Since yesterday I cannot See thumbnail, view or download any image on this Group. 
I get a 404 not found error. 
I have myself been able to crate a post and post images but I can not see them after posting. 
Is anyone else having this issue? 
I tried it both in Chrome and Mozilla on Windows 10.

Are you talking of messages in e-group at!forum/indiantreepix ?
Or are you talking about messages in your gmail ?
I do not find any issue at either of the two.

It is about the Forum.

Last late night images were not opening in website. 

Thanks, …, But I did not encounter any such problem.
Can it be due to slow connectivity available at that time to you ?

Yes ji. This happened in mobile while I tried to see Lauraceae late at night.

Just now I tried to view several images posted by … and am getting the 404 error. No images are showing. Thank you.

its the slowness of your connection and if in ios, safari does not like slow connection, and always times out etc. what you can do to test your connection and data transfer rate. go to google. type : what is my broadband speed (regardless of country, company you are with etc, and ios or windows). you get many options//pages. most reliable is bsnl site, verizon site, at&t site or anybody you think is reliable.

of course keep your antivirus uptodate and running in back ground. takes a few seconds and you will get your down load speed and upload speed in mbps..

I do not think it is slowness of connection. It is not even showing Thumbnail. Let me investigate.

Absolutely no problem with BSNL broadband. The family pages and subpages are perfect. When I tried to enter into an image of an earlier discussion (thumbnail), only once it asked to click on “I am not a Robot”. After that all images are opening. No error 404 at all.

then its google and Gmail. last week i recall i did not see iamges in in one thread and … forwarded them. i could see them and then next hour or so, the originals showed up. magic!!!

ps they must be updating something

I can see images in the email received by me . But I can not see images on the FORUM. 
I have created a separate topic for investigation with different types of image files and posted my remarks against that. 
Can some people have a look at that with different devices and browsers.

Can not you see images in threads at!forum/indiantreepix

Today the problem is Automatically solved. Here are the main points.
1. The problem was NOT only with this group. But also with other google groups (forums)
2. I have not done anything at my end.
3. It was with Chrome and Mozilla both. So it is less likely that it was in my computer. It is also solved in both.
4. It could have been something at the Google end the way they serve the pages. Or convert images.
Some other people also said about errors on this thread hence I am not marking it as complete.

i am glad. happens few months. for a short time. google et al update things

attaching some test images to investigate the Image viewing problem.

It seems to be a GOOGLE problem. 
Nothing particular to this group as I observe exactly same behaviour on another group with same images.
This is my observation after posting different types of images. 
Image posted 
1. I can see a small blue page thumbnail for PDF. All other thumbnails are empty. 
2. I can view PDF and TIF But all other types give 404 error. 
My feeling. GOOGLE has some (temporary) issue with certain file types. Let me attach an excel file 
Attachments (1)

Can some other people try on different devices and see and report. 
It could be a local/Browser specific problem also.

My self tried on different Browsers/ devices 
Appears to be Browser specific problem. 
1. Chrome on windows 10 : has problem 
2. Mozilla on windows 10 : has problem
3. Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 : Does Not have problem
4. Safari on Iphone : Does not have problem
5. IE on windows phone : Does not have problem
Can someone else also check the Forum on Chrome and Mozilla. 
It is strange that a Google product has problems with Chrome and works with Edge 🙂

I see all image thumbnails in Chrome on the forum.  

so do I. windows 10 reverted to 7, but lingering 10 features (some) and wierd updates, Mozilla and chrome (mainly). i see all thmbnails you submitted. may be its your browser?

this is sent in from reply all in my gmail account. in the forum i see all.

in gmail that comes to me i see it all
and that thread 
Investigation : Different types of images for testing.”
is marked as complete
did you mark it as complete, … if you did, its ok. if you did not, we have a problem.

No, I didn’t mark it as complete.

Sir, Windows 7 firefox no issues.

so google groups administration in google office is doing it. may be they can be contacted?

No. It must have been done by somebody inadvertantly or otherwise. 

Today the problem is Automatically solved. Here are the main points.
1. The problem was NOT only with this group. But also with other google groups (forums)
2. I have not done anything at my end.
3. It was with Chrome and Mozilla both. So it is less likely that it was in my computer. It is also solved in both.
4. It could have been something at the Google end the way they serve the pages. Or convert images.
I am marking the thread as completed.

very good