S. E., Chaudhuri, T. C., & Ghosh Hajra, N. 1981. Evaluation of herbicides for
weed control in Darjeeling tea. Indian Agric. Vol. 35 No.3, pp. 179 – 185.

S. E.; Chaudhuri, T. C., & Ghosh Hajra, N. 1982. Analysis of growth components of Darjeeling tea clones, Phytobreedon, 8(1 & 2)
: 54 – 62.

S. E., Ghosh Hajra, N. and Chaudhuri, T. C., 1983. Comparison of methods
of   replanting old tea bushes. Tropical
Agriculture, Port of Spain,
Trinidad.70(3) 205 – 207.

S. E., Ghosh Hajra, N. 1993. Effect of herbicides on the weed flora of Kurseong. Journal of
Hill Research, 6(1) : 37 – 40.  

Ghosh Hajra. N., Kabir, S. E. & Bisen,
J. S. 1994. Botanical Pest Control — an
alternative to minimise residue
toxicity in Darjeeling Tea. Proc. Conf. Plant protection and Human
Health, 2ndMarch, D. P. A. Darjeeling, pp.58 – 74.

S. E., Ghosh Hajra, N. & Kumar, R. 1996. Effect of plucking interval on yield
and quality of Darjeeling Tea. J.PI. Crops 24 (supplement) :758 –

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study on Ecophysiology of tea (Camellia
) with special
reference to the influence of climatic factors on physiology of few selected tea clones of
Darjeeling. International Journal of Tea Science, Vol1 No. 4 ,2001-02,pp



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cultivation on Darjeeling and adjacent hills.
The Assam Review & Tea News, Vol 92 No. 2, April, 2003, pp.11- 17


Kabir, S.E. (
Present Tea Scenario and Tips on efficient management practices. The
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Kabir,S.E.(2004) Crisis
in the tea plantation of North Bengal. The Assam Review & Tea News.Vol.93, No.7
pp. 10-16


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profile of tea industry, Annual Report, P.G. Diploma in Tea Management,
North Bengal University2003-04 pp 11-17.


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Dooars- A Paradise of Tea . Souvenir, North Bengal Tea Auction Centre,2005


Kabir, S.E. (2005) Few
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Kabir, S.E. (2005) Leap
towards Ecofriendly Tea Cuppa. Annual Report 2004-05, PGDTM Course, North Bengal University


Kabir, S.E. (2006)
Bio-Organic Tea – An Ultimate Utopia.
Vol 6 Issue 2 pp 24-27


Kabir, S. E., (1998) Eco-friendly world of
Tea Culture. The Assam Review& Tea News.Nov. ’98 pp. 5 – 15.    


Kabir,S.E. (2009)
Importance of Potassium in increasing Productivity, Quality and Drought  Manoeuvering 
in Tea plants. The Assam Review
& Tea News.
Oct, 2009, Vol 98, No.8 , pp 12  – 17


Kabir, S.E. ( 2010)
Drought Management in Tea. The Assam Review & Tea News. March, 2010, Vol. 99 , No.1 ,
pp 12-18.


Kabir, S.E. ( 2011) A few Agronomy Related Problems in the Tea
Industry of Terai and
Dooars and a Few Suggestions. The Assam Review & Tea News, July, 2011, Vol.100, No. 1 No. 5, pp – 13-20


Kabir, S.E. ( 2012) Pest Control Scenario in the tea gardens of
Dooars and Terai Region of West Bengal, BBCon, Dept
of Botany, University of North Bengal,
February, 2012

Ghosh Hajra. N. & Kabir, S. E., 1993. Organic Farming – an
overview, Indian Review
of Life Sciences, 13 : 121 – 131.



1.  Kabir, S. E.; Chaudhuri, T. C., Saha,
R and Ghosh Hajra, N.   1989 Improvement of tea production through
management practices,   International
symposium on  Natural Resources Management of a sustainable Agriculture, 6-10, Feb,1990 New Delhi, India pp. 451.         

2. Kabir, S. E., Ghosh Hajra, N & Chaudhuri, T. C., 1993. Bannockburn
157- a promising clone for
Kurseong. Proceeding of International Symp.Tea   Science
& Human Health, 11-14 Jan, 1993, Calcutta, India pp. 340.

2. Kabir, S. E., Ghosh Hajra, N & Chaudhuri, T. C., 1993.
Analysis of  growth components of Darjeeling tea clones.
Proceeding of International
Symp. Tea Science & Human Health, 11-14 Jan, 1993, Calcutta, India pp. 341.

4. Kabir, S. E., Ghosh Hajra, N. 1994. Effect of plucking round on
yield & quality of Darjeeling
tea. International Symp. of Plantation Crops,     30th
Nov – 3rd Dec., Calicut, Kerala, India. pp 758 – 762.

5. Kabir, S. E., Ghosh Hajra, N & Santra, S. C. 1995.
Environmental effects on Photosynthesis of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) 10th
International   Photosynthesis Congress,
Bordeaux, France 27th to 29th August, 1995. pp. 14.

6. Kabir, S. E., Santra, S. C. & Das, A. P. 1997. Effect of
climate on  selected physiological & biochemical
parameters of few Darjeeling tea Clones. 8th Biennial
Botanical Conference, Dhaka 1997. pp. 61.

7. Kabir, S. E., Santra, S. C. & Das, A. P. 1998. Physiological
problems of  plants  during water stress – 5th
W. B. State Science Congress ’98 pp.          157.

8. Kabir, S. E. (1998) Bacteria Based Fertilizers, PGR,
Antitranspirants and  Plucking Machines : Applications in tea. Seminar
organised by       West   Bengal Pharmaceutical & Phytochemical Dev.
Corpn. Ltd. 20 Sept. ’98, Siliguri.                       

9. Kabir, S. E. (1999) How to improve tea cultivation practices in
the tea Plantations of Kishanganj
District? Seminar on tea cultivation, processing and Marketing Organised by Bihar Tea Planters’ Association; 15-4-99, Kishanganj.

10. Kabir, S. E. (1999) Few tips about improved methods of tea
cultivation. Seminar on Improvement of tea Cultivation methods in
Nepal. Organised by Haldibari Tea
Industries (P) Ltd.,24-7-99, Birtamod, Nepal.

11. Kabir, S. E. (1999) Control of red spider mite and tea mosquito
bug. Seminar organised by Excel
Industries Ltd. 29-7-99, Chuapara T.E. (Williamson

12. Kabir, S. E. (1999) Young tea management. Seminar organised by
Monsanto Chemicals. 01-8-99, Bidhan
Nagar, W. B.

13.  Kabir,S.E.(1999) Non-Conventional
Methods of Pest Control in Tea (Camellia
sinensis L) National Symposium on Advances and applications of                 Animal Science for
Human  Welfare & First Zoological
Congress of Eastern
India, Nov, 25 & 26, 1999, pp 9

14. Kabir, S.E.(2000)
Present scenario of Indian tea industry. Training Programme organized by the State Bank of India
Institute of Rural
Development. 04.12.2000 at Siliguri, W.B.

15. Kabir, S.E. (2000) Cost of plantation and
proposal for mini-tea factories. Seminar
organized by Canara Bank on 18.12.2000 at Siliguri, W.B.

16. Kabir, S.E. (2000) Problems in tea
plantation : probable solutions National
Seminar on Developmental Reforms organized by the Department of Culture, Govt. of
India on 20.12.2000 at Darjeeling.

17.  Kabir, S.E. (2001) Improved methods of
tea cultivation. Seminar organized by  Uttar Banga Khudra Cha Chasi Welfare Samiti on 30.6.2001 at Mainaguri, W.B.

18. Kabir, S.E. (2001) Role of
Bio-fertilizers in tea. Seminar on promotion of  Azophos & Rhizophos bio-fertilizers.
Organized by West Bengal Forest Development
Corporation on 06.07.2001 at Talma, Jalpaiguri, W.B.

19. Kabir,S.E. (2001)  Mini tea factories for the small tea growers.
Seminar organized
by Mesco Equipment Co. on 23.9.2001 at Hotel Heritage, Siliguri, W.B.

20. Kabir, S.E. (2001) Organic farming in tea. Seminar  on Organic Culture in Tea Management organized by T.Stanes & Co.
Ltd. of  Coimbatore on 22.09.2001 at

21. Kabir, S.E. (2001) . Tea cultivation : Tea as a career. Paper
presented in a seminar organized by Bamandir Secondary School, Kishanganj
on    20.10.2001

22. Kabir, S.E. ( 2002) Integrated Nutrient management. Paper
presented in a seminar organized by Standard Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Bio
tech Division) at Islampur on


23. Kabir, S.E. (2002) Indian Tea Industry’s
Struggle for Existence. Presented in the seminar
entitled “ Management Appreciation Programme for the tea growers”  organized by State Bank of India held at
Purnea, Bihar
on 16.3.2002


24. Kabir, S.E. (2002) Tea  Culture : Nursery to withering trough.
Presented in a
seminar organized by Nepal Tea & Coffee Development Board held at Birtamod on 27th & 28th
March, 2002


1. Kabir, S.E. (2011) Tea & Environment .
Refresher Course organized by the Dept. of Geography, University of North
Bengal, 16th Sept, 2012

2. Kabir, S.E. (2011), Tea Crops Various aspects. Refresher
Course organized by
the Dept. of Botany, University of North Bengal, 23rd  Sept, 2012


3. Kabir, S.E. ( 2011)
Present status of small tea growers’ of North Bengal and future prospects. International
Seminar on Future tea. 16th September,


4. Kabir, S.E. (2012) Bio- Culture in Tea.
Seminar organized by
West BengalPharmaceutical & Phytochemical
Development Corporation Ltd., a
Govt. of West Bengal Undertaking, under the administrative control C & I
Deptt. Govt of West Bengal. Seminar at Malbazar on “Advantage of using Bio-Inputs in Tea Plantation ” on 17.02.2012.

5. Kabir, S.E.
( 2012) Prospects of Organic Farming at Ilam Region of Nepal. Seminar organized
by Nepal Tea & Coffee Development Board, Fikkal, Nepal on 4th August,

6. Kabir,S.E. & Sen, Arnab (2015) University-Industry Symbiotic Relationship, Tea-Link2015 Seminar,
University of North Bengal on 16th March, 2015


7. Kabir,S.E. ( 2015) Improvement in Productivity
of Tea by using Triacontanol. Presented
in a seminar organized by West Bengal Pharmaceuticals                  and Phytochemical Development Corporation Limited
(WBPPDCL) on  28th
March,2015 at Nagrakata

8. Kabir,S.E.
( 2015) Role of Adjuvant in the tea cultivation. Seminar on Environmental Pollution ,Health
Hazard and Tea Plantation. Organized
by Centre for Indian Small Tea Growers Associations (CISTA) and Back to Life  Society  at Jalpaiguri on 15th
November, 2015              



Kabir, S.E.
& Das, A.P. ( 2015) Tea Cultivation in the Plains of North East India. Published by Astral
International Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi

S.E. ( 2015) Eternal Love- a book on social issues, Published by G.B.D.Books

S. E., (2001) Non-conventional methods of pest control in tea (Camellia sinensis L. In. Recent Advances in Animal
Science Research. 2001.Vol. I  Orion Press International:163 –

Kabir, S. E., (2001) ‘Chiabari ko Samasyaharu
: Kehi samadhan’ In: ‘Bikashko Goreto.
Editor: Rajiv Shankar Shresta,Gangtok , Sikkim, 2001 : 207 – 221

& Kabir, S.E. (2005) ‘Khudra Cha Chasider Janya Swalpakalin Prasikshan Shibir-
Study Materials’. A book published in Bengali from North Bengal University



Performance of minimum tillage
re-plantation under Darjeeling conditions.Tech.
Bull. 4. Tea Board, 1986, 1 – 6.

Evaluation of herbicides for weed control
in tea Tech. Bull. 1. Tea Board, 1989, 1 – 6.

Performance of certain clones under the
agro-economical conditions of Darjeeling.Tech.
Bull. 5, 1991, Tea Board, 1 – 8.

Training of young tea in Darjeeling,
Tech. Bull. 6, 1991, Tea Board, 1 – 7.