Res. India 11: 172 – 188.

35. Singh, Paramjeet, Ombir Singh
&  Veena Chandra 1996 Estimating seed
quality in hard seeded leguminous trees by accelerated aging and leachate
conductivity. Indian For. 122: 415 – 418.

36. Chandra, Veena
1997 Botany of Neem. Annals of Botany 5(2): 182 – 188.

37. Veena Chandra 1997
Plants of ethnobotanical importance – their relevance in mine restoration.
In Soni, P., Veena Chandra& S.D. Sharma (Ed) Environmental
Management, Concepts, Strategies and Legislation for Mine Areas
. 26-35.

38. Chandra, Veena 1997
Multipurpose trees for saline-sodic land afforestation. Workshop on Res.
Dev. Afforestation of wsatelands and future thrust areas.(jointly oranised

39. Chandra, Veena 1997
Ethnobotanical Diversity of Arunachal Pradesh and its conservation. Nat.
sem. Biodiversity, Conservation and Evolution Plants. Univ. Allahabad. P.
71 (Abs.)

40. Sharma, S.D., P. Soni & Veena Chandra 1998 Amelioration of
the overburden of iron ore mine for tree establishment. Annals of For.
6(2): 239 – 244.

41. Chandra, Veena,
Prafuula Soni & S.D. Sharma 1998 Less known medicinal uses of plants
among the tribals of Keonjhar district of Orissa. Van Vigyan 36: 115 –

42. Chandra, Veena &
Paramjit Singh 1998 Ethnobotanical studies of Herbaria –  I. MFP New 8(2): 16.

43. Soni, Prafulla, S.D. Sharma
& Veena Chandra 1999
Ecological impact Assessment of some iron ore mines of Bihar and Orissa.
In Soni, Prafuula & Srivatava, a.K. (Ed.)  Landmarks of Botany in India 179 – 200.

44. Chandra, Veena 1999
Multifarious uses of sedges in India Ibid.
223 – 226.

45. Chandra, Veena 1999 Some  wild edible and medicinal plants of
Azamgarh (Uttar Pradesh) Nat. Sem. Environ. Pers. & Mngt. Str. New
Millennium p.22 (Abs.)

46. Chandra, Veena 1999 Ethnobotanically
important weed flora of Sultanpur district (Uttar Pradesh) Ibid. p.23 (Abs.)

47. Veena
 and Paramjit Singh 2000. Ethnobotanical
Uses of Herbaria – I  Van         Anushandhan 13(1): 58 – 65.

48. Veena Chandra
and Paramjit Singh 2000 Unreported Economic Plants in Dehradun  Herbarium.  International J. For. Usufructs Mgmt.
1(1-2): 81 – 84.

49. Singh, M.K. & Veena Chandra 2000 Role of tribal
women in Joint Forest Management. In   
Singh, Mudit Kumar, Chauhan, Jayshree Ardey & Chandra, Veena (Ed.) 2002
Proceedings of the International Workshop on JFM – ‘A Decade of Joint
Forest Management – Retrospection and Introspection’. ICFRE, Dehradun. Pp.
233 – 235.

50. Veena Chandra 2000 Biodiversity
of Medicinal Plants of India and strategies for conservation. Van Vigyan:
132 – 151. 

51. Veena Chandra
2001 Ethnobotany for Tropical Forest Conservation in K.G.Hiremath (Ed.)  Recent Advances in Environmental
Sciences 45-51. Discovery Publishing  
House, New Delhi.

52. Veena Chandra
2001 Plant Diversity (Angiosperm) of Stress Sites of Sultanpur (Uttar
Pradesh) Bull. Bot. surv. India 46:254-265.

53. Veena
2002 Forest as source of wild
edible plants for tribals. Annals of Forestry 10(1):159-166.

54. Soni,  Prafulla,   Veena
Chandra &
Prabuti Samal 2003 Vegetation Spectrum in Saranda Bonai
Forest Ranges and its application in Mine. (Abs.) In International
Conference on Ecorestoration. Jointly organized by ICFRE, Dehradun &
NIE, New Delhi. Oct. 14-21.

55. Prafula, Soni & Veena Chandra 2004 Lesser known
tree Species of restorative value in the mining belt of Orissa and
Jharkhand. In National Workshop on Conservation and Sustainable
Utilization of lesser known tree species. (Abs.) March 8 – 10. 2004 p.14

56. Veena Chandra
& Shruti Sharma 2004 Ethnobotany of the lesser known trees  of Rajasthan. In National Workshop on
Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of lesser known tree species.
(Abs.) March 8 – 10. 2004 p.38

57. Soni, Prafulla & Veena Chandra 2005 Ecological
Impact of Iron ore mining in Saranda Bonai forests of Jharkhand and
Orissa. In National Symposium on Plant Science Research in India:
Challenges & Prospects. Oct. 24 – 26. BSI, Dehradun. P.91.

58. Veena Chandra 2005
Threatened Biodiversity of Medicinal Plants (Abs.). In National Seminar on
Emerging Technologies and their application in Assessment, Conservation
and Management of Threatened Wild Medicinal Plants and their habitats.
SFRI, Jabalpur. Feb. 23 – 24. 2005. P. 2.

59. Chandra, Veena, P.
Soni & S. D. Sharma 2005 
Medicinal plants of ethnobotanical importance and biodiversity
conservation with reference to Ho and Munda tribes of Bihar & Orissa.
Proc. Nat. Sem. Biodiversity conservation- Challenges & Opportunities.
FRI, Dehradun pp. 243 – 246.

60. Soni, P., T.H. Masoodi & Veena Chandra 2005  Ecological restoration – a step towards
restoring biodiversity in mined lands.. Proc. Nat. Sem. Biodiversity
conservation- Challenges & Opportunities. FRI, Dehradun pp. 247 -253.

61. Chandra, Veena  2005 Ethnobotany – An Important Tool for
Sustainable Restoration. In Soni, Prafulla, Chandra, Veena  &
Sharma, S.D. (Ed.) 2005 Mining Scnarion and Ecorestoration Strategies.
Jyoti Publishers & Distributors, Dehradun

62. Pandey, D.P., Soni, Prafulla
& Veena Chandra 2005
Medicinal Plant Biodiversity in Jharkhand. 
Intern. J. Forest Usuf. Mgmt. 6:38-52.

63. Chandra, Veena
2005 Mixed Plantations and their role in conservation of native trees (Abs.) Nat. Workshop on ‘Status
and Future of Mixed Forest Plantations in India. KFRI, Peechi.p.27.

64. Chandra, Veena  & Soni, Prafulla 2005 Floristic
composition of iron ore mine areas of Saranda-Bonai. (Abs.) 3rd Intern.
Conf. on Plants & Environmental Pollution. NBRI, Lucknow.28 Nov. – 2
Dec. 2005. P. 27.

65. Prafulla Soni,, , Veena 
& Om Kumar 2005 Ecorestoration concepts and
strategies for degraded lands. (Abs.) 3rd Intern. Conf. on Plants &
Environmental Pollution. NBRI, Lucknow 28 Nov. – 2 Dec. 2005 p. 45. 

66. Chandra, Veena  & Soni, Prafulla 2005 Traditional
herbal remedies among the Mundas of 
Singhbhum-Keonjhar (Jharkhand-Orissa) (Abs.) Silver Jubilee Sym. On
Ethnobotany in the new millennium. Jan.12-14. p. 23.

67. Veena Chandra &
Sajad Ali Lone 2005 An overview of Ethnobotany of Uttaranchal. National
Conf. Forest Ecology & Envi. – Priorities in 21st Century.
FRI, Ddun. Feb. 27 –  28.2005.
(Abs.) p.34.

68. Purnima Mannar & Veena Chandra 2005
Ethno-medico-botanical Diversity of Tharus of  Kheri district, Uttar Pradesh. Journ.
NTFP 12(4): 215 – 224.

69. Prafulla Soni, Ashish Rawat and
Veena Chandra 2007  Ethnobotanically Important Plant
Species-Their role in restoration of Mined Lands in Nat. Conf. on
Ecorestoration of Derelict Lands March 1-2, 2007. Dhempe College of Arts
& Science, Panaji, Goa. (Abs.) p.36.

71. Veena Chandra & Prafulla Soni 2007 Ethno Medico Botanical
Diversity in the Iron Ore mining areas of Keonjhar district of Orissa. Int.
Tropical Ecology Congress Dec. 2-5, 2007. FRI, DDun (Abs.) 167.

72. Veena Chandra
2009 Ex situ conservation of three endangered endemics in the FRI Botanical
Garden, Dehradun. In International Conference on Mountain Biodiversity
Conservation and Sustainable Utilization. Doon 
University, (Uttarakhand) (Abs.) p. 73  

73. Neetika Nain and Veena Chandra 2009 Role of
chaurs in Corbett Tiger Reserve. In International Conference on Mountain
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization. Doon  University, (Uttarakhand) (Abs.) p.6                                                       

74. Meenakshi and Veena Chandra 2009 Ethnomedicinal
plants used by the Jaunsari tribe in Tons valley. Dehradun In   International Conference on Mountain
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization. Doon  University, (Uttarakhand) (Abs.) P. 91

75. Veena Chandra
2009 Positive and Negative Aspects of Herbarium Digitization in National
Forestry Conference. FRI, Dehradun                        

76. Veena Chandra
2009 Urban Landscaping with special reference to Delhi in Workshop on
organized  by Parks and Garden Society of
India, New Delhi (April 4 – 5, 2009) 

77. Veena Chandra
2009 Role of Indigenous knowledge System in Ecorestoration in National Workshop
on Rehabilitaion of degraded lands CSFER, Allahabad Oct. 6-7,   09.

78. Neetike Nain and Veena Chandra 2010 Changing
pattern of diversity in the Corbett Tiger Reserve in National Seminar on
Cultural & Ecological aspects of plant diversity of coastal India with
thrust on conservation Sept. 22-24, 2010 p. 36

79. Veena Chandra and
Meenakshi 2010 Wild Medicinal Plant Resources of Jaunsar-Bawar (Uttarakhand) in
National Seminar on Cultural & Ecological aspects of plant diversity of
coastal India with thrust on conservation Sept. 22-24, 2010 p. 41

80. Veena Chandra 2011 Role of
Ethnobotany in restoration. Nat. Conf. in Landscape Restoration Processes:
Challenges and Opportunities Feb. 22-23, 2011, FRI, Dehradun

D M & Veena Chandra 2011 Scleria
– a new species of Cyperaceae from India. Indian J. of Forestry