
1. Singh,
G.S. Rawat and D. Verma (2010).
Comparative study of fuelwood consumption by villagers and seasonal
“Dhaba owners” in the Tourist affected regions of Garhwal Himalaya, India.
Energy Policy. Vol. 38 (4). 1895-1899.

2. Verma, D., G. Singh and N. Ram (2009). Carpinus
: A pioneer tree
species of old landslide regions of Indian Himalaya.
Current Science. Vol. 97(9). 1277-1278.

3. Singh, G.,
H.B. Naithani and G.S. Rawat (2009). Observations
on the Flora of Mandal Forest, Garhwal Himalaya, India.
Indian Forester, Vol.135 (2). 162-179.


4. Singh, G. and I. D.
Rai (2008). Conservation of Threatened Habitats and Endemic Plants in and
around Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Himalaya.
Rawat, G.S. (Ed.) Special Habitat and Threatened Plants of India. ENVIS Bulletin: Wildlife
and Protected Areas
, Vol.11(1). Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun,
India. pp. 239.


5. Singh, G. and G.S. Rawat (2010). Is the
future of oak (Quercus spp.) forests safe in the Western
Himalaya? Current Science. Vol. 98 (11). 1420.


6. Singh, G., G.S. Rawat
and J. S. Jalal (2009). Orchid Diversity of Mandal Valley in Kedarnath
Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Himalaya. The Journal
of the Orchid Society of India.

Vol. 22 (1-2): 43-47.


Verma, D.,
G. Singh, N. Ram and M. Thapaliyal (2010). Germination Behavior of Seeds of
Himalayan Hornbeam (Carpinus viminea L.) in Western Himalaya, India.
Indian Forester. Vol. 136(8). 1096-1103.


Thakur, A.K.
, G.
S. Singh and G.S. Rawat (2011).
Impact of Pastoral Practices
on Forest Cover and Regeneration in the Outer Fringes of Kedarnath Wildlife
Sanctuary, Western Himalaya
. Journal
of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing.
Vol. 39 (1). 127-134.

9. Singh, G., I.D. Rai and G.S.
Rawat (2011). Year 2010 was “mast seed year” for the Kharsu oak (Quercus
in the Western Himalaya.
Current Science. Vol. 100 (2).

Singh, G.,
and G.S. Rawat (2011). Ethnobotanical survey of Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary in Western
Himalaya, India.
Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life
Vol. 1 (1). 35-46.


11. Singh,
Rawat, D. Pandey and G.S. Rawat (2011). Status and Traditional Uses of  Medicinal plants in Mandal area  of 
Western Himalaya, India.
Medicinal Plants. Vol. 3(2).


Singh, G.,
D. Verma, D. Pande and G.S. Rawat (2011). Phyto-resources Diversity and their
Traditional uses by Mountain villages of Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Western
Himalaya, India. Journal of Economic & Taxonomic Botany, Vol. 35,
(2). 301-313.


13. Singh, G. and G.S. Rawat (2012). Depletion of Oak (Quercus spp.) Forests in the Western Himalaya: Grazing, Fuelwood and Fodder
Collection. In C. A. Okia (eds.) Global
Perspectives on Sustainable Forest Management
, Intech publisher, Crotia.


14. Singh,
I.D. Rai and G.S. Rawat (2012).
The mortality of
banj oak (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) trees in Mussoorie,
Uttarakhand: is it an alarming call for rapid degradation? Current Science,


15. Kumar,
A., M. Mitra, G. Singh and G.S.
Rawat (2012). An inventory of flora of Binog
Wildlife Sanctuary, Mussoorie, Garhwal Himalaya.
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences. 2(1).


16. Singh,
and G.S. Rawat (2012).
Analysis of Tree Species Diversity in Different Oak (Quercus spp.)
Dominated Forests in Garhwal Himalaya,
Sci Biol, 4(4):132-140.


Rai, I.D.,
G. Singh and G.S. Rawat (2013).
Bistorta tenuifolia var. gidarensis (Polygonaceae), a new variety from India. Phytotaxa 92(1):13-19.


18. Singh, G., I.D. Rai, G.S. Rawat and G.S. Goraya (2013).
Neottia pinetorum (Lindl.)
Szlach. (Orchidaceae): A new orchid to the flora of Himachal Pradesh,
(Western Himalaya), India.
Indian Forester 139(6): 566-567.


19. Rai, I.D., J.S. Jalal, G.
and G.S. Rawat (2014). Platanthera
(Orchidaceae), an addition to the orchid flora of Western
Himalaya, India.
Ricardiana, 14: 266-273.


20. Rai, I.D., J. S. Jalal, G. Singh, G. S. Rawat (2015). Extended distribution of Platanthera cumminsiana (King
and Pantl
.) J. Renz (Orchidaceae)
in Western Himalaya, India.
Indian Journal of
38(1), 95-98.


21. Rai, I.D.  G. Singh, G. S. Rawat (2015).
Rediscovery, distribution and conservation status of Leptodermis riparia R.Parker
(Rubiaceae) in Western Himalaya, India, Telopea, (18), 79-83.

Rai, I.D., J. S. Jalal, G.
P. Kumar (2015).
A note on the occurrence of Eulophia

Hook. f. (Orchidaceae) in Kumaon
Indian Journal of
38 (3), 263-264.

23.     Singh, G., H. Padalia, I.D. Rai, R.R. Bharti and G.S. Rawat (2016). Spatial distribution
and conservation status of Banj oak (Quercus
A. Camus) forests in Uttarakhand (Western Himalaya), India
Tropical Ecology,
57(2) 255-262.




Popular Articles:


24. Singh, G. 2005. Manav ki Jimmedariyan, Ashmika, Wadiya Institute of Himalayan
Geology Dehra Dun.

25. Singh, G. 2007. A Trek to Mandani and Kham Bugyals of
Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Wildlife Institute of India, Newsletter.


26. Singh, G. 2008. Mandal Ghati: Jaiv
Van Vaibhav. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra


27. Singh
2012. Banj oak (Quercus leucotrichophora) forests: Life Line for the
Himalayan region. Wildlife Institute of India, Newsletter.


Technical Reports:

 Singh, G. and G.S. Rawat. (2009).
Geospatial phyto-resources inventory in the outer fringe of Kedarnath Wildlife
Sanctuary, Western Himalaya. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun.


29. Singh, G.
and G.S. Rawat. (
2011). Assessment of Banj oak (Quercus leucotrichophora) forests and its conservation in Uttarakhand.
Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun.


30. Singh, G.,
V.B. Mathur and G.S. Rawat. (2011). High Altitude Floristic Survey and
Biodiversity Monitoring in Khiron
Valley, NDBR. Wildlife
Institute of India


31. Singh, G.,
I.D. Rai and G.S. Rawat. (2012). Alpine
Meadows of Uttarkashi, Plant Species Diversity, Grazing Pressure and
Conservation Status.
Wildlife Institute of India Dehradun.




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