Strobilanthes cuspidata (Benth.) T. Anders., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 465 1867. (syn: Endopogon cuspidatus Benth.; Endopogon versicolor Wight; Phlebophyllum versicolor (Wight) Bremek.);
SW. India as per POWO;

T. Anders, in Journ. Linn. Soc. is. 465 ; leaves ovate acuminate subentire densely white silky beneath, spikes linear oblong glandular fulvous hairy, bracts narrowly elliptic acuminate, corolla 1 in. blue-purple. Bedd. Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 221. Endopogon cuspidatus, Benth, in Pl. Hohenack, n. 1169, and in Linnoea, xxiv. 646. E. versicolor, Wight Ill. t. 164 b. fig. 4 (left-hand), and Ic. t. 1497, both figure and description.

NILGHERRIES, alt. 4-7000 ft., frequent ; Wight, Gen. Munro, &c.

A shrub, 2-5 ft. Leaves 4 by 2.1/2 in., base shortly acuminate, mature glabrous above, raphides not prominent ; nerves 8 pair, approximate, subparallel ; petiole 1.1/4 in. Spikes 1-3 in., often laxly panicled at the ends of the branches ; bracts 2/3 in., base concave, acuminate, tip recurved ; bracteoles 1/4 in., linear. Calyx 1/2 in., divided 2/3 the way down ; teeth linear, very glandular-hairy (not so lanceolate as in Beddome’s figure). Corolla nearly glabrous ; 2 rows of long white hairs on the palate within, between which the style (itself nearly glabrous, not as in Beddome’s figure) lies. Filaments glabrous, except near the base. Capsule 1/2 in., 4-seeded ; seeds discoid, with a circular areola on each face, densely hairy except on the areola.— T. Anderson refers Wight Ic. t. 1497 to S. viscosus, but the plant from which that figure was drawn is at Kew, and is S. cuspidatus.

(Attributions- IBIS Flora (Flora of British India))


ID of the Acanthaceae Plant : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Pl helpt me to ID this sub-shrub of Acanthaceae
Observed at Yelagiri Hills at a height of 600 ft.

… just a guess, could be some Strobilanthes.

If so,  pl. Check comparative images in efi site

Thank you … I also think that it may some Strobilanthes sp.

I did not find any match from the comparative images at Strobilanthes 
However, it comes close to the images at Strobilanthes anceps ?, but not the same.

Looks like a Strobilanthes but I don’t recognize the species. Where are the Yelagiri Hills?

Thanks, … YELAGIRI HILLS At a distance of 230 km from Chennai, 178 km from Bangalore, 145 km from Yercaud and 94 km from Vellore, Yelagiri is a hill region in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu, located in between the towns of Vaniyambadi and Jolarpettai

It looks like Stenosiphonium only/ now under Strobilanthes sps, without detailed description it is difficult to conclude, stamens, bracts, calyx etc are important in this genus

It looks like Strobilanthes foliosus

Does not matches with images at Strobilanthes foliosa

It looks like Stenosiphonium setosum T.And; Reasons: A shrub; Leaves elliptic; flowers in dense spikes; bracts as long as calyx, calyx lobes glandular hairy

I think it looks somewhat different from images at Strobilanthes carinei (syn: Stenosiphonium setosum T.Anderson) posted by … and specimens at GBIF and illustration in Flora of Karnataka

yes, it is, I agree with you

Also could not find any match as per as per

A Revision of the Strobilanthes kunthiana-Group (Phlebophyllum sensu Bremekamp) (Acanthaceae) by Mark A. Carine and others- Kew Bulletin 59(1):1–25 · January 2004 (Abstract- Morphological variation in the Strobilanthes kunthiana group is examined and species delimitation problems addressed. A taxonomic revision is presented recognising ten species from peninsular India. Two new species are described, Strobilanthes gamblei Carine, J. Alexander & Scotland and S. carnatica Carine, J. Alexander & Scotland).

I don’t know the South Indian species but I think this could be Strobilanthes cuspidata T. Anderson

Strobilanthes carnatica

To me looks different from images at Strobilanthes carnatica as earlier identified by you and as per GBIF specimen
After going through all species under ‘A Revision of the Strobilanthes kunthiana-Group (Phlebophyllum sensu Bremekamp) (Acanthaceae) by Mark A. Carine and others- Kew Bulletin 59(1):1–25 · January 2004′ and their  herbarium specimens in GBIF, I feel it appears to be S.cuspidata as per GBIF specimens- specimen 1

Pl. reconsider.

I think I suggested this could be Strobilanthes cuspidata.

Thanks, … Yes, you have.

This group notoriously need a thorough reconsideration which I am  currently contemplating. Hope we can do a be


References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  GBIF specimens- specimen 1 (High resolution specimens) India Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora (Flora of British India)
Notes on Strobilanthes cuspidata with reinstatement of Endopogon versicolor (Acanthaceae)January 2020, Plant Science Today 7(1):29- Sinjumol Thomas1, Bince Mani, S John Britto, Yunfei Deng, Pradeep A K & E S Santhosh Kumar (Abstract- Endopogon versicolor Wight, previously treated as a synonym of Strobilanthes cuspidata (Benth.) T. Anderson, is reinstated as a distinct species and a new name S. benthamii B. Mani, Sinj. Thomas, Britto, A.K. Pradeep, Y.F. Deng & E.S.S. Kumar is necessarily proposed here. It differs from S. cuspidata by the stem and leaf indumentum, bract/calyx length ratio, corolla shape, pollen morphology, etc. Detailed descriptions, illustrations, pollen morphology and comparison with similar species are provided.)