Potentilla leschenaultiana Ser., Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis1823 584 1825. (syn: Potentilla bannehalensis Cambess.; Potentilla grahamiana Wight & Arn.);
Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), NW-India (Kumaon), Nepal, Assam as per Catalogue of Life;

Robust, stoloniferous, villous herb; rootstock stout; shoots several, radiating ascending, to 30(45) cm. Leaves odd-pinnate(mostly 5-foliolate), to 6 x 4 cm, chartaceous, coarsely toothed, whitish below; petioles 4-10(15)cm, slender; stipules persistent; terminal leaflet obovate, 3 x 1.5 cm; laterals oblique, to 1.8 x 1 cm; petiolules 2 mm. Inflorescence ascending, corymbose, to 30(45) cm; peduncle to 10(20) cm. Flowers 1.2 cm wide; pedicel to 1.5 cm; bracts lanceolate, 5 mm. Sepals 5, lanceolate, 5 x 3 mm, strigose outside. Petals 5, obovate, bright yellow, 5 x 4 mm, retuse. Stamens c. 20; filaments subequal. Pistils numerous; ovary ovoid; style slender. Achene cluster on rounded receptacle, 4 mm wide.

Flowering and fruiting: February-May
Evergreen forests
Western Himalayas and Southern Western Ghats
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)

SK516 12 MAY-2017:ID : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) – around 600 kb each.
Location:  Taplejung, Nepal
Date: 18 April 2017
Altitude: 5500 ft.


Or Rosaceae ??

Potentilla reptans perhaps?

To me looks different from images at Potentilla reptans
May be some other species in this genus.

Potentilla leschenaultiana Ser. ???

Pl. check with Potentilla leschenaultiana at
I am not sure.

I tried all options but could not come to the conclusion.

For a lay person like me it seems matching.
If some expert could validate it looking at the herbarium.

Potentilla leschenaultiana Ser. ??? : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) – around 700 kb each.
Location: Mirik ( Soureni),India
Altitude: 6000 ft.
Date: 8 May 2018
Habit : Wild

Sir i think Elatostemma sp.

I am afraid it does not match to Elatostema sp. !

What could it be? Same plant from Nepal also posted earlier. SK516 12 MAY-2017:ID

Check sepals

To me appear same as at SK516 12 MAY-2017:ID, tentatively identified as Potentilla leschenaultiana

Nepali Name : य्हुमी Hyumee


Potentilla pedunculosa? : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Enclosing some pictures for ID please. It does not match with P. anserina and P.plurijuga.
Does Potentilla pedunculosa really exist? I did not fine any picture in the web.
Date : 25 July 2014
Location : Kalinchok, Dolkha, Nepal
Altitude: 12000 ft.

E. Alpine Rangelands Vegetation The alpine rangelands are situated above 4000m and are covered with snow most of the year. During summer, when snow melts, the grasses grow very quickly and complete their life cycle. During this period these rangelands provide 3–4 months of grazing to the nomadic herds of yak, chauris and sheep. A small number of different plant communities are common in this region. The Department of Medicinal Plants reported that in alpine meadow of Langtang Valley the major species were Cortia depressa and Kobresia spp. In the Cortiatype meadow, 40–80% of the coverage was occupied by C. depressa and the subsidiary species were Potentilla pedunculosa, Primula obliqua, Carex spp. and Geranium polyanthes. In the Kobresia-type meadow, Kobresia spp. occupied 40–90% of the coverage and the subsidiary species varied between different sites. On the slopes, the meadows were dominated with gramineous vegetation

Just now I opened my mail and checked with my work on Sikkim. There is no detailed description and other observations needed for identification. However with my memory and seeing the records, it seems to be P. peduncularis D. Don, having distribution in Nepal (D.Don’s Flora Nepalensis may also be consulted).

Thank you all for your concern. I think leaves are slightly different from P.peduncularis.
I want to make sure that P. pedunculosa exists.

I could not find P. pedunculosa anywhere in eFlora of Nepal & other efloras.

You can not rely on such documents on existance of a species or otherwise.
Sometimes there are a lot of spelling mistakes.
This is my personal opinion, but you may think otherwise.

No Potentilla pedunculosa does not exist but P.peducularis D.Don does, however the Potentilla photographed does not look anything like that species.
This is the third Potentilla thought to be P.peduncularis – none of which are or indeed even come close to resembling this species……
I shall return to these images when time permits. Potentilla is quite a large genus with several species which are similar to each other.

ID still pending.
I guess it is not matching with P. peduncularis !

Potentilla lineata Trevir.  ??
Syn: Potentilla fulgens Wall. ex Hook.

I think does not match with images at Potentilla lineata

I think somewhat close to images at Potentilla leschenaultiana Ser.

But I am doubtful.
What are the listed species from the area?

Looks matching with my 2 earliest posts but looks different from efi thread.

One of them should be the wrong ID !


SK42JUL22-2016:ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Enclosing some pictures for  identification.
Location : Kalinchowk Nepal
Altitude: 12000 ft
Date: 25 July, 2014

Must be some Potentilla species.
Potentilla in eFI.

Yes, it is but could not specify !

Potentilla species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

I think it is close to the images at Potentilla leschenaultiana Ser. as per Potentilla pedunculosa?