Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC., Prodr. 4: 192 192 1830. (Syn: Tetrataenium candicans (Wall. ex DC.) Manden.); . Semenovia candicans (Wall. ex DC.) comb. ined. (syn: Heracleum candicans Wall.; Heracleum cinereum Lindl.; Heracleum hypoleucum Vis.; Tetrataenium candicans (Wall. ex DC.) I. P. Mandenova) as per Catalogue of Life; . China (W-Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai), S-Tibet, India (Himalayas), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), Nepal, Pakistan (Swat, Hazara, Murree), Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma] (Mandalay, Shan) as per Catalogue of Life; . Tall pubescent herb reaching 2 m; leaves 20-40 cm long, pinnate, pinnae lobed or not, segments up to 20 cm long, glabrous or pubescent above, densely and often white tomentose beneath, margin serrate; rays 15-35, without involucre bracts; involucel bracts 5-8, linear to lanceolate; outer petals longer than others; fruit compressed, prominently winged. . amit uid apiaceae1 262011: i hope Heracleum candicans Thanks sir, It is Heracleum candicans Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Week: Heracleum candicans from Kashmir : Tall pubescent herb reaching 2 m; leaves 20-40 cm long, pinnate, pinnae lobed or not, segments up to 20 cm long, glabrous or pubescent above, densely and often white tomentose beneath, margin serrate; rays 15-35, without involucre bracts; involucel bracts 5-8, linear to lanceolate; outer petals longer than others; fruit compressed, prominently winged. Common in Kashmir valley in forest slopes. Photographed from Herbal Garden below Cheshmashahi, Srinagar Kashmir in very nice, new to me … pic number two reminds me of the seedpods of Angelica , taken by steven ( url in my thread) You are right …, the two are equally tall, with similar broader leaf segments but Angelica normally does not have that leathery leaves and not white beneath. More so fruit does not have prominent wings. . Apiaceae Fortnight: Heracleum candicans from Kashmir–GSJUNE25/34 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC., Prodr. 4:192. 1830 Tall pubescent herb reaching 2 m; leaves 20-40 cm long, pinnate, pinnae lobed or not, segments up to 20 cm long, glabrous or pubescent above, densely and often white tomentose beneath, margin serrate; rays 15-35, without involucre bracts; involucel bracts 5-8, linear to lanceolate; outer petals longer than others; fruit compressed, prominently winged. Common in Kashmir valley in forest slopes. Photographed from Herbal Garden below Cheshmashahi, Srinagar Kashmir on July 2, 2011 kalatope id al270411a: Location Kalatope, Chamba Altitude 2100 mts habit herb habitat wild/roadside Height 14 inches Sambucus wightiana Identified as Heracleum candicans as per thread Location: Paddar valley J&K Date: 15th June 2011 Altitude: 2100 meters asl Yes typical Heracleum candicans Heracleum sp from Paddar valley J&K.: Kindly identify this Heracleum species Location: Paddar valley J&K Date: September 2010 Altitude: 2200 meters asl I hope Heracleum candicans I have a query, Is the flowering season for H. candicans between May to October. I have seen the plant flowering in May-June as well as September-October. Yes the flowering starts in May at lower altitudes, continuing up to July at higher altitudes. September-October flowering is generally mini repeat of Sprint-early summer flowering in some perennial herbs. Yes Sir I have noted these herbs flowering even after pruning in the agricultural fields in the month of September and October when most of the other plants get dried. Thanks a lot clearance of my confusion.
Confirmation of ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) …, you are probably right. I feel it is closer to images at Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC. as Heracleum nepalense does not have range in HP. VOF Week: Apiaceae sp enroute Vasundhara Falls: Yes Heracleum candicans Looks different from images at Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC.
Angelica oreadum? ABAUG2016/22 : 9 posts by 2 authors. 6 correct images. This tall apiaceae with large leaves may be Angelica oreadum. Please advise. The photos are of two separate individuals. Mcleodganj-Triund, HP 2500m and above. 06 August 2016. Looks different from images at Angelica oreada Pl. check comparative images at Apiaceae & at Angelica, Bupleurum, Chaerophyllum, Daucus, Eryngium, Heracle As I had mentioned in my original message that the photos were of two separate individuals. I realised had made a mistake in clubbing the two together now that the seeds have appeared on the first plant. I tracked down that plant and am posting the photos form the same single plant. Please advise. Pl. check Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC. Thank you … Heracleum has winged seeds (as in my earlier mistaken photo). Now that I have seeds from the same plant (correctly this time!) we can see that seeds do not have wings. I think Angelica species is very likely. In view of recent thread by … at SK1920 16 May 2019, I agree with id of Angelica oreadum (DIELS) M.HIROE Thank you … I think this could be Heracleum candicans. Please give me some time and I will write. I do not think so as per Heracleum candicans The leaf under surface of our plants is silvery. I am waiting for the mature fruit as the shape changes as they mature, I think. So, it could be H. candicans, and in my view it’s better to wait for a certain ID. Yes, we can wait. there is no issue. Would be interesting ! On further checking, I found your post is correct for Heracleum candicans as is also for … post at SK1920 16 May 2019 Thank you … I am attaching one photo of the leaf undersurface for the record. I will go hiking soon and get photos of the seeds before settling on an ID. Attachments (1) your perseverance paid off. the fruits are gorgeous and your photography superb and to the point. obovate and pubescent per this page that page also mentions a distinct aroma of the crushed leaf… is there an aroma? Thank you … The flowers had a distinct aroma but I did not crush a leaf. Next time I am up there, I will check it out. There are a couple of excellent papers on fruit morphology of Apiaceae by Chinese scientists that might interest you: Research gate BioOne Thank you … write to you after I read the two papers and some more I found about the anatomy of the seeds. very interesting and I learned something new. get back to you soon SK1920 16 May 2019 : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)- around 750 kb each. Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal Altitude: 2512 m. Date: 8 May 2019 Habit : Wild Araceae??? No Araceae, maybe Asteracae (Compositae) but definitely no Araceae. Yes I realize it. Not the Araceae ! In my view it is from Apiaceae, though leaf bases are not visible. It looks similar to Angelica archangelica of W.H. Thanks, … for the id. Current name seems to be Angelica oreadum as per discussions herein. Although Catalogue of Life gives it as Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (C. B. Cl.) G. Singh & G. M. Oza). Thank you …, I shall try to visit for flowering. Could you please suggest for the flowering season? Pl. check the flowering observations at the efi site link I have given you. 3 July 2019 at 2543 m. Does these images validate the ID ? Attachments (7) – around 700 kb each. Excerpts from Flora of kathmandu Valley ! Yes as per Angelica oreadum (DIELS) M.HIROE I guess this is Angelica archangelica L. Angelica ACFPN On further checking, I found your post is of Heracleum candicans … post at Angelica oreadum? ABAUG2016/22 is also correct for Heracleum candicans I still feel it is Angelica archangelica ! Leaves can be confusing. Earlier I went be the leaves and did not pay attention to the inflorescence. Leaves in Heracleum and Angelica can be very confusing. Pl. check the inflorescence at Angelica oreadum and Heracleum candicans and you will understand the difference. In … thread, we both were confusing- when I suggested Heracleum candicans, he stated Angelica oreadum. When I stated Angelica oreadum, he stated Heracleum candicans. differential diagnosis between the two is multifactorial. to me it looks like Angelica sp (cant go further until i see flowers) though … may have to go back for flowers and then take more pictures to demonstrate all the salient points in this pdf including one full branch of the compound leaf leaf…. and absence of hairs, spikes etc on stem, if angelica Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (C. B. Cl.) G. Singh & G. M. Oza is found listed in the book about Flora of Phulchoki ! Enclosing image from book Flora of Phulchoki for further reference. Attachments (2) I am still not sure if it is Semenovia candicans (Wall. ex DC.). Plant is pubescent or tomentose in Semenovia candicans (Wall. ex DC.) but is it glabrous in the sp. flowers for id m1: These photographs were taken during a trip to ladakh in july 2008. wondering if this flower can identified. they were growing besides the road that goes from manali to rohtang pass I Hope Heracleum candicans
My Pending Identifications: Chakrata- Apiaceae for id:: NS MARCH 19 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6). This tall herb was found in Chakrata area in August 2013.. please suggest the id.. The plant is closely resembling to Heracleum or Pinda sps. Angelica archangelica L. ! No, it is Heracleum candicans .
Location: Dunai, Dolpa, Nepal Altitude: 2300m. Date: 17 June 1022 Habit : Wild I find some variations from the existing images in terms of leaf shape, flowers colors, pubescence etc. at Tetrataenium nepalense (Don) I. P. Mandenova| Semenovia candicans (Wall. ex DC.) syn : Heracleum candicans Wall. ?? Yes, Heracleum candicans appears a better match. . Plant ID from Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand: 1 image. Request for id cofirmation Angelica glauca? Date: 19 August 2023 Location: Dayara range, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand Altitude: 3500 meters asl Plant habit/habitat: Wild/Herb I think close to images at https://efloraofindia.com/2011/09/04/heracleum-candicans-1/ Pl. check. Lower leaves are not seen.
. References: |
Heracleum candicans
Updated on December 24, 2024