Looking for hi quality images of Tetrameles nudiflora, Aesculus indica and Dendroculmus strictus 
I am doing a small book for children called ‘100 Common trees of India’. I will be delighted if anyone can share the images for the above-mentioned species of trees with me. I need a clean and uncluttered full image of the tree along with close-up shots of flowers, fruits, leaves and bark etc. The contributors will be duly acknowledged in the book and also be given a small honourarium.
My mail add is … and my contact no is …

horse chestnut tree: ????
I thought it was not a common tree in india

It is a native and a common sight in Western Sub-Himalayan tracts. It is one the most symmetrical broadleaf that one could see. 

There are a lot of good images of trees that I am looking for. But unfortunately,  I am unable to find any names or contact details on these eFlora links. Can you help me how to figure out the owners of the images shared.

Click on the poster i.e. Raptor Conservation, you will see his email address. Or you can also the mail address of the poster in the mails of the replies below.
That way you can check all the links on the efi site webpage.