Ixora thwaitesii

Ixora thwaitesii Hook.f. syn. Ixora acuminata Thwaites;


MS June,2018/05 Ixora sp. for ID : 19 posts by 4 authors. 4 images.
Location : Tamdil, Mizoram

Date : 02-06-2018
Habit : Shrub or Undershrub
Habitat : Wild

Ixora chinensis ??

Sir i think Tarenna asiatica.

Does not match with images at Tarenna asiatica and Ixora chinensis Lam. 
To me appears close to images at Ixora polyantha Wight as per comparative images at Ixora
Pl. check

Please check for Ixora parviflora ?

Ixora roxburghii ??

Looks different from Pavetta indica L. (syn: Ixora roxburghii Kuntze) as suggested by …

What are the species reported from your area ?

The following species are recorded in Mizoram :-

Ixora acuminata, I.roxburghii, I.subsessilis & I.undulata.

I examined all the species reported in your area by you.
Does not matches with images at Ixora undulata Roxb.
Also does not match with the description of Ixora subsessilis Wallich ex G. Don given at Flora of China was well as per the keys above.
Keys are give at Floristic Diversity of Assam: Study of Pabitora Wildlife Sanctuary By P. J. Bora, Yogendra Kumar mentions Ixora acuminata Roxb., but there is no mention of it in Catalogue of LifeWCSP mentions it as unplaced. GBIF mentions it but does not give distribution in this part of the world and specimens look different from your post.
Catalogue of Life mentions Ixora acuminata Thwaites as a syn. of Ixora thwaitesii Hook.f. with distribution in Andaman Is. and Sri Lanka.  Your images seems to match with it as per high resolution images in Gbif as per Specimen one and two
In view of above all this, I feel your plant is Ixora thwaitesii Hook.f. syn. Ixora acuminata Thwaites

Thanks a lot sir 

Ixora parviflora ????

Is this also reported from Mizoram? 


MS, July, 2021/15 Ixora sp. ? for ID.:
Location : Tamdil

Date : 02-06-2018
Habit : Undershrub

Already identified as Ixora thwaitesii as per discussions at MS June,2018/05 Ixora sp. for ID
Any doubts ?


Catalogue of Life  Gbif Specimen one and two
Updated on December 24, 2024

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