of Dr. Mathew Dan, Scientist E1, JNTBGRI, Palode, Trivandrum

Papers in National and
International Journals


Dan M, Mathew P J, Unnithan C M &Pushpangadan P 1996.  Thotteaabrahamii – a new species of
Aristolochiaceae from peninsular
India.  Kew Bulletin
51: 179-182.

Dan M, Santhoshkumar E S & Thomas J 1997.  On the identity of Ixorajohnsonii(Rubiaceae)
– A less known endemic plant of Southern Western Ghats,
India.  Rheedea 7: 73-76

Dhruvan T, Dan M&
Mathew P 1997.
L. (Phytolaccaceae) – A new record for Peninsular India.
  Rheedea 7: 37 – 40.

Dan M, Sathishkumar C &Pushpangadan P 1999. Two novelties ofHedychium
Manipur, India.  Nordic Journal of Botany 19: 333-335.

Dan M, George V &Pushpangadan P 2002. 
Studies on the essential oils from  Curcumaharitha and Curcuma raktakanta,
two endemic species of Kerala.
of Spices and Aromatic Crops 11
(1) 42-45

Anilkumar ES, Dan M,
Navas M, Rajasekharan S &Pushpangadan P 2002.
Pharmacognostic studies on Trichopuszeylanicus
travancoricusBurkill ex Narayanan. 
Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants.3 : 239-245.

Anish N P, Dan M &Bejoy
Mathew 2004. Stomata of
in vitro and in vivo plants, comparative
study in
Curcuma haritha. Thulasi 1:35-43.

Ushakumari J, Navas M, Dan M,
Rajasekharan S & Nair GM 2004.
Pharmacognostic studies on Pellioniaheyneana . Journal of
Tropical Medicinal Plants. 5: 259-263.

Gopanraj, Dan M,
Sethuraman M G & George V 2005. Chemical composition and antibacterial
activity of the rhizome oil of
Hedychiumlarsenii. ActaPharmaceutica 55:

10.  Mathew J, Sabulal B, George V, Dan M&Shiburaj S 2006.
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the leaf oil of
(Wight) Bentham ex Baker. Journal of Essential Oil Research 18:35-37.

11.  George V, Mathew J, Sabulal B, Dan M, &Shiburaj S 2006.
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil from the
rhizomes of
Amomumcannicarpum. Fitoterapia 77: 392-394.

12.  Bejoy M, Dan M&Anish N P 2006. Factors affecting the in
multiplication of the endemic zingiberCurcuma harithaMangaly
and Sabu. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 5: 847-853.

13.  Sabulal B, George V &Dan M2006.  Volatile constituents from the leaf oil of AmomummuricatumBeddome.Journal
of Essential Oil Research 18: 506-507.

14.  Sabulal B, Dan M, John A J, Kurup R, Pradeep N S, Valsamma R
K & George V. 2006. Caryophyllene – rich rhizome oil of
South India: Chemical characterisation
and antimicrobial activity. Phytochemistry 67: 2469-2473.

15.  Gopanraj, Dan M, Shiburaj S, Sethuraman M G & George V
2006. Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the rhizome oil of
Alpiniaabundiflora.  Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant
Sciences 28: 45-47.

16.  Sabulal B., Dan M, bPradeep
N. S, Valsamma R. K & George V. 2006. Composition and antimicrobial
activity of essential oils from the fruits of
Amomumcannicarpum. ActaPharmaceutica 56(4):473-480.

17.  John A J, Vrujesh P K, Dan M, Pradeep N S, Sethuraman M G
& George V 2006.
composition and antibacterial activity of leaf and bark oils of
(Meisn.) Gamble.
  Indian Perfumer 50:

18.  Sabulal B, Hosagoudar V B, Pradeep N S, Dan M and George V
  Chemical composition and
antimicrobial activity of
Meliolatoddaliae infected leaf oil of Pamburusmissionis.  Journal of Mycopathological Research 44:

19.  Srivastava S, Chitranshi N, Srivastava S, Dan M, Rawat AKS and Pushpangadan P 2006. 2006.  Pharmacognostic evaluation of Curcuma aeruginosaRoxb.  Natural Product Sciences 12: 162-165.

20.  Srivastava S, Srivastava S, Chitranshi N, Dan M, Rawat AKS and Pushpangadan P 2006. 2006.  Pharmacognostic evaluation of Curcuma haritha.  Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
65: 916-920.

21.  Santhoshkmar E S, Dan M, & Nair G M 2007.  A new species of Acrotrema
(Dilleniaceae) from
India.  Nordic Journal of Botany 24: 543-545

22.  Sabulal B, George V &Dan M2007.  Composition of rhizome and leaf oils of AmomumpterocarpumThwaites.
Journal of Essential Oil Research

23.  Sabulal B, George V, Dan M&Pradeep N S 2007. Chemical
composition and antimicrobial activities of the essential oils from the
rhizomes of four
Hedychiumspecies from south India.Journal of Essential Oil
Research 19: 93 – 97

24.  Sabulal B, Kurup R, George V, Dan M&Pradeep N S
2007Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the rhizome and leaf
oils of
Journal of Essential Oil Research 19: 279 – 281.

25.  Dan M, Sabulal B, George V &Pushpangadan P 2007. Studies on the rhizome
oils from four
Hedychium species of
a chemotaxonomic approach.
59: 59-66.

26.  Sabulal B, Dan M, John A
J, Kurup R, Chandrika S P & George V 2007. Phenylbutanoid- rich rhizome oil
Zingiberneesanum from Western
Ghats, southern
India.  Flavour and Fragarnce Journal 22: 521-524.

27.  Dan M 2007. A taxonomic approach to the plants of the plants of the
Bible. Journal of Economic and taxonomic Botany. 31: 798-802.

28.  Anish N P, Dan M &Bejoy
M 2008. Conservation using
in vitro
progenies of the threatened ginger
(Wall.) Kuntze.
  International Journal of
Botany 4: 93-98.

29.  Sabulal B, George V, Pradeep N S &Dan M 2008. Volatile oils from the root, stem and leaves of  Schefflerastellata
(Gaertn.) Harms(Araliaceae): Chemical characterization and antimicrobial
activity. Journal of Essential Oil Research 20: 79 –82.

30.  Raj G, Sabulal B, Dan M,
Thaha A R M, Sethuraman M G & George V 2008.
  Volatile constituents from the rhizomes of Curcuma harithaMangaly and Sabu from
India.  Flavour and Fragrance Journal. 23: 348-352.

31.  Hosagoudar V B, Archana G R &Dan M 2009. Maheshwaramyces, a
new genus of the family Lembosiaceae. Indian Journal of Science and Technology.

32.  Ushakumari J, Navas M, Dan M&Rajasekharan S 2009.
Pharmacognostic studies on
– a promising ethnomedicinal plant. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 8:

33.  Menon A N &Dan M 2009. Chemicalcomposition of essential oils of Globbaspecies from south India. Journal of Essential Oil Research21:59-60.

34.  Sabulal B, Dan M,Thaha A
R M, Johnson A J, Kurup
Balakrishnapillai P & Lim C K 2009.
High content of zerumbone in volatile oils of Zingiberzerumbet from southern India and Malaysia.  Flavour and Fragrance Journal. 24: 301-308.

35.  Sabulal B, Gopan Raj, Thaha A R M, &  Dan M. 2009.  Volatile chemistry of a plant:
mono-sesquiterpenoid pattern in the growth cycle of
Curcuma haritha. Flavour and Fragrance Journal. 25: 35-40.

36.  Linnet A, Latha P G, Gincy M M, Anuja G I, Suja S R, Shyamal S,
Shine V J, Sini S, Shikha P,
Dan M&Rajasekharan
S 2010.
  Anti-inflammatory, analgesis and
anti-lipid peroxidative effects of
(Roxb.) Schott. and
(Linn.) Engl. aerial parts.
Journal of Natural Products and Resources. 1: 5-10.

37.  Gopan R, George V, Dan M&Sethuraman
M G 2010.
  Essential oil composition of GlobbaschomburgkiiHook. f. and GlobbaophioglossaWight.  Journal of Essential Oil Research 22:

38.  Thomas M T, Mathew P J, Dan M&
Kumar V 2010.
  Genetic variability,
correlation and heritability of certain agronomic characters of
Centellaasiatica(L.) Urb. Journal of
Cytology and Genetics. 11: 77-81.

39.  Thomas M T, Kurup R, Johnson A J, Chandrika S P, Mathew P J, Dan M&Sabulal B 2010.  Elite genotypes/chemotypes, with high
contents of madecassoside and asiaticoside, from sixty accessions of
Centellaasiatica of south India and the
Andaman Islands: For cultivation and utility in cosmetic and herbal drug
  Industrial Crops and
Products. 32: 545-550.

40.  Bejoy M, Dan M, Anish N
P, George G A &Radhika B J 2010.
Induction of multiple shoots in AmomumhypoleucumThwaites
– a threatened wild relative of large cardamom.
Journal of Applied Horticulture 12: 46-49.

41.  Thomas V P, Dan M, Sabu M
&Jabbar M A 2010.
a new species from Andaman Islands, India.
Blumea 55: 295-299.

42.  Sabulal B, JohnsonA J, ThahaA M, KurupR &Dan M2010. Chemistry of volatiles in Zingiberspecies from Western Ghats of Kerala.  J. Medicinal & Aromatic Plant Sciences
32: 470-473.

43.  Gopan R, Pradeep N S, Dan M,
Sethuraman M G & George V 2011.
Chemical composition and antimicrobial study of essential oil from the
leaves of
Curcuma harithaMangaly and
  Journal of Essential Oil Bearing
Plants 14: 185-191.

44.  Rajeshkumar P P, Hosagoudar V B &Dan M 2011.  Curcuma bhatii(R M Sm.) Skornickova&
M Sabu (Zingiberaceae) and its mycorrhizal association.
  Journal of Threatened Taxa 3:1882-1884.

45.  Santhosh E S K, Roy P E, Renjith N B &Dan M2011. Acrotremauniflorumvar.
uniflorum(Delleniaceae) – a new
record for India.
  Rheedea 21: 167-169.

46.  Gopan R, Pradeep D P, Yusufali C, Dan M&Sabulal B 2012. 
Chemical profiles of volatiles in four Alpiniaspecies from Kerala, South India.  The Journal of Essential Oil Research,

47.  Bejoy M, Dan M, Anish N
P, Anjana R G N, Radika B J and Manesh K 2012.
Micropropagation of an Indian ginger (Curcuma vamanaSabu and Mangaly): a wild relative of turmeric.  Biotechnology, 11(6):333-338.

48.  Dan M 2011. Gingers in South India – a potential genetic resource.
Catholicate Journal of Studies and Research, 1:19-24.

49.  Gopan R, Dan M, George V
&Sethuraman M G. 2013. Studies on chemical composition of essential oils
from leaf and inflorescence of
Dan &Sathish. The Journal of Essential Oil Research. 25: 1, 33-38.

50.        Navas M, Dan M &Latha
P G 2013.
  Comparative root anatomy of
the species under
complex (Malvaceae).
Journal, 5: 269-274.

51.        Dan M &Thaha A M
2014. Nutritional studies on lesser known wild edible bananas from Western
Ghats, India.
  Global Journal of Research
on Medicinal Plants & Indigenous Medicine, 3 (4): 127-133.

52.        Anilkumar E.S1, Dan M,
Nishanth Kumar S, Dileep Kumar B.S &Latha P.G. 2014. A comparative study on
in-vitro antioxidant, anticancer and antimicrobial activity of the methanol
extracts of the roots of four species of
from southern Western Ghats of India. International Journal of Advanced
Research 2 (12): 153-164. (I.f: 1.64)

53.        Anilkumar E S, Dan M,
Nishanth Kumar S, Dileep Kumar B S &Latha P G. 2014. A comparative study on
the in-vitro antimicrobial activity of the roots of four
Thottea species. International Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences 6 (10): 444-447.
(I. f: 1.56)

54.        Salim M, Kabeer T K A,
Nair S A, Dan M, Sabu M &Sabulal B 2015. Chemical profile,
antiproliferative and antioxidant activities of rhizome oil of
Zingiberanamalayanum from Western Ghats
in India. Natural Product Research DOI:10.1080/ 14786419.2015.1094802. (I.f:



Chemosystematic and Phylogenetic Studies of South Indian
Zingiberaceae with Special Focus on Essential Oils. 2001.
  Ph. D. thesis, University of Kerala, India.

Popular Books
in regional language)

Mathew D &Dan M 1998. Lebanonile Devadaru (Plants of the Bible), Sophia
Publications, Pathanamthitta, Kerala.pp. 220.


Nayar M P, Pushpangadan P,
Rajasekharan S, Nair K N &
Dan M
Kerala Language Institute,
pp. 217.


Mathew D &Dan M 2011.NohayudePettakam(Animals of the Bible). CSS, Thiruvalla,
Kerala. pp. 125.

Mathew P J, Dan M, Unnithan C M, Premkumar V, Jose P A & Davis T 2015. Bee’s Herbal Garden A garden in the forest
JNTBGRI, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram.pp. 58.


Chapter in Books / Proceedings

Dan M & Khan A E S 1991. A glance to some rare medicinal plants of Western Ghats.  In:
Rare, Endangered and Endemic Plants of the
Western Ghats.
Kerala Forest Department, Thiruvananthapuram. pp. 221-226.

Mathew P J, Dan M,
Unnithan C M & Pushpangadan P 1999. Ethnobotanical information on some
Pteridophytes of Western Ghats.
Biodiversity, Conservation and Utilisation of Spices, Medicnal and Aromatic
  Indian Institute
Spices, Calicut. pp: 265-268.

Dan M 2003. Zingibers – Potential herbs for health care. In: M K Janarthanam & D Narasimhan (eds.) Plant
Taxonomy, Human Welfare and
Conservation. University of Goa, Goa. pp258-262.

4.   Dan
& Nair GM 2003.  Ethnobotany of
the Western Ghats – an overview.
In:  B M Kumar, P O Nameer& L
C Babu (eds.) Natural Resource Management : Changing Scenarios and shifting
  Kerala Agricultural
University, Thrissur
  pp. 42-45.


5.   Dan
2004. Diversity of Zingiberaceae in South India. In: G. Koshy& P.
Omman (eds.) Proceedings of National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation and
Environment Management,Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta. pp: 53-56.

Dan M, Anish N P &Bejoy M 2006. Ex situ conservation of
zingibers of
Western Ghats through germplasm
strengthening and micropropagation.
L Jacob, R Anilan&
S Ravindranathan (eds.)
Sustainable National Resource Development. Western Ghats Cell, Planning and
Economic Affairs Department ,
pp. 89-92.

Dan M&Bejoy M 2007. Wild relatives of turmeric in Western
. In: A. Sheel, R. Anilan& M MNampoothiri  (eds.) Natural Resource Management and
Livelihood Support Systems. Western Ghats Cell,Planning and Economic Affairs
Department ,
pp. 143 – 146.

Latha P G, Sini S, Shikha P. Anuja G I, Suja S R, Shyamal S, Shine V J, Dan
and Rajasekharan S 2008. Flowering plants used against snake bite in
traditional and tribal medicine of India. Sanke – con 2008.
  Proceedings of International CME &
Conference on Snakes, Venom and Snake bite.
Little Flower Hospital & Research Centre, Angamaly. Pp. 60-64.

Dan M2010.  Taxonomy of Zingibers.  In: A G Pandurangan& N Mohanan
  New Vistas in Plant Taxonomy,
TBGRI, Palode. Pp. 101-104.

Dan M 2011.  Characterisation and standardization of
Medicinal Plants.
  In: S
Rajasekharan& P G Latha (eds.) Traditional and Folk Practices –Contemporary
Relevance and Future Prospects, TBGRI, Palode. Pp. 87-89.

Dan M 2013. Taxonomy of Gingers. In: A G
Pandurangan, K B Vrinda& Mathew Dan (eds.) Frontiers in Plant Taxonomy,
JNTBGRI, Palode. Pp. 113-117.