Pl. see Rosa ‘Hybrid tea’
What if all the efi pages look so beautiful ?

It looks very nice and extremely helpful in identifying a species.
But to make such pages for all 11000 species is a marathon work which requires a big teamwork.
Moreover, each picture is of about 150kb in size so this page itself is 450kb+. A huge memory is required ! I do not know how much Google site provides.

Thanks, …
I have inserted images from URLs of efi group post.
This did not require any memory for efi site.
I think I was a big fool as I did not give enough time to think/ explore in this direction for so long.
This idea cropped up only after implementing subpage listing idea.
That’s why it is said ideas carry big powers.
I was thinking let the members do this from their already posted threads.
We may initially allow good pictures from one post on a page (so that page does not become heavy & takes lot of time in opening).
Any one member who does first may be allowed.
We will come out with guidelines as to how to do it.
Pl. see some of the pages as below: 
I request members to try for themselves.
Here are the instructions to be followed:
Go to any species page at efi site (either by search or by any other way) where their post/ thread is available e.g. Saxifraga brachypoda
Sign in at the bottom of the page (may not be required if one is already singed to gmail or efi group).
Click on the thread from which one wants to insert pictures at this page. e.g. VOF Week: : Saxifraga brachypoda at VoF
From this thread click on the picture one wants to insert- from here one gets the url of the picture to be inserted. e.g. URL
Click on edit page button at top right side.
Take cursor just before VOF Week: : Saxifraga brachypoda at VoF . Add some space between curser & VOF Week: : Saxifraga brachypoda at VoF 
Keeping the cursor at left most before VOF Week: : Saxifraga brachypoda at VoF, Click on ‘Insert’ at the top left. Click on ‘Image’.
Select ‘Web address (URL)’ under Add an Image. Copy & paste image ÚRL in ‘Ímage URL’.
Click on ‘Ok’ button when image is being displayed.
Now from the tool bar which is visible on the image, select ‘Wrap on’ & ‘S’ (for small size).
Now click on save button at the top right of the page.

Image is thus properly inserted. One or more than one image has to be inserted just at the start of the thread.
If thread is down below, it has to be cut & pasted at the top of all threads before image is inserted. 
Pl. try yourself. If there is any problem, I will assist you.

I have done it for Saxifraha hispidula.
It is working well.
See whether it is OK.
One more thing learned!

Thanks, …
Well done.
Link for ‘Saxifraga hispidula (Saxifragaceae) from Uttarakhand: Aug_2015_DSR_09′, was somehow gone.
I have made it again.
I request others to try also. 

As there was only one image, medium size is also OK.

Please see Saxifraga brunonis.
I have added three pics here, two from one post and third from another post. With three pics (though from two different posts) the plant is better represented. Is it acceptable or we have to stick to “all pictures from same post” rule ?.

Everything is fine & you are doing very well.
But somehow link of  the thread from which you are taking pictures, is getting inadvertently deleted time & again.
If you keep some space at the point of insertion, it may be avoided.

OK, will do so.

Should I make the thread links again in case you find any difficulty yourself ?

I will try and check myself.

If I find any difficulty I will ask you.

I have modified Saxifraga stolonifera and links are working OK.

yes its pretty

but really!! how many tea roses are three in the world and can we fit even 10 of those in this page?

also choosing a most representative example of each species would be a formidable task…

i need to think abou this

it would be wrting may be 29 books if done for the entire efloraindia pages, me thinks.

…, not to dampen the spirits though.

whoa, wait. while i was thinking and typing walking away to answer people in the house etc

you and dr rawat have had this long conversation and some nice examples…

No-no. I was talking about the efi e-group link for ‘Saxifraga sarmentosa from Kalimpong:: NS June 02’. It is not there now.

I have restored it (link to the post by … in group).

Thanks, …
Also click on ‘Open this link in a new window’ while making such links, so that it opens in a new window.

I have done some changes on the following link for Acame carinata. Is this what you were expecting?
Please let me know?

Well done, … It’s looking nice.
May I now request you to pl. insert your pictures where ever already not done by any of our members.

OK sir I will do when ever I get free hand.

One also need to do one more job –
The image toolbar will give an option to “change/remove/visit” the link –
click change the link
select “open in new window” in the “message box” that pops up
click ok
save the edited page.
Thanks, …, for finding this for betterment of efi site. 
We have also to follow this for already inserted images. I will do for images I have inserted.
I request others to do for the images inserted by them.
… are already doing wonderful job. Others are also requested to chip in.