
RE: Alpine Flowers (Mixed thread): 4 posts by 3 authors. 1 correct images as above.

I just came back from the one trek to remote and isolated areas of Nepal, called Nar-Phu. this was last village before Tibet. where i saw some many beautiful flowers and among them Himalayan Blue Puppy and Eriophyton Wallichi are found up to 4500M 5100M.

You have certainly added to everybody’s joy. Eriophyton Wallichi  looks like two dolls, frozen- may be left by someone on the way to God. Other compositions are equally awesome with frozen elements.

We will certainly be awaiting a lot from you now, that you have such lovely talent.

Lovely pics. Are you sure the ‘Selinum tenuifolium’ is not a variety of Heracleum? The leaves of S. ten. are very fine and feathery, and the flowers, too, are different.

I seem to agree with … & its seems to be a Heracleum lallii to me

Third image Hymenidium benthamii ??