Solena amplexicaulis (Lam.) Gandhi, Fl. Hassan District 179 1976. (syn: Bryonia amplexicaulis Lam.; Karivia amplexicaulis (Lam.) Arn.; Melothria amplexicaulis (Lam.) Cogn. in A. & C. DC.) as per The Cucurbitaceae of India;

by Nasim Kasim (Id by C. Kunhikannan & L Rasingam) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details,
click on the links)



Identification of Cucurbitaceae member : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5)
Pl help me to identify the attached specimens. The plant is glabrous. Tendril unbranched. Monoecious. Young fruit has striations. Fruit pointed at the tip. Seeds 3-4 times bigger than that of Kedrostis foetidissima.
I presume may be Kedrostis sp.

I attach here with the photo of Seeds

The fruit appears like that of Kedrostis. But, in Kedrostis foetidissima, the leaves and fruits are ‘villous-hirsute’ as per the description at (the photographs in this link, however, look like Corallocarpus epigaeus to me).
But the plant in the posted pictures seems to be glabrous.
Could it be a Solena sp.?

Sir it is Corallocarpa epigaeus

This might be Solena amplexicaulis (Lam.) Gandhi.

It is Solena amplexicaulis (Lam.) Gandhi (= Bryonia amplexicaulis Lam., Solena heterophylla Lour., Bryonia umbellata Klein, Melothria amplexicaulis (Lam.) Cogn. Melothria heterophylla (Lour.) Cogn.) 

Karool chakka in malayalam in kasargod and Kannur region in kerala. In young stage the raw fruits are edible. We used to eat it. now a days it not all available in and around. it is a tuberous plant. 

Unique fruits.


Review of the Genus Solena (Cucurbitaceae) Authors: Wilde, W.J.J.O. De; Duyfjes, B.E.E. Source: Blumea – Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants, Volume 49, Number 1, May 2004 , pp. 69-81(13)