Hymenidium dentatum (Wall. ex DC.) M. G. Pimenov & E. V. Kljuykov, Feddes Repert. 111: 546 2000. (syn: Hymenolaena dentata Wall. ex DC.; Hymenolaena dentata var. erosa DC.; Hymenolaena erosa (DC.) Steud.; Hymenolaena pumila DC.; Ligusticum dentatum Wall.; Ligusticum pumilum Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Pleurospermum dentatum (Wall. ex DC.) C. B. Cl.; Pleurospermum dentatum Benth. ex C. B. Cl.; Pleurospermum dentatum var. erosum (Wall. ex DC.) C. B. Cl.; Pleurospermum erosa (DC.) P. K. Mukherjee; Pleurospermum pumilum (DC.) C. B. Cl.); 
Tibet, India (Himalayas, Kumaon, Darjeeling, etc.), Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim,
as per Catalogue of Life;




SK2077 26 July 2019 : 10 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)- around 750 kb each. 

Location:  Phulchoki, Lalitpur
Date:  3 July 2019
Elevation:  2674 m.
Habit : Wild
Which Apiaceae??

Pl. check comparative images at Apiaceae

Appears to be some Selinum species but not finding a match as per species given in
Selinum candollei DC. (Himalaya (Kashmir to Sikkim)) (ambiguous synonym for Cortia candollei (Wall. ex DC.) Leute)
Selinum striatum C. B. Clarke (Nepal) = Oreocome striata (DC.) Pimenov & Kljuykov as per GRIN (2011)
Selinum wallichianum (DC.) Raizada & Saxena (No distribution given) = Ligusticopsis wallichianum (DC.) Pimenov & Kljuykov as per GRIN (2011)
Pl. check Himalayan species of Selinum L. sl – BioOne
Key to the species of Oreocome from Himalayan species of Selinum L. sl – BioOne
1. Bracts 4-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

– Bracts lacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Umbels 8-16-rayed; mericarp ribs equal or almost equal, usually short-winged; fruits small, 2.9-4 mm long . . . . . . . . . . . 1. O. striata
– Umbels 20-45-rayed; marginal mericarp ribs winged, dorsal clearly narrower; fruits 4.5-8 mm long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Calyx teeth filiform, longer than stylopodia; styles up to 1.5 mm long; mesocarp cell walls without pits; stems thin, up to 6 mm in diam. . . . . . . . . . . 2. O. hindukushensis
– Calyx teeth lanceolate-triangular to lanceolate-linear, shorter than stylopodia; styles up to 0.7 mm long; mesocarp cell walls with pits; stems thick, 15-25 mm in diam…. 3. O. candollei
4. Bracteoles lanceolate, longer than umbellets; terminal leaf lobes linear-lanceolate to linear; stems, petioles and petiolules pubescent. . . . 4. O. involucellata
– Bracteoles linear-lanceolate to linear, shorter than umbellets; terminal leaf lobes broader, toothed; stems pubescent only below umbels or glabrous ………..5
5. Umbels 20-45-rayed; marginal ribs 3-4 times larger than dorsal; secretory ducts in valleculas 1-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. O. limprichtii
– Umbels 10-16-rayed; marginal and dorsal ribs almost equal; secretory ducts in valleculas 2-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O. depauperata 

May be some Angelica species.
I checked all species as per Checklist of Nepal
I think it is close to Angelica nubigena (C. B. Clarke) P. K. Mukh. as per POWO & GBIF (except for 2 specimens as given below, others are of Angelica apaensis R. H. Shan & C. Q. Yuan) & its high resolution images at

I guess Angelica nubigena (C.B.Clarke) P.K.Mukh. is the good match.

I am now doubtful about its id as Angelica nubigena (C.B.Clarke) P.K.Mukh. bracteoles 4–10, linear 5–12mm and no mention of any bracts as per details in Flora of Bhutan

On checking with keys in Flora of Bhutan lead me to Pleurospermum.
On further checking with keys of this genus at Pleurospermum lead me to Pleurospermum dentatum (DC.) C. B. Clarke which seems to match as per specimens from Nepal at GBIF
Flora of Bhutan gives habitat and elevation as below:
Moist open moorland slopes, disturbed rocky areas, 3050-4300m. August-September.
(Current name is Hymenidium dentatum (DC.) Pimenov & Kljuykov as per GBIF)

It looks like more closer to Hymenidium benthamii (DC.) Pimenov & Kljuykov 
Syn : Pleurospermum benthamii (DC.) C.B.Clarke
Elevation is matching according to the FoC and also recorded in Phulchoki!

Flowers, flower head, leaves etc.- nothing matches with these images. I have checked this before hand.
Also does not matches with specimens at GBIF

Elevation has got a vast difference, like beyond 3000ft. and no record so far from Kathmandu Valley except for P. benthamii. Please look into this once!
In the mean time I shall check further for the possibility.

Yes, this will also be Hymenidium benthamii as per GBIFSpeciemen.
Looks different from Hymenidium dentatum (Wall. ex DC.) M. G. Pimenov & E. V. Kljuykov as per GBIF specimens: